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March 22, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-22

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-A- A& Idaho
t 'it








. mri


..__,. . .. . ,... s

Case Purely

i-- -

Spring is truly present. How,
we know? We have as our au-
thority the statement of diver.
used car dealers, auto liverymen,,
f and others who specialize in sec-
ond-hand Fords. According to
tthese individuals a rising de-
mand for used cars, both for
sale and for hire, is an in'fallible
indication of the presence of
spring. Owners of auto liveries
and second hand automobile
dealers report the existence of
such a demand for the past week
Sanda half. Therefore we must
conclude that spring is inour

--- I
{ (t}
7 e
J t

Speaking Of Soft
Jobs---His isn'lIlp
4Part Change In ConstItntion Rating
to Advip,(y Comittee

Again Supervises
Junior Girls' Play

Washington, March 21-(By
A.P.)-Secretary Hughes today
flatly rejected an appeal to rec-
ognize the Russian Soviet gov-
ernment made to him by repre-
sentatives of the women's com-
mittee for recognition of Russia,
and in a formal statement declar-
ed "the salvation of Russian can-
not be contrived outside and in-
The statement, which was
made to the delegation in re-
ply to arguments advanced,
touched Russian government,
trade, finance, economics, and
various policies inaugurated .ly
the Soviets affecting internation-


M -s+


I BY SE"N 1011


i of the honioeopa-
.hroughout the state
r fight for the re-in-
Homoeopathic medi-
University next Wed-
en they presen't their
committee on state
e senate at Lansing.
. Core and James 0.
esent the University
wts announced yes-r

-T T
Committee Approves 4 Manuscripts
From 16 SubmItted in Com.

r JIs ppoe ealrelations.
Election lay for all-campus officesI
will be held May 2 this year accord-
ing to action taken by the Student
council at its meetlnt; last night at the
s U 5'y Edward (liffor Union. Registration day will be held D
rC0 Edward Chiford assntsec; on April 19 and 20. -Photo by Rentschler. L
retairy of the treamury, is in chargeo The election committee of the coun- Prof, Jbun L. Brurnm
customs and the government's money- cil will take steps to determine the Professor Brumm, who is supervis-
spending bureaus, namely the coast possibility of simplifying the ballot ing the 19th annual Junior Girls' play,'
guard, public health service and the this year by eliminating o.fces which has been a director of the play for;Woshington Representati'e o Relief
t several years. To him is due uch of Movement to Speak hill1ii
office of the supervising architect, hav- are not strictly of an all-campus na- the es. o h p soduc Audtorium
ing control of all public buildings. He ture. Women will have a separate ;_the success of the productions. Auditrlun
also has the administration of the new election day this year in order to al-
tariff act and makes all decisions as 16w women delegates to attend the an- iSUBJECT OF TALK WILL BE
to the classification of imports. nual national convention. . "NEAR EAST CONDI)ITIONS"
Approve Article lviii 1111 1 017.10h 0


Lm.iiirefla Iollis C iven Ovation
iiien+e; Exlira Perormaaie
I o be Giv'en
By Edwin lR Mess and John A.
Releasing an ancient traditio
hesitating temerity, junior gir
peared in the opening perform
their play last night at the W
theater, before a house packe
women. More than 400 seniors

pied' the major -portion of the
on the lower floor as the guests o
junior class.
In ".Jane Climbs a Mountain",
Junior girls' play, for the first
in a number of years takes a local
ting for one of its acts,\and pr


Regents voted the
9, 1921, following an
ts cncerning the rel-
umber of graduates
athic school compared
11 expense of main-
tution. It was pointed
0 was expended dur-
)20-21 and that the
but seven students.
physicians in the
leadership of Dr. T.
3 expected, will argue
esday, 'from a scion-
[t was insisted at the
1921. that the Hom-
had not been given
ve its worth.
'arge Disproved
the meeting Dr. Yeo-
hat the resolution
gislature, prior to the
had been introduced
f a :discussion in a
ns here, in which
n was reported to
merger. This state-j
denied by Dean W.
the Homoeopathic;
ed at that time that{
statement had clear-!
e that any personal
udice by University
ight about the merg- I
eason it is expected
ns will attempt only
ue of their school in
oreign Wars, an or-
up entirely of stu-
umnhPld itq fcw

Four plots were selected from the
sixteen submitted for the book of nexi
years Union opera at a meeting of the
judging committee held Tuesday noon,
and the names of the authors were
announced at a meeting of all those
who submitted plots, held yesterday
afternoon in {the Union. The plots
selected were written by A. H. John-
son, '24, collaborating with F. R'
Smith, '25; Thornton W. Sargent,
grad.; Eugene Carmichael, '24; and
Donald Coney, '24, collaborating with
Samuel Moore, '23.
There will be a meeting of all those
Whose plots were accepted, with the

active members of the judging comi--.
mittee, and.with those of the tryoutsi
whose books were not accepted who1
'ish to go on with the work, at 71
o'clock Monday night in room 204 ofc
the Union.I
The. committee wishes especially toI
urge those men whose books weres
not accepted not to stop work on thai
account. It is particularly'desirable
that these men read all of the success- h
ful plots, select one to work on, andt
Then complete a book independently.
When all of the books have been turn-C
ed in on May 1, the committee will go1
through them again, and from these
the final book for the opera will beI
It is also permissable for the auth-.
ors of rejected books to go ahead and9
finish them, as it is perfectly possible t
that the committee may not have seena
all the possibilities of a book in thei
necessarily brief form in which it wasb

i }

Approval of the article relating to < Speaking in behalf of the inter- eminently successful from
the Student council! Advisory com-: national Near East relief ,movement, point of originality, good
mittee in the proposed changes to the of which he is the Washington repre- clever lines. The rise of
council constitution was ,given. sentative, Dr. Andrew M. Brodie will
This article which is the last onesreveals the Michigan He
on the list was the only one discussed College Baseball Players Given Op. Hill auditorium on "Conditions in the at the close of school in
because opinion was divided on many portunity to Win Award andl Near East".- opportunity for byplay on
of the, others. This article reads; I
.TR"W Tiecommittee {the Student coon- b Contract The purpose of this movement in ing of doctors and intern
cis advisory committee) shall be com- ---America N to educate the people ofI sequent promiscuous issui
YIQT'R TO COIPETE IN NORTH posed of the president and -vice-pres- MOVEMENT FOSTERED T'HROUJ the United States as to the state of room excuses, and the c
ERY LEAGUE COM ident of the council the editor of The EFFl'T)ITS OF GEORGE SISLER conditions in Syria, Armenia, Pales- tanglenments of campusr
PETITION Daily, and two members of the Coun-; tine, Turkey and the other war-torn
_l, to be appointed by'the president. College baseball players will have regions of the Near East. To do this, Rising from a sickbedt
"The pu'rpose of the committee shall y to cntet e for . Iien who have been in relief work for part, Mary Fair, '24, took
Fiemnwohv enchosen in "h;upseo h omites all onportunity ocmeefra 'prizemnwh
rive men who have been be to express student opinion to the ~$7,00 in addition to a ono-year'many years are touring the country m pale role of the play as
Preliminary class contests will cony- faculty~adto ary aclty oin $,- ;adi n oa n-EarI aerl ftep s
preliminary clas cord ntet wri al on facuty, a tot cardry faty Ol cntract with the St. Louis club of andtmaking speeches for the move- Black, assistant directo
Pete. in the 33rd annual Oratorical ;intthsudtadbyheem u:rit
contest which will be held at 8 o' n to promote common purposes and un- t t American league, according to an - t Iealth service, with a
clock tomorrow night in the auditor- t promot comm endtun- announcement received here yesterday Dr. Brodie has just completed a masculinity, while Marian
kmors td tohited action, to make recommendations fron officers of the club. tour of these countries, where itis in the part of Tom's uncl
lum f Unverity all to the proper Uiversity' authoritiesj
At this time the person to repre- upon matters of general student inter- The provisions of the contest sip- believed that only immediate aid will minor role in such a way a
sent the University in the ere Players must be judged save thousands of lives and isnow the leads in several instai
Iest, or matters affecting individualsu-lattthatuhhoplyershmst be udgedn Terl f aeFed
league contest which will be held May or groups of students The upon three countn: ability on the going throughout the country making The role of Jane Field
4 at the University of Minnesota will committee shall meet at least once baseball field, scholarship, and char- a plea for support in the work. He loge girl, played by Shirle
be chosen. The winner of the con-! each month with tran of Stu- acter Te contest was. originated by has made a special study of the prob-'24, smacked more of the
each monthewitofArmenianoandtSyriatwherehtheothant was. the caseeofbyny
test here tomorrow night will be giv- dents, and shall hold such dther meet tihe St. Louis clugb in an effort to man- lems of Armenia and Syria, where the tr as t as ay
Gn that honor i addition to the Paul in as the president shall call. itest its interest in college baseball Near Et relief drive has 250,000 or-the acting of Frieda Wis
Gray testimonial of $100 and the Chb- President to Appoint Two It is understood that the movement phans to support. toe asti olly Freati
cago alumni medal to be awarded as, "The president shalt appoint twc was fostered largely through the ef- During the war Dr. Brodie was ac- wih asrioniy F ibilt
fIrst prize.wihmtioilpsblt
The winner of second place tomor- members of the committee who with forts of George Sisler, former Uni- tive in Y. M. C. A. work in France and wash Jones, a colored b
row night will be presented with the himself shall be the student represent- versity student and a prominent fig- other soldier's welfare activities. The "played byR hea Schlaaacl
Paul Gray testimonial of $50. Re-ativesat all meetings of the Senate lure in major league baseball. Sisler religious significance of the war and played by Rhea Schlaack
gent Juniust..oBeals will preside at members who with himself shall rep- plans to visit collegcv and universi- of the chaos growing out of it has l'tentially the outstandii
he contest. The judges have not been mes ho th hisy a ll rep- ties throughout the country in order been a subject studied by Dr. Brodie an of the show, although
ih ots.Tejde aentbe resent the student body at the Univer- 'in this work. Dr. Brodie is pastor of dary nature of thepatr
nnounced as yet. The contestants tyCommittee on discipline, to introduce the plan to the players. the Presbyterian church in Wichita, aparncas often as th
who will deliver orations which have "The disciplinary power of tile Stu Ran .a a ve ds Aon i
been written by themselves are: R- dent council shall be vested in this dKan. may have desired. Among
W. Brown, Spec., K. F. Clardy, '25L, committee, and they are epoweredi es Two reels of movinglain characters oc
Gerrit Demmink, '23, E. T. Ramsdell, to declare ineligible for -student activ- M oderate Good be shown tonight in connection with Knapp, director of the H
23, andF._H._Skinner,'24.sdythe lecture. These were made by re- ice, played by Mildred Bro
2re3 Such students as m y violate the. lief officials in the devasted areas -S-of , and H-orace Twig-
Senate Conumittee Present fayrights f the modern school turing the work that the relief is do- heerleaer, playedsbyMa
The members of the Senate council would1 adopt a little of the artistic ing in those countries. 4,tabsy.
committee on investigation of student re-serve that characterized thn writr Son Numbers Pe

the st
the cui
alth sei
June, gi
the va
yes, the
ng of cl
to play
the lea
Dr. Tho
r of
e, carri(
as to ecl
ding,. a
y Salisb

aJRLVlbt ULV U. Ua

m Uen, 1e LUs -
t night in the as-1 Wrecking of tbe. former Psi Upsilon
he Union. Fifteen fraternity house at South University
the impressive cer- l avenue and State street is now in pro-
d with the initia-' gress, and the remaining buildings in
the same block will also be torn dowr
at an early date to prepare for the
s Son Injured excavation for the projected Lawyer's
21.-(By A.P.- club. Work of excavation is now ex-
ird son of King pected to commence about May 1.
vn while exercising 4
alry School at Wee- Begin Repatriation of Refugees
til says the Prince Constdntinople, March 21--(By A.
concussion of the P.)-:Repatriation of Greek refugees
ering. has begun; 3,100 left for Salonki.
qoyle Imports Artistry

f' f




d forth in a newv
ndl furnished the
eat by its "College
sue. It is rather a
we have not all o
y of fame bidden
of our own Uni-
a relief to know
mmen rank high
beyond. All in all
it was a preciated.
ngered pages of the
yesterday, they no
feeling of relief. It
action to know that
"Hub'" and "Hal'
11 the rest of them
s to come forth
Henry Ford has
for "Night by
Light" we grow
wagon. Why not

place W'eil up among the leaders of
their college contemporaries. And
the pleasant feeling which that caus-
ed, together with the undoubable hu-
nior that glistened throughout the is-
f sue, accounts for the, favor with which
it was met on the campus yesterday.
- Cover Is Exceptional
The cover is undeniably one of the.
bent that has ever graced the initial
E page of a Gargoyle. It comes from the
- far east where the Columbia. Jester is
printed, and the gentleman who is
responsible for. its' production is R.
J. Holmgren of the staff of that pa-
Two examples of art work stand
out above all others in the gaudy in-
terior of the number. First, and
foremost, is the frontispiece. Adver-
tised as a scene of the' illusive Flori-
da bathing beaches, it ,was disap-
pointing to some-at the first glance.
But who could be hostile to such a
page as that. The Gargoyle is to be
congratulated on obtaining James
Williamson of the Yale Record to con-.
tribute. Again there is the page by
Robert Adams of Cornell. It is snappy
and well drawn and balanced and-
S well, Ist nice,.
. Staff Turns to Biogranhv

University people will- predominate"
in the performances of Dodos at 8
o'clock tonight, tomorrow and Satur-
day, when three one-act plays will-
3 be offered at the play-shop at 716
Spring street and two short dances
will be given.
The dances, a snowdrop dance and
a butterfly dance, will be rendered by
Cynthia Mallory, daughter of Prof. H.
S. Mallory, of the rhetoric depart-
ment Following these, "Etude Emo-
tionale", a play by Dorian G. Snyder,
F '25, will be presented. The cast of
this ificludes Donald Roxburgh, '24,
Neil Q. Staebler, '2G, and Margaret L.
Next will come "Aftermath", by A.
D. Conkey, of the rhetoric depart-
ment. Parts in this will be played
by Ray Alexander, '24, Mary 0.
Johnson, wife of O. C. Johnson, of the
Crhetoric dlepartment, C. J. Dresback,
h24, president of Mimes and Comedy
club, Cecil V. Wicker, of the rhetoric
department, and Mrs. Wicker, Donal
iamilton Haines, of the journalism
department, and David Lowber.
Mr. and Mrs. Wicker, with Mr. and
Mrs. Conkey, are directing the entire
group of plays, all three of which'
will be presented each night. Settings
and costumes have been designed and
executed entirely within the Dodo
In the final production of the eve-
ning, "Oh, It's You" by Prof. E. S.
Everett, also of the rhetoric depart-
ment, will appear Mrs. Wicker, E. G.
A Burrows, of the journalism depart-'
I ment, and Professor Everett.

governm ent w ere present by invitation N ogr a c s i al g o D en h
of the council. They include Prof. othe great classical age of French
Morris P. Tilley, of the English de- literature, - if, in other words, they I IU
partment, Dean Alfred N. Lloyd, of would imbibe some of the Cornelianf
the Graduate school, and Prof. Evans plan of having the heavy action oc-i
iHolbrook, of the Lacy school. The crofsethauinew ldb,
council also approved of, the election cua oft scene, the audience would be
of the president of the council from spared sme rather trying and h r-I ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU ChIEF
any man on the campus irrespective of rib e scenes. And yet if such thin SPEAK IN SCIENCE .
class or college, but it did not do were done, Mimes would lose one of SPKAUDITORIUN
cide on the aner of his election. its-best plays, and Charles Livingston, ,T
Membership of the managing editorof '25, and Edward Parnall, '25, would -be Dr. L. 0. HIw rd, chief of th
The Daily of the council as an ex- deprived of the opportunity of-giving r .a of entomology in the depart
officio member was approved. No.J to the audience some of the best ac t of agriculture, Washington, D. C.
!other points In the, changes were dis- Ing that is done on that- stage. Edi- oi edathgrtstuhbi
cussed, but the remainder of the re- ward H. Smith's play, "The ReIease", ognized as the greatest authori
port will be brought up at a later has been given before with such suc- iedtats ispeas :on.
meeting. ,ess that it had to be repeated due Warfare Against Insects"at8 o'
Burton Sends Thanks to the many requests from the cam- tonigt Aint inst"a t Sin
President Marion L. Burton thank- pus. The play is presented in a su- toriumh.
ed the members of the student body .;perb manner, and if the ending is a He will also deliver
in a letter to the council; for their cO- hittle too realistically done, we can lay Hr of a mo ecial two othe
operation with the administration dur- it to the play and not to the acting. the general topic, "Economic
ing the recent visit of the State legis- "All Gumed Up" by C. F. Gribble h lgy"a, Eocok t
lature. His letter reads in part, "To iAll Gtinc c Upt by C.oF.he heplayinology", at 4:15 o'clock this
the Student council as representatives in distinct contrast to the other play noon and also Friday afternoc
of the student bod I can say a word It a ericomdy fulospang I room 214 of the Natural Sc
apprciaionforthe ntelignt nd wit and epig ramatic turn. Many of
of aprcato fo h.inelgetadbuilding.
loyal cooperation that was evinced by the clever lines fell flat, and the act- Miaterial for this series of talk,
all of you during the recent legisla- ,,ing itself was a trifle dull 'until after be taken fron the resuits of d-
tive visit." the appearance of Mr. Jeoffery Tre-
Due to the recent action'of the Sen- maine who was played by A. H. John- d H ar hasodce d hi
at on Hwrdl~scodutdeurnv-i
ate Committee on Student Affairs, son, '24, when the doctor, Ritter Lev- tended pro oferce in h
there will be no formal week known inson, '25, became more at ease, and s
urmology bureau. The -destructic
as Spring week. The schedule of reg- entered into the spirit of- the com-
ular events as outlined by the coun- edy. crops and other ravishes cause
el 'will be carried out as arranged IThe other play presented is a typ- the cotton boll weevil, the Jap
however. The request by the School ical "r ra' drama dealing with eetle, alfalfa, gypsyiss, and
of Music officials that the date of Cap s paraites, and steps which are
two poor: souls waiting in vain to en- tkntwrsteretnto ~
Night be changed in order not to con- h taken towards their extimctionw
tker the ,sining gates. They finallyI
flict with the May Festival was acted . discussed in the evening's Ie
upon, but it was found inadvisable to force the gate and vind to their de- which will be open to the ge
spair 'httehael oei o
name a new night as no other time for th s the ael oeir public. Three reels of moving
was found available. A resolutipn was for them, so they are left to their tures will be used in illustrating
passed, however, that the council eternal thirst with the laughing of talk.-
should. consult with the School of happy angels resounding in -their Dr. Howard, graduated from
Music officials, hereafter, before de- ears, and empty beer bottles to play nell university in 1877, has rec
ciding on the spring dates. with. It is a sentimental play but it degrees from Georgetown, Pitts
The complete report of the coun- has the merit of being well done. and George Washington univer
cil J-Hop committee was read but "Bill", 'one of the poor men, was and became a trustee of Cornell
action was deferred until the nexf plyed-by Lauren Stokesbury, '24, and versity in 1900. He is one of tb
meeting of the=council. - Clayton Seageari '23, played "Jim",

e bu-
ty on
r lec-
r e on,



- .
kt i

Ento- ;
on In
:s will1
i1 ex-
oi of
ed by
-ill bej
g this
Cor- -
e few

The 12 song numbers were
-whole or very pleasing music;
Sedy type, with no actual hi
standing. "Excuses' in the fi
with its chorus of professor
"Life is Just a Masquerade"
second proved the most popular
the first act held the attentioi
audience throughout, a series
view numbers slowed up th(
part of the show with four
coming inopportunely togeth
effecti ve lighiting occurring i.
places will no doubt be reme
the succeeding ,erformances.
At the clos<f the performa
audience called on the stage L
Hellis, '24, author, Catherine S
'24, chairman of the play con
and Prof. John L. Brumm, d
the ronesto whom the lion's s
the credit must go for the
of this year's Junior Girls' pla:
ets are now available for an ex,
formance of "Jane Climbs a
ain" which is to be given S.
That professional journali
ieve that the progress of coll(
dents in the field of journalism
able, was the view expressed
gil V. McNitt, '04, manager of -
Naught company and the Centr,
association, in an interview Ii
Mr. McNitt says that lie 1
that the reading public will C
demand the better type of -
which is the aim of college j
"I have followed the prog
college nublications," he sil

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