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March 18, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-18

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I Two

I itprn





d~aing PlayeP.4 Iae Mch 1rauate
lxperlenee Though Local
At the,,ist dress rehearsal of the
h eteent h annual Junior Girls' play
004~ last evening in Harbour gymnas-
urbth the, at and the choruses
rive eviene that this production,
Wih is to be presented -the evenings
'March .2, 22, 2, and the afternoon
of Match 24 at the Whitney Theatre,
Wl be unIqe and one of unusual
hirley Salisbury, who takes one of
Ueleading parts, as 'Jane Fielding,
hsdona great deal of work in pro-
auctions 'given by other dramatic or-1 h !muSewl
b0 reaebered by some for the ex-1
tt*et acting she did last year as
%Ow ,1*4$losso, in the Masques play,
Yellow J eiet.. This year she had
On of tne leading parts in "The
I#nght of the uring Pestle," having I
t ken theprt of Luce. This was a
asques ,play, also. Miss Salisbury
1, Puezler of SigmalDelt Phi, hion-!
Iovar.y draMM' tc society.I
Leato Actve ol Campus
~'rieda Wsropp, who plays a par-
91101pat with Jne, as Folly, has had
141ciavice training. She is a inei-
1fr of the School of music, of Sigma
Alia Ita ioiowry musical sorority,
and of the University Glee club.
1Vilded Bred eson as Doctor Jim,
.with whom a)ne s in love, hasa good
spaing'voce ad does excellent solo
work."sShe s"1n the Stanley Glee club,
sittt' as a memer {of that organization
huh W.04 M Drts in Masques plays and
enedy's to lay
* .. deline McGurk has one of the
leading cfed.4 Parts, as Horace Twig,
alazy student. She has appeared in
several plays given by Mummers and
i'_ a me fber of :the Athena 'literary
s0ciety. Maron Taylor is Uncle Mart,
te hot tempered and amusing guard-
ian iof=octor Tom. She is a member
of Cry d lu and. has taken, part
in lay iven y that organization
Kennudy's irst orchestra has been
~seufed °to fauish the music for the
rdution. "The -sogs this year are,
of a4 lively type and the closing num-t
ber is particu1ll original..
No more applicaticns for tickets will
be accepted by mail. There will be a~
general seat sale tomorrow and Tue.,-
d4y at the box office of the Whitney
theater. -
,worried beause of the non-fireproof
11 k ,bIld ng n which the University is
folrced rt house its $2,000,00 colle-
tio of, treasurs, part of which could
xlever de replaced if destroyed, repe-
sentatives ;of several national scientific
speie 'slae reusted permissio ofF
Dr. Aexader G0. Ruthven, director of
the kusenA of Zoology, to place these
colletions in eastern museums until
such tie as the =University is pro-
vded with a, fireproof building.
T he present M1'useui s a fire-trap,
says Dr. Ruthven, an old frain- bild-
3lug, ighly infammable, in which are
tored specimens beyond pecnarv
vaue.- They' hve been procured at
mieat cost either to the University or
to thoseWho have given them, and
*th each succeeding year their value
Wil increase.' The condition of the I~ien a obenaxatro h
ge'eatest opcert to the members of
t e zoogy epartmnent and has now
's trated the atteton of scientists
ifromn all over the country.
TeMuseum ha become so crowded'
!th =.the nflut, of collections during

the past few years that it has been
found necessary to deposit a great
many exhibits. in the Annex at 539
P~ast. Univerlty avenue.
S~ illed Blower
Glass blowing is a peculiar profes-c
lion. Due to the amount of skill and
dexterity. it necessitates, few men in
America are proficient enough at it to
miake dt thieir life trade, but Ann Ar-
bor has one of these few in the per-
son of Frank Schaefer, now president
of the Laboratory Apparatus comn-.
puny, Inc., who is conlsidereet one of
thei most skillful glass blowers in the
United states.
Born in Germany
Twelve years ago. Schaefer came to
America from' Germany to seek work,
here in his peculiar trade. In Ger-,
mauy Schaefer had learned the art
and then went to a technical school

, t

Evidence offered. by the con-
Ijsus of church-goers taken at the#
ICongregational church last Sun-
dlay shows that university wom-!
en are more active in showingI
ftheir Interest in. church affairs
Ithan are University men. Five
hundred and fifty men signed up
1as professing a Congregational
p lreference at the beginning of
Ithe year, while only 288 womenI
.gave a similar preference. Yetj
at that church last Sunday, there
:were 242 women students, a~ndj
only 206 men.
( Out of the entire congregation
of 844 people, 4449 were students.

Announcemient for Station on IPond s
Lake Given by{

Announcements for the summer bi-I
ological station at Douglas Lake, the {
foremost fresh water station in' Amer-
ica, were made yest erday by Prof.
George 11. LaRue of the zoology de-
p~artment and director of the b ologi-
cal station. The onening; date has been

With' the coming
jAnn iArbor 1)olice
preparations to catel
wvho insist on breaki
Officer Carl Arnol
morning for Detroit
{will get a new motor
uised by the police hli
1 one will 1)e tiraded
j ArnoildI aid .Ofi(er (
.' .. ;del wil be assigne
Offenders of thet' s
fdinance will be fine
Scosts:I if aretedl, ac
the police.

of spring,
are making
ch all those
rig the speedI
1A1 left thisI
it where lhe
re~ycl e to be
lre. An old
ill. Officer
Geor'ge Huh-
d ditty as
speeding or-
led $15 and
IC*0ring "to

9 15 C 1elgan Club House to be Model in

postplonedl a week later than usual to
GNE RTINION TR Sallow for 1the consytruction. of several
CIE XTNSONTAK' new building1. Thle, camp this cr
Memnbet s of the faculty will deliver' iletndf.n.ul ni Aug. 24.
12 of the 17 University Extension 1cc- Several changes inthe staff of in-
tures to be given in the state this trutr aebe ae h e
week. Four of thle five health lectures! from other institution;; who will beI
are to be given by non-faculty mem- connected with the camp this summer
hers who are affiliated wIth the joint ? are: Dr. Frank Caleb G2ates, associate
corniitte on public health education. profes or in botanv in t'he Kansas
Dr. Wiarren E. Forsythe of the State Agricultural college, Dr. George

~ + .
:j: :... r :,...:.
. ii:?


That the Michigan Union is now be-
ing used as a pattern by many univer-
sities which have. movements under
way for the building of student unions
is evidenced by the large number of
articles appearing in university news-
papers. Eight of the larger universi-
ties now have camp~aigns under way
to raise funds for building.
While the new, club houiss are to be
given different names, 'are to cost from
$100,000 to $1,000,000, and are to vary
somewhat in design of construction,
they are to serve conmmon purposes.
Some of the benefits wihl nearly all
uiiveipsities erecting them agree they
serve are:

: :
._ ...::

?A new section of the Michigan
t Acadenmy of Sciences has recently
been organized for work in languages

Health Service, will give an address
tonight at Gras;,I Lake on the subject,
"The HealthI of P ublic School (lhil-
Vi pert Sclieduled for Leeture

U'. Nichols, assistant prof'essor of
botany in Yale university, Dr. Henry
?Alan Gleason. assistant director of
the New York Botanictil Garden, Dr.
Herbert B. Ilingerford, professor of
cntomloe-v in the University of Kan-

Monday, ;four talks are schetitied.' sas, and Fr'ancis 'harper, instructor in.
Dr. Nellie Perkins, of the sociology de- zoology, at Cornell university.
partnment, will give the seventh of a L ' l Rug to l)lreel Station1
series of 10 talks on "A Sociology; prof. Georro HR. La Rue will again
Course" at the St. Paul's Cathedral. ~inihidtesgdicorfte
Pro. Carca 3. ibertof hephil stantion aind Dr. Warren W. Forsythe,-
osophy department will give the last r the uten~lt.lh srice, will again
of the series of five lecture, on + ,irpn~ -viman 3 mie - . rts

and literature. At the preliminary'UesOulie
....:".::;.;.; ;; :. meet.ing, heldi last week, P rof. J. W., I They serve as a place for the hold-
'.f.: ~Scholl, of the German department, J tln ii~ of various university conventions.
}They afford a place v which the return-
was s elected vice-president, in charge!
of the language and literature sec- galmindhevitr y'f-
>: .f $quent. They effect the closer asso-
tion.+ cia~ion of university groups. They
{ The Michigan Academy, which isi offer, guidance to student activities,
nowignterying tinto itsy tenth a year, wars; and a place wher. the officers for the
orii'll nede oey1sa r various, activities may be situated.
The w omen who are to lake p~rom: inert parts in the nineteenth annualI ganization devoted. to a discussion of; Above all they ev osrs h
Junior Girls' play to be given March 2 1 22, 23, and 24 at the Whitney The- pi'oblerns in the various sciences. Not democracy upon which the university
ater. They are: (uipper left) Frieda W ishropp, (upper right) Mildred Broder- until last year did it expand. its pro-. ought to be ;founded.
5011, (lower left) Alary Fair, (lower r gt)tj sirley Salisbury. gram to include future departments The Universities, which now are
devoted to literature, language, the; planning the erection 'of unions are:
---- I social sciences, and history." At that! the state universities. of. Texas., Mis-
CINTC ATIO timethe name of the organization was soutri, Indiana, Iowa, Mvaine, Kansas,
'Ask Students To PtJ CNRA ATla changed to the Michigan Academy of; and also Purdue university and Kan-
ScecArts and Letters.! sas normal :school." Purdue, Iowa, and
___ eOFOALU NIrass TScece yi nideedt
Ke pBODG as L nIES Th aadmyisaninepn0 1 r Texas plan to erect $1,000,000. build-
ganization. It wa~s originally under I ng, hleMisui and Indilana 'are
Jutatuea Itepoeto fth ttadwsto erect $500,000 buildings. ,
Juta sr sthe sp ring comes PAMPHLET SEEKS TO INCREASE j odeti thei praistio of the Matcndw-
rouortd by State funds, but -for a
round there is an 'annual order from . INTEREST OF ALUIT3 G ROUPS number of years now, it has supported;i igan Union are the University of Okila.-
the buildings and grounds departm~enzt N ALMA MATER itself entirely. It" is comrposed ofl homa and Kansas University. While
foeoloepofhgasWt Kansas university, union is to differ
for pople takeep ond the rass. eit-____members of the University faculty, rsmwa rmteuinhr sta
quent softening of the ground it be- Reporting on the investigations of~ members of the faculties of the small- smwa rmteuinhr sta
er colleges in the State, and members bt e n oe tdnsaet
comes increasingly necessary for stu- a committee asked to consider possible o h aute fa ubro ih ~ fie nte ulia dao
.Iaof.the.faculties..fa number'o. ..c:+2have.o,, c.::inathe bu.l.i ,.an.ide_ or

"Christianity in a Changing World" at
the Stz., John's Episcopal Church in
Prof. Leroy Wateianan, of the se-'
Imities department is to give thle kai~t
of his set of lectures onl "How 'Wei
Got Our Bible" at St John's. Episcopal
IChurch in" Detroit. Dr. A. M. Barrett
is to speak before the Monday, club
at Marshall on "M~ental Hygiene and
Social Welware.",
Ftayer to Speak .Tuesday
Prof.i Williamn A. Frayer, of the his-I
tory department will speak Tuesday atI
the Battle Creek U. of AT. club on
"Europe in the Fifth Year of Peace".
The Port. Huron Woman's Club will
hear Marjorie' Delavan speak on
"Health' As a Personal Problem." Dr.t
G. H. Ramsey will discuss "Physical;
Defects and Their Correction" before
the Ladies' Library Association oi
Wednesday, Prof. James B. Edinon-
son of the School of Education will
tell the Gladwin Parent-Teachers',
association about the "Cost of Public
Education." Prof. Robert M. Weuley,'
'of the philosophy department will
answer the question "Is a. New E~ra
Upon Us?" before the Kalamazoo
1 Teachers' club. The N orth xford
Farmers' club will hear Prof. William
D. Henderson of the extension depart-I
n went speak on "Dollars and Sense in!
an Education." At Saginaw, Edith
Thomas of the library extension de-I
partment will talk on "Children's Lit-F
er'ature" before the Parent-Teachers'
Adams Will Lecture
Thursday, Prof. Henry F. Adams
of the psychology department will give I
the ninth of the group of 10 lectures.!
He will speak on "Applied Psychol- 1
ogy" before the Association of Execu-
tive clubs atVFlint.
IFriday, George -L. Jackson. of the
School pf Education will lecture onI
the "Medieval University" at the V
Grand Rapids public library. "The l
Rediscover y of America" will be dis-I
cussed by Prof. William D. Henderson
of the extension department at the
Holloway Presbyterian Church. Tli e
seventh of a set of eight talks ona
"Browning" will be given before the'
Lansing Woman's club. At Northville
Dr. J. H. Dempster will address theI
Woman's club in' an illustrated talk-on
"'What Xrays Reveal in Health' and<
terialize, he started his 'own _coin-
pany, , backed by several Ann Arbor'
busineso men.'
'Schaefer 'is not only a good "glass 1
blower; he is one of.'the best. in the1
United 'States, anid always has, more
work on hand than he is able to turnI
out. He furirsmes chemical and phys-
ical appar'atu~s for many of the big t
universities and receives orders from3
many foreign countries. He is unable
to get any experienced glass blowers!3
in this country; and, although he hags
two young~ mere apprenticed; to him ,
learning the trade, he is making ef-
forts to secure from Germany experi-
enced men in order that he can handle
his large trade.tl
Does Radio 'WorkIr
All the work has to be done by'l

will h e dean of women.
Other mer-bers of the Universityf
who are included on, the staff are,:
Prof. Paul Smith WelIch. of the tool-
ozy department, Prof. Henry Ehlers, t
of the lbotany department, and Franl;
N. Blanchard, also of the zoology de-
partm ent.
Special Lectiwes Arranged
A series-of special lectures on sub-
jects of general interest to "students of1
biological sciences has been :arranged I

for the Coming, summer and will be i dents to coopei ate with the builingi means 'of increasing the "interest of igan hlighi schools._ Prominent pro- attd wih issuens:
given by members of the teachingad runs e m k.it eeping I alumni in the university, a pamphet fsinlmnwoaectzn ftetoward the Michigan Unon x.s4 oX-
stafanbyvstnscetssAlag the campus lawns presentable. Mu'isse recommends that Mich State are occasionallyadit.prseinhefegngWzdwic
proportion' of these lectures will be Sowing of grays seed will Commence I igan have local alumni associations in Pasaeudrwya rsn o perdMrh7 ntebiyKp
illustrated. Iihntowesan hni ilb each district to be under the stioer-vi- a program for the annual convention, sn
Several new courses have beenidpewalkseTheaUiesiuety s arlyant-esion of the national executive com- whichsill ocurssimutaneouly wit
sidealk. Th Unversty s yerlyat-But above 'them all tans the
adopted both in the curriculum of I a great epe to keep up the ap-i mittee, that a full-time officer be emg- that of the Michigan Schoolmasters' ihga non ri I iise ,n
botany and of zoology, and special fa- pla'ne tei~i~ pnig~e~~ oyed andl known as the Field scra- club on March 2, 29, and 30 at Ann; in popula
ciltis ilabnpoviedfofetehe lawn, spndig verInuse, and is povmgmr
cilyearsmorelthenpr300edforrgrassnseed.Itary, and that new means le found Arbor. At this tm ubro a ec er pee t vn <te ost o
yamoetaX30frgasse.tmanubropa1eahresearch in many fields of biology.___________ to increase the funds available to the ewl e given A by members of the
--' Association. new section of the Academy. All $1,50,00, it is one of the outstanding
________________aiSrIOnitairr Good System 'at Harvard plans for the coming metig rei successes among the ;student uion
.A AT II~W I1DL This report follows an extended ex- charge of a committee composed of projects of the West. TheKa
Shuter Busy On 'TLSI amination of organizations in other Prof. Campbell Bonner, of the Greek building will be modeled upon0 som-
-r i lAT 1,'IP universities, and describes their char- department, Professor Scholl, and what the same plan as the Michigan
W isconsian Opera 1 nfiiLLIIUL. UihhI...LUhIIUaster and working. It mentions the Prof. J. H. Hanford of the English Union. Incidentally, thli architects,
I__ ____Harvard organization as one of the department. Pignbuildong, aworkig ontel it
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHIINA best in the country, probably equalled iof.buldn g rolilg th n th ln
Eirnest Mortimner Shuter, director' IS EX<CELLENT PEACE by no other one.' Michigan, according 1hAR1IM AN, .'96, "RED BOOK"PrtGlwi admlyAthlpns
thf annualdraat theisnwiesiygo I EASURE:M. to the statement of the committee, is EDITOR PAYS BU'RtONV VISIT for the K. U. structure."
thnnaoeaaheieriyfi Representatives 'from tie Uiverstity
Wisconsin.Ilie has been engag;ed ith ony inittnwoeau i of Oklahoma recently visated the Mfi£ch-
this poition fr two weks and ' "America's greatest contribution to association is entirely supported by Karl Edwin Harriman, 96, editor ofUno ada b
ths ostonfo woweksad il'China has been Christian education," its alumni publication, the "Red Book" visited Ann Arbor re- l igan Uno,an a numler o ;othem "
probblyConinuein t fr for weks; ~ cetiyfor he urpse o dicusinguniversity unions. In their report -to
prbbycniu ni o orwesis the statement made by a group of " At the present tinme the University ~etyfrteproe'fdsusn their university,-. they edmene
further. iwith President Marion L. Burton the!
In a letter written to Carl G usl~e, Isuet tFohw nvriy hnof Michigan probably has the largest stiultioso sudetontnesYiali-didaynerlyal ofwhchte too
Yadeectvescr-irm hk"~
JamesfMstonebodynofralumni'ofianyiuniversityyinllerature. h theyo s ot
'23, Mr. Shuter said that the annual !,eetiesc-'Bdofaunofay nvriyin rtr.fom he"ther of,-,Uins ' o
oeaat Madison was now being built ihn tary fortesays utlerAsia movmenins the country, whether the forty-eight In his student days Mr. H-arriman ;only are their building plans patern-,
up, andChinatsaysyfsteprsthateAmerica' thousand graduates and non-graduates 1worked on The Michigan Daily. Hie edI largely after i, 1bt the plans of
missionaries' are doing more for the hl' avctste
taken before it could reach the stage ec fteFrEs nalte or only the thirty-one thousandhod dcae a separate department for organization which te recomenided
of deelopent hich the nioners f de ree e included. This instruction in journalism in which rec- largely embody those upon 'hich. the
Opea hs rachd.Aftr M. Sut battleships afloat on the Pacific. Thegra body, it goes without saying, ognized authors will serve as instruct- I Union here is erected,
Opeahsrahd fe r ht !!ra r's engagement has been fulfilled at 3 greatest need of China at the present represents an enormous force which ors.
Madison, lie will return here to re_ time is more of these Anerican educa- can be turned to the advantage of the ______________________________________
um'hswrfoth Uno. Itars to train leaders to modernize; University. Up to the present, how- 7 -
_____Cia.Iever, only a' small part of what might; Today,' j Th 'L?
"There is a job waiting for students be accompished has ben realized." 'Ch i ur n s~
rnuraiirflhf in China," says Mr. Yard. "It is the The blame is laid partly on the lack
MICIGN INKIVT l grats game in the world, a chance: of an office force and partly on thek
M~~~~t help mUU UV lli~;ioderizethe nmost ancient lack of close connection, and CO-- "Every churclisohtuld consider it Amelia Hiaheisel will be the LeAdei.
IN. FULL-lIMEiSTlDENTSon ath"operation btee l mn ocl o-self as aleto h fot-fhmnt tte vrigsrieat :30 oeixk
I.FL- M Of the twelve greatest living Chin-; ganizations.. upward.. It is .here to serve all the "The Fifth ayifig from the C em~
ese, twenty-five per cent were educat-; Enthusiastic Atlumni in State !other churches and the people." This will' be the subject.
LATEST COMIPILATIONi GIV'ES t'A11- edi at Christian colleges, whereas oly The ieport asserts, however, that extract from the wely letter of the E M .J ekTrvln ertr
IFOI~l FIST ITHone fourth of one per cent of the the Michigan alumni" are as well or Unitarian 'church speaks for itself. of the Presbyterian Board.,f Foreign
11,061 population of China is Christian. better organized and mor'e enthusas-' Whether Ann Arbor's people will help Missions, will speak at 10:30 ox'cl'" k
i, - - ,tic than those of any other State in-l humanity in her struggle upward by at the First Presbyter ian chiurch.+ An
Michigan,' with anl enrollment of' - - -!sitution. Michigan has more than 90 attending church on Sunday-or whie- interestinlg occasion to all church goej's
8,703, ranks fourth anmong American tlGYt organized local groups of alumni and ether the sermons presented at the se- will take place at' 6 30 o'clock,iwhn
unvriisadcolleges in number S,9F e more thXan 40 of alumnae. The Mich , vices today will be unheard by many Dr2oer1.~ ih
of full-time students, according to a .ii.a Auns a 850susries a wdpedeedsuo tecocr
report in the current issue of "School' W elW ednesday? ganAlunushas8,50 sbscibeto ipopl-'-epeds pontheconern
v7 circulation and a size among the larg-} with which these people face human- ; and speak. This will be Dr. M1Vc~ad-
and Society", written by Raymond est in the country. As a remedy fr ity's problem. ulcaerac "n'n
Walters,__dean__ofSwarthmore__-_col- jjlss' lastpulc perne nAn
Walers den o Sartmor co- Why are students healthier on Wed- ,many of the ills of the present sys- series of sermons oni great central Arbor.
lege. Those institutions having a' nesdays than on any other day of the term the committee suggests the form-;I religious themes, which will continue ietliod st Plan Speiaustc
larger full-time enrollment than this w~eek?' This question has been puzzl- toEai' of one compact body " unle the toEster, will begin today at the'Asekrfo Aabawl'cuy
University are the University of Cal-i ing Health Service officials for ten executive council to include all the ;Unitrinfcurh.mThAMenigbfathwpupil, he600uhi
ifornia., withi 14.061, Columbia univer-'years. local groups and to be known as the Prayer" is the topic of the one de- tepli fteFip ehds
sity, with 10,308. and the University , Records which have been kept since tions. A detailed plan for this or-y livered today at 10:40 o'clock, by Rev. church this morning, when Dr. Paul
of Illinois, with 9,285. 1913, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director ganization will be submitted beforei Sidney S. Robins. The purpose ofth the BHril sss will ee tat Wsldy
Th aetfgrscmie yteof the Health service pointed out, show; the Alumni meeting to be held, June series is to define the ideal meaning:teBbecasswl et tWoe
registrar's office show that Michigan? that fewer cases of illness or injury 16, for their approval.IofpaeanofJs.At94o'lc HIL Onhuewidiekt t
has a total enrollment of 11,513 and a {among students are regularly handled_______ ___ the Church School will hold its meet- ( Wesley Hall between 4:30 and 6:64
full-timeenoleto S71,hu on Wednesdays than on any other day ocoki h feno.Ti
susatamIIci a ~ I Irs'of the week. ADELPHI TO OFER VARIlEDI ing, and at 5:45 o'clock the Students hke followed by a song se~vce at the
subatantiatingaDean talter's figuresld
uthU nvriy{regularly reported on Mondays," Di'.;Abltohefectatllhidn supper. A firelight discussion of the atth huc.-pcilMui
Furtn~er data of Dean Walter;;' re-, Forsythe said. "During the ten years A in lt the efMct hant ll c tile subject of prayer will be held at 6:30 ,Meiga h hrh Spca ui
in o'clockefollowchibyntheteveninghser for the morning service is: "Andate
port shows that the increase in en- tie Health service has been in exist~ ages of eight amd sixteen should e ri 'clcfloe yteeeigsr- atbl"(io) r. ReA
rollment -since the war is memarka-, ence, we find that an average of 15. quired to attend public school at least mon which Rev. Minot 0. SinonsCnaie:(ie),rs ha~
Ile. In 29 typical universities. full- calls are handled on Mondays, (uring 36 weeks of the year, will he introduc-! formerly ministed of the Cleveland "endcs"(oo),te hoa.
.., ,.. , . . . na .I . . ....'- __._ . - - c or' "Th *nd i v ~ ~ h iA

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