- -,. - . , "> THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. MARCH 18, 1923 SUNDAY, MARCH-18, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE, TWO r I i , The Valley Of QuicksandI Immediately following the termina-! JACK BE tion of the Fanco-Prussian War, Bis- marck, the most able stateman ..that't Germany sever had, proceeded to work ian appropriation amounting to $60,00 out a y atisfactory means of collecting a day. Even this estimate is, in all the reparations which were accorded probability, extremely conservative. At any rate, under no conditions what-, Germany in the treaty of Frankfort. soever, will France be able to with- To encourage the payment, a series of 1stand this heavy financial drain. Palp- military zones were set up, from which able signs of this are seen in the the German troops were to be with- steadily deerasing value of the franc,4 drawn in proportion as the payments and in the present unstabilized condi-f were made. The effect was magical. tion of the nation, France can be said The divisions, knowing that they to be with a strong, but unsteady would enjoy the normalcy that was hand managing the helm of a ship theirs before the war as soon as sums which she, herself, is steering to the of money were paid, worked the more shores of ruin. desperately to bring this about. The Frenh pasat, n hi aniet toget isFrance, appropriating German fuel, the last helmet out, hewed at the in-s hindering that country's national demnity so violently that within a production. Furthermore, such heavy' conparatively short time the amount charges are placed on what is produc- was paid. ed, that she can no longer compete profitably in the market of the world. Where a small unit at a time is in- The result is manifested in a sharp evolved, and the fruits of labor remain industrial slump causing much lower- to make themselves manifest, the re- ing in profits, and incidentally, taxes, sults are wholly satisfactory, whereas the greatest part of which, have gone the opposite course continually proves to make ut the reparation payments.; at failure. If only -for this reason, I emn a otnal euc herefr e, the proee iurehwas bond. If Germany was continually defunct therefrehe roeurewin her payments when force was not applied, and the application of force At the close of the European War, has proven a failure, what course is the world, instead of looking back to left? The truth is, though, Germany this notable precedent contrived by a was paying her debt to the best of statesman who was a genius in inter- her ability. The foreign balance of national politics, decided to work out German banks, and German citizens, a fool-hardy scheme of their own in were estimated by Sir Robert Hore, which the zone was to be no other recent Chancellor of the British ex- than the entire nation of Germany. To chequer, at $500,000,000, while Re- add to the impetus of the situation, ginald McKenna placed the total at they saddled a reparation on ior not more than one billion. This, con- which was not only quite impossible stituting a basis for financing German for her to pay, but as one writer states import trade, when taken away, would it, "set un machinery for a dozen mean national industrial bankruptcy. Alsace Lorraines" ignoring the fact Germany, therefore, met her payments that the original one had been bless- wit h the greatest amount she was ed by the Prussian Militarist in oppo- able to spare, and in forwarding 800,- sition to Bismarck. who was far too 000 tons of coal every month, did her keen a statesman to hang such an al- utmost to fulfill that part df the batross round Germany', neck. Versailles treaty. It is needless to mention the various There is one more feature that will situations that have led uu to the pre help to prove the rosult and the char- dicament in which the world of today acter of the present occupation. Be- finds itself. Suffice to say, it was un- fore France had entered the Ruhr, doubtedly this (-tinued bungling that twelve hundred train/, ran daily. To- has brought a out the dangerous con- .day, military men can boast but seven- t of this conference, stated, "We pro- posed 12,500,000 (indemnity), but it seined to our French allies that it ty trains of the former number, that might be possible that the Germans are running every day. The repara- in the course of fifteen or twenty tion part of the present situation, de- years could pay that sum and then be volves but to one fact. Thecoopera- in a, strong a position "as before the tion of the Germans, and the with- ;war." The French government did not drawal of forces by the French are desire the money if it came from an vitally necessary to the successful ful-. economically restored Germany. In filment of Germany's debt to France, this then she is acting the Shylock. if the system inaugurated after the Her wish is for the pound of flesh European War, is going to be one of nearest the Greman heart. the exceptions to a general rule, and" uhr is the s backbone of the prove successful. Rhisteicu.-fbakoefte German nation and the jugular vein of In spite of the reverse that France has suffered, she still occupies the-Europe, and France here is out-Prus- u, and m apsianing the Prussian. Germany's poll- SRuhr, and from all appearances, cy, when she seized Alsace-Lorraine means to maintain her stand. French in190 asoen.° Since the present statesmen had surely perceived the impending failure shortly after their audacious venture. What appears questionable then, is why have they, continued their policy. Two courses have been outlined as those which' France can pursue at present. Failure has already been shown to exist in the' first of these two, the hastening of reparations. There is left, therefore, the other viewpoint. Tier present entire action and statements may be used merely as a camouflage to con- ceal from the Allies her real purpose of making the Ruhr Valley her own. True, there is the extreme danger from the constant decreasing value of the franc. In fact, under no con- 'ditions will France be able to with-' stand this hea y financial drain which occupation, General Deguette has said . "It in a thousand years the Germans have not met their indebtness, in a thousand years the French will still be in the Ruhr." This is but a proclamation on Gen- eral Degouette's part of the intention to set up an Alace-Lorraine in the Ruhr. And this is not done openly, but by using asa blind the statement shat shencans to hasten the payment of the debt that there will be no joint intervention by the United States and Great Britain, and that they will con- tinue to remain faithful. It is vitally necessary that the Ruhr adventure be examined closer, for the more intensely the scrutiny, the more sinister in all its possibilities it re- HIGH BUILDINGS VALLEY OF QUICKSAND ing humor of Moussorgsky's "Hopak." wrote in "Alcestis" (V (Continued from Page Three) Continued from Page Two) .Surely a many-sidedness of which any as retainers. Over two hundred archi- will shut down. The outcome is in- !artist might be proud! "' t I To an American public which re- O otedrdie tects participated at an estimated cost evitble. It must mean either starva-!s et apae for theswaiohare- oforce to the conpetitors of nearly one half tion or migration for millions of urban sirves it pan for the .etrazinnas no million dollars- The site, 100 by 139 population, and the creation of eithersierofncE ass T. sainn- Corse" fee, i oe o te mstimp~n~i ' Blsevim r Fth feat, of singing E-flat in alt. 'simiultun- course." feet, is one of. the most important An 1. Bolshevism or.Fasxsm. This chaos, eously bowing low or sing the "Vissi ' rat s Chicago; Up to .a height of 260 feet, while threatening the existence d'arte" lying flat, on her back, Mime.a this entire. area could be used for Gernmans, does little material injury Clemens' finely-tempered artistry will he is a thinker as wel as office purposes; beyond this, to a to France except in the cost which she seem tame and detached. The classic Art to him is not mere c height of 400 feet, an area limited to figured can well be sustained-if her song. pas'sed through the alembic of ing, and composing; bul 3,600 square feet could be used but point is gained. her interpretive genius, makes a sub- sion. In his own wordt not for rental space. With simple plan Thus it may be said, French control tle appeal which can be felt only by' has not been vouchsa and structural requirements the real in the Ruhr shall mean French con- .those sensible to the less tangible masters of articulate si tack was. to design -a building which: trol in German industrial and military qualities of fine vocaization. There would tell you in words would distinguish itself among ad-' power. And French contr ol of Ger- are supposed to be many of these rarae;marble the things that joining. office buildings of equal man industry will mean that Germany ayes in Ann Arbor. Surely, therefore, mare th thig ta height; there was also the specific pro- will be either smashed completely or no press agent should be necessary tosmoewothdhlms blem of composition, of uniting the become an econome vassal for an in- sell lime. Clemens to an audience most exalted, or most tower-like unit at the top with the finite number of years, a factor giving which takes such prie in its own mu- you care to listen?~ solid block below and of modelling material aid to France. The result sical discrimination. Americans can be grat solid biek belowand-of---el-i-- artistic' sanit ^ as this aril these masses., can, mean but one thing, France will - TAT ndutrianity as tstioy Soeo h opttr dpe n become the -dominating power-of Eu- LORA I)Q TA'f'Tlinlduistrially mad nation Some o" the competitors adopted un- eme celm tngpw dts (Continued from Page One) Taft we discover thza al usural expedients to differentiate the rope. Twtice before she has held this Contne rmPg n)Tf edsoe ht uligprd e ordinaryncomereposition, once under Louis XlV, and might have conceived the "Fountain of ericans are not given building from the ordinary commer Time" had lie been a sculptor; for he' liness that is seen by n cial structure. While a Pisan would again under Napoleon Bonaparte._p_ _ _y be surprised to find the famous lean- Even at present, she has a position ing tower standing erect 'in Chicago, not equalled since the fall of Napo- the free standing arcades give one leon. Her army is superb and ad- design a diistinctive and uncommer- mirably commanded. She had a sys- cial character. Giotto would be am- tem of alliances that embraces all FIR S T azed to see his Florentine campanile smallcr states possessing e ecrive vibrant with printing presses and amilitarv forcer. And Germany is not N A 'I I N/!. wireless which can reach no further only disarmed, economically HelplessrNj'IN than the spirit of the beautiful orig- and politically isolated, but is beingB A inal. St. Sophia stood at the top of used as a source from which to drain oneoft.edesinsstadeat little topmanmilitary expense money. one of the designs, a neat little Roman In the superior position that France O URGANIZED 1803 therefore occupies, a new phase will to house the modern newspaper in a cathedral tower, with pinnacles, flying enter. Out of the triendsi that (x buttresses, traceried windows, carved slf)t he e a rianglo-Frenrh canopies and sculptured figures. Some self) there will arise Angl l-rene very skillful and picturesque designs rivalry, which in turn will become employed these forms of questionable the embryo of an Anglo-French con- fitness, some of them having howeverflict. Even now the British press a consistent lightness of scale appro-- terms the French leader as one of priate for a structural steel skeleton. est of knaves, who ever strutted upon Gables and turrets were used to buill the stage of high human destinies". :: OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR back from the mainrectangular mass and thetadvance in the Ruhr region as OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIC cular or elliptical element. Te whole situation, is advancing to Some of the designers assumed that a point where the moral policy of thev need not reveal the structural m,'* .,rm, l '.'-'','wit"av is even now apparent, if she has mere- veals itself to be. The Ruhr Valley ly the reparation end in view. Yet if today, is the only section of land that she truly is masking her real intent if Germany has retained after the war she really has the second factor as her' where are found her extremely neces- aim, she is undoubtedly figuring that sary resources and it is only through in tearing down Germany, and then these resources that Germany will be using the Prussian resources and in- enabled to work itself back to normal- dustry or her own benefit, her money cy. Within this valley lies the coal will regain its value, allowing her to supply which is so vitally necessary continue in a high position. And in to carry on German industry. How- this France i4 indeed proceeding to ever, on the other hand, France is disaster. hindering the normal importation of To further affiimn, however, that raw. material. In all, therefore, the sabjection 'f the Ruhr is the real German nation is heading to a status thought of France, ;he January nego-' of deteriorization and it is merely a tiat'ons in Paris must be referred to. pIroblemof weeks until the factories B1cnar Law. in hip recent explanation (Continued on Page Seven) dition that has the valley of the Ruhr as its nucleus. And today, there is as Jill I a result of all this, a singular ques- tion confronting the world, "What ='- does France expect to obtami from its occupation of the Ruhr?" To answer! it one may suggest two plausible de- ductions. France has invaded Ger- many that she may hasten the defunct °- payment of the reparations due her; = or second, she means to seize and r-- - twin permanently "the entire Ruhr Valley. If her underlying plan is the _ first, from all appearances it is a fail- ure. On the other hand, if she 15 - really concerned with makinig the - lRuhr hers, and she is giving her in- In the physical world we know that "Energy can be transformed but; vasion a mask in stating it to be , seized as an economic pledge against W ii can never be created or destroyed." It seems a shame that the same ruleM Germany, for reasons of political se- -. curity against the other Allied nations, does not apply in the scial and financial world. There are far too many she is undoubtedly travelling a path-' w e t aytati eaig o o ea fpeople whose efforts are 'getting _ tem nothing but a.lving, no matter how = wythat 'is 'leading not to a seat of -poi etn imo immense resou yeu e daster.to omfortable that living may be. Then, too, there are many who are living hasten reparations, there are a num- within the margi of their incomes, and thus providing a fund for the future. -ber of factors that will determine her - agnpoiig- failure. Prior to her present occupa- - - tion France was receiving from Ger- It is the business of this bank to see that this second class grows larger many;800,000 tons of coal each month = at a cost of nothing, but this, never- :by converting the first. 'Will you help us? theless, fell below the required mark. In the last forty days France has ob- tained less than half of the amount she - formerly forwarded at the staggering cost of $4.50 a ton. To complete the = situation, this coal was peddled about to various European countries in = direct competition to her former ally- Grn rtin, and in p gassing, I maThe n ror Savings Bank'_ say that even Germany, through the medium of R'olland, has been able to .. ., regain part of it. Yet her present The Dank of Friendly Serice" policy by no means ends there. Pre- mier Poincare, going before the com- Resources J 0,6O 0,0O Two Offices mission on foreign affairs of the French Chamber, not only affirmed- the statement that reparations, Anstead of increasing had stopped, though: the' French had occupied more territory = than they had intended to, but that the occupation was costing France at the_ rate of $55,000,000 a year, requiring IIU1tillllIllltlit11111 HIllll litil#N1i11tHfil#1ggg frame and treated the enclosing walls as of ordinary masonry or, as a de- corative skin beneath which the bony structure was to be assumed. When such a design terminated in a dome or belfry of crushing weight in 'terms of piers of columns, the weakness of the theory and the need of a better relation between the superimposed parts was obvious. Distinct strata of different scale cannot produce a unified effect. Organic unity and not an 'ar- ranged" effect is needed. The poorest group of design came from abroad probably because few of the better architects entered the com- petition. It was misleading to give- each of these an "Honorable Mention" merely because they were from abroad and was unjust to other "Honorable Mentions" and a number of designs markedly superior to all the foreign designs with the exception of the one receiving second prize. This one by Ehiel Saarinen, a Finnish architect, is quite generally conceded as the most original and straight-forward and as the finest contributon of all the de- signr submitted. It is by an archi- a. .rnnrlnna ilretonin r to the m nr-. t i vival of the victim than the wound dealt by Germany a hint that France will again obtain the mastery of the continent which is ushering in the germ of an Anglo-French conflict, and destroying tranquility and recovery = in Europe upon the recognition of Bridal rings are seamless, made of one fine meta French military and political pre- e- ponderence. engraved, and made in platinum or 18 karat white, In this. she is leading her Allies to = red a pcsition where they will rise and = gol. assert themselves, where instead of the murmuring which seems to exist Platinum Diamond Mountings only in the press, there will be a flow a of action, and France will find that the Ruhr situation has indeed led her not to a valley of resources, but to a valley of quicksand. IlUSIC AND MUSICIANS - (Continued from Page Four) totally strange idiom a "critic" at -TATE TREET tempts to express his opinion, and at - that a crude and sweeping condemna- tion of the work, shows decidedly the STATE STREET calibre of his musicianship, not to say, of his common sense. Arensky's Valse is very common- place, but its many brilliant passages i I It UII II lIUI IUllliIIIltii tect who has never designed a high building, but who for many years has been one of the leaders of the pro- I gressive group in Europe, and a bril- liant contributor in 1906 to the Hague Peace Palace competition in which design is shown the germ of his pre- sent essay. His project is remarkably free of applied and unrelated form and it has beauty to an unusual de- gree. It rises rythmically and harm- oniously from . the base upward, modulating subtly to the top; all the masses, planes and lines are in unison as in the master work of the except- ional nan who appears only at rare intervals. The architect is visiting this coun- try and he has alreadyreceived wel- come that was a reward beyond the winning of any prize, for it was the acclaim of his fellow workers who be- lieve that he ha,% hastened the hoped for solution of our major problem both by his project and his executed work of the past twenty years. If the Tribune competition had done- nothing more than to produce- this design .it would have ben well worth while. ' , ; ! 1 ., ,' were played with as perfect a tech- tIllIltttlllltlt1iliitl iitllIUItlinlllIIIIIlillHitiill nique as the Saint-Saens Scherzo or Variations. .The Arensky Scherzo is more interesting than the Valse, and - it also rallied a variety of technique.Te "A Jazz Study" by a certain E. B. E Hill relieved the mind from the strain of intelligent listening, so that thefOg b jman ha re Orgy by Ihjin sky and the Chabrier Spanish Rhapsody might be the more *1* readily appreciated, lljinsky is a W 11i1l O n u e modern, Russian, though not at all futuristic in his writing. His Orgy is an attractive and spectacular com- Due to the fact that our fixtures for the new store position and' is characterized perfectly '= be here for two weeks, we will continue at the o by its name. Chabrier's Spanish Rhapsody, very much more suitable with our sale--an unexpected and last chance for orchestrabecause of its demand w given you--do not fail to take advantage of this 4 for colour, nevertheless gave the art-slherpa. ists a final opportunity to display their = prices slashed beyond repair. brilliance of technique, vivid rhythm. and remarkable ensemble. 3LAIA)ME CLARA CLEMENS = Schianderer S (Continued from Page Five) majesty of ,Beethoven's "Die Ehre .II. Liaty Gottes aus der Namur," the poignaul sorrow of Brahms' "mimer Leiser Wird Akin Solunmer"' or the i'olliik- '1-. UllmlRE mimilm u !!: