___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___THE MWCHICAN DAILY 'It it r i . - , llr-. *W"-% -lr- " ---- - - - , - - --- SILL DEBATE TONIGHT E Hoover Aide May Do You Know Soon Resign Post ____________ Tor $100,000 Jobr The The asked The needs ot a Women's field house":' extension and improvements for the journalism department?! needs for a new museum? D+ ubv I lielws Fleet Ralroad-, to C(onsolidate 1UsIINSOE T E Aboard the L. S. S. HedroPan- IPeoria, 1l1., AMirchl -(B yA.P.)--- f U OP[NTO MEN taan 1 Aa, Mrch 15.- M(13 " Radio to Stockholders of theULke lErie and -- ~the A. '.)-Sceretary Denbly and the i Western railroad mtnetiug here yegter- Stiidents Needed to Work' in Detroit ( ,gCc1 SiO h arty beer fns joint na- voted unanimouslyI for consolidation jEtcc r < I " - -.s-i " ' ') 4M , R a b t a k t " , Priced fro 5c to $5 The names that came ins tboohalet for classification w°ill be published tomorrow. Read The .Daily "Classified" Columns _i rCEwCR .A NEXT SUNDAY SPECJAL J RICK A Healthful Habit! Leadling exlperts0on diet place milk: and its products first among essential fouls. FRENCH, CHOCOLATE PINEAPPLE SHERBET FIG-NUT Connor's milk ini itsI nou~iir is hing Ic Cream is pure most palatable forin, health-giving, highly ingredients. ' 4$;h 1t To balance you dinttceat Con- nor's every lay. T eli your Solve the dealer to "Special" re-- for 1-(lA;Ild it by lnimie: for its purity, (lelicious- 1,4c!! u e -s. F .1F you every week. A *' -'~ "' ,' '; . ' R , ." . ? r U I