.LAN . ,e Russian Cnand Opera Co. Le remarkable 'variety and reput- xcellence of the Russian Grand "a company's productions has soe ,ested Ann Arbor music patrons' nearly 150 ticket order, have been eat the tiniversity Music house ;h is in charge of the local sales., Russians will f111 a week's en- Lnent at Orchestra, hall, Detroit. nning next Monday evening with aikowsky's opera "Christmas ', a typical Russian fairy tale full; itches, devils, villains, lovers and' es. :chaikowsky's romantic "Eugen -in" will be the offering Tuesdayl t. Wednesday night willwitness Detroit premiere of Valentinov's -a bouff'e, "A Night of Love", a Swhich contains hardly a sin~gl'e{ of original music, but whr'ich is- ingenious postpourri of popular :dies from classic operas. "Faust" Frovatore", "Daughter of the Reg'- it", "The Pre of Seville" and1 zetn other operas have furnished music for the farcical libretto unique offering ran for three s in Petrog'rad and recently acor-I uch a brilliant success in Chicago . the Russians were compelled t seven performnances of it during weeks. ,a P~ourskaya, mezzo-soprano, wh-o heard in Ann Arbor last fall with Detroit Symphony orchestra and has since been singing at the i~et-] dlitan opera, will appear Tht.rstls.y t in "Carmen". Friday night lHale- s "La Juive" is, billed. . Rimsk-i sakoff's "Snegoroutchka": will he 'n Saturday night, M!'oussorgsk y's ris Godounoff" Sunday afternoon a repitition of Valentinov's opera (ay night. ckets for the opera are priced a:i o $3. A ten per cent redluction i e to Ann Arbor residents vwh-o :e reservations at the Un ivers;ity ' ic house, 'Williams and Maynaird gets. All performances will be giv- n Orchestra hall, the evening per- :iances at 8:15 and the matine,0 Last summe-r Mine. Clemens wa s warmly received in Munich and other European cities where her cycle w.sas held to be an event of extraordinaryG miusical valu.e and interest. Detroit1 and Nw York have both 1h:ard the sel'iesduring the, present sasnand applause forMne Clem-ens' vocal n nl artistic gifts has . been practically unainmous. Tickets for the Clemens concerts a re priced at $2 for the entire course 1which ill, with the ex,,ception1 of the second recital, be given regularly on Monday evenings. The! second recital wvill occur Tuesday evening, April 3. Single admission will he 75 cents Wahr's, Graham's, and Slater's book stores are in charge of the ticket sale HOLSTEWS LASE TO gIE ORS LAY Opera Como~ S ymour Simons, '177, well-known popular song writer, who is .appear- ing, at the -Majiestic theater this .week with Iris ten-piece orchestra, was the joint author with A. J. Gornetsky,.,'17 of the lyrics for the operas, "F'ool's Paradise". anld "All that Glitters" which appe aredl in 1914 and 1916Si- ffiials Unearth Papers TO Aliens, I Proi'. RD. rr1Ioli;ter's clas ses in plapoduti ilgivo a course ,of," plays and ,l litais beg?- innig ith the presentI ationl of Booth Tarkingtena's "C larenIce", which l 11 l iven FrIi- day Mach20, i- the autditoriu1m of U'niverIty,< all. Members of "'the 'clas s shave been worV0kin1g on thint./ i. / t jvtn4,4r, 7 fou-acLt comedU yfor sine timere - hearsing the plot of the pla'-y and pro- 1 rarng ceery~ he prioduction. 'A cast of 10 prsons will act. Folwing this on April 19 there will b;e a lecturea recital of J. M. Bri' three', act play, "The Will", by, Prof. Lou1 sFlih ofth public speakinp d ensrtInn. Two programs of one ac -ly n ednswill be given or Aptiril _26and 'Mayt4. Clyde Fiteh's dI rama , The ruthl", will be stag by these- cl asses on May 10. About t5 )9stuldents enolled 1in these course'" are <'offer'ing .;these series .of plays Tick'olts are nw on sale for $1 at Cra-; hams - -rAnd .!hr' s book stores. Th le ren semester marks the' hlighiest enrollment in the' history o" I plyproduction classes. Originally Iitendedc~ to care for about 20 students; and open only to those who have a advanced tra1iin, there are nowi abdlt 9Alin Ithei;_Classes. 'The major- sIdes lect.'11,3'r' ', 7a;Ssjrinedreadingsan theses, i_'cludle the, present.ation i thec~ssroom, of more than 21 one-_ act p)lays, two0 four-act come ies, al'id scen11s frM -standard dramas. Thor best of these will be selected and -iv- en special rehearsal for the publl"i , } prograims on this serfes. CuIstave ^Lr_ ichaudl f, oF the Span-11 -ish1 depa rment, will deliver a lecturet at 7:30u o'c c'1 'oigh t inI the MinTe. Clara lemons' Recii ls . madaie Clara Clomens' seven his- mecal song recit:als, tbe first of w hichz ill be given next Monday evening ini ttengill auditorium, have apparent- stirred considerable local interest;I ,r the ticket sale is already muchi rger than was expected, according to becers of Mlatinee M usicale undearI hiose auspices the singer will ap- e. Clemens' recital Mondzav cv- is but thie first of a series of conci4erts~ in which She.wil i:- ti~c the evolutioni of song f'romn riettimie to the pr esenbt. 'Tis is niot only uniique in, its s:opew rosbut hias been freqflent- ;, ,alw ays with gr";e I atsccess. Fred IN. 1Littletoni, aio Manl Lan..br vWith the arrest of Fred chief field, examiner of Stares natuiralization servic j uel Lc aix~ros, Vallejo, Ca S -n. Francisco authorities have uncovered- a ring" n 'fakedl naturaizat.ion ' tleton is allegedl to hay, If ade:'. H'l is held in'$ ~1anb'es'bail is $5,000. TJ any onnetionwith suc. t alk, which -will " Stere.°opt.J.icansid e"s ,.ian?_?'n ha.:lll. The ,w ill statd wth Er mI r,3rse as..m. ..:rt T "DAY TH OUGHIl SATURDAY feen s o m e~ i~ ~ q u~iCAR~L AEMMLE t n iieStarring / Wth a )e9 and N. Littleton, the United cc, -and Map- zli-., grocer, believe they which .dealt papers. Lit- e been, th( ;10,000 bail lie mnen denl) a s chee tea w1"r . 7o of the biggest hits in years, closes the ters", and Fool's Paradisewhich isalso dtoig soewr fe vzzsY~r program. His repertoire Is quite ex- appeared In 1914 and 1916. Shubert Unf iy tonsive, inasmuch as he has tour dis- Gornetsky is at presentin New York' tinct programs. hr ei lvtn.hstm ocm 10 r~etel " k ens is also the composer of some of ' Mr. Simons will talk at the Unlon hee eHsaevtiga-snimt cm-ToJ rosexute ,mmgat 'S the biggest hits that ever came into' this afternoon, to the men handing in posing. His latet hit "I've Been Hvja arh2.-(l jazz repertoire His' "Just Like a Gyp- opera plots for next year's Union op- Wanting You", is from "Dancing Girl", Prosecution is promised oft sy", "Remember the _Rose,', and1sera. now 'playing in New York. He wrote cused of w Idlig in p' "Night", are all melodies destined~ to I Goretsky Also Comoser "when Night is Nea" in collaboration schemes,to smugle:fmml.& liner among the popular songs "for ornets y has taken up music with Remick Company, Detroit, and the United States sometimeto cme.writing, and assuming the name of W~iroe Musie for Comedy ______________________ The music for "Let 'er licker", a Gornesky, has composed some of the musical comedy produced in eotroit biggest hits of theyer.WhieTn1 UF some three years ago, w as also writ- school, Gioretsky and, Simons wrote E POXD ER BE " A UTY S O ten by Simons. Soon after this pro- the lyrics to the operas "All That,. lit ; ductivan, he left for the E ast w here he -G- all 9 9 3 -R for an ap p o itm en t.as o i h d t e c t cs th is i v -SFA ERP p. w t .S u s er melodies. IMICHI A14Thgad ad ,. "I like music very much",said Mr. 2thi 50.75-51.00 EXPERT MARCELLING£ Simons, "but I don't expect to make it .'("IEN AL CTYTIrNG" my life work. There really Is no, fu-.T eC !D N~H I ture in it. After I graduated .I start- Bonstolle CompanyinCneto ed. doing engineering work with the1 ir n the Highly Colorful Musical 3205.ST ESTOeGrf Packard company, and joined the DaatcaifrpnihFed' °i*ST ES.'OtYGr service when =the war started. And __ra___atic_____lay___of__Span____sh__Feud____s___ then' I started to write' melodices ad g ', gradually drifted intor musi," he saidEVE S u c c e s s 'W i t h O r l g t ai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .k.MN r c h e s t r a s1-ldais ocestra has t twith trelmen- j N3EXT WE K-"l)DA3DDES" 1 dons~~~ ~~~ sucsAt or hog h I [ " Ev's - - - - Guc to n11 1east and south. MUr. Simons has just I AU(LN Wved. Mt. - e09to A,1V completed an extensive trip through i 4st. rMa. - see to $ 25 Pennsylvania and has engagements The Messrs. Shubert Presentx i'at, the Capitol theatre in Detroit. ; tiIA!I ~ STU TIMES 1The program he presents is orig- Inl Springtime Yi outI' IT N H inial. His 'rendition of "Chicago" hask received hearty applause from all au-I The Perfect Mwiial Play With a 2.00-3-:30.70-«1'm diences to date, and. the combinationi Super Cst@ which plays "The World is 'Waiting Gm M acfalanie lga Stck, for the Sunrise", is well' worked out. fIlar,'y Kelly Eleanor Griffiti Mr. Simons plays, a medley piano solo ' aThiyK. orlon Sella Rssell, of all his popular songs. "NTight, oCne NE r14 Wblf - 'TILE MONSTER" ( THE MODERN GIRL IS -ALL RIGHT.. IT'S HER PARENTS WHO NEED wA TCHI] LAST- IME TODAY fL .y and Ia Salto 4in, Z ' in I Most Elbrt Pouto e CASYIJN 5 y , . I Agetduocr rhstaAN I "THE byHryWtrbl It ell lA ictr te lipp~dner Prodcti' I ~The Cliimax Will Tbhrill You Rdjd seFOIL SUSPEINSE IT B