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March 20, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-20

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tVU1.4t -A1V 1tU~e


~vae Arplne o You Kntow

WIhy the cngineering cle e {.u,
1h honor 1l1I =system'1?

ming tank open to all womnen register-f Simons, while at the Uiniversity with I
odet in the gymnasium; and a runniing Abrahai Gornetsky, '19L, wrote the
track 310 feet long. The r;Ymnasiumn music for the Union oneras, "All That
fJ'loor Is 90 by 80 feet and is equipped GlItters," and "Fools' Paradise." Since
wiAith apparatus for indiVl~dual awl classileaving the University, lhe Ihaswrit,-
work. ten ia num1ber of pop"ular pieces a noito ylw~n g
I11 Cyp)y,.. .Itom brthe e," and
_ Sv mr iikf S IM O { O t her w T pUj lai' nu mIb r s;. Ile 1ai()co rn-
M E E T M V S I . k ~e ?"tR IIm u S m n , '1 E w o e or All ,fr e re' n od es reowr l k oh
I QOptic Asks Tryouts

Who edits the lMichki ;aa I ;"E
Whait is the Ulmerrl oom?


The Ford-Mitchell miuseumi is sa
named because of the gifts of the lat
vrofessor Ford and Dr. William Mitch
ell of London, England. Their contri

QE. Do It
HOW -I V me," says the math. teacher---an
when the chalk clouds hav,,,e settled do~v
there are a lot of figures signed "0. E. D.
which aren't "Q. E. D" at all.
say "Showv me" to the shaving cream you'
using and see what answer you get. Will it softe
your beard right down to the base before th
breakfast bell has rung twice ? Will it leave yot
skin smooth and supple after every shave and giti
you the well-groomed look of perfect skin health


butions have given the mu.;euni the
largest afnd best odontological collec-
tion in any dental college in the world.
The gifts comprise the entire set of
crania and odontolagical specimiens.
The dental museum has also numerous
specimens of anatomical, physiological,
pathological, and histological parepar a-
tions that include a series illtts~rut~zii
dentition from infancy to thne ocrale-
tion of the process of the adulit a,~
the usual changes throe--h life to olid

chestra is now playing at the Arcade, tha Michigan Optic are askted to re--
theater, will address ,all students fn- port on Wednesday, March 21, froCm
terested' in writing xnu,-i for next to 4 o'clock, at the Press taulld n.
year's Union opera, lit 4 o'clock Thurs-
diay afte 1noo n Inroom 304'of the LVn- .,. t~l" F1#v a

the DaRily will fiAt A

i ~~, ..

PrIMJer M'ussollui in his iprivate la a<< li n, Italy
Thee 1European premiers have a hard life traveling a rounad the con-
tinent attending conferences in all the lively villages. But Phemier Musso-
lii, of Italy, has gone his contemps on c better. He has at i ;"vate plane which
hie uses to travel abou~t in.

The botanical garden was started in1
1913. It comprises a, tract of lt,A , of
20 acres on Packard street .just out-
side, the city limits. The garden isi
used for all phases of instruction and
research ini connection with the grow-j
irlg of plants. The equipment con-4
sists of four greenhouses totaling
- z~o square feet; adequate work (
rooms; a boiler house, modernly equip-I
p~ed; and a laboratory. There are five
separate rooms for individual researcn
with independent heating controls and I
distinct regulation for the ventilation.
_iSeven hundred species of the tropical
plants and a small but hardy collec-
tion of growing plants are being de-)
veloped for use. in teaching.
a The Barbour gymnnasiunm is named
for the Hon.'Levi L. Barbour, '651.., Hle
Iwas a generous contributor of funds
for the gymnasium's erection. The
'building contains the gymnasium prop- 1
er; offices of the dean of women and
the director of the gymnasium; 'a clu')
"lain rnd parlors for women students;
+', = So i'ah Caswell Angell -hall used for!
: ~ri.3 and theatrical entertainments;
Id ,'g rooms andl showers; a swim-

m -IBC m -
r ti
Paint will make a better home. A new coat
I of paint both inside and outside will make the house
look like, it was built yesterday. Phone 554 and
r get our prices today.I
I~ ~ "Serce for Patronage"I
Phone 54213-215laW. Libery1
Lr - -M

:every day men are finding; how m
shaving can be made because of the
thorouighness with which
Williamns' softens the
beard. Likewise, they are
finding 'a help for their
sin in~illiams' that they
never found in any other
sai g ce m 'dr ityourself. The difference


may surprise you..

/ '


"Los Cioarros Hormigos", a three
act farce by Jacinto ]3enavente, which
has been chosen. as the 1923 prod uc-
tionl of La Sociedad Hispdnica, will bea

Dr. Paul W. Harrison, a Missionary
in Arabia, closed the three day ses-
Sion of the Michigan Students Volun-
teer Union in Hill auditor ium :,.c:



..i~www rw +w..re~w~r ~w. rr~ .
Read The! Daily " Classified" Col

giveni March 24 in Sarah Caswell An-f night. His audience nunmbored p iou

gell hall.
A. special souvenir edition ofI the

Sunday morning services we- .',Or

t ., .. .

playr is now in the course of prepa- ducted; in four Ann Arbor clit rze~
;-ation, and will appear in the book by delegates to the conference. The
stores in~ a few days It is complete" Rev. M. E. Hall of Japan, spoke at thc
withz notes and vocabulary, and was Congregational church, the Rev. E. J
prepared by La Sociedad Hlispanica in Weeks, a missionary in Chinaat the
tojh cto with. several members of Presbyterian church, Dr. Paul W.lHar-
boof wil berison of the Baptist board, at the Meth-
usedasn a culxty.ok Thmnyof Iheodist church and the Rev. Robert
upsh as est.boi mn o teLongwell 4t the Baptist church.
Snadiionhto hes prorac t e Dr. Samuel Zwemer of Cairo
~u. ~ddtio totheperormnceto E Igypt, and editor of thie Moslem Wtorld
given hiere, plans have been practi- opened the conference Friday 'night,
tally completed for a presentation of Fifteen colleges 'were represented
the play in the auditorium of High- among the 309 registered' delegates.
land Park high: school on April 0. °1'At a, business meeting: of the or-
This will be the first time a Sociedad ' ganization Saturday, in the Union, the
Hispaiilca production has ben given following officers were elected for the
ianother ciy. comin~g year: Ann , an. Lopek,, of
Battle Creek, president; Harry Brisk-
man, of Hope college, vice president;
1SENIOR LIT RUiES :1I1 T BE Loretta. Jones, of Albion college, "sec-
P~ll)retary, Seyril Canright, '24M, treasur-
I AID 1 er, and Miss Chapman, of Kalamazoo,
Alje rso h sno i and Mr. 1:ogebohm, of Hope college,.
AlIebr fth eirlt counsellors.'
{ erary class 'who have not yet ______
paid their dues, amrounting to Engineers Iiispect 1)etrot Plant
$3.50 for the entire year, should]I Members of the class in nmechanica'l
{do so-hie'diately. Make checks engineering 36, xvent-to Detroit yester-
payable to Burton L~. Dunlop, 1 day afternoon oin an inspection trip],
cleass treasurer, 1617 Washten- I relative to the work of the class. The
[ aw venue I Iplant of the Detroit Vapor Stove coin-
I pany w as visited.
I r1




Standard Price
0'.)E IPOUND 5111

One pound in a package.
We also have env elopes ,4.O
match. If it is true that
the good taste of a person
is expressed by the. quali-
ty of their stationery, then
your taste will be estab-
lished with your friends.
The texture and quality of
(ascade is known fr6m
Coast to Coast.
Sale Price


21., 22, 23, 24




; ,n


4 50


Syrup Pine and Tar .......2 for
Analgesic Balm ...........'23 for
D~yspepsia Tablets ..... .. .2 for
Carbolic Salve .........2for
Clvarcoal Tablets.......2for
Ant.septic Powder.... ,.. ... 2 for
Syrup Pine and Tar .........2 for
Cod Liver Oil Emulsion ...2 for
Compound Mustard Ointment '2 for
Corn Solvent.............. 2 for
Cherry Bark Cough Syrup ..2 for
Foot Powder...... ...2for
iron & Cascara Tonic....2 for
Kidney Pills...... .... ..2 for
Syrup Hypophosphites ......'for
IMilk of Magnesia..........'2 for.
Puretest Epsom :salts...... 2, for
Dept, Iron and Wine.......2 for
Ri xall Liver PIlls (100) . 2 for
Nux and~ Iran Tonic Tablets 2 for
IRxall Throat Gygle....'... : for
Throat Pastille: ........... 2 for
Cascara Cathartic Coml-
pound Pills ............ ..2 for
Iron TIonic Tablets -...... 2. for
Lithia Tablets, 5 gr.........2 for
Rtefinedd Petroleum Oil ......2 for
Zinc. Ointment Tubes ........ for
Puretest Epsom Salts .......2: for,
Cream of Tartar' and Sulphur
Lozengers ..........2 for
Jonteel Nail Bleach (special) 2 for
Rexall Bair .Tonic.....fr
Milke Chocolate Bars (g .oz.) . .2 for
Riker's Deodorant.........2 for
locha Mint 'Tablet; ...... ...2 for
B~oracic Acid Powder.......2 for


(0 YE CENT will buy any article mentioned
in this advertisement regardless of its
retail value--providing a second article of the
same kind is purchased at our regular price.
You pay- the regular price for the first
and get a second for only ONE CEF1'T1.
$0.25 Cedar Chest Moth Powder ... . for $0.20
.15, Mechanics Soap Paste (16
oz. cans).... .. .. ..2 for .16
.-g. Shaving Cream or Sticks . ...2? for .36
.2 Eka'sMetal Polish........2 for .26
.1 r Hardwator Soap........ ..21 for .16
.60 Correspondence Cards9. ...... for .tit
.15 Brown's Spepial Toilet Paper
(Limit 6 rools to customer 2 for .16
.75 Dressing Combs (9 inches) 2 for 76
2.25 Water Bottles (2 quarts) ...2 for 2.26
.195 Lemon Soap ..............2 for ,.16i
1.00 Symphony Gold Edge
Stationery........2 for 1.(11
.50 Pound Cascaded Linen ......2 for A 'l
.4 Carton Envelopes to Match ..2 for .41
.10 Writing Tablets (Linen) .. ..2 for .11
.1CS Pkgs. Linn Envelopes....'2 for .16
.60 One-half Pound Opeko Tea . .2 for.51
2.25'Fountain Syrin~ges (2 quart) . .2 for 2.2?6
.40 Strawberry or Grape Jam . .2 for .41
.+14 Jars Peanut Butter ........2 for 43
S3 Maraschino Cherries ....... ,2 for -U6
.30 Powdered Cocoa (8 oz.) .....'2 for, .31
X10 Vanilla or Legion Extract ...2 for .41
.#0 Bars (8 oz.) Baking
Chocolate ...... . .. .2 for .31,
. 0 Pounds Wrap)ped Caramels . .2 for .ail
1.00 Imported Olive Oil .,....... 2 for 1.01
.25 Spices (7 kinds).... .. for .29
.3' Orange Marmalade .. ....2 for .436
1,2° Pound Liggett's Chocolates 2 for 1.26
.a0 Lord Baltimore Stationery .:°.2 for .51
.40 Pocket Combs .............2 for .41
.05 Ligg~t's .Mints of Gum.na ..2 for .06
.. 5 Violet'Dulce Shampoo.....2 for .6
.60 Harmony Rolling 'Massage
Cream ............ ......2 for .41
.75 Ragged. Edge stationery..2 for ,.76
March 21, 22, 2.3, 24

a Blend
lrt ,.
f w.


Antiseptic Tooth Powder .. 2for$0.31,
Rexall Coldl Cream ........2 for .:1
Rexall Shaving Lotion (8 oz) 2 for .66i
ilexall Tooth Paste Im proved 2 fo>r .Z t
Violet Dulce Talcum.......2 for .41
Tooth Brushes............2 for .36
Medlicated Skin Soap........2 for .26
Pounds Liggectts Chocola te=s 2 for 1.01
Bouquet lanee Talcum... for .<){
Noiloid Nail Polish Cakves . ..2 for .26;
Doub!)le Meet Hair N .s ...2 for At;
Eubber Cushion Hair Brus~hes 2 for~ 1.;'o1
Pounds Talcum ............2 for .: 1
I-ardwater Soap ...........2 1)for .11
Klen~zo lDental Pa _te........2 for .41i
Rlenzo Liquid Antiseptic . . ..2 fr .
Powder Puffs (3 inch)......2 for.1
Lather Brushes ............2 for . 51
Tooth lBrushes..............for A4I
Jonteel Talcum (Special) - .2 for- .76
Jonteel Cold Cream (Special) 2 for .76
jonteel Combination Cream
(Speial................ 2 for .76i
Iclenzo Tar Soap..........2 for 126
Oz. Jonteel Odor..........2, for 1_13%
Cocoa Butter Cold Cream .. ..2 for .51
Harmony Cocoanut Shampoo 2 for .5 1
Boq net Ramee Face Powder 2 for 1.411
Violet Dulce Face Powder .... .2 for .51
Ricker's Peroxzone Cream.2 for :,v
Arbutus Complexion Crean 2 for ,.a{
Bouquet Ramnee Toilet Water 2 for 2.5,1
Truflor Toilet Water (6 odors) 2 for 1L01.
Llggett's Milk Chocolate Bars 2 foir .11
Jonteel Vanity Cases. (Double)
t(Special).........2 for 1.41

oz High Gtrade Coffecs
T~oasted and packed by
the latest machinery. A
supnerb drink and wonder-
ful value. Ground only.


Staiidird p'ri'ce
I po-.n1i ..........
This Sal1e
2 1)imp~ids .....

Ol c


TIhere's snore to a hat thian a label. You feel a
certain natural pride when anyone catches sight of a
KNOX label in your hat, but you kno* also what cor-i
rectness of style and enduring service are typified by
,that label.
Get a KNOX for Spring in your favorite shape and
wegtancd be sure of genuine hat satisfaction.
For breezy days you will appreciate a swanky cap.
We have term in all shapes and materials--direct from
Thlomas Townend, of London.


SE, g

A perfect dentifrice, anti-
scjpt-c and deoodorant. Iy
CR ans and 'whitens the
tetlh. Comes out flat on


The largest selling bottle in the
world. The price everywhere is
$2.50 each. Full two-quart ca-

Tih g 9


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