-j 41- , A. r . s r.. ' ,l r' , [ t +. THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1923 i . R * 'I SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IMMON." Broadway Climbs A Hill I The March Chimes AGA WINTERS "Emperor William In Exile" was theA ROBERT BARTRON introduced to this type o play at his title George Jean Nathan gave to one local community theatre. of his essays on Shakespeare. It was plethora of excellent dramas is their theatres of New York, not the New And ' so it goes. The taste of the * very clever title, a very clever essay, frankly surprising, tragic, and even Yorkers themselveQ. It is now proven Great American Mob is improving. one of the kind that makes the man schocking themes. Gorki's style, of that instead of supporting "Getting As much as we hate to admit it, it worth living through, but unfortunate couuse, is well known, as are Tche- Gertie's Carter" your gentleman from must be granted that America is tely it was allwrong, for Shakespeare kov's and Ibsen's. But there is Sho-t Missouri, from Michgan, or the restegrowing artistic. In short, it is be- along with the rest of the great drama- loin Asch's "God of Vengance", a of the hinterland visits, let 'us say, ginning to appear that the tiny, strug- tists who have been so wistfully re- filthy little piece about the squalor of "Peer Gynt"; instead of "The Bat" sgling little theatre has started some- posing on dusty shelvies all these a brothel,, which makes a great play, he patronizes "Hamlet"; all due to thing, and where the movement will years has at last been given his right- nevertheless. Pirandello's "Six Char- the fact perhaps, that he has been end indeed thrilling to imagine. ful place in the American theatre. acteis In Search of An Author" deals t All of which means to say that some- with the phantasies of a dramatist's 10. thing is happening on Broadway that imagination and incidentally of three is so surprising, so miraculous that illegitimate children. "Rain" shows a j even the wild, -wild Gordon Craig is hell-fire missionary who is seduced by jtt to shame. In place of "Nellie, the an outcast deni-mondaine with the ,W E ourLunches Sewing Machine Girl", Avery Hop- customary results; in short, it is - YouiEnjoy wool, and "Six Cylinder Love", the "Thais" revamped. Even Hamlet is Tired Business Man now supports the made to be in love- with his mother Pleasant Surroundings Moscow Art Theatre to the extent of and obsessed with a terrible psycho- $40,000 a week, and Ibsen, Hampt- analytical complex. Excellent Food : Mann, Galsworthy, yes, and even And do not forget that these plays! Shakespeare himself. which are selling the theatres out are How does one explain the fact that far from conventionally mounted. All after twenty or forty or sixty years sorts of scenic experiments are being of the raggedest kind of interpreta- successfully tried. "Romeo and Ju- tion, all of the greatest producers, et" is played up and down and sLunch,, om Arthur Hopkins, the Selwyns, and through a permanent setting. Peer TuttlesLu h.R o David Belasco suddenly offer magni- Gynt wanders over cubistic fjords, I ficent productions of "Hamlet", "Ro- while "The Tidings Brought To Mary" 338 Maynard St South of Majestic meo and Juliet", and "The Merchant is presented without A curtain or any of Venice." ,I setting at all. Moreover, this rennaisence of theI Perhaps all this may seem either theatre is by no means confined to _amusing or tragic to you according Shakespeare alone, for the other fOr- to your respective ages, but it is eigners are having their chance as merely because of my inadequate de-e well. The present .season in -New scription, for these experiments are York, has offered plays from Ibsen in truth both interesting and artistic.k to Sholom: Asch with_ Kapek; Piran- Indeed, there has never been suich aTU dello, Galsworthy, Tolstoi, Gorki, theatrical season in America as the Tchekov, and a score of others filling present one, and it surely cannot be the space between. without reason. 1rhe Americans, too, are wll rere- Personally, I have a certain par- T red sented, particularly by the youngsters ticular theory, or explanation, if you just growing out of their caps and I chogse, and it revolves around a cer- gowns and rhetoric classes. Leon tain art theatre started ten years ago Little did Egypt's King dream of his being the in- Cunningham, a Michigan student by in Chicago, .another theatre in Detroity"s 9 the way, who has 'had his "Hospital- under the direction of Sam Hume, ity",resented by the Equity Players, another in Harvard, and he turned his face to the wall and tuietly passed is among the chief of these. Owen dozens of other subsequently al'l over ' from the}Scene of his eriumphs. Davis, making a last desperate at- the country. Many of these projects 'a. tempt to blot ouit his past sins, cenies failed,.much to the delight of Mr. forwar d with 'Icebound", an admir- Woods and the Shiiberts and the rent! 'But thirty centuries pass, and again the great mon-. able picture of Maine village life with ;of the real estate brokers who give t Phyllis Povah, another Michigan stu- us What we want. arch s mummy sees light. tious esigners, dent, in the leading role "Seventh But perhaps they have laughed too1 anxious for something new, sense the world interest Heaes"Thy Austae inrong, Leis' soon, perhaps they have forgotten i Beach's "The $quare Pe", ''You and that in' the wake of every little thea- ithe octaslan. I" the Haryard prize play by Philip tre was left a certain unquenchable Barry, "Rober Bloomer", and "The flame so that nowthere are two hun- gures eXeCuted by Egyptian artists of the long Adding Machine" should all be in- dred of these local playhbuses dottedi cluded in this list. And the greatest over the country, fostering and deve- ago appear in the 'Silks and the Cottons of today. of all is Rain", the dramatization by loping the very first community taste.'-- ;nd' thus, in this busy modern world do we .oCca- John Colton and jet Ance Randolph And does it not all seem to fit to- b of a istory by Someset Maugham. gether admirably? 'It is the transients sionally pay tribute to the art of the ancients. Now the surprising fact inl all this on Broadway that fill the sixty odd { Chimes' Theatre issue, which appear- garbage-wagon offends my esthetic ed ,ot Wednesday, is a typical vaude- sense. Lew Harlan slithers into the ville show-colorful, varied, dazzling, limelight once more with another and, after the first shock of amaze- batch of Town and 'Gown :poetry. ment has passed, disappointing. There One poem concludes with the virile is a-deal of momentarily-effective dis- cry: "not a damn!" Yes, reader, ex- play, and a bewildering assortment of clamation point and all. Eros coul~d acts, but the show as a whole is un- be worse; whatever that may mean. substantial and decid'edly incongru- I was about to say that Harlan's ous. Of course any vaudeville show chief fault is a lack of humor, but I is some hat incongruous, ,and yet have just noticed the excruciating line there usually exists a certain definite at the bottom of the page. I advise kinship between the different acts. everyone to peruse it. Not so v ith Chimes' kaleidoscopic ex- I started to speak about tlb fiction. hibition: the juxtaposition of the pep- Being a merciful creature, I change py journalist and the Osianic bard, of my mind. All I wish to say is that the sane American business man and Wally Elliott should have coralled the highbrow critic, succeeds only in the, first prize, and that Jack Jay is seeming ridiculous. The trouble is that improving. Robert Bartron is not. when the dear old Rotary club act The art in the issue is mediocre atheadie-ridscThe cover has soor composition,dpart- the r. anagemen1r tried to blcster upI ly atoned for by excessive loudness. their entertainment with several eso- The artist ought to return to his teric (not to say erotic) minstrels and legitimate field, sign painting. The a George Jean Nathan or so. The at- frontispiece will doubtless meet with tempt is anything but a success. approval. The page on Ann Arbor Taken separately, howeV'V, the theatre programs I find extremely numerou,s features are not so bad. pathetic; but is it really Art? Of the They are at any rate interesting, illustrations, only House's deserves sometimea well-written. Wallace El- particular commendartion, although liott's dope story on our new minor Davidson's design for The Flower sports is excellent journalism; and, shows pronise. Van Every, as al-j sinceit pretends to be nothing better, !ways, redeems his colleagues; his I see no reason for criticising it ad- work in this number, however, falls versely. The same is true of Lin- below the standard set by his me.ster- coln Carter's article on the Stage- jpiece in the October Chimes. Clay- Hands' Union. My one suggestion to ton- Seagears has drawn a realisticE Carter would bethat he study the college picture; Ican not help paging English language a bit more care- Mr. Goldman. The composition of the fully: what in Sheoul is the meaning' magazine in general is not as good as of "a number of theatres converge at previowi issues, with the exception of various points"? Hopwood's compo- the Minor Sports page. sition s about what I expected. Hold! How could I have done it? Bacon's thesis on fraternities promises I have forgotten the editorials! I to be informative, but it is not quiteI hasten to confess my sin and do pen- scandalous enough to hit the campus. ance.*But perhaps I have alreadydone The remaining article, a jeremiad in- penance by reading them. It is certain spired by dramatics at 14ichigan, that they affected me strongly, filled would be utterly harmless if slipped me anew with love for Mankind, dis- back to page fifty. Given the lead, it 1ouraged me from encumbering the tends to spoil the magazine at the Huron--at least until the next Gar start. I hope that the freshman who goyle appears - and sent me flying wrote it receives a surprise party toward the Congregational church. some t me' this spring. On second thought, however, I be- Closely related to the articles is Ro- lieve that the editors could not have singer's book review, which this month been referring to the Congregational manhandles Schnittkind's Poets of the church; else why the "stately, decor- Future. Rosinger's criticism is en- ous hymns"? I refrain from the ob- tirely right as far as it goes; but why vious comment. not go further? Why except Ruth Comes the time for the traditional Lechlitner's passionate soul-cry from pat on the back and terrific side-swipe the general condemnation? And above on the ear. I comply. Chimes' vau- all, why print the thing again? Either deville is a highly diverting spectacle, Mr. Rosinger possesses a subtle and bordering at times on the risque, but diabolic sense of humor, or else he f saved by the tactful Presbyterianism is in love: on no other hypothesis can. (if that expression is not oxymoronT we account for his dredging the little of Edward McCobb. Personally, I one from the Huron river. I sincere- prefer a bit more of Wally and much ly hope that I aan maligning Mr. Pro- 'less of Lew, but I am always amenable1 singer, but I fear I am not. to argument. And by all means let Of the fiction I prefer to say little; us have an abundance of the uplifting of the poetry less: Pegasus hauling a edits which distinguish this issue. - Mme Clara Clemens Drink, JOY Rules the Day! AC U N LVEII$SI T I PERHAPS YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT BiUT. "-I SPRING IS COMING AND IN THREE DAYS (MARCH 21ST) WILL BE HERE , > - , __ -" AND THEN EASTER AND THEN SPRING VACATION AND THEN,- of y,- : s BUT THAT'S GETTING AHEAD OF OUR STORY. TODA Y IS HERE NOW, THIS MINUTE AND IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE MOST w~! gn "',, - '- ~ OFIT :; ; - - z w ;; Mirrrulirlt~rttutlJ~iliut Jnlitfirlrlii 1tL . MUSIC AND MUSICIANS ~ NORMAND LOCKWOOD tinfilitiiiliilr1Uifliltil51lN!!lilHT# The performance of Guy Maier and Lee. Pattisou here recently, was in no minor degree remarkable. The personalities. of the. two pianists are entirely different. Maier, a musician i of decidedly foreign heredity, mani- pulated his keyboard after the fashionI of the man who is controlled by his emotions, while Pattison, a typical American artist, remained more re-: served and seemingly indulged only in delicate humour. These differ- ences, however, hindered in no sense the cooperation of the two which was flawless ana filnished to the last de- tail. The program was varied and well balanced. Harold Bauer's arrange- ment of the Bach Fantasia and Fugue' in A minor opened the first group of pieces.' No time was necessary for the players to collect themselves; their, success was immediate. Exquisite shading and unquestionably -musical interpretation of the difficult work was at once evident. In 'both the Bach# piece and the Cesar Franck Prelude,I Fugue and Variations that followed, the pianists were entirely free fronm agitation, yet could respond to. the changes of tempo or variations of' weight. The Saint-Saens Scherzo, op,1 $7; offered a pleasing contast to the two preceding fugues, and brought an' encore with little effort on the part of enthusiasts; a Gavotte and Musette by Raff which, though of' light and grace- ful character, -was in keeping with the previous formal compositions because of its leaning toward the old style. Salnt-Saens's Variations on a Beeth- oven theme were perhaps the greatest- test. Tragedy was followed by come- dy, and vice -versa. At one moment the players would be called upon to display the most difficult octaves and wrist-taxing passages, and again ar- peggios and scales were played with masterly perfection. The Rachman- mioff Barcarolle led the audience gra- dually to the still more modern coi- 'position which was to follow-"Pup-j azzetti", consisting of a Serenade,{ Berceuse, and Polka, by Alredo l Casella. Such a work as this offers the smart Alecs of criticism a glorious opportunity for the expression of their self-sufficiency. It would be well for them to bear in mind the fact that the V press and the publishers of Wagner's time, and even in the Mozart and Beethoven periods, pasped opinions upon these composers' works which' in actual manner of expression resem-V bled in a most extraordinary way the off-hand statements made by certain recent American periodicals. The factj hat on the first hearing of a piece of (Continued on Page Seven). And so, because the tomb of an Egyptah ing was found a few months ago, the fashionable world will wear fabrics whose designs will recall the un- known artists of that far off day. GOWNS featuring the latest Paris models, are here in a bewildering variety of designs. All the -:new Silks are represented, as well as 'the staple favorites-and priced 19.75 to $89.50. SUITS are returning to favor, and you Will be charmed with the new styles in Box, :Blouse, Sport and Tailored models. And then the new prices are An inducement. $21.50 up for Sports. $34.50 up for other models. WRAPS are attracting unusual attention and the variety to choose from unusual. CAPES are very popular, $25 to $89.50. WRAPS are a feature at $35 to $89.50 and SPORT COATS sell at $18.75 up. The. millsCompany' 118 MAIN ST. The .Shop of Satisfaction YOU'LL FIND A HALF HOUR SPENT HERE WITH YOUR FRIENDS MIGH TY ENJOYABLE. The individual who delights in re- in the primitive folk-song to, the ela- surrecting genius from an obscure bcrate and subtly wrought art-song I place and shouting its merits at an of our times. ' apathetic public is familiar to every- Mme. Clemens' eminence as a sing- one as one of the worst of human er of songs arises largely from the bores. The entrepreneur for the mu- versatility with which she approaches sical art of Madame Clara Clemens her art. No branch of music is for- risks being placed in this category; eign to her and in the field of the lied,. for that gifted contralto has long been chanson and ballad her supremacy is buried beneath the avalanche of press acknowledged. In the preparation of notices hailing her as the daughter her seven cycle programs, she has of Mark Twain and the wife of Ossip l memorized hundreds of songs in as Gabrilowitsch that her own claims many oiods. Sixty composers are to distinction have been allowed com- listed in her repertoire and their paratively scant recognition. That she songs are all sung in the original id-f is one of the great song interpreters Ioin. The amount of work necessary of our day has apparently meant little to carry out this unique project is to newspapers intent upon dramatiz- comparable in size only to that of a ing her "Tom Sawyer" background piano virtuoso or an orchestral leader. and Gabrilowitsch halo on every con- The chansons of France, the seguidil- ceivable occasion. las of Spain and the sicilianas of Italy Matinee Musicale's announcement, are sung by Mme. Clemens. Her ; teat it has engaged Mme. Clemens to classic programs range from Bach to give a song recital in Pattengill audi- Schonberg and include nearly every- torium Monday, Mar. 26, is welcome thing in between. She is equally at news. Better still is the fact that this home 'in delivering the dramatic cry I is but the first of a series of seven cf "Edward" or the caressing tender- such concerts which comprise her ness of "Du Bist Die Ruh," the three "cycle" illustrating the development voices of the "Erlking," the solemn ! of the modern song from its inception (Continued on Page Seven),' Drop In! Make Our "Palace" ^I aYour Headquarters. Always Open.