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March 18, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-18

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. . ,



JD~ti~ ty which marked their stay. Michigan1
Sid~i~ncan do no less for Cornell over the
coning week-end.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIHE The banquet Saturday. night will be
V6NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN anl affair of exceeding interest to fol-
>Pulished every mnorning except Monday I owers of athletics. Several im2por-
during tke University year by the Board in tant speakers have been scheduled for
Ceatol f Sudet Pbliatinsthe program and adequate musical
----- ,7 ttnri L n i mlavU ilP P~nXpra~i m n ilb


rr f r r
rm A"
ookirg Ahe, {l

i ('r_, Cornell Sun)



lo en's



Member *f Western C.onerence Eitoruial

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rEntereJ at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail. $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Phones: Editorial, 2414 and x76-M;, Busi-
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appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
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Telephones 2411 and 176"M1



provided during the evening. The sun is shining today after theL
Many of the men from Cornell will! manner of a sun that's shining today,.
have friends among the student body and cau,es men to ponlder over an idear
of the University. These students will that has just arisen in my, mind.;c
find their best opportunity. of coming What will I do when the fertile mindst
into contact with the visiting harriers of my contributors veer off in other
by attending the banquet. There they channels with. the advent of Spring,?
will 'be able both to strengthen their' There is only one course to pur'-;I
friendships and help Michigan enter- sue, and in the manner of one who1
tain her guests. has only one course to pursue, f here-
The Cornell-Michigan track meet is by give warning. This column nowl
Michigan's only inter-sectional con- j has a reporter whlo shall be knownE
test of the year and the most iinpor-I as Tattler. He will leave me know;
tant of meets from a national point the dope. And I might as well tell
of view. If Michigan expects to re- the feverish readers of this here nowaiheplsntraioswhCr- cumtatemksabodhud;
nell and gradually rebuild any com- look like a blind man on crutches.I
petition with the eai ,t, student sup- And he will have no scruples. iBut
port must be given to the events of as soon as the boys neglewt me he
next Saturday so that they may be wil ei i noig
successfully carried out. SEL AII d

Inv 197:1

S y

{MARION B. STAHL Not so many years ago there was
s.,...,...exhibited in this country a series of!
Nces ditor.................aul Watzel drawings representing the great cities!
City Editor..........James ii. Young4
Asistanit City Fditor... .....J. A. Young~ of the world as they would be seen
Fdiitorial Board Chairman......E. R. -UeissI in 1975; these portrayed a German
C ight Editors- cnetonoyu ftr n
Ralph Byers Harr Hoey dreamer's cneto forftr n
L... Iershdorfer R.. Moriarty vironment. With multi-decked side- ;
H. A. Donahue ..E. Mack
Sports Editor .........Wallace F. I?'liott walks, subways, elevated cars an J suit
WoensI~itr... ....... MarionKoch face traffic as well, he conceived tho

When in the Spring a young man's
fancy li'nhtly turns to thoughts of--
lDsh-h--LOVE is the word, I do be-
lieve. Remember not to forget the
I asked her if she rolled her own
She said slie never tried.
Just then a mouse ran swiftly by
SAnd now I know she lied.

The 1fin'itV (yommnnunit y will view.
tomorrow 'the beginnings of another
undergradluate endeavor, the Cornell
Political club. and in preparing its
mind for the inception might well re-
call the words of so prominent an edu-;
castor as William McAndrew of New
York who says that "our greatest need;
is still to get more of the civic andI
less of the personal motive into the
hearts of the generation."
It is for just such. a purpose that the
political organization is being found-
ed. Realizing the general lack of~
interest in public affairs among stu- J
dents who must eventually assume the
leadership of their country, ;the new
society aims to stimulate discussion
through the agency of weekly meet-
ings. But the plan. goes deeper than
this. Authorities in their respective'
fields will be asked to present issues
and answer questions. By such a
))-of the club frees itself of the
accusation that such undertakings us-
ually do-enerate into mere disconnect-j
edi sessions. The success of the move
will depend largely on the degree with
which this p~roposed lplan of organiz-~
ed discussion is carried out.
Another significant feature, is the
avowed intention of developing the
habit of impersonal thinking. uncolor-
ed by one's adherence to a particuar
party cry, or the political leanings of3
one's family. Too much cannot be
said for such an attitude of mind, for'
It is the one attribute that will serve;
to make graduating students of dis-
tinctive service in their communities
rather than followers, It is that qual-
ity which will make it poissible for one
to really use his U~niverpsity education'
to some constructive end, rather than '
for the mere purpose of polish.
The undertaking has great possibil-
ities. And :just such undertakings will
later make the Union a real center of
undergraduate activity, It is even
conceivable that eventually, political'
discussions aind debates between!
groups, fostered by the Political club,
may some (lay occu~Apy a position of
prominence equal to that at Oxford
andl Cambridge. If given a, proper
s~tart, the process will he but one of
time, (luring which the germ of public
interest wrill be fanned into lively par-
ticipation under the influence of suit-
able environment.




Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ~ ' 2
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard iime)
Detroit Limited and Express Car-
6:oo a.ml., 7 :00 a.mn., 8 :oo a.mn., 9:o
a.m. and hourly to 9:0s p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m,, and
every two hours to 9 :47 pIm.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.mn.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. tn.,
i:oo p).mf. Tn Ypsilanti only-i 1 :40
p.111., 1:15 a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7 :50 a.m.,
12:10 o.ni,
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47. 2:47,
4:47 P.11.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.



605 Church

Going North A.111. P. M1.
Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00
Arr. A. A. 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35
Lv. A. A. 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00
Ar. Toledo 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35
Going Nortit A. If. P. 31.
Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30
Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8:00
Going South
Lv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 8:30
Ar. Tol. 10:35 1:35 11:05
Cars Leave Court House

Try Our Business Men's paunel?
IlKennmedy's Orchestra
21:30 -4:00
Cornwell Coal Bldg.
Plants. Corsages
IPalms and Ferns
to Rent
3 Cousins.& Hall

The Graham Beok Stores will give the Building Fund of the Women's League a per-
centage on all cash sales of the






5 r d:ay a ii I: iwtor... .. A ,a~u
Music Vditor................... H. Ailee
:i Innir Edto.......... Buckley C. Robbins
Editorial Board

Lowell i Kerr

Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

Stanlry IT. Armstrong Franklin D .Hepburn
Sidney 13ielfield Winona A. Hib bard
R. A. Billington Jidward J. H-iggins
h~elen tBrown Kenneth C. Kellar
al. C. Clark -Ilizabetlh Liebermann
A. B. CoiiLnable John McGinnis
Bternadette Cote Samuel Moore
1"v el yn 1. Coughlin M. H., Pryor
Joseph Epstein W. B. Raterty {
T. F, Fiske Itobert G. Ramnsay f
john Garlinghouse J, W. Ruwitch
Waltor S. Goodspeed SolJ. Schnitz
Portia Goulder, Philip TV.. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising ............. Join J. Hamel, Jr.
Advei tising.......... ..Walter K. Scherer
Ad r: tising .............Lawre-nce 1I. Favrot
Pi 'blicati' 11 .............. .Ed ward F. Coa ir,
Copy witng.............. David' J. M. Park
Circu'a on ..............rownsend H. Wolfe
Accounts.................Beaumont Parks
Perry X. Hayden Win. II. Good
Eugene T.,. D;,nne Clvde L. Hagernman
John C. Haski lenry Freud
C. 1-. Putnam Clayton- Purdy
E. D. Armantroatt I. B. Sanzenbacher
illiam, 13. Reid. Jr. Clifford Mitts
>Harold L. Hale 'Thomas \lcEachren
Dn.I. Roesser Louis 'N. Dexter
Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie
Tame(,s A. Dryer Edward' B. Reidle
Nght lEdit~tr HA-I .t1Y 1). [OEY
FIE ' t Fps -110E3E'NT

future business section of the modern BI DTDD IE.
American metropolis as a veritable ° x
network of streets, alleyways and
bridges. With spans crossing from ani Li
building to building at various levels, Order your cains as soon as yo
the light would be scarcely able to fil-arabl
ter its way down into the depths of Ai ll
the streets.ATi t
Now we read of the serious consid- She shot an arrow in the air;
eration of Chicagoans to improve It hit some one--she heard hip
their facilities for pedestrian traffic; swear.
by instituting a system of double deck. It was her beau, just. stopped to ca
1 And he bit the grit with the arrow
sidewalks in the fa.mous "loop", the;
Windy City's business district. Wheth- fall.
1er this plan will meet with the ap- She cried, "This deed my life will hay
proval of the city at the present time row."
is very doubtful but it is evident that ! s they picked up her beau andl a
before long wve will find some of the TroRBL.
dreamer's ideas take shape. Already (j' l* *3,E
many stores have constructed spans
connecting various sections. of their T1odaiy's Neliselise Nova1el
establishments and it is not a novelty Last Night--G. H-owie Snortz.
to find both subway, surface andl ele-***
t vated traffic in the larger cities of the The Lone 'Kid's Last Fight
country. -- A Tragedy in One Act -
America is becoming a nation of con-;i Scene: A Sorority house.
gested district,-, and the only way in; Or a League house.
which to avert the impending difficul-' Or several of 'emn.
ties which over-congestion will bring ; Uime: 2 a. i. in the present.
is by the enforcement of laws to in-- Night. Darkness. All is still.
sure the more equal distribution of Not a sound. When-
the populace. The concentration of What's that? In the room
business is becoming so great: that the: A dark figure stealthily moves
only possible solution for traffic Across her lien o' vision.
problems is in such ,plans as the one M~y God! A Man!
- now under consideration in Chicago. His hack was turned.
If we are to avert these ultar-modern' She slid
methods we will have to spread out Fi-oi b'neath the covers--
and utilize the confines of our coun- What a chance!!
try with greater efficiency. She sprang.


1 2 3
4 , 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
IS 11$) 20 21 2), 23 24
2r, 26 27 28 29) 30 31
, ,k ALr D O S D HATS
Big Selection (if 1atest Shape'g
WVE AKE1l ATS,' .:-
Take the "Beaten. Path" to
our dloor and save a dollar or
more on a hat.
We also. do all kinds of Ciean-
ing and Reblocking of H~ats at
lown prices for HIGH CLASS
-- WORK --_
617 Packard Street Phione 1792
Where D. U. Ui. Stops at State

- .TONIGHT EMwed- 11at.-
"InSpringtime luof 0oUth"
ALAN D)ALE in The America, says:
" I t w a s fo r th e tir e d a n d u n tir e d - I t w a s fo r th e y o u th a n d a g e f t e c m u i y n a w r I r e a d i s u d u t d y t e m s
i= alluring musical show we have ever had. They say you can't pleaseo -



The M7icigan Union is being used as


the pattern for other institutions Apoietesenuiest a
throughout the country in the er'ec- fl ougnl h.ne farpo
tio ofbuidins fr smilr prpoes.sentative college song that its alumni
This is evidenced by the fact that at haenoucda rief$100t
present eight large universities in ;egvnth rtrotsc o i
their campaigns for raising funds for s e ivn. tewie fsuh oio
men's clubs all point to our Union as Whntemtrofclgesgsi
the tanard to hic thy ulimaelyconsidered, :Michigan seems to be nio 3t
hope to attain in their endeavors. Al-'
fortunate. Pew colleges can boast a
so !by the fact that hardly a monthluifmrcigsnswhc xel
goes by but what a group of students doo acigsnswihecl
from some other institution visits the I "Victors" and "Varsity". And itj
would be highly difficult to find a song
Union for information concerning the
buidin ad te sop ofitsacivi imore representative of Michigan loy-
builingandthescoe o it acivialty and spirit than "The Yellow and
ties. Blue".
For Michigan to be the pioneer in a ; h ihgnsogokcnan
"union movement" which is spreading songs which seem to match every
throughout the country is a distinc- 'vrigsniet hr r og
tion of which those connected in anyoflvaryyngnsenient.thereiame songs!
way with the University may well be o oatsnso nhsam og
of praise and songs of jovial frivol-
proud, It is a source of satisfaction
to the alumni whose efforts financiallya ity. A more varied selection could
hardly be decired. Yet, more than
made the erection of the building pos- lklms tdnsaeaqane
sible to view the institution at a
longrane ad se i aditin t th with less than half of the Michigan
need the Union hats filled in Univer- songs.
citylif th pretig whch is Aes- Such events as the senior sings and
sit lie te pestge hic it prs-Saturday night tap room "s-essions" ,
ence hlas given to the University from at'h, no hud eev vr n
without. It is a source of gratifica-coat gmentn foure isvtteeegath-
.: on to," ai ,, nose ,ntr ;a-1t;1y aiagmetfoii i a tes gt.

And pranced
Upon his neckf
With a chill-a thrill
And a cry! t
Thank God! A Man!!
Jour's FBro tr.t
The first annual inter-sorority
alarm-clock hurling coiitest will
be held at the Rho Psi Rho house
Saturday at 2 a. mn. under the
auspices of the local R. 0. T. C.
Any rimi-fire clock of standard
make ma~y he used, Eight-day clocks
will not be0 allowed inasmuch
as their carrying- power is too
great for the back-slow iprovided.
Entrance fee is pilaced( at $2 to
defray expenses of hire-I targets.
Thie Oklahoma D~aily : "C'o-eds De-
clare lDate War on l ien stdents."
4How I pity the poor- males. Tphe girls
however have taken it quite seriously,
and seemi very well organized. Their
pass-word is "Dromedary" and their
war cry is "We don't give a fig for
any old man."'
In a Qiandlary
When a fellow feels down andIoult
As if he hasn't got a. friend
When lie's tired and he's sour
And the earth to Hell he'd sou~l.
'When he's peeved at everylbody
And hie doesn't give a, dzti
When he feels oh so rotten
1And he thinks that life',. a sham.
When he's sure the world's against
And he feels its chilly stare
When lie's bored to death with people
But he say's he (loesn't care.
Oih gentle readers this guy is 1
rSo sorrowful. and so blue
Phcase tell me what or how or when
or wxhy~

(U"'SII)E -ROUG-1 WORlk ADMIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS hippodroniic feat.",
(Pru xoetjSchedle in Effect October it, x921
(Purde Expnent)Central Time (Slow Tine) -
Cfrlge hatern~tie, conceived in } I H A S V N S A A T N L D N
the day when hazing was as essential 3:45 7*45 ... Adrian 12.r:45 8: WIH . SVE SARCATINLUIN
4:15 8:15 .. Tecumseh . 12:15 8:19
at part of the college education as was 4:3o 8:30... Clinton .... xz:oo 8:00
5:'15 9:15 .. Saline .... 11:15 3I
Lain srted welndmraticofjokes i G o a rae545 Q:a5 Ar:1nn ArborLv. 1:45 6:45 G a~ raieO g tc
andprakswer ladmrksofcon- Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
dut anDotne o h rsn l-Daily. X-Dairy except Sundays Hairry Kelli Jill 1Illeton Robt. Halliday
(lay, when adult behavior is cxpe,,ted and holidays, Friday and Saturday special I T J i -i i
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves I.;. V 11R'. i -- ~e~
oi' the university product, have not ill Ann Arbor 4:45. T-arry K M ortonUZell.IRussell
every wyay kept1 pace with the times. JAMES H. FL,IJOTT, Proprietor AND AN ADORABLY PRETTY CHORU7S
Granting for the minute that ther Phone 46 '-
theory ofl rough work can be up~held, F ~IIjhIiIIluHf~hI'oItIl~ltIlI~lIwwIm~IlhI
we must admit that arguments in its
favor i culpatc ~efw h '1111!1111l l il111 il111111111Iual11N11ilpracticte11 aref1111i11111l1#lllill few.111111111Thel11'
initiated .do not use their heads in. all ca e ; t e =f e a i c e i n
Only this week one fraternity sent its =T - EBS
pledges on a long t ri 1, starting them T H EB ET-
out at m<-idnight and welcoming them=-
home sometime during the following
day. Tha freshmen missed classes. =
But even if they had attended they In rlni. .Sor rit domn ue-ndVcnt -pefl
would no: have derived great benefits rae'mtSrri, 0m5o ssadVcn r etV
from the classroom work after anl all
night jaunt. Those in command had= The properties are located near the Campus and convenient to the business district.
not given that matter a thought, evi-
dently. "Fraternity first; then col- E TC prices arc very reasonab-le and convenient terms may be arranged.
lege," seems to have been theird
EvrO ertoefatriyor"~e If you are interested in any of the above kinds o f properly call at once,
0 cen!-ured by the pubic or by offi-=
diais of the town for its brainless=
pranks. They are continued, how- AT "i'I 'I I tL
ever, with the hope that by the grace= R.GS 'IE.
of the Almighty better luck might be=
had this time. And so the p~rocess RE A 1lr()It
continues, and the stainisno
alleviated.BOE fic
The abolition of rough work as part 717 Nationlal Ihamikh Evenin1gs, 83,U-x , 2738, 48 i-3
of the initiatory exercises is hound to ,=^
come sometime or oh r bu we d =1Jl 111lIlIl 111lIlifl11 l1111111111I IIlln ! or 1111 othefilr,111t111 but1111N1111we doi111i11
not advocate the complete change at
once. We advocate rather discretion-
srtodiscretion, accompanied by the grad-
itab elimhiation of everything not ac'-!
tually ritualistic.-
The assertion is made in defense of
horseplay that it makes the recipient itr -rA V 9lc' (im T1 I? . J
more proud of his badge when lie fin- ' ' ' -iu 1WI O ilS
ally gets it. Is that true? We should
say that it is not. Several of our-
greatest i-national fraternities have r The New RE[Z"SILIG i
either minimized or eliminated the,
paddle, the roadI-trip, and foolishness.
They have, it seems, not cheapened ,i h oi
their insignia. They have rather en-' Thee wit th e spring t it, which makes I
htanced it in the minds of thinking
riscn. They have no trouble getting retain its sh pe
ahold of good men, and those good 1(t./
m-.en seem just as proud of their
badges as were the founders.
Rough « ork is childish, foolish, out
of date, and both capable and worthy
of elimination. Facts prove that. o'
Perhaps it cannot be eliminated en- Ti ke r & Company-
tirely right now, hut it should by all,
~ oP-~t~i 1rl rduallv ndi SO. STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET'


the Unversity to have a club which

erings that Michigan men learn Mich-
igasng~ns. Once~ learned these songs

they may be proud to display to vis-
itors, and to see the ideas on which are not quickly forgotten. When the
the nio wasfouded ein proul-alumni gather in later years to sing
gated to other institutions.thmaanteolmmrisfu-
Time has shown that something (lergraduate days are revived, and
biger hantheplae wichthenewcollege spirit is re-created through
the singing o hs og si ol
Union fills in the every day life of the ofteesns si-ol
44 . ,. , f -rr,o not be through any other medium.

student is what it stands for. ne
union 'was built because of the need
- of a finely constructed institution and

-The Union has a check rooni where
coats should be deposited. If these

not a mere gathering place to main-? who use the readting room would take
Itm a greater solidarity among the advantage of this convenience, the
riale members of the University. This reading room would present a more
needl is now being keenly felt] by neat and effective appearance.
other large universities throughout ______
the country and as a result a "union. Results of the Midwest league de-
movement" is under way with Mtichi- b ates Friday night showed that Mich-
gan s it proenitr.n men certainly can argue. At

Despite the importance of the Cor-

least a picked few of them can.
The legislator who stated that with

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