THE NflCHIC AN DAILY --- -- Vichigan. Dai ly Supplement To Students' Directory' News From The Other Colleges Ex-Congressman aids Prosecution Of War'Frauds SLEEP ANYWHER1E, BUT EAT AT R XS THlE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Sear State and Packard Streets J1fVI1MNG WAIL"0LTh, D. S. C. CH IROPODIST 707 N. 'ut'versity Ph" oue 262 Columbia-Just as what was evid- ontly the entire class ot '2;6 was arriv- ing in taxis~ at the Hotel McAlpin for ? Oheir annual banquet two nights ago, swarms of sophomores poured upon changed to namies of famous college': all over the world. This change is being made to produce the spirit of the college center, it is said.E "UMBIIER TIIIIE ,,, L (Continued from Wednemday) Le'welcn,. Frank E., '25, 105 Packard. Newton. Ritan. "Liddell, Iabel, '25, 918 Packard. Buffalo, N. Y. 1938-A1. t14gh, Frances E., '26, Betsy Barbour. Rochester, N. Y. Lundin, 'Earl If. '23A, 1015 Packard. Detroit. 1147-11. IF 2118-R, 267 6. them. Freshmen were handcuffed, NOIthwesteri--The school of coin- hcg -tied, and were about to be car- = nerce is instituting a 15 week train-! off fci to the basement of a nearby f ing course for hotel employees and garage, when a concealed hand of managers. The school is an outgrowthj eighty freshmen charged the sopho-j of the conviction that an employee, nroie guard and broke through.. Aft- I scientifically trained, is a much more or a tense struggle in the snow in efficient worker than one who learns front of the hotel, the sophomores suc- sll by experience. 'ce.Xded in escaping with a. few fresh- : n rmen still aptieswre hlteritarenCh ..11leltCimodernx equipment which ~Mtexan,'2S 920E W~hinton Detoit 117-I.tihe university will then possess, to- 4' ' gether with the fact that several large K1 hotels are being completed in the city, lead officials to believe that Columbus jLjapel,, Nt~ry Malcomtson,, Grad., 19 E. University. Atnnwl be the scene of the Olympic .; rbor. 1693-R.. games In the not distant fututre. 1Ieuirger, Willard H., '124,:714 5. State.: Detro-L. 1257-W. r4 , W8.hin~ton--Names of 50. streets ?Reknolds, H. M., a24, 620 S. State. Grand Rapids. 231. inteuvrsydsrcsaetob i,icfards, Artlhur,, "25F,",902 E, Huron. Detroit. 1430-.J. __________________ Riley,' Granuville X., '251q, 326 N. Ingalls. Toledo, 0. 2108. teladithboc lyn btwe l1oblnsau, *Hermbert D., '2G, 739 E. University. Omaha, Neb.ChrhS.adEUnvrtyAeu 2~2tW The building- will accommodate de' (To be continued Thursday)! partmnents now located in the old En- 7 gineering shops and will provide IfM IP dim" E. Do You Know 'The plans for the Arehitenture and Surveyrfifg buildinag? "The advvantages of a Land purchase budget? What'1s wrong with the present Bi- ological ,statioji? house, locker And dressing rooms,r gymnasium, a printing shop, a larg( library, household arts department Iand the ,psychological laboratories of the school of Education. Besides this space for the rapidly, expanding branches of engineering as aeronaut- tics, highway engineering, chemical engineering andl engineering research a portion of the' buildinig will be use(' 1. 0. 0. F. Will Present Revue I as a high school. The first annual J. 0. 0. F. revuce } - will be given tomorrow at the Whitney The work done on the hospital con- 'theater by the local 1. 0. 0. F. sists of the framework and outside The program is as follows, one hour a of minstrels, and four vaudeville acts walls. The present structure is a skel- 15 minutes of nonsense by Allen and eton. Floors have yet to be laid, wallI Rex Stenchfield., Charley and Tony nit.Linland thU±LL~J 'rinr finiL'hA.i n Yrkt.i.C6.1 nn'i~ E hrr {Russel C. Hussey; of the department of geology, will give, a talk before the tGeology club tonight on .the methods used in' unearthing fossils. C. L, Fen- ton, also of:,the, geoloigy department. will give an. illustrated lecture on the Devonian rocks of Iowa. The meet- ing of the club will be held at 7::30 o'clock in room 436 of the Natural Sci- ence building. Both of the talks will be untecbnic il, and of general interest. The meeting is open to all who care to 'attend. Mr. Euitssey has been unable to, meet his clas es,fo:. tire pas.~two daye;, hit expects to, 41)ealt tonight and i'etuin to, his" cassesto rr.a * CUSTOM TAILOR 'a"'o R LN A i, Nx Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf. Suits SATISFACTI ON YES~RDAYS ANWEi Besides this a tunnel must be laid The purpose of the Model ,highjj c.onnecting the 'hospital and thec en- school building is to Provide motre ad- ;t~ra~l heating plant. The interior equip- equate labor4tory facilities for thec ment has yet to be decided upon, or- s~hool of Education. When the'build- : dered and installed. ings are comnpleted ,they will coven the enftire block baetw;een East .and South Ground was broken for tihe new En- University avenues,.Monroe street aind. gineering shops June 23, 1922. The Haven avenue. The building will con- buildinug will be ready for occupanc* tatin industrial art ;shops, laboratoriesj by 'Oct. 1,11923, it is believed. The a.nd lecture roonis of .the physics ;building under construction is but chemistry, and biology 'departmnents I the first section of a larger building There will be space for a greene which will necessitate the use of all t~ iee~ 111 ,La ee vun A~Jas of Uk Ii 1 and _Wrestling,'fTang and Tavares> in . ANight in Hlawaii" with musical "i. .! I spetametIs, an.[r miss is ene Seyfrleei inj anutnber of classical dances. . ir.Moody Heads E utosI tCaS ; Prof. Clifford. 1 SAR C~ody, (diector yO; WI'P S , UARLDCANAIANA, the Bureau of educational reference jACIFIC, -FRC, U . HIIPN OARD, and research, was elected president of AMECAN 1, . TS. SFPIN BARL, the American Association of Edluca- OCEAN LINERS, CRUISES. COOK, tional Research, at the annual con- I HOMPSON, CLAjM,. ETC., TOURS.i vention of the Northern educational Lleen)edO4 Steamsifp Agent association in Cleveland on March. 1. C. E, )WEBLER, Phon6, 1384 Nickels Arcade , i °. w WAN EI:--wV Festival Coupons. If you want to sell our coupon let someone who -wants+ to buy one know it. ... .. : , ,FOR SALE:-May Festival Coupons. Or maybe you ~want to sell. We can find you a buyer. Just try a' Daily want ad. . CALL 960 JIMMIE THE ADTAKER P IIf you want it in Sunday's Col- umn be sure and have the ad in by Saturday noon.