[TEE MICHIGAN -D7A1L a # - -! fllffll(time inicluding Ayres of Illinois, larrET T D0 Brookins oif Iowa, Tyke f Purdue andl Iiiuun ivii, i Spetz of Wisconisn, fl In the high hurdles Hubbard willt 1 FIa tr . t have to face Johson of Illinois, who defetedhim in the Illinois relay car- nival. Coach Farrell expects that the (Continued from Page Six). tables will be turned this week and he may place as he 'went 5 feet 11 1-2 !that he will take five points from a inches in a meet last Saturday. I first ilace in this event. Vannrden and Hindes will be Coach Bowen will be the only miler that Farrell's delegation in the shot. put ' Iwill accompany the team to Evanston. and should. garner about six or sev-I He will have to face Krogh of Chicago, en points between them at the coming } Noll of Iowa, Wells of Illinois, and meet. Moes of Wisconsin, and-Schild-'Crippen of Northwestern., suer of Illinois, are practically the( w only men that the Wolverinet men need 7 to fear. Hindes has yet to make aa TRYOUTS NO0TICE1 foot put in. competition but ,should___ do that or better at the Con~ference' j Sophomores wishing to try out meet., for the position of Interscholastic?) Three Entries In Daskeite I I manager are requested to report Captain Burke, Wittman, and Hub-.1 to the Athletic association office ) bard will' enter tlre 50 yard dash and today or call Manager Friedman several points are expected, from this I ( at 732., event, indeed .Hubbard has a good chance of placing first or second. a__________________ Wittman did n~ot do well in the 75, yard event at ,the Illilnois carnival .but he The way to rent a room is with a will 'riake a better showing Saturday "Daily Classified".-Adv. a ecnru:thsotrdsacinbetter time.' There are several good Have you reau' the "Dail y Classified) sprinters in the Conference. at thisnICalumn" yet today?-Adv. ~ 1fNS ftTHIS , IOLUMN L bS COLA MI ) At 3 P.M.ADVE TI SING ATS3 P.M. _____ "Too good to believe" seems to bec!only unknown quantity on the team the opinion of all the Tyger fans whe However Pilette, Johnson, Dauss,' anm havestod fr th lat to yers aitCollins, are a mighty fair nucleus an(' hav so for thelat woyerswat there is bound to be a lot of develope- igfoCobt get hold of the kind mient during the coming month before of an outfit the hals today. No manag- the opener. er in the world ever wanted anything more than a collection, of nine smash- ing hitters W«iQ could comine superbWiLI HUP OME fielding with their prowess at the 1.[HPECML plate, anti if everything is .s they say; nnIiinnmn nnt it is that's juxst wh.a t the Peach has HtI!rit this year. Down at the training camp ! JOUIN iii O UR UL in Augusta everything is comning along the why it should with a first rate HOLDIS ED)GE (N SCiAEFME baseb~all team and the even pessimis- IPl OAL I tic pilot of the Bengal, 1himself doues-,(.1 n't seem to be getting gray haired' ;000t9 from ,worry. The good condition of things down, Newk York, M1arch 1i4.-When thr t t t ' FTigrhangoutisndctdnj road back had become the most diffi- onlya small way by the rumor that cult to travel, Willie H1oppe found Ira .Flagstead, veteran outfielder on himself and picked his way last night the team of last year is to be released 1 and when he goes to the table tonight to the Indians because somebody lhe will hsvc the edge on JFake. Schaef- namely Bob Fothergill, has come er, his challenger, in the final 500- along who is better than hre is. When spoint block of their world's title 1s any tean. starts to get rid of such ball baliklin~e billiard match. players as Flagstead, and as good, a Hoppe's victory gave him a lead of team as the In(Vans starts buy uip1 six points in' the 1,500-ball matci-. such discards, it is certain that there through his scoring 723 points wirhile is material galore. At least there will the San Franciscoan was totaling 494. be no lack of fielders this season. The total score for the two nights' Cobb is planning a surprise of his play gave Hoppe 1,0Q to Schafer', own when the gang starts around the! 994. circuit next month according to re- virtually beaten when he . vent tc ports. In an interview the other dayI the table for his seventh inning last he even admitted that he whas in the night, standing 325 to Schaefer's 714. best condition hie had been in for the' tho many-times champion' unexpected- last 'five years and from the way hle ly came to life. He showed the best h as handled the biat this spring he billiards of the tournament up to thenI plans to spill Babe Ruth from hi- by resorting to his old delicate styli mighty throne. If Tyrus does the sam; and clicked off 80 points within a space thing to ,the pill this season. that he six inches, square. The ruin totaled d1-d formerly and Harry Heilmann it 98. working, in. his old-time form there will Again on his tenth turn Hoppe went be a hard time in store/for any twirl- back to delicate stroking and ran 143 er chosen to hold the rubber- against driving only six times and making 10,1 Detroit. With seven other .300 hit- points in 14 minutes. ters ion the squad plus two consistent Scliaefer was within striking dis- home run hitters there is bound to beI tance of his second consecutive vic- some heavy scoring on Navin field this ( tory when hie failed. He had run 61 summer.j and needed only 11 more when the The moundsmen are just about the crowd began to leave. The commotion unnerved him, and after Hoppe had run 66 he was able to get only threet before missing. On his next turn with lloppe 127 p~oints away from the .-ecsoary 1,000, Schaefer a gain fal- tered, scoring tw~o. Hoppe quickly ran the necessary 9;' ea(d lefiA the balls in perfect positionT for r esuniption of his run tonight. llolpe's average in the 21 inning:- wlas 34 9-21, his 'grand average wa~ -0o 10-33. The level to which Schrae- fer's -amie fell is shown by his average for last night of 23 11-21, comdparedI to his grand average of 31 2-32. 1 x.Y'r l, lMparch l14.-(13y AJ).)- }Bill Brennan, Chicago lhea vyweight.l wh1o was tal en to the JTewish MAemorial hospital early today with concussionI of the brain the result of his knockout y Firpo Mfonday n1iht, was declaredj b~y the physician tonight to be in no{ I mmlediate dcanger. - i "His condition is apparently not ser- iouls," asserted Dr. Edwa rd L. Stict- 'er, brain specialist who (diagnosed the case,' "but it is too early to pre- diet dlevelopments." Except for a brief- period of semi- ccene; cusness_ early this morning, Brennan was in a cheerful mood and. tonight chatted for awhile with his wife and Leo P. Flynn, his manager. His .9 months eld daughter also was at his bedside earlier in the day. "P "Will Yearbook Contest first place was recently awarded tc. I the 1923 Badger, published hy'the jun- ior class of the University. of Wiscon- s~n in a coml)etitioni i Chicago ir 'which the yearbooks of seven Confer- enlc, e scools were entered. Try a Classified Ad-it pays.--Adv. ordon 1ARROWS HIR MADE of a better oxford, in a fine, iailor-like-way. The collar is the work of the expert Argrow Collar makers. The cuffs have buttons or are the French link model $300 We do all kinds of Pleating fi&wu eb~rw w ir Rtwday, S .MUlmum hxte,20 Tre date per we. 4pr day Iftcharged. White spuoe oharged for at rate oitsE per agate UL &Caslahshto,mly to t ae hIaving phones Ljxer Rate:, Twelve vents per ha., 'W itooitrrt, Da1~id toadvance. rfm e Have It .Master Cleaned rte. 0i 10 It .Pays To Have It Done -,,, NOTICE The following Box Repl es are; at the ,Daily Office. BAC, LER, ECP, SZF. KD, 18, GW, RIB,,, FMM, CBS, .SFZ, C-20:. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING called for and delivered. for $1.25 a sunit~. Phon~e 165., White Swa.r Cleaners. 117-6 45 CE+NT COFF1EE 35c. Pierces Cali Stores. 118-20 Try a Classified Ad-i-t pays.-Adv. 1FA TR1 WANTED-By June 15, three-room .un- furnished apartment . for student and wife,. situated near .campus. Ad- dress Box B.A.C., Michigan_ Daily. WANTED-Students to assist, profes- sional salespan during Spring Vat- cation., Call at 625 Church _between 1 and 2. 119-4 WANTED-To rent' for neXt: year, house which will accommodate about twenty men comfortably. Box - SZ~F~.11i-: WANTED-A sixteen foot canoe; must be reasonable. J. F. Barnes, 11$ Park Terrace._ 765-3. 120 WANTED-One Soph Prom ticket. ,Call. Bob Halsey. Kappa :Sigma House. 566. 119-2 WANTED-To rent single garage n~r corner of Packard and Hill. Call 776-Rt. 119-2 FO~R RENT FOR R~ENT'-5 rooms, lower flat, ,coal furnished, 1-2 block from, campus. 627 Oakland. Phone 1754-R.' 118-3 E BUSIN ES~S (IPO17UTL'C AT # ATTENTION! Seniors 'and Juniors School of k Commerce We are seeking to strengthen curr organization wilth college m oioe wo aeanwene l Bookkeeping or Accounting. We are a National organization and offer ei- ther permanent or vacation period work in your home locality to those, 'who are interested. Good money right from the start with opportuni- ties for splendid advancement for those. who qualif~y. For information write now, to U. S. A. Corporation, 504Beos Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 110-21 STUDENT AGEN'TS Make dig Money Selling RADIO CIGAR LIGHTERS An imported novelty. A lighter that always works. Send no moniey. Write for particulars. THE MODERN SPECIALTY CO. 1147 Grandview Avenue, COLUMBUS, OHIO 115-21 IF you want to try the selling gamo spring vacation see H. J. Leader, 022{ E. Liberty.. Phone 3221-J across from Spedding Studio. 109-5.0j * LOST LOST-Note boof in Lane Hall Mon- day afternoon in Board Room. Name of W. D. Shaver printed on inside cover. Return, to Michigan Daily office. Reward. 120-2 LOST-A black Meather note-book size 9x6.. Name inset on front cover IPlease return to Daily office., 120-2 LOST-Gold Fountain Pen with init- ials Z. T. T. Finder return to 1328 Washtenaw. Reward. 120-2 LOST-String of pearls Feb. 23. Valu- ed as keepsake. Reward.~ Call 1508-J. 119-2 RZit STlRICTLY hONE C OKI 1 (; STUDENT LUNCH . ; ; .. Phone 6"28 419) FAST JEFFERSON 8r. We Have Reduced Our Prices. of Cleaning I and Pressing to $1.50 2muzommommomm M. We say it and say it advisedly- You need (200 Drops Ink Capacity) A uew" MSO'tIPN The Most Popular Student Pen The student who has a large amount invested in his education ,and must have miaximnum fountain pen efficiency all the time can secure it only in this peni which is backed by Rider Servrice, on State Street, in Ann Arbor. Call and let us show you its many exclusive Advantageous features. , RIDER'S PEN SHOP PEN SPECIALISTS The only Pen Makers in the State of Michigan IN.COLLEGE INN I FOR RENT--Two rooms in private home, close to car line. Phone I Tiq' or m Clothes 563:7: 119-31 FOR RENST-Two rooms1 in private hom~e, close to car line. 'Phone 563-' J, 120 FOR RENT--Roams with or without board.. 711' Hlaven Ave. 4d'2-W. 1202'6 THE IDEAL AFTERNOON LU NCH- KREAM KOFFEE K.AI E and coffee. { Rex's Club Lunch. 114-50 ANY PRCE any kind, or any conma bination of a mmeal at th1e Y. W. C. A. 120 FO*R SALT FOR SALE OR IRENT-Exclusive, high-grade neckwear at moderate prices.OCal ttlsn,2980-M. *120-2 FOR SALE-A new, modern, seven roam bungalow and corner lot, $550 down. Call 1286-W. 118-3I /'FOR. SALE-Trio May Festival Con- ponsa. Cheap. Call 419-MW. 120 REAL ESTAP Sorority, Vraternity, anld Inco-me pro- perty in the best locations, and at the best prices. and terms.. Mrs. Gustioe, 717 1st- Nat'l Bank Bldg, Phone 835-F-i. 129-50 FURKIffUR DO6. iYOU KNOW we have the most completely equipped plant in thq country for the Repairing, efinih- Ing, and Upholsterinig of, furniture? Phone 881-W. P. B$ HARDINlG. 88-21 CLEANERS AND PRESSERS-- GIRDS, if you are rea.l prticular about the way your dresses and r LOST--One jet ear-ring. Valued as' a keepsake. Finder call 11:10-W. 120 LOST-Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fra- ternity pin. Reward. Stone, 1505. 120-21 LOST-4 months old male Collie dog. 114 N. Ingalls. Phone 2569. 119-2 -- LOST-Ring with black onyx setting.'! Finder please call 1556-3. 119-2 FOUNTAIN PEN-Duofold Junior on black ribbon. Phone 452. 118-3 MISCELLANEOUIS YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCURATE service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- DLJES BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels Arcade. 111-50I KILL' TWO BIRDS with one stone. Send your dry cleaning and" press- ing along with your laundry to the White Swan people. Phone 165. 117-Q t STOLEN-Log log slide rule. (and E. Drawing Set-Lieutwiler-Re- ward for information. 1727-J. 119-s SAVE MONEY on your groceries at Pierces Cash Stores. 118-20' SHOE FACTORY ANiN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FAC-f TORY. Bring your repairs where I shoes areqsmade. Crepe soles at- tached to your shoes. $2.75. Bring them in today. Made-to-measure orders-one week service. Satis- faction' guaranteed or money re- 'turnedl. 534 Forest .Avenue. Call 3043. 108-2 1 Incorporated "Telegraph Florists a iM a a ia e ns i venoo s i are the most distinctive clothes for young men on the j.nark- and are reasonable priced. Easter is only a few days atvay. It will payj you to come to our store today and make an earljy selection. 40 K t r / I i i1 f j 1 ( 1 " r ^1 J' .4 x< S,/ 11 . t: Tom' Corbett i6 E. Liberty ;