r Ifr Iwo r au Iait~ Two I _ i Y A wi VOL. XXXIII, No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5,1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS MICHIGANGRADUATE G1IN, DIPLOMAT 'IC' PO ST TOESTHON\A FREDERICK W. B. COLEMAN, '96, OFFERED NEWLY-CREATED, LEGATION PROMINENT OFFICIALS ADVISE APPOINTMENT Will be Minister of United States to Three Baltic Countries Re. cently Recognized With the appointment of Frederick W.x , o- stitution. The draft is going th'ro~ugh with very slight amendment in com- mittee and probably will be adopted without esental alteration. Today, clause 18, making the oath of allegiance obligatory upon all mem- bes of the Free parliament in accord- ance with the formality containedIin the Angio-Irish treaty, was 'Apted by a large majority in its original form. CLASROM LACE S LOWLY.SEME[1tLD Literary College Classs Are 1 In Nearly Every Building othe Campus EXPECT ADDITIONAL RgMS AVAILABLE LATER T $ XAR Crowded conditions and lacy of classrooms in the College of Liter- ature, Science, and the Arts are being remedied as fast as possibl although "t,., up to the present time no adequtate relief has been possible. Every room that could 8era as a classroom has been pre i Into service, until at.this time caes in the literary college are being held in almost every building on tlie npus with the exception or buildings be- longing ';to special d eartiments. :Courses in the engineering college are being conducted in the o a appan school building opposite the Engineer-' ing building. ' In the' engineering school, however, conditions are not as bad ad' in theA literary college. Overcrowding .is: very noticeable in many classes, and whenever possible large sectionsare being divided, part of the class ' eet- ing at a 'different hour where a rgon' Is available at that hour. 1o' smre easee 'ulases 'In: th# &fl" erary colleg "have been forced to meet in different rooms on each aay,: while in others. the class has had to meet at 'different hours throughout the week. In one or two extreme ex-" amples a class has been forced toI change to another course because no suitable room was available for the course specified. By these expedients. the condtion has ben taken care of for the present, and it is expected that new rooms will be available later on in the year. SHANDBOOKS STILL AVAILA LE All freshmen who have not received their handbooks and all other ' "who' desire them may secure copie fpom, the main desk of Lane hall as9lon as the suply. holds' out, states ': . E. Adams, '23,' president of the tudents' Christian Association. The handbook' is publislie every' year. as one 'of. the services' of; the Student Christian association. 'This year it was edited by1 E. Schimaker, '24L with A. . Parker, '23, as bunes maiager. 'A special iessagefom President Marion L. Burton t the in- coming class, Michigan gs and yells that the class of '26 r i iected' to know, as well as a list k dtions that must be lived up to a l tcded In. th booklet. Tn addition to the aids to entering students there is a complete' rp-' tion of the various campus orgniza- tions an'd activities, a large seti de- voted to the churches of 'A bor, and spaces for fxmorand." SUMMERBATHINDG 1BT LML 14E 143 Deaths by Drowning It Aorted By Lansing Official PROJECT APPEARS Main Berries May Render Productive Vast Barren Sand Areas of Michigan LARGE RETURNS PROMISED FARMERS BY INVESTIGATORS Marquette, Oct. 4.-A hope that much of the cut over land in northern Michigan, aWisconsin and Minnesota, now regarded" as virtually worthless, may be utilized for the growing of blue berries for market and yield a Large return to the farmers, has been born throughout the northern country. This follows return to Marquette of Dr A. W. Deadman of this city, who as a representative of the. Upper Pen- insula Development bureau has .just completed a survey of the blue berry industry of Maine. Project Feasible . If climatic and other conditions in this part ofthe country are found to approximate closely those of Maine, there Is no reason why blue berry raising capnot be undertaken on -a largo scale here with profit, Mr. Dead- man says. A comparatively slight investment, the investigator says in a report to tli development bureau, will yield 70 per cent return to the farmer in from two to three years. -The figures are based on what Mr. Deadman found actually had' been done in Maine and are used as a basis for what'he holds might be possible for this region. First Favofred..Recently. The :}ovniient' to determine the eoonoici value of the berry: crop' of northern 'ihigan and nearby states was begun ashort tiie 'ago as a step toward" reclaiming at least a part. of the barren sand lands. Thousand of. acres df suh' lands are found'in this section' awaiting only the solution, of the reclamiation problem to turn them into the' sources of profit bearing crops, the investigator believes. De*troit Quartette Program Oct. 18 The ilret monthly meeting of the Matinee Musicae society will' be held at :30 q'elock Tuesday, October'18, IWrti'e a el!-' On of the Union, according to the announcement con- taimed in the society bulletin recently published. The muiscal program will be offered by ,the Detroit String quar- tet, consIsting of Ilya Schkolnk, Wil- 11am G. King, H'erman Kolodkn and PhillIp Abbas-. .Amotg the attractions listed by the society IS' a program of Christmas music by tie Ypsilanti Normal chorus and the appearance of Phillip.Abbas, first 'ei4t of the Detroit Symphony orche tra at the March concert. Dur- ing the season there will also be ex- planatory lectures of the orchestral concerts to be given in Ann Arbor this year. Orghization of a student division of the Matinee Musicale society is now contepated and those who are in-. terested are 'advised to communicate with Mrs, Varry Bacher of the School of lftsi Member-sip cards and single con- cert ti ets wil be on sale at Wahr's book store, Oct. 16-17, and also at the Union 'assemnbly room, after 3 o'clock, on Oct. 18. STILMEN HER BURTON Klelsey D Prof. A. E. White A so Will Address Meeting in Det oit OF Ne President Marion L. Burton. will be the principal speaker at the meeting of "the American' Society "for °steel Treating and the Drop' Forges asso- I S clation, which will be held tonight in Detroit. Among the other speakers are Prof. A. E. White, of the depart- Ignorance and inability to a nalyze ment of chemical elgineering; Mr. the serious problems presented by the Kettering, vice-preslde t of the Gen- recent Turkish nationalist movement eral Motors company,'° ho will act as in the Near East, he chief cause, ac- toastmaster, and 'knhi w'H. Alfred, cording to Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of president of the Pere arquette rail- the Latin department, of the mislead- roa.. Ing statements that have been made and generally accepted, are the great obstacles to their successful solution MPby[the larger Christian nations. Some months of travel and investigation in the troubled areas during the last few years have given Professor Kelsey first-hand information on th basis of T ED N. which .he conseted recetly to an in- terview on the 'hepolitical prob- Constitutional Anen~ei t May Annex lems of te new Turkish nationalism.i New Levy to aso rces of Professor .Kelsey pointed out' how, Sta after the collapse of the Turkish re- sistance in-1918, the Turks were hum- GREAT INTEREST IN ROJECT ble in theirattitude. Oficers and men AMONG VOTE*S"A TICIPATEI were self-restrained and a general fear "prevailed among them. It was ex- pected that the powers would deal (By the Associated Press) promptly and decisively with the Lansing," Oct. 3.-Indications are whole Turkish question and all were that the vote.on the gposed consti- in the mood to accept whatever pun- tutional .amendment to give Michigan fshmentt should be allotted to them. a state income tax . will be next A in state-wide interesst to .the United fessor Kelsey, "without anything hap- States senatqrial contest in the No- pening except interminable delays at vember election.' the peace conference In Paris, :not So fat. little 'has been heard from only Turkish officers but Turkish' ar- the organizations avowedly for or mies not yet disbanded began to think against-the proposed tax. If any cam- that the allies were 'too weak to take paigns have been conductedtheyhave drastic measures against them. In:the ben remharkably silent. 'But regard- summer. of 1919 a 'part of the third less-of.the fact that the ?income tax Turkish armycorps stationed' at Sivas question 'has riot been hoisted iinto in Eastern Asa Minor showed signs burning.prominence thus far, the sub- of mutiny and' determined' to submit ject 'is one that is being discussed no longer to what seemed! the remote more, and more as. the date for the power of the allies. balloting draws near. '"Kemalian Able Man The . propoed change in the state "Now, through the war the German constitution .to pave the way for an military authorities had rated Musta- income tax was initiated by the 1921 ! pha Kemal as one of the,.ablest Turk- legislatre. fish generals. In defeat ie had'been The .legislative reslution provides summoned to become the aide of the that the income'tax if one is approved sultan in Constantinople. The sultan by the. voters, shall not exceed "four sent him to Sivas to quell the mutiny. per. cent, of-net gains, profts and in- Instead of qelling it, however, he comes,' from 'whateve ' source re- threw in his lot with them and inau- ceved." gurated a new movement which had The resol tonstytepti t %ehegts- as its purpose the restoration of lature, In the evet' the oonistitution Turkish .power. is amended, "shall" grovide . ,p' law "This purpose was clearly tated in a uniform rule- of rpaton except two proclamations which were posted upon property payi splfle taxes. in Konia, the Iconium of the' New. Tes- It proades that thet may be grad- tament, which had been at ode time uated and progressive 'and may pro- the Turkish capital and has reained avide for reasonable ptions, until today a center of the most In- ''_p__tense Turkish fanaticism. The first proclamation was dated,. Set. .27,I W. A. A. I TUTES 191I," NEV ORG1ATION These proclamations in liferal trai=- lation have remained obscure in treat- ments of the question, but Professor Members of the cm Ive Board of Kelsey had a copy of them, the first the Women's Athletic association met of which ran as follows: Tuesday afternoon 'ij "abor gymba- "We do not want to go to war with slum to plan the work of the aeio- the foreigners, but.... We also will ciation for the comin& year, A nw not lets the foreigners rule us in ortir member was created on th pard to country. .We promise everybody sate- take charge of the j'nior orgsntzatioi' ty of person and property without Elizabeth B. Cain, ',1 being #ppointed distinction of. race or religion.' We to fill the position, will defend our right both as a fla- Already the j f or QgignIzatiOn con- tion and as a peasantry, and until tains more membe . thn the entire death we will defend our Country Wom n's Athletic aq'siation of let from passing into the hands .of ot- year. This orgariilation admits to eigners. We demand that pdrtion of membership all woen who have less Wilson's principles which refer to than 100 honor points to their credit. Turkey to be applied. Let everybody eclares Need .ar East Wo rid ntelligent A nalysis i WILL DIRECT U. S. NAVAL OPERATIONS IN TURKISH CRISIS A m d e T . ice Adiral Andrew T. Long. Vice, Admiral Andrew T. Lon; commander of the U. S. navaf forces in European waters, has gone to Constantinople to diret -the naval. 'pevitiofls of the II S. feet should any becorme ceA4ry in connection with the wr'i""ies of the ll reign fleet during the T.-' k. ich £risis. -, .continue his business. Right is our weapon. We will put to death ny Moslem' or Christian, without mercy, who may oppose these' our statements whether secretly pr openly. We are Mohammedans that love .their King 'and respect him as their Caliph. Our nation, from East to West, fronm Erze- roum 'to Smy'rna,, has taken 'up arms to defend this Tpurpose.'Th right which is- granted 'to 'three -bundred thousand Armenians Is as yet denied to sixteen million Turks. Let it cost what it may, we Will defend our rights t' live as ourselves. Association of Brethren."" The Political Program The second 'proclamation, posted on Sept. 29, 1919, formulated the program of the nationalists: "Every portion of the Turkish em- pire is delimited and fixed by the terms of the Armistice concluded in November, 1918, between Turkey and the Entente powers, being inhabited; by a large majority of Mohammedans constitute a whole, inseparable from each other or 'from the Ottoman ter- ritory in any way or for any reason. "It is a fundamental necessity to have the will of the nation absolute and commanding; and the national forces are doing all in their power to maintain their authority, the in- tegrity of the Ottoman Empire and ob- serve our national independence. "It is 'accepted as a legitimate basis to resist and forbid unanimously (as it is already. being done by. our na- tional forces struggling in and near Smyrna) and attempt to form a na- tional Independent Armenia or Greece t TIIIITV lain Wi II "It shall not be tolerated that the elements which have been living to- gether for many centuries, and whose rights and privileges hae ben guar- anteed,should be 'separated.There fore, no people will be allowed to dis- turb our' social equilibrium nor our political domination. "The Entente Powers must renounce once and for all time afterward their idea of partitioning our country which has been left to us by the terms of the Armstice, and which belongs to us both by the superiority of Turkish civilization and 'also because of the fact that the great majority of the inhabitants are Moslems." Causes of Success After describing these proclama- tions, Professor Kelsey declared; "Two yeas' have nOw' 'passed and the course of events shows how suc- cessfully the program has been car- ried out. The success of the Nation- alists may be attributed to four causes: "First: Contrary to expert military advice, whcih was overruled for po- litical considerations ,Enlandl con- sented to the occupation of 4lfferent parts of Asia Minor by different na- tionalities instead of dealing with the country as a unit. The physical geog- raphy of Asia Minor is such that piece- meal overlordship, wheter native or foreign, is difficult to maintain under modern conditions. The result was that Greeks, French, and Italians were nati es, and secret negotiations en- brought directly into contact with the sued by which finally the Italians and the French made separate treaties with Kemal without regard to the al- lied interests of the Greeks and the English. "Second," continued Professor Kel- sey, "Mustapha Kemal, who is said to be only half Turk, has gained the en- thusiastic support of the Turks by 'using a new slogan. His rally cry is not 'Islam and the Sultan,' b't 'Fatherland.' Apparently orthe firet time in history ,the Turkhave a mi-' itary leader whd. comprehends the meaning' of nationalism 'in the Euro- pean sense. "In 1920 I was tod that ahandicap to Kemal's leadership was the pres- ence of some 60,000 former offile-hold- ers who had fled froi, Constantino- ple to him and had to be supported without rendering him a proper e uiv- alent of service.' The number was probably exaggerated, and in any ase, according to present infomatom, the administration at Angork is muen above the average for Turke "Third: Mustapha Kemal has. had the wisdom to surround himself with able councillors. This is in markeed contrast with the ruling counsels pr. ceding the revolution of 1909. The former council of ministers under Ab- dul Hamid came to be deprived of ale Initiative and influence. "Fourth: Notwithstanding the atro- cities committed by the 'Trks since Mustapha Kemal commenced to lead 'the Nationalist mvemnient, it appears probable that these, in part have been in defiance of his. orders and commit- ted by officers and 'soldiers who got out of hand. In fat, "in Aitab, for example, the American educatiol work seems to be going aon more smoothly under his adiministration than in the disturbed co ditIons when the French were trying to hold the region against the Turk attacks. "If he can keep is forces under control and police the country efit- ciently, gradually conditions under his administration should return to nor- mal so far as is possible after the destruction of the most intelligent ang industrious part of the population. French Responsible In drawing other conclusions about the general situation, Professor Kel- sey stated: "After all has been said that can be said in favor of Mustapha Kemal and the -nationalisit movement, the fact remains that the tragedy of Smyrna and the other horrors of re- cent acts are directly chargeable to the French. Had'the French stood with Great Britain in the maintenance of a broad and humane policy regard- ing the control of Constantinople and the Straits it would have been easy, with time, to work out with the na- tional government in Angora a solu- tion which would have spared the world untold suffering and loss. With- out the active support of the French, Mustapha. Kemal could never havo taken Smyrna or menaced Constanti- nople." , Professor Kelsey then concludeeo with the emphatic statement: ; "It will be a crime against civiliza- tion if, through the disagreement of the so-called Christian nations and :T INDIA EXPERI- A the udent held 32 of repre- hrist- s fel- Miss nfir on within our limits. r . _ w. , s - Aes- and all t, a studenit is, held the than girl to s kind out- idicated ed to War, cularly be- nese dele- who, after ecture tour ,where she tion Japan. ing troops TURKISH SITUATION R'"N' TENSE AS PEACE CONFERENCE IS HELD r ' r'j . ,:. . India's delegates' to the co stated Miss Muskrat, were i be pacific in their attitud British rule. The Chinese flected the pacifist's attitud tolerance b,ut of settling qu international interest peacea "China Awakening" "I believe that that great piant China," said Miss Mu only now slowly awakeni people are coming to an acut tion of national pride. They tioning the traditions of old and ih many instances over them. The Chinese renaissa ually is taking hold of thep onference, nclined to' e towardC too re- e, not of estions of bly. sleeping ._- - " ,1 ---"-- 2 1 ' j%'/ l I d r. 1,f .foot AyLAi' 7 Y i i . ., surat, "is Lansing, Oct. 4.-One hund ed, and ng. The forty-three persons went to D1avy e realiza- Jones' Locker" during the 'sw'mming are ques- season of 1922, according to ' res d customs made public today' by' Dr. R. M. Olin, rthrowing state commissioner of health.. This nee grad- number falls below 1921, when 226 people." persons were drowned, by 83. While this year's figures show a re- duction, officials of the health depart- LICE ment are of the opinion that if weather conditions for this summer and' last of the were compared and, the resulft$ de- ,k this crease in popularity of ba ing beaches considered, the number of1 re ex drownings would be propottionally I . 'I I DAILY TRYOUTS NOT There will be a meeting Cubs Club at 4:15 o'cloc afternoon. All tryouts a This birdseye drawing of terrIgory 'tiolved shows principal points mentioned In ecent dispatches. # E (1) Allied representatives' and Gen. (2) Presence of Greek warships of neutral zone at this point., 'L border into eastern iThrace at Sihekli. .