00 FEET WITH PLA1NE , E I . '[ ! A E _" I ! ' 1 #. , 3 C I i riiTflTfhlf l U rty of Michigan Engineering(pi OEM COOLIT TO clb of Detroil.. He will bcin Cincin- ;Hit 15 71- I ati Thursday, F'riday, and 'Saturday i o f this week wvhere he2 ill confer WL I[OiR TIWI0 WE[KS; with thle proceduire comm ittee of the;, F ederated IAmeric an Eingineerin.g so- Dean Mortimer E2 Cooley will leave cit . udy n!o!a heDa his mxorning for a two weeks tour w ill visit tlie Uiversity of Kentu.ckay of the middle west, speaking enrouteatLxntleigMody v- nisig nor Denver where he will devote before two alumni associations, and th!eane fth ekt rvt tetransacting business of th~e Federaie the usin.f He e er thepirt! American Engineering societies of ! k tiA pr;. i il etrIteff which he is the national presideint. we nArl This evening he will spear at a banquet in Bay City given by the Uni- Sno As)utOdr(ae versity Alumni association of that Alyenior liter-ary studcents Shoiu city. Tomorrow night he Nvill be the plaice orders for their caves with guest of honor at the iieeting of Atbe Wagner and company this week:. The 14 D. :heir ' in- it is ex- [11 de2vel- 001 clan- iosen as the fore-f circles andI the y be the -statc Vife{' of tth wreccd plailje. ANo~tc!r1-wprs I rcedthigrun~d F irs;t 1Liut. St.anley Smith was killed and five others iinjured when a huge Uited States army transport plane fe"l from a heighit of 2,,000 feet into a fieMd of mude in Che residene e section of Brooklyn, N. Y. The plane, c, periencing engine trouble, hAd volpianed for wver. four miles over Manhattan island hefore it cfash ed i o earth. It was to have flown from..Mineola field to Rantoul, Ill. Telephone Murray Dill 88oo 0 LILL - a'e,11PSL lAUII nships in. the two distances.___ ger, Ann. Arbor cross coun-ntn rrRInrni distance star, has been enter-ea .L h' Daily 1i IIIsI Read £ 49 re mile and1 will give plenty of", Viposition. In fueltaidystancestrial heat last ects to clip a few seconds fron ziri IN i .A Thurston. in. the 1-2 mile antij S1a'FAKE'R UIS CHIEF OF T RM E G LXf F. tBuck in. the mile are the e1nEN F () 310 ,(ItOthefes mKlm oowieG r11rill represent Battle Creeks in-3 e.' Ray Haft, half miler fromr Dr. L. 0. Howard, chief of the bu-'- Arhr±wwl ea'u of entomoloo-y in the dlepartment Ff Ia state schools in the meet f I FascirnatinQ' 'edicted that he will -establish.f; ...tr, asigtnD.C.. usc om d dfor roter scholast es in this ognizedl as thle greatest auth~ority on - T1 T Rehsbe aigtehl ninsects in the Unite 1 States, will de- FLEP" 1'7, OF rFUG'. Hehsbe ~ligtehl Ts, ich is exceptionally fast time. Ii _er a pubilic lecture on the subject LOt 3OF G.IRLS events will go far in. ,iakingz "Warfare Against Insects" at. 8r nell-Michigan, dual meet the l oclock Thirrday evening in the Nfat- l UN Y COMEDIANS. ;t meet in the country ant'um 1l Science auditorium. He Will al- NEW V MUSC, SINGING, DANCING ors will be as,-cred of seec so deliver two other lectures of a to fine track and hield work. more technical nature on the _general DiIJ~Q: ET~3-T;(HLI eN 0 _______-j topic "E{conon-ic Entomology" at 4:15 _______________ _ - IT 1'0ESNTTVET o'clock Thursday and Friday after udeso epeTrndAa at'lek Cyn .ry 4--od RE.IS$ eO'i IIWCH41 Rnoons in room 214 of the ?Natural Sc i- nre Toheope uneJAayLst We.CneEryt vi -- o_- nce bilding. Three reels of rony- ~ t C Green, tpecial repre,,enta- Ing pictures will be used %in illu trat- ° ALL the freight claim division of' 1Mg his Thursday evening talk. THE EST SHOtV PO ALL icn Railway a oitif Dr. Howard, who is bro ught toth dress the University Chamber University under~ the auspices of the S how 6:30 and 8:30 Dro,;s Open at 6:00 mere.; at 7 :1.5 o'cloc"k We lnes- - zoology department, was graduated = ning, in room i; 04 oirthe Uion from Cornell university in 1877. He W ASHINGTON T EATR subject, "Freighlahn s and later received his master's degree revention"ro ta isttuio, isfromfom (616that11f1111institutionE2§6Gfi£el16_?96Ehis Ph.D.11 f i 111111from6t66 ccount of the methocls follow- Georgetown university, his LL.D. effecting a reduction of 50.,-- from the University of Pittsburg, and __________ in freight claims ?)hiIy raii-- an honorary degree in medicine from 11922 will be given. Th is is George Washington -university. He i~o a series of W'ednesdlay nighrt became a trustee of Cornell university }!Mvassachu .s=t Institute Te1; chn loov iat is being arranged by the inI1900. ity Char:ber of Commlerce. - ~~~Seniors to Order 11-r g;rn ivs n > F in Bursley*", Secretary Ull Seniors in the Sdcol of uain Rosa. D. Willis, secretary to will order their invitations and pro; an of Students, has been.- con- gramrs in Tappan haill today and1 to-; < he hm b Il~e~.Te oro. l mmbr w hv gO SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGIN EERING PRACTICE 1 Sis not serious. paid their class dues ; IaZ