THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Pi PNt IN BASKETBA L -a-- Woman Acts As For U. S. Dep The first meeting of the spring train- When one thinks of averting a strike Close scoring throughout the basket- ing course of Girl Reserve leaders will or settling weighty labor questions, ball game played by Pi Beta Phi and be held at 7 o'clock this evening at immediately there comes the picture Kappa Delta Tuesday evening in Bar- Newberry hail. Juniors, sophomores of an experienced man, well along in bour gymnasium resulted in one of the and freshmen who are interested inyr gymnsiumjoiniing the course are asked to be ;years, perhaps with wihite hair and a most exciting games of the women's prc3ent at that time. formidable appearance, or else one interhouse tournament. At the end of thinks of group of men smoking big the first half Pi Beta Phi was leading Extra rehearsal; of the University black cigars grouped around a table with a score of 18 to 17, but when time Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 arguing, pounding their argumentsI was called at the end of the fourth c (lock this afternoon at Barbour gym- quarter the score was 19 to 30 in fav- nasium, and at 1:30 o'clock Saturday home by banging their fists on the or of Kappa Delta. Close guarding afternoon at Hill auditorium. A spe- table, One's ideas on the subject may and well planned passing on the part cial rehearsal for the members who vary from this in detail but it is ver 'of the Pi Phi team carried. the ball tc are going to Jackson will be held at doubtful if they go so far as to pic- their end of the court more often than j4':40 o'clcek Monday afternoon at Miss ture a slim young girl with a wealth :their forwards were able to score Hunt's studio in the School of Music. game to Kappa Alpha Theta. of dark wavy hair and a pair of gentle Kappa Kappa Gamma forfeited its Rehearsals for the Junior Girls' brown eyes. The schedule for the games to .be play will take place today as follows: It was just such a girl, however, who played on Saturday in Barbour gym- Skeletons, 4 o'clock; professors, 4:30 recently brought an end to the strike :nasium is as follows: at 1 oclock, Pi o'clock; dolls, 5 o'clock; all choruses in Boston which involved some 35.000 Beta Phi will play Kappa Alpha The- and cast, 7 o'clock. suit, skirt, waist and dress makers. ta; at 1:45 o'clock Sorosis and Delte __She was Miss Anne Weinstock, of New Gamma will play; at 2:30 o'clock Chi In a previous announcement an om- York. Miss Weinstock is the 2 6-year- O eawill oppose Kappa Delta. iso a aei eadt h ae old girl conciliator for the United 'he comparative standin^egofath States department of labor. Her ac- ea os still remaining in the tourna. of the sophomore women's movie. It hievement is unusual for a woman and tem tilrmann i he tun is to be given on Wednesday, March anent are: particularly for one o her years. 17 I et 128, as well as Thursday, Friday, and ' Saturday, March 29, 30, and 31. hDelta Gamma..........3 1 .750 Shamrock Step Is i Beta Phi ............3 1 .75C Those junior wxomtei who ktnow any-{ orosis................3 1 .750 thing about theatrical make-up are Feature Of Dane Kappa Alpha Theta 3 1 .750 asked to call Catherine Stafford, 2338. Kappa Delta.... ......... 2 1 .6066 Senior women will not have to ob- kappa A.lpa Theta will offer an op ',,.p portunity to Michigan students for Conciliator GIVE SHOE SHINES zrtment Of Labor IN LEAGUE BOOTH - Newberry's shine parlor has been moved from the basement of Newber- 0 ry residence to the Women's League booth in University hall. It will be op- en from 8 to 12 o'clock in the morning and from 1 to 5 o'clock in the after- noon. Shines may be obtained either at the usual price, 10 cents apiece, or tickets may be procured, six for 50 cents. Glee Club Elects New Members a u Students Suppiy fS Wr P , S111 South University Ave. Engineers' agid Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, fobaccos At a special tryout.of the -Fresh man Girls' Glee club held Tuesday the following members were elected Catherine Griffiths, '26, Elizabeth Mc Manus, '26, Margaret Walz, '26, and Marion Mead, '26. The club will mee at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon at Bar bour gymnasium. At this time th original songs which have been turn ed in will be practiced. To Show Marionettes Harry Burnett, '23, will exhibit his marionettes before the :public at 3 o'- clock Saturday afternoon and at 8 o' clock the same evening in the high school auditorium. The play that wil be given is "Rumpelstiltzkin", featur ing 16 dolls. Tickets are now on sal at Wahr's bookstore at 35 and 5 cents. Y: '_ Miss Anne Weinsteck la Cather's latest book, by Clara Law; '25; "The Undying Fire" by H. G. Wells was reviewed by Florence Fuller, '25. The next meeting of the organiza- tion, Tuesday, March 20, will be an open one. Anyone interested in pub- lic speaking and oratory is invited to attend. Tryouts will be held March "27. Singer Appreciates Spirit Of Audience Julie Rive Snider, who sings "Who Cares" with Jerry and her piano girls at the Majestictheater this week, is an example of a college girl who hlar realized her ambition to "go on the stage". Miss Snider is from Spring-I field, Ohio, where she attended Wit-i tenburgr College. A week or so ago, she had no idea' that she would be singing in Ann Ar- bor this weel-in fact that she would be appearing in public anywhere., Last week, the girl who sang in Miss Sni-' der's place was taken seriously ill any Miss Snider was asked to take her place. ' The enthusiasm with whichk she is greeted at every performance at the Majestic proves that her !nit- jal performance on the stage is a sue-, cess. Miss Snider is naturally greatly el- ated with the novelty and newness. o her experience.. I-Ir reception by the student members at the Majestic might be somewhat terrifying, if it were not, for te fact that she has herself beenI a member of such an audience not long ago, and that she understands the ex- huberant spirit and over-abundant en- thusiasm prevailing in a college the- tter. She finds humor in the deep sighs and exagerated applause herj songs bring forth, and appreciates tc the utmost- the -reception which hasj been accorded her. - . SORORITY GETS PERCENTAGE OF SALES FOR LEAGUF To augment the University of Mich- igan League fund' the Alpha Xi Delt ' sorority has made arrangements withI 0. D. Morrill to receive a substantia" percentage on all cash purchase, which are made in their store in Nick. el's=Arcade., A csh coupon will be given to each person who makes a purchase in the Morrill store and this coupon is t(1 be dropped in the University of tlich- igan League box which will be conven- iently placed on one of the countersI At the end of each week the amouiti on the coupons will be added and a percentage. on the total sales will be given to the University of Michigan League fund. Stain tickets for the Junior Giris play, as was previously 'announced. They Will be admitted to the first perform- ance without charge upon evidence of caps and gowns. Michigan song books are being sold at both of Graham's book stores dur- ing the month of March, a part of the proceeds to be donated to the Women's league. D. A. R. To Meet Today The Sarah Caswell Angell chapte; of the Daughters of the American Rev- olution will hold the regular meeting at 3 o'clcok this afternoon, at th( home of Mrs. Henry J. Brown, 303 N Division st. Mrs, W. . Wait will give a paper on " Women for Whom Michi7 g4n Chapters are Named". There will be a short musical program. 1 AT THE T HEATERS 1 practically an entire day's frivolity next Saturday. Fromn 3 to 5 o'ciock in the afternoon there will be a bridge tea at their house, 1414 Washtenaw and a dance, or better, a "Shamrock Step", from 9 to 12 o'clock in the ev- ening. Tickets, which will be on sale Women to be Represented at Luncheo-n Dean Jean Hamilton and FranceE Ames, '23, will represent the women o9 the University at the luncheon to be given for the legislators tomorrow noon. Music will be furnished by the Girls' Glee club. Lose something? A classified is classified ad will sell it, for you-Adv - e s AT TI114r'jloiA George Melford's LARRY ava ad" g~ON, e With IN LthC JIy "NO WEDDING JACiQUELiNE LOGAN BELLS" tGE(RGE iAl'NETT fIRAY OTNI) HATTON NOAS ALSO O'N THE STAGE e Direct from five weeks at the world' tnes hcatr A A R M . TH E CH IC A WO" BEAUT!FULLY STAGED AND COSTUMED SONGS-MUSIC--EN'TERTAINMENT A. IENTRA]N'iNG NOVELTY It lc:2y, 27.CMan Flo r, 35c Balcony, 3,1c. -1ai Floor, 50P TOMORROW-SATRDAY IN I "EoW.C E " Lose something? A classified In the Daily will find it.-Adv. 1 --- - . _ -.. _ , cI Sreent-Toda~y at Graham's book stores, are 75 cents! each or $3 a table for the tea, and 7# cents a person and $1 a couple for the dance. Ted Bennet's orchestr will furnish the music for the "step". Special stunts have been arranged for the dance and appropriate color, scheme will be carried out in the dec- orations. Chaperones for the dance will be Mrs. J. E. Winchell, Mrs. A. T. Olma- cher, and Mrs. Evelyn Dame. ONE-ACT PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT LEAGUE PARTY FRIFA "The Silly Ass" Is a play which will be given at 4 o'clock tomorrow after- noon, at the Women's League party i-f Sarah 'Caswell Angell hall.-I The cast consists of: Mother, Con- stance Baldwin,.'23; Father, Margaret Jones, '24; Daughter, Isabel Nichols r125; Grandmother, Constance Wirood. "23. Ruth Werkheiser, '23, is direting the play. Athena Hears Book Reviews Modern literature was the main top- ic of discussion at the meeting of the Athena Literary society which was held Tuesday evening ir University hall. "iJeremy" by Hugh Walpolp was reviewed by Helen Gustine, '25; "New Voices", Marguerite Wilkenson, by Dorothy Tyler, '26; "One of Ours", Wil- THERE'S ALWAYS A BUNCH AT THE BLU-GOLD LUNCH { 605 Church For Prompt Service Call POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SHOP 320 S. StaFENDERSON & FENDERSon 47_ (.}hq f I K~ W W- I AR \ . rte- I i it JOHNNY HINES "Sure Fire F lint" ' - - -- G SUNDAY SEYMOUR SIMONS AN'D IS 10 Syncopated Serenaders I i Arcade--"The Toll of the Sea;" Charley Chaplin in "The Pil- grim;" news. Majestic-"Java.Head" with Lea- trice Joy and Jacqueline Lo- gan; comedy; Jerry and her Four Piano Girls. Orpheum- "Lavender and Old Lace;" Staracomedy, "Col. Heeza Liar and the Ghost." Wuerth-Corrine Griffith in "Is- land Wives;" comedy, "Little Red Robin Hood;" news. EI SAMPLES Permanently on Display at GUY WOOLFOLK & 336 South State Street Ann Arbr. Michigan Designed by Co. NOW PLAYING 2z00-- :31 7:00- 8s3 His Very Latest Featurc YVODE EUDt fl" Stage-This Week W &Hr924 WHTEHOUSE &- HARDY NCORPORATCO) BROADWXAY- 740-"STREET 144WEST42" STREET ME-*vOU* O* ORA HOUSE BLDG, KNICKERDOCKER BUILDING NEW ORK OG 6' !rs fi, Garrick (Detroit)- "Greenwich 4 Village Follies."I Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) Bonstelle Company in "Char- ley's Aunt." a Lost Something? Let a "Daily" cass Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv. If ed ad find it for you.--4v. ) rprIIII Weuggest a I Knapp Felt? - they foreshadow the new vogue . a A Superior Showing at Four and Seven Dollars a ) The Study of Expressive Dress HILE you may not find it in the curriculuni, the study of how to select garmints. that interpret effectively your own personality is one of the most important things to °learn. When you have discovered what HOUSE OF YOUTH Suits, Wraps and Dresses can do toward helping you produce the impression of grace, poise, and attractiveness you will be a post- i >, N" k - - J7 tJ I He's a riot as the convict who stole a parson's cothes. -He steals out of jail! -a parson's clothes! -a pulpit! -a girl's heart! -and a thousand laughs! 4 BIG REELS IN ADDITION THE FEATURE BEAUTIFUL "The Toll of the Sea" SNii ieae her chil to the "mxan who won th ui e mission of 'at st be. (TECHNICOLOR) graduate in, the art of Successful Dress-g. In our new fashiOn rannnz.,v-"1Srtcres TyT T T T T 'VTOTC'IT" V TT' (T1 T rv ,If COMING 8 SUNDAY Speaking of Love a J ( '_ SHV VACf NSS IN e 1-c. D ® r. o D v c , ca:a x wrH .' . ...' !, t, . - F t t y r . 1 ;; ? F 1 i _ ,s: I I 11 lj;VA"th,:,-