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March 15, 1923 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-15

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TI 117 MIC1HGAN !)All,)


. :

Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members ofJ
the Univrersity. Copy received until 3;" w tn . (11: 30 a. m Saturday.)
Volume 3 THURSiAY, M-%.iICli14, 190 'Number 1-0

Professor Hobbs' (Classes:
1 shall not b)e able to meet my c lases for the rest of the week.

' Now tOil




.w... .. ..r.....

To All Ofti~eers, Xenlw-s of the Faculty, and Students of the University:
'At 11:15 Friday morning, March 16, there w'll be a convocation of th
w0010 University in Hill Auditorium in honor of the State Legislature
w ehih is inspectin~g the University on that day. 'In accordance with a. reso.
Wlton of the Deans at a recent conference, all classes throughout the Uni-
v silty wi4 ly l eOsmized between tihe hours of' 11 and. 12 on. Friday, March
1, in order that all members of the University may attend this convoca-
tion. Univerety business and administrative ofies, however, will not
The'dbors of Dill Auditorium will be open at 1:50 a. rn. A section of
three hundred-seats heas been reserved for member of ihe fauty on the
wvest side 'of the main foor of the Auditorium and seats rill be reserved
for the guides of the legislative party. Faculty members may enter the Aud-
itorium "by the rear door. No further rservation of seats has been made
for this convocation, and the reserved section will not be held after 11:10
orc lock. .'
O0wing. to limitations of space, it is necessary to state that this convo-
S c tion la for members of the University oly. M. L. BURTON.
Rrs etve Olffiers TrauiaV.Crp.*:
All1 Btudlents wll form, in uniform, xon the road'at the west side of
thxe Natural Science Building at 11 a. m. Frida. Advanced course men
will fall in nearest to North University Avenue.
JOHN A. BROOKS, JR.. Adutant.
Yarity ; taid: ,
71riday, March 16, 11 a. m... formation for the full band on terrce of
Hill Auditrium. F Ill dregs uniform with capes-March Books.
8:16 p. %a., formation for the full band at Waterman Gymnasium. Full
dress uniform without ewpes--March Books.' By request of the Legislative
C ommittee. W ILFRED WILSON, Director.
The Graduate English Clu b will meet in the parlors of the Helen New
berry Reosidence on the evening of March 1 at 8 o'clock. Professcr Strauss
"willW address the Club on "An Anonymous School for Scandal".
Stuoltlio of Jourau n i
Mr.- Virgil,'V. McNitt, manaer of the MNaught Syndicate, New York
city, and the Cetral Tress Association, Cleveland, will address students of
journ alism, andl others who may be interested to hear him, at 9 o'cloc,
Friday mnornling, In the auditorium of University Hall. Mr. McNitt is a news-
" paaper mnan of wide experience. He will speak on "Personality in Journal-
ismr"., All tudents of journalismn who can do so will be epected to attend
tthe'1 ,. 'JL. BRUMM.
Deprtmentslt oflulesik Inthe Enineerintg Colege:
the, sff f th.e engish Deprtment in the Egineerng College will
met t lutleheou 'Ftriday, March 16, at 12 o'clock at their lub room.
Cele al EngiS ".
Smo.rand lunch at the Union this evening at 3:30. Dr. Walter Rosen-
haim, d rector Aatallurgial Dept. of the National Physical Laboratory .at
Tedingtgn, England, will talk. A. D. OETJN1wN.
3 here wlill be no meeing of Alpha Epilon Mu. this evening.
1. . PR.LEY, Librarian.
1 hr ee etres in inetal!vxgy by Dr. Walter foseniain of .the National
I yial °Tbostory:oa Teddington, England are announced far Mrlh 14,
"1 and :10. Te subjets for the lectures are as follows:'
I~rcri 14.-The Structur and Constitution of Alloys,
s~rch 1l-train and Fr'ature i meals.
March 18.6.4llun.inuin Alloys.
The leotures will beF given in Room 10- Cheistry Bulderz at 9 I. M,
ltoych 14 and at4:15 P. U., lrch 16 and 1.
:, Th. tthidreuar eting of the Uniersty Seteo for the yar. 1922-
1923 wvil"l be lbelt in ARoom 'C, Isaw Thllctiig, n AMonday evning, lMasrc1a 9,
*1lec- iin of ~£e1srte Meynber:j of rtW** B oard of Control of thletics.
F . ,n " iu of;mate Me*)r u te 1fifr 3 aard o Iiretrs bf the Mici an
ceretary of the Senate.
Dr. Davis' class inIiztroductioltn toSe'ndary Education III, 1I will not
met Friday.as anuournced. Same ssighment for'Monday plus the paper'

6leologietil Journal Club:
* There will be a meeting ofP the Club in Room G436, Natural Science
Building at 7:;34 p. mn. on Thursday, March 15.
j Program: "T.he Upper Devonian of Iowa", illustrated, by Mr. Fenton.
"The Geological1 Museum Collectlug Trip in Northwestern Nebraska in the
Summer of 1922", by INr, Hus sey.
All interested are cordially invited to attend.
L. IX GOULD, Secretary.


Special forThrdy
Strawb'erry F



The Kind that ,1tother makes

I _ _ _ _ _ _ _
INOTICE-Copy for this column should
besubadtted by 5 :30 o'clock of
the day before publicaton.{
1 6:LS---Mldweek Communion service tt
H1arris hall.
12:15--1)eni faculty lunch In private
ining room of the' Union.
4 :00---S. C. A. cabinet weets In Laney
4 :00--Board of directors, Boosters'
club, meet in Union.
16:00---Electrical engineering staff din.
ner in private dining room of the
6:80-PinDhner of the legislature in as-
seiby hall of the Union.
f7:00-)fitltary ball committee meets In
room. 306 of the Union.
7:00-Sigma Alpha Delta meets lit

in which have-not been announced aK
rAn exhibition on the parallel bar: it
r x inorder, Sholz, Bartlette, anc
Greenbower being the performers.
Coach Mathers basketball pupilfs
Iwill demonstrate their prowess as bas
keteers in the wind-up number of thet
eveaing. Haggerty, Rice, forwards
Fly, center, Paper, Cappon, guards,
will comprise one team while Hender-
son, Stegmeler, forwards, Emory, cen-
ter, Kipke, Birks, guards,. will form
the opposing quintet.
Freshman track athletes will en-
gage in an eight lap relay race be-
tween the halvesf of the basketball
game. White, Feinsinger, Snider, and
Jressnell will oppose Freyberg, Rock-
well, Beckwith and Brown.
MEET MARe 29, 30, 31'


600 L.



1 a



! ^"

Mirs. Laura Endleott
Years ago Mrs. Laura Endicott of
Tonkawa, Okla., leased her .farm to an,
oil concern because it was too poor
to afford her a living. Now she is
receiving $5,000 a day from the oi
output. She is sixty-five.

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room 304 of the Uinion. entCII
7 :00--Senior dents smoker in upper MORE THAN 160 HIGH1 SCHOO1 n o,
rcading room of the Unio'n. ATHLETES WILL ENTER
7 :00--Ai crican Instituete of Chemuical; TO RINEY HERE °t
enier ioe nro 1 fti---Union. More than 160 high school athietee
4:80-V'eteisns of Foreign Wars meet will take part in the Michigan State
jin assembly hall of the Union. 'IntrcoatcBsebl oreo
7:340-Liberal club meets In 'N atural ItrcoatcBsebl ore o
Science auditorium. class "B" and class "C" schools to be
7 :30-''i Dela EpWilon meets In roomj held here on March 29, 30, and 31, ac-
302 of the Union. cording to plans being made by Hal
' :30-La Sociedad Hlispanica meets In Friedmn, '23, Interscholastic manag-
room 202, South wing, for SpanishI er.
musical program. A it has been customary to do in
8:0-Christian Science society meetsI the past, it is expected that the variou.'
in Lane hall.I fraternities on the campus will co-
8 :0--Cosmaop'oltan club "Spring Car., operate with the Athletic Department
nival" in Hill auditorium, and Sphinx in showing the men a goon~
time during their stay here. A coin-
FRIDAY mittee consisting of W. H. Merner', '24
FRIDAY chairman ; Leroy E. Neisch, '24, and D.1
1X t Z-Unlver' si3-' con ocation in Hill IC. McCabe, '24, has been appointed tcI
auditorium. Gov. Alex J. Groes- have direct charge of arrangement E --.
heck speaks., with fraternity houses. During the' ="
12:16--Law faculty lunch in private coming week the committee and other
(linig rom ofthe nion members of the society will appear at
Imo:30-Leg;islature luncwh In assemly v the various, houses and outline plans
hail of the Union. at the same time arranging for the care'
6:00-Legislatture dinner in assembly ;of as many atletes as the memb1ers
hiall ocf the Union. wish to entertain.
7:00---Deceumvir.te cs cit In room 302 At the present time the high schools
of the Union. of the state are playing off their fin,
E I adioriumll~tci debate i al gamnes preparatory to going to ,the
Hill uditrium district- tournaments, and no definite .
j 9*00--l.tcudtp elil) (dan1c inmii lis of the entries in the State tourna-
dining room of the Union. I Tent has been made:. However, it is
thought probable that"16 or. 17 teams;
U'-NOTICESj will be present, with perhaps severalI
Press club 'meeting postponed ride- more if distant sections of the state
kfnuitely on account of illness of= decide to send representative teams.
speaker. I Among other plans being made b V
ilesterners' club meeting postp~oned to, the Interscholastic Manager is an in-
Wednesday, Machi 28. vitation one and two mile race to be
A TH LET I C CANIVAL I_ _ _ _ _ _
Ib ma~

nI offthenight 0f the Cornell indoor
ck meet, March 24. At the lyres-
time no invitations have be-en ack-
wledged but it is thought that some
the best prep distance stars in the
ate and section will he present.




UNUSUAL BOsmHave You Read Them?
NCER ssTUART 1P.: "AIMERICANS"....... ...........:.................
HE ARIB L OC: " r........w...2.00
SOLOMON EAGLE: "ESSAYS A AG".' ...: .....::: . ....::..::..:,:0.
G1IBES: "THE MIDDLE 01F THE ROAID".................2.00
CARRICH: "NEXT TO NOTING HOUSE".........................250
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With the arranging,,of fiv e athletic
event" and the securing of the Michi-
gan ;band as an. added feature, every- j.
thiug is set for the athletic carnival
Which is to be held at 8:30 o'clock Fri-
.day night In Waterman gymnasium fox
thei visiting legislators.
Opening the. evening's exhibition;
wil be a wrestling match between Mof-
'fit and Gillard, present captain of the
wrestling team. This will be follow.
ed by a -boxing bout, the participants
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-- _

R5F AM .0%. E' A, WS I1 WV'V A w

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