____ ____ ___ ____ ___ _- - THE MICHGAN DAILY ...... ^.. DIETU Al Rifulling s concerto. Two numbers corn-Louts Untermeyer [ 1 , ' 1I prise the orchestral program, the P er ~ r nILL~L uuunrnvu lIIIIUU IJLU"Rhenish" symphony in }i~at rancriedfor modern orches- k t r' by Mr. Stock. Louis Unrtermteyer, poet and critic, TH aI T A U LA ~L I~f A concert performance of Saint- 1 who is visiting Robert Frcst, was the ____ - aen' dmso et elia wll on-guest of the Graduate English clubj Qompeteproram fo th thrtitelude the Festival Saturday night CompleteJohn D. Gordon, ohetheiMetropolitan and the staff of Whimsies last night in naMay Festiv ',Al ay 16-19, were n inD tIr 7~T A-7ay Opera company, will be the Delilal-; the parlors of the Helen Newberry 'oenounced yester~lay by Prof. Earl V. ; Od C L1UUO'j and Charles Marshall, of the Clhicago residence. oore of the School of M~usic who, ________, Opera company, the Samson. Abimel- Mr. Ilnterxneyer renid several of the th Frederick Stock, conductor o I ich will be sung by Clarence I*Lhite- poem from his new book, "Roast_. .e Chicago Symphony orchestra, hiay . hill of the Metropolitan Opera and the Leviathan", which wa.s officially pub- ,voted many months to their prepar- s z old Hebrew by Henri Scott, late of lished Friday. He prefaced each of ion. that organization. Th e Chicago or thle poems with introductory re- Gd gl , At1i Lo f r l.i t Concrt ,chestra and, the Choral Union w ill ap'I marks, pointing out peculiarities. of At the fist onne. t, Wednesday v ; - pevar with these artists. rhyme and meter, telling of the in- a sonnet. Hie also refuses to believe' der and began playing rather imnpres-[ that a poem in the sonnet form., for sively. example, could not have been written Throughout the entire play there in any other form,. were several good musical nunmbers Mr. Untermeyer will leave Ann Air- In each of these the characters on the bor for Milwaukee this afternoon, !where he will stay for a shjort time stage kept time quite agreeably. Add- before sailing for Europe. in= to the pleasantness of the per f . orinance were the many songs chlant- M' ed by the puppeteers, Dorothy Jeffry '24, Robert Henderson, '26, Crosby W~ork Of Puppets Rees, 125, Forman G. Brown, grad. j p N'Harry Burnett, '23, Mark Dick, '25, and Is B Vernon Dick, '26E. Big c ce ss The dramatic entrance of the el,~ leader, dropping down the chimney. Playing to two fairly large audienc- with a great crash, was wel manag- es, the first one largely composed of ed. So was the manipulation of his sword by the minister for war, when..~ at the conclusion of the first act, l caused a, shriek from 'Miller by a vi- cious jab in the. back with the wea- pon. J.H.E. PEISTRAR ARITHTT{II I ALL RECUIPERATING ICYFLORIDA Dean John R: Effiniger, of the liter- ary college, recently received a card from Registrar Arthur G. Hall who is fon leave of absence from the Univer- s ity recuperating from an operation I undergone some time ago. J Dr. Hall is in Florida City, Florida' and reports that he is in excellent con- dition, regaining his strength rapidly. I _as j P _ ing, Mlay 16, Beniamnino Gigli, tenori the Me~troplitan Opera company i Sing ar'ias foni "Faust", "'Elis- ('Am or'e",11and"La Gioconda". The icago SympiI hony orchestra will play .,-r Franck':; Symphony in D min- the. march from Goldmiark'sI !uen of Sheba", Gustav Hoist's Oni- tal suite, "Beni M'ora", Op. 29, and e Choral Finale to "Die' Meistersing-'I FOREIGN STUOENTS PLAN ANNePUAL TOUR Of CITIES I E II i 1 ITINERARY FOR SPflING VAC'ATION .TTRP O"N I spiration of some, and explaining theI motives of others. His audience join- Sin the discussion of each poem. When Robert Frost was asked to read one of his poems which recently ap- peared in "'The New Republic", -he declined on the plea that "This isn't ~two-ring circus." In the course of the reading, a dis- cussion of meter took place in which various of the faculty members pres- ent took an active part. Mr. Urnter- meyer rejected the theory that a poet sits down and writes a poem and then discovers that he has produced drew enthusiastic responses both yes- i terday afternoon and evening in their performances of the old fairy talc "'Rumpelstiltskin", in the high school auditorium. The play was in five scenes involv- ing 12 puppet dolls. The fourth sceneI was laid in a forest and the dancing of the elves to the music of Forman' G. Brown, grad., was wvell received Probably the most striking of the pup-E pets was a violinist who strutted ontc the stage in the last scene, violin in one hand and bow in the other. Ac- raised the instrument to his shoul- ebompanied by a puppet pianist he. W LK-OVER U - Comfort first- but, style too in this comfort last!I 11 Thiursday evening's concert will be Qj- especially notable for the ryppearanoc .: Preltrminary planis are nowti being of the v isiting English composer. Gus- fIm-ade for the spring vacation tour of tav Hoist, who-will conduct the Amer- five Michian towns made anxnually b-I ica~n preiniere of his "Hymn to ,Jesuis"! j a numb er of foreign students of thei an elaborate work for choruses an. nvriy.BueCekKlmzo orchestra. Hoist's "A Dirge for Two Grand Rapids:, Lansing, and Flint I Vteranxs" will also be heard on thi> ilb v&tdbyteprt hc 9ccs ion. Ane innovation in Festiv4 ! - -i Concerts 'Will be introduced by CA( v.I'"'l h Gek-rv. ill leave AnnAbrMna on presence of l;rna Rubinstein, a violin.- I~aI ewa, ink;, April . and will return the fol- i! hs eetNwYr eu Maharajali Gcekwar, of Baroda is lowing Saturday evening. been brilliantly successful. Miss Ru- i rated as one of the wealthiest men in The trip will be under the direr-)I binstein twill perform tlhe 'iendol- :!r ;the world and the richest of all Indian; tion of. Prof. J. A. C. 1-Ilidner, the ad- concert for violin andorch:stra in F I rne.Hei oe'a nato viser of the foreign students here, and mioJp 4 among his people. During the 1 dorld a inWls ftereoi e rnnrO.6.war he was active in raising millions CatnWlsofhertri d- Choral Uniioni to Sina;Igo sEpartirent. By the co-operation of the. The Sanctus and ,Iossana fromfo'tertheir. Chambers of Commerce of each ofth 3ac'sMas"nOthinreilloe"un towns visited, the students are taken by eUniversity rCmiorall nion a(' "thelo"endhe, amos oia za through the major industrial plants.! the Agnus Dei from the same work fr om Wlla el. ogethr h of the town, the schools, and the mu-1 by MJabelle Addison, ea cool t o wh o Jartists will s.:; the "Vendetta" due: iia pk n aeetranda ncplwrsadaeetranda11;has wvon fame as an interpretcr of en 'Yighto The orchestr'al pro- Bach. Bach's C11oraL. and Fugue in C grain inclesiluinpordliuck's prelude: the home1 of miany of the townspeople: miinor which has been restored frIt DeKeisidrDks ac tngt moenocesr-b rlert ndf~r 1ot i"Le Peris~n", Gustav Host'sancie The trip gives an opportunity to the given at the 17 Festival will be from the opera "The Perfect ol, frinsuet oosretp-a played. Duka "7i4Apprenti Sorcier" five of TBrahms' Hungarian "dances and American life and industries otlier; completes >theogrm Elg17ar's march, "Pomp and Circuin- than seen in an academxic community Florence Mtacbetht, soprano, and Gxin- stanc ;". such as Ann Arbor. The party whichi seppe Danise brtoe will be solo- P in.;i Conmoser ad, Soloist made the trip last year was made up - 'st$ with the orchestra at the Fridat Erno t Sclaelling, an American, pi- of Japanese, Chinese, Mexicans, South! + fj M. I g I 1 l li , , , 1' 4 t 1 pct us Show You Thne Remington Portable I I This typewriter is light in weight and has a standard koy- board. Built especially, for the, student and traveling sales- man. Even with its light with its light weight and small "size-- it has proven durable and long-lived. It is a most satisfactory typewriter for individual use. Where wear and comfort zceet In this. brand -new Walk -Over oxford, wear meets comfort in tough but supple calfskin. War. an ed Walk -Over wear is in the heavy, oak-tanned soles and strongly stitched uppers. Supreme Walk-Over comfort is in the wide, roomy toe and smooth, easy instep. Style is in every curve and line. 115i S. Main Street THE MAYEJLR-SCHA IRER CO. Stal Iiirs-ritcr,----OffceOutfitteors evening concert. MViss Macbecth will i g the Bell song cfrom"L akme" an' Felc~e Daid' "CarnantOiseau" from i"La Perle, X11, 1-1razil." Mr. Danise trill cnrbt aosCredo from anist, will appear at the Saturday af- E Africans, and Indians. ternoon concert in the dual. role o? composer and soloist, playing his= Michigan Song Book, Memory "Fantastic Suite". The customary: nookq, Banner and Pennants at encore progran will follow Mr. Schel- Water's University 'Bookstore----Adv. i I . . '- . I.. PROIINE 1101 112 S. 'likIN ST. TQpLY MPS!)( 9uf U5 S'P.1' OPF 'R y i. -... xt w --F... ..-- .,,.y, .I p' . /ANW!! zoomp-MOMMOMORWAMM" mmmwAwmwwpwswmwmmm - o ll p 111111.1 jjll I--- ;; . , -< TAI I STARTNC TODAY I ...R {- S45TARTINCI SUNDAY . «n~ Mi } 4 ILI Week Is , ,,: : , ; 'I 6i .+. . o CALLED Becauset We Have Arranged a Composite Show of Which Any Metropolitan Theatre Would Be justly Proud-Andl Which Is Composed of Merriment Makirng Attractions Only. F 4 SPECIAL MAJ6S(I-j-TTC Y-ATURE PREENTTIO The ~refreshing star of "TORCHY" is hoe in a long feature picture imbued with laughter and chuck aull of wholesome fun, presenting r ,'c " . ,'-.- -._.rt- ---" f~ 1 3t a -t Presenting, olmomm. 10"%" -,doom., qm or Awm"d :5r, Y M()UR SIMON the popuhar song writer and composer of "JUST LIKE A GYPSY," "REMEMBER THE ROSE"' "NIGHT" and a score of other hits as well as the creator of the music for ".HER FAMILY TREE," a Nora Bayes success; The Elsie Janis' Review anid a dozen of .Broad- way's musical triumphs.' WITH - HIS WONDERFUL MAJESTIC ADDED STAGE ATTR ACTION EXTRAORDINARY 3:00 4:30 7.00 8:30 i7l . . .: ,, ,. : . ", Johnny I- Edmund]l E ~bert Ec ,Jl5arney . Ewfe She lines i1-on Breese Ifeson sherry mnnon An I u S ED 1 f./ A Real Symphony of Syncopation Playing the Following Instruments 2 Pianos-3 Violins-Celo-Harp-Saxaphones- 1 rumpets-' frombone-Clarinet-Drums-Banjo- Bass-Sousa Horna-Euphonium and a Host of Other Instruments. MUSIC AS NEVER BEFORE-ENTERTAINMENT DELUXE T A 1 1".''~T 1/.1> - ... t .,Sf' x