_____________TI I E MICI GAN DATLE___ --r- THlsIS COLUMN CLOSES AT.3 Pd.$ LASSIFIE A DVERTI SING TIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. i CLASS IFI E S C©UMNCLSES AT 8P M DO YOU K1NOW w ve have the ms Icompletely equipped plant in the country for Repairing, Refinishing, and tUpholster ing oftoin initure? rPhone '381-W. P. P.iHarding 88-21 !. 1. , : '. The writers named are to speak on! 7D 0 Lthe literary lecture course, composed D o ou K now 1Qof poets and novelists, of which Dor- othy Canfield was the first to ap- Thssan Court Sentene! 6 )r en with the army wene nl staff, char.r Moscow, March 17-(By A.P.)-The with espionage in behbat fOf tt~b Red Russian Supreme Court haas sen- military agents; all are of Latvian~or tenced to (heath six mnen connected igin. W SA5U.I CIww*.4 NM...&Tw o eta pw er 4a b, P.M toaxis at~mia- - - wb ay g ar ra Y*Io uw. eiMWW~t kam Tbro. seeS p.,ww wO 64ft '!U .&mrg.4.d Wb~t.me e r at ret, ga IS ' w a- I Need. *u to *m s h w norMte:Twol's Per MAM4wkbmo~t4, p""toa dvaie. ?UU wE KODAK FINISHING F'ILMS--Developed and printed by our own photographers. Leave films at any of our stores today, get prints tomorrow night. Calk- NOTICE The following Box Replies are at the Daily Office: 18, SZF, ECP. 'B1ABY BLUE EYES" and "DEAR-I E6ST." Brunswick record by Isharn Jones. STOFFLEXT 11ONO SHO 0PS, Nickel's Arcade and 110 E. Wash- ington. 123-50 45 CFNT COFFEE 35c. Pierces Cash stores. 118-2C BU$I ESS OPJORTUNITY ! PROFITABLE VACATION WORK , MEN and WOMEN wanted to sell NEW indexed Bible, just revised and uip to the minuite. Free Salesmanship Course and personal. assistance. Pas- tors and S. S. Supts. supply leads. R~e-' cent weekly earnings by beginners: Myrtle Kirby, $49.75; Mrs. Adelblue $48.50; Miss Krause, $42.10; Mr. Gee, (first week) $67.50 ;Mr. Vanier, $62.25; 'Mr. Wolfe, $48.25; Mr..Kahier, $84.50. Everyone succeeds by our plan. See C. A. Cook, SAles Manager, at Lane Hall, any day 3:30 to 6, or write fort appointment. 123-501 STUDE.YrAGENTS Make Big Money Selling RADIO CIGAR LIGHTERS An imported novelty.. A lighter that always worka. Send no money. 'Writej for particulars. *TH-E MODERN SPECIALTY CO. 1147 Gratndview Avenue, COLUIMBUS, OHIO 115-21, IF Yot- ,AVE NIONEY to loan, we can place it for you on Ann Arbor pro- perty at 7 per cent net. We now have calls, for various amounts from{ $1500 to $10,000. All good loans. W1IAIEY REAL ESTATE" EXCHANGE 310 Nat. Blank ,Building. Phone REAL ESTATE we can 1offer you for a sorority, for a fraternity, or for a large Girls' League House, one of the best houses and one of the best locations yet placed on the market. It is being sold positively cheap, and the terms are easy. It will give the best of accom- modations to between twenty-five and thirty students. All the rooms are light and airy. In fact, it is the house you have been looking for, and its loca- tion is the best near the Campus. IGORTON REAL ESTATE~ AGENCY Room 3 Wuerth Arcade Phone 1798-'4 or 661-W, evenings v 12 - i0 Sus Fletcher Drug U o. luu-Z1 TYPE WRITERS EXPERT 'Typewriter repairing, all makes. Ann Arbor 'typewriter Ex- change. Phone 566. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123-5 MENIS TAILORIING 01U1 TAILORING I)EPARTMEN'I.' ics now open for your inspection. Dropa in and see our ,ainples of styles.1 Quality is our aim. Davis Toggery Shop, 119 'So. Main. 1,23-501 DRESSMAK(IN G SPRING DRESSES made-suits re- lined-work guaranteed-reason- able. 7311}laven Ave. 402-W. 1 112-50 'r CLEANERS ANrD PRESSERS CLEANING, $1.25-Pressing, 35 cents. Laundry Agency. L. 0. Clapp, 1119 S. University. 121-50 ,--- 3pe r wh n s e s o e i il a d-What is the Ford Mitchell museum "~ torium March 6. An. additional poet WChen the Botanical Garden was of wide reputation probably will be startedl? added to the series, it was stated, inj tsFor whom Barbour gymnnasium is which event new course tickets for named? the three remaining lectures will be r placed on sale. YESTERDAY'S ANSWERS ' The University hospital is run at I iI1111111llltllltltl0ili,, -:considlerable expense. More than 1000 z -persons are boarded each day. Approx- I yinnately 450 pounds 'of meat are used in r.lr at day. 18 bushels of potatoes, 82 ;~ P- hot C raft *quarts or milk, 450 pounds of bread *and 50 pounds of coffee are required Sfor daily consumption. For a single _ servng ive ushls o veetabes re = f" serving.fiveryushelsof,00vegetabesare rlinen are laundried at a cost approx- S o imately $6,000. Coupled to this are the salaries of the people employed, announces a the overhead expenses, light, gas and2 le; surgical instruments and the Iikej and replacement of furnishings. 2 Camp Davis is a summer camp us- i51G SA LE =1 'ed by engineering students for prac-'=~ tical experimentation andl study iiji =- 'surveying. The camp is included in { n2 a tract of land embracing 3,200 acres owned by the "University situated on :. Douglas and Burt lake. The camp be-= gan fun~ctioning in 1909. Students i F ra mr ed have built or aided in the construe- tion of improvements. Students al-- so find time to publish at camp paper :.: m and participate in athletics. They en. -ct re force sanitary regulations and organ - ze pa ti sf o c ns ru t on wo k.E f Established primarily for service tc 2 E the schools of Michigan in their edu- . uthv oo o u ational problems, the bureau of Edu- 2'" c ational Reference and Research alsc 2 new goods. Tbis is your op- _ acts as av source of information tc potniytogtthtpitr students in the school of Education. :2pruiytetta itr At present, service is confined, for the you wne at almost cost most part, to tests and measurements. ' E The bureau sells intelligence and edu- price. = rational tests ; answers questions per-= sonally and by correspondence; fur- : nishes bibliographies of periodical lit- Nic el Arcade erature ; sends out bulletins of cur- 1= ~ lfel rent educational iniormiation; conducts :.= intelligence tests of probation stu- ~iuiiiitIIIIIII~iiiiiiii dents here, visits school systems de- sirous of beginning testing work; and holds yearly conferences of superin.;p qll~l1F"II tendents and those interested in edu- r ctinlproblems. L EASTER is only. two weeks away ;1 .. -'^' ,.. :r + d . i } Y New Spr 'ing Woolens. await your inspection~ WVE ARE OFFERING A LARGE. HOUSE FOR SALE. THERE IS NOTHING SMALL ABOUT IT; LARGE ROOMS AND LARGE LOT,$ AN IDEAL PROPERTY FOR A FRATERNITY, SORORITY OR ROOMING HOUSE THAT WILL PROVE AN ATTRACTIVE INVEST-~ MENT. THE PRICE AND TERMS , ARE REASONiABL.E. IF YOU AJE every sk color .id ,uttern is here INTERESTEiD, C. LOUIS AINDREWS AT 512 FIRST NAT. BANK, 0OR CALL "064. 12 23-50 STUJDENTS, act now befog; it is too late. 8 have room for _. eight in o r e stu- dents in my sales organization for spring vacation. Those who make good will be given a permanent posi- tion during the summer. Mr. Leader. 611 E. Liberty; Phone 3221-.. jWIIAPS GOING ON NOT ICE--Cooy for this coluin shouild be slubiIditOdlby i5%30) W'loe of: the dlay before pImblication. Arthur F. Marlquardt 608 E. LIBERIY r.* ~ WE HAVE An excellent Fraternity house, well - jlocated, that we can sell a~t a reason- able price with good terms., Call us at once. MRS. GUSTINE Realtor 717 Nat. Bankc. Phone Office 835-F eve- nings 835IF-2,, 835F-2, 2738, 488-J. ,I-S IF 'you want to try the selling gam('fOR A QUICK SALE, one of the best spring vacation see H. J. Leader, 622 lots in the city.. Southeast of Cam- E. Liberty. Phone 3221-J across pus.. Size 90 by 142, price $5250. fromSpedin Stdio 10-5O \V1A1LE~Y REAL ESTA TE+ from___Speddiug___Studio._______-50__EXCHANGE FOR1 SALE 1 310 Nat. Dank Building, Phone _____________________ 1821-Fl. 123-50 FOR SAIL--A value in rooming Sooiy1rtriy n noepo houses, on the campus. $13,000--SooiyFrtntadIcmep- $3,00 dwneas payent. Cm-'perty in the best locations and at $300 ow, ay amets or-I the best prices and' terms. Mrs. lJIIC ~udnt ari~ur~e Mihia ~I Gstie,717 1st, Nat'l Blank Bldg. Real Esatate Co. 217 S. Main. Phone! Phone 835-7-1. 119-50 646. 123-501___________________ FOR SALE-Remington Portable OR RENT Typewriters. Call Black, student' - -- dealer, 432 Thompson. 1123-J. IFOR RENT-Two suites. Clos-e to' 115-5f, campus. Pleasant environnment.. $ 3 Each per week. Two in a suite. H. FOR01 SALE-Raincoats, directly from I .Wlhr 1..AmnPoe7.W factory.. Sava money.' Satisfaction A !lhe, 1 f.An Poe -W. guaranteed. Simnons, 2846-3'. * *110-21 FOR RENT---Iirst floor hou e-t eepin suite. Private entrance, semii-l rl- FOR SALE- A new, modern, seven vate bath. Steam heat,. laundvy. room bunigalow and corner lot, $550 Tel. 1317-It. i11 down. Call 1286-W. 121-3 - - * - OR. RENT--Twxo' desirable doub1e FOR SALE--Two May Festival con-I rooms, block from campus. 644 E. Pons. $2 apiece. Phone 431-F'--.I University. 123 S UNI)AY ' 9:30-Ulble study class for students in Congregational chiurch. 9 :30--Unfversity :'en's Bible class meets in Upper room, Lane hall. 10:30-Marion E. ]fail speaks at ('oil- gregational ,church. 10:.it1-1)r. RItbrt dl Metatdicis, '21M\, will sing at Presbyterian church. 12:0---Sfadent Bible classes mweet in; Wesley hall. 12:04--Student class, Church of M'iist, mueets in Upper room, Lane hall. 1° :00--Ba-pt st gulld mcts linthBapt~ist Guild house. 12:N- Pr. Pal~a Harrison speaks be- fore Congregational open forum iT, Congregational church. 3:041--Varsi4T Glee. Oatb relwairsalin Union reading room. r8 O-1-Glee club inieets in upper readh) ; room of the Union. 4:$J---Open lwuse at Wesley 1:411. 4:30--Fculty coiieer-. at 11111 auditor- iim.n ~:30-Dr.Rhert J. Mc('an hiss,, X111, will speak at Presbyterian church.. (1:03--Baptlst guild friendship hour In Ba4ptist church lpar lors. C :00--phl 'Si im:Delta d1ier ill room 31.9 of the Union. 6:*f-IDr. 1V. FEnglish speaks ;'before Congregational students meeting at. Congregational church. 6:00-Scalp anid Blade meets ill tap room of the Union i:t30--Tf~i Delta Pi dinner in priva- e dining roomu of the Union. 6 :301--Wesleyitn guild la"ets ill Metli- odist church. 6 :30-Baptist guild devotional w eet ug in Baptist church pawrlors. O :30--Young Peoples' society of Church of Christ meets in Upper room, Lane hail.E ?:00---Dr. Pau iarr1~isou i1Is~pteaill Hi LllI au ditorium. 7 :00t--Je-wviz hiSdents' conigrt gat~lon m~eets in Lane hail. Change .Dates' Of Literary Lectures Changes have been made necessary in~ the dates of the Hamlin Garlandj and Alfred Kreyinborg lectures, to be delivered under the auspices of Whim-! lies- andl the Collegiate Alumnae, ac- cording to Charles T. Andrews, '21, 'of the Whimsies staff. Haml in Garland's lecture, schedul- ed for March 27, has ben postponed to May 4. Alfred Krcymborg willj speak on April 5, instead of April 2. A, ,.- - --Oowmo I Easter Brings Dainty Memories FOR SAFE--Con.CGsoprano saxo- phone. Good condition. Box T.L.C 121-3 FOR SALE-Five May Festival Cou- pons. 224 Thayer. Call 1612-R. 123-2 FOR SALE---Two May Festival Cou- pons. Telephone 781-R. 121-31 FOR SALE-Two May Festival Ctou-I Pons. 2629-11. 1231 FOR SALE-2 NMay Festival Coupons $2 eaich. Phone 1575-W. .1231 USED CARS FOR RIEINTI'ROOMS-Warmn, quiet room. Single or double. 217 S. Fifth Ave. 122-2 FOR RENT-Rooms with or withoum board. 711 H-aven Ave. 402-W. i :3 i( BEST BUYS 1,N USED CARS Fords from $60 to $165. 1919 Oakland Roadster,'2 license '21 Ford Coupe. '18 Dodge TPour'ing. '21 Studebaker Light Six Coupe. '21 Studebaker Light six Touring. (Five Cor d Tires)' PAUL AZA1INER 303 N. Fifth Ave. Phone 3197 _ .124~.{6 Two light housekeeping rooms. 2141 S. Ingalls St. Tel. 854-.. 122-2 iJ t fFor Snappy Service at breakfast or Iany other timre, try R E X 'S CLUE LUNCH, where" Toasted Rolls orig- inated.. 122-50r WAIM B WVANTEl)-By June 15, three-room un- furnished apartment for student, {and wife, situated near campus. Ad- IdressBox B.A.C., Michigan Daily. 117-i k NANTE'D---To buty house in vicinity of Campus. Not over $12,000. Caij pay $3,4'040cown. Address D. Mti. c~o Michigan Daily. 1t'r I W ANTIM- 40 to' do some work in er- change for one week's board. Apply The Perfume and Candy Cases with their fresh assortment E I 1 7 121-31 LOST8 NO:N DAY 6:0(---Exelinigeclub dinnieri ron 318 of~ the Union. 7 :041--Way farers meet in room 304 of the Union. 7:.t0---lh'liiieekut club meets tit roomI M0 of the Union. 7 :34-llpubllean club meets fn room 304 of the Union._ TUESD)AY 8:15x'--S1.udenuts' Press club meets t Charlevoix cafe. :( -- 1 tiitute of R cli ;Ious educationj mweets in Lane hall. i :15--Sag:laaw clb meefts lin room 30211 of the Union. 7: - cp I meets ini club room, fourth floor, University hall. 7 :30- Players' club p~erformance inl Sarah Casvr'ell Angell hall. S :00--Oratorical association lecture tn IHill auditorium. will be 'a pleasant surprise i X312 Catherine.1' LOST--Black coin purse containing ____________________ ring key anl gold rosary, on Soth f WANTE'D-T1o rent single garage near State St., or interurban. Reward. ( corner of Paekaird and Hill. Call Call 349-J, 122-21 776-R. 121-U LOST-Pair of tortoise suhl glasses in leather case. Phone 2717-W. 122-2 WATCH-Lost near 'the "Maj." Re- ward for return. Phone 3152-W. * 123' LOST-The press in my trousers. F'ound at G reene's Call 1449-m. 121-54, LOST-Brown key-case containing two fiat Ikeys.. Call 484. 123 LOST-One ring of keys. Finder call 296-.122-21 WANTED--One ticket to the sopho- more Prom. Call Russell, 1548-W.1 123-2 MISCELLANEOUS G, Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription Store Cor. State and N. University YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCURATF service,. when. your .MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at DID- DLES BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. 111-50~ SAVE MONEY on your groceries at Pierces Cash Stores. 118-201 *SHOE -FLACTORY '-'NO TICES Ificli igan Student'Voluni cer union con-.' Terence today. Senior, Eds must order their enesi at Wagner's before March 24. lXq~ieftiolis for tickets to the AMilitallrv }ball will be returned in Monday's Mail. \NIYOTe desiring inftormation regairding tickets or applications Phone 308 "The Quarry" a