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March 20, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-20

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Lee, and Johinston
rit Wi Control of



lie Ca



to the -Board ine Conl-
and throe meiiber;,
Firctors of the Mich-I
.ell as a reconuenda-"
I of Regents as to the
f members of the ath-
taken up at the meet-
versity Senate whicl-
slit in the Law build-

mlore t.
of Penr


tmembers of the Boare id ou
tAthletics were renom- a te it
Senate. These men are in.the
.igler, of tale Law school cok~e.
'rayer, of the history de- For
f. A. 0. Lee, of the Rto. Badgex
ge department, and Prof ha~s b@
ston, of the geodesy and klindc
artment.} The eA,
y' M1. Bates, of the Law, ly 25,4
George W. Patterson, o,i wil lhi
'g college and Prof. I ;and du
of the mechanical en-
partment, the preseill
ers of the directing boar d f
were reelected to theuirIV

recommended to th(
ants that of the four
eBoard in Control or
sated by the Senate a'
be elected for a term
ne for a term of three
a tern of two years
erm' of one year; anC
hereafter the Senate
one member of t'
one member of th"
'01 of Athletics fort



Demands Epenses, for Oeupat[onia
Auriy be ully JPad as
h ~ i-ra rf r -rir h 'j .+




mt di-


)ayments or oth-
ertatives, havl
eting; for tomo~r-
dli try to., evolv-(
to be subiniitteA'

out witli
the lighti
ed by A.



I Al NI: U.'; ll;
of Prof. Ralph V. ?a
be hiead'of th6 de- eS
cs' at New Yorlk
a announced. D.
m a e n f r : ssociate professor D
and instructor in "

oal" is directed by Ross L
4. It is a character study
kt old Sir Stephen Fainar-.
last hour of his life. The
Lid in his apartment in ton-
epicts the struggle betweeri
y~ selfishness and an infer-
less which he' has stifled
t his life by his wan dering
e world and 'which now ris-
surf ace.
6rinclude: Sir Stepher
D. Roces, '25; Dr. Crane, M
r, '25iL; Peggy, Florence
25; Daniel Famariss, J. C
4; Adams, S. T. StancevitchF
the nurse, Helen Steggall

ins Hopkins. IHc
toffer of the presi-
's college, Annap-
New York Univer-
vas professor in

of Pro~essor ag .r
y of the Topography{
istory of. Praeneste"~,
ls" and translations
e Liberuin" and PByn-
rigrity of the Sea".

In the comedy, "The Mandarin
Goat", vanity causes John Mandin'a
wife to take the money hie has giver
her to pay .the servants with anti buy
a mandarin caot with it at an auction
The plot is complicated by the ap-
pearance of a former admirer of Dor-
othy' but lhe and his sweetheart, Edith
Chester, finally appease the wrath of
the bachelor-like John Manin, hus-
band to Dorothy.
The play is directed by Tbeoclosis
Burton, '24. Donald Cook, 24, take,
the part of John Miandin and June
Knisley, '25, is his wife Dorothy. Rob)-.
ert Lenrnox is Neil Skinner, '26; Edit],
Chester, Ruth McCann,~ '25; and Katy
Lora Bolle Corson, '25.
Properties an'd stage mnanagementr
are unader the direction~ of AV. H
jChurch, '24, assisted by Marie Hecyer
Japanese Doctors Arrive ina U. S.
New York, Mlarch 19-(By A. P.)-
A commission of G eminent Japanese
doctors and medical scientists arrived
in New York to(,ay as guest of the
R~ockefeller foundations. They will
pass the next six or eight mouths
st'udying methods of American and
Canadian medical institutions.
The commission was appointed by
'the Japanese commission of agricul-
tural education.
me~ame ton Lk~fi rmefI

Applications for tickets to the Arch-
itects' May party which is to be held
May 11 at B~arbour gymnifum are tC
be given out from ,1 to 5 o'clock~ to-
day and tomorrow in the lobby of the
Union. The tickets for the 'event
will cost 36 eachi. Earl H~. butdin.
'23A, has charge of the distribution of
The applications are to be accepitedj
in the following order; alumni archi-
tects, student architects, enigineers
and the remainder of the'students ac-
cording to their class and numlber ofF
years on the campus. Two hunidred
tickets for the wparty will be send:
The party, the dress for 'which if
to be summer forma], 's to last. from
9 until 2 o'clock, Ini addition to) thej
dancing, the program~ include~s novel-
ty rnumbers, and a lu'ncheon. The de-
sign for the programs and 'for thec
decorations i-s to bie worked out by
the architects in'their classes.
P~remnier Leninie Re'lrtO P Dtter
:Moscow, Msrgh 19--(_y A. :F)-
The genieral 'heAtli of the premier,
Niikolai t.iie. is reportedjby iatten~d-I
in~g physicians 'tod-ay as' good. The~
,bulletin issued by the doctors this aft-
ernoon said that there had been a
further improvemnt.

en Stokesinury, ':
ton Seagars, '23
parts in "The G
action of this pl-
the. gates of he:
glass try to bre;
find there' is no
"All Gum~med
two married coin
wife, and a live
wife. Two of the
lo've for gum the
their. mates in
forces.. The unt,
thrtead" brings tl
The sceneryf
Gate" has' been
Peterson, '25. '7
this morizng at
All seats Will be


Of Gargoyle

the major contributors
of the Washington Sun
>a full page of cartoon,
of Percy Dumbbell, to'.!
le Minnesota Ski-El-Mal:
1 page contributor.
itorial material that will
in the issue will be shori
sketches of each of the
oare contributors. The
ill thus be devoted to the

Attention ,Soror;


pcnnob of pubication cdue to
powe~r to operate the' presse
company 'which supplies p
most of the city shut down it:
because of insufficient water
erate power at the inland lake
are frozen to a depth of 5 feet
Veritor to Address nsies
Richard Vernor, of Chicag
addri-is the Ann Arbor COhai
Commerce at their luncheon
o'clock today in the Chamber
merce Inn, on fire preventio
talk 'will Ire illustrated with

A handsome brute of a cave-
man is holding a sorority pin
that hie has found, and though
lie will not state the size, shape
or variety, lhe is willing to re-
fnn t Itofl its own fr_ It in , ho


ie wi



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