THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Publisheg every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Pressris exlu sjvely en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. exerting every effort within his power to bring affairs to a just and wide- ly satisfactory settlement. Whether France is justified in her action or not, she is at least right in principle, which she may for the time being have forgotten. The declaration which Secretary Hughes has sent to the Pan-American conference to strengthen the political and economic relationship between the United States and the nations of South and Central America is charac- terized as revealing "to Europe and 1! i TED OLL IVEATHER Olt NOT? 41ti -}x"at 'Votit'e rI Ii Entered at the postoice at Ann Arbor, Asia what th esern Worm ikni . Michigan,s second class matter. about promoting peace and good- ubripiun uy carier or mail, $S will". Certainly such an official act3 offices:. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- card Street. ;peaks well for the ideal of America, Phones:. Editorial, 24r4 and 176-M; Busit ut it is essential that we extend our ---s --- -co operation to other lands as well. Cmmuiications not to exceed 300 words Ex-Governor Lowden of Illinois once if signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, made the statement that we "can have and notices of events will be published in isolation if we choose, but if so, we The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- must pay the price". While this state- signed communications will receive no con-h sideration. No manuscript will be returned n.enut was made with reference to the unless the writernencloe postage. The Daily United States alone, it can well be ap- does not necessarily endorse the sentiments plied to the whole of the New World. tipressed in the commanications.p ",With fht vain s xnre,-sionsu aon Most honorable, and respected Mr. Bunk, Dear Sir,-j If you must have the satisfaction of amusing yourself through my own in- nocent endeavors I shall do my best{ to co-operate. Therefore, I do hereby publicly s rve Ziotioe that I shall be in attendance at a well known Wash- tenaw avenue organization on Satur- day morning at 3:30 o'clock. May I hope to see you? -... THLE LONE KID. ,I * * CAMPUS OPINION Editor, The Michigan Daily: After seeing the group of paintings from foreign artists of the Carnegie International Exhibition that is being (isplayed at the Detroit Institute of Arts ; after pausing before that most unhappy conglomeration of colors that is found in "The Dance", by J. Zingg; in "The Landscape Painter", by Henry Ottman ; in "Youth", by K. X. Roussel; or in the almost vulgar smnsuality of those grotesque, brutal figures that George Barat-Levraus terms "Nude Study", my mind was greatly refreshened with the paint- ings of Mr. Ernest H. Barnes, also shown in Detroit, at the Galleries of John Hanna. I =' TeGaaBokSoewilgvthBiligFnofteWomen'sLegeapr League The Graham Book Stores will give the Building Fund of the Women's League a per- centage on all cash sales of the MICHIGAN SONG BOOK U DURING I HE MONTH OF MARCH EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-H MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL, p- - SWMnese various p the part of world figures finally pen- etrating the gloom of post-war dick- erings and contention, optimists may hope for the gradual framing of an opinion among the leaders of the world which must lead to some setle- Don't come to see me, LON old boy, cause I'm not a bit a mice. If you bring along a scimitar and a basket of wa cassins you might get a thril me. I cringe at the sighto burns, too. CONF'DtENTIALLY SPEAKR Wonder if the LONE KI1 ha%- managed to steal any hearts as yet? Err< IDzr ..w..... .., rsir. news Thitor...................Paul Watzel ment and restabilization. City E~ditor............'James B., Young! AssitaiinI City ditor_...... J. A. haoii IEditorial Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss I ggyp - Night PEditors- PE Ralph tByers Harr Ibey To counteract the speed mania L. _f. lierishdorfer R. . Mnoriarty 1. A. Donahue J. E. Mack which has apparently taken hold of Sorts fditor ...........Wallace F. E'intt the entire driving public, there is a Women's Tditor............Marion Koch; 7 nlday Magazine Editor..... .1 A. Donahue nation-wide movement to gain control I c A Pictorial Editor........... .. Robeert Tarr Music Editor....................E. H. Ailes; Editorial Board1 Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman Eugene Carmichael Assistants ntoiy IT. Arr-strong Sidney Bielfleld K. A. Billington ii elen k rown H. C. Clark A. H. Counahie Bernadette Cote 1 ,eiv'o I. Coughlin. oseph Epstein T.E. Fiske John Garlinghouse Walter S. (X dspeed Portia Goulder Rni I1 alirrty Franklin D .Ilepburn Winona A. Hibbard Edward J. Higgins I1enneth C'. Kel'ar Elizabeth Liebermann John McGinnis Samuel Moore M. 1-t. Pryor W. B. Rafferty Robert q. Ramsay J. W. Ruwitch Soll J. Schnitz. l'hilij# M . agner RUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 of current lawlessness and simul- taneously establith a code of honorl among automobilists. The police agencies in every city from San Fran- cisco to New York have manifested a renewed interest in the welfare of theE pedestrian and driver so that, it may soon be possible to ,yenture forth into; the streets without endangering hu-E man integrity. It is not the purpose of speed and other driving laws to fill the coffers of the municipality, but rather to cre- ate a sense of responsibility among those who care only to get the farth- est distance in the shortest possible time. The investment of several hun- dre(- of dollars in motorcycles is onej which pays for itself, however, for the only thought in the mind of the] speedster is concerned with his chances of escaping the "cop's" notice. Never does the realization that he is] exceeding the legal limits disturb his mental complacency in the least. The stringent punishment now be- ing meted out in many communities for violation of the speed laws will no doutt help considerably to reduce the amount of reckless driving; but 'p * * AP(1'O0A(dE TO BOB)HSEJi From out of the dim and i glare Strove a frosh, (log dirty, an( to bare. His clothes were tattered h was torn, He hadn't slept for many a "0 Ho! my Frosh," a soI cried. "You look as though you've li died. Pray tell me your tale-an' I vow." The Frosh was seated whe made his bow. "Boys," he cried, "I've beenr fool. I've sunk and sunk into Kel I've squandered my 'lowance and toast,. I've lost my best clothes be a, boast." Its ;Mr. Barnes' idealistic personality. a fraid of luman, delicate conception of nature, gat, a a soul somewhat influenced by orien- ter-mo- tal mysticism and inspired, perhaps,. 1 out of in Corot's soft, vague treatment of' of side- color, give to his works a poetic qual- ity that appeals intensively to our fin,~t emotions. Unlike great many! kiNG of our modern artists, Mr. Barnes is l) extremely modest. His works are un- pretentious, lacking all influences o1 commercialism. He does not attempt .JoIr. to overcome many technical difficul- ties and frankly admits it. Yet, it is VIC1'Vi this sincerity which makes his art so' into the interesting. Mr. Barnes treats his subjects inI d not fit mass. His images, lights and shadows are indefinite: The paintings: "End of his face Day"; "Memories of Night"; "Eve- ning Hours"; "Through the Fog", are morn. perhaps the best expression of his per- sonality as an artist. Slender trees, phomore soft rays of light, the dying sun at the distance, a suggestion of rustic ved and hon1s, peaceful, still, serene water; all vague. gray, uncertain, fainting it's sad, away into aibstraction and nothing- ness, leave our souls in ecxtasis, en he'd dreaming, as he perhaps did, of the higher and nobler things of life. I am not an artist, nor do I pretend a young to be an art critic. From my own point of view, however, Mr. Barnes ly Pool. deserves a word of praise. noG.I. HERRERA. IGRAHAM DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIRE 1ABE (Eastern Standard I ne) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:0o a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:oc a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9 47 a.m., and ever} two hours to 9 *-47 pin.t Local Cars East boun'O--7-:oo a. aad every two hours to 9.00 p. m., z z:oo p.m. Tn Ypsilanti only-i:40 p.m., i:r a5 i. . To Saline-Clange at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West B und-7:50 a.n., To Jackson and Ralamazoo-tim- C ited cars 8:47, 10:47 afli., 12:47, 2:47, 4:4i To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. S MA It('I 4 J1 ls : BOOK S T OR E 12 26 6 13 20 27 7, 14 ?1 28 1 1) 2. 9 16 23 30 1923 3 It) 17 24 2I l Massachusetts Institute of Technology SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE A graduate school offering a course of study leading to the degree of Master of Science, with field stations established at six different companies located in Bangor, Maine; Boston, Mass.; and Buffalo, N. Y. These companies produce sulphite and soda pulp, paper, caustic soda, chlorine, heavy acids and salty, sugar, coke, gas, steel, ammonia, benzol, etc. The more important operations of Chemical Engineering, as t9pified by the aboe processes, are studied systematically by means of tests and experi- mental work on full scale plant apparatus. One of-the objects of this work is to fix in the mind of the student the principles of Chemical Engineer- ing and to correlate these principles with practice. The work is non-remunerative and is independent of control by the plant management, and therefore the whole attention of the student is directed to the study of Chemical Engineering. The total number admitted to the school is limited and the students; studying and experimenting in small groups, receive individual instruction. Before admission to the School of Chemical Engineering Practice, all students must have adequate preparation in chemistry and engineering. Theable student can complete the requirements for the Master of Science degree in one and one-half years. At the present time, thirty-one colleges and universities are represented among the men attending the School of Chemical Engineering Practice and these men comprise over one-half the enrollment. for further details address: R. T. Haslam, Director, Room 2-131 School of Chemical Engineering Practice Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. - -~~r SPRING ;ji~i 7Mn HATS FACTORy NOW ~~~ . RE ADY Big S4election of Latest Shape, nd 11 CR1'1 (I )S, Take the "Beaten Path" our door and save a dollar more on a hat. to or C 7 'ZomANA r' BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising.., ..... .. .. John J. Hamel, Jr. Advertising...... ...Walter K. Scherer Adlvrtis+ing ......... ...Lawrence JI, l'avrot l .tin. ..............David J. CM. i< Cin'nanon..............'' ownsend I-. Wolfe Accounts................L. Beamnont Parks cause of S I EDITORIAL COMMENT! Kenneth Seick george Rockwood Perry AT. Hayden Eusgene L, Dunne Win. Graulich, Jr. John C. Baskin C. L. Putnam E. D. Armant-oct Herbert W, cooper Wallace T-lner W'illiam H'. Reid. Jr. Harold L. Iaie Wm D. Roesf"e- istartq Allan S. Morton James A. Dryer Wm. Ih. Good Clyde L. Hagerman Henry Freud Herbert P. Bostick D. L. Pierce Cla ton Purdy . i.3. Sanzenbacher. Clifford Mitts Ralph Lewright Philip Newall His tale was told and tears were shed. We gave him a bath and tucked him in bed. Frosh, do profit by your fellowmans plight. Keep away from Green River and study at night. POISON I*Y. MARKETING AMERICAN ART (Daily Iowan) The painter, sculptor or etcher has but half finished his task when he has produced his work of art. He mrt find a buyer and this not infrequently proves the more difficult of the two. It may be said that while money (oes not enter into the production of art, We also do all kinds of Clean- ing and Reblocking of Hats at low prices for 11 IGH CLASS WORK FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where B. U. R. Stops at State TO 4 O- AN ARBOR BUS .AIL EXCEPT SUNDAY Goitg North A.1M. P.M. Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00 Arr. A. A. 9:35 12:35 4:35 '7:35 Going South Lv. A. A. 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00 Ar. Toledo 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35 EASTERN TIME SUNDAYS AND IIOLUM'AS Going North A. X. P. 1. Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30 Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8:00 GOimg south IThe Cosy Corner Tea Room Maynard Street Opposite Arcade ... .... 330 it is only when the speeder beginii to realize thiat he is really breaking the law in as significant a sense as if he were committing burglary, that fast driving will become a thing of the At tenition 'Beebee At last I know why have it! You wanted to Dents don't extract roots it helps to provide the necessary tools. Artists often become well- known throughout the country through WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1923 Night Editor---RALPH N. BYERS WATCH FOR THE EMBLEMS Today marks the first M Day of the season. The idea of all M men wear- ing their emblems once each week was inaugurated a year ago this spring with the. plan in mind ' not only to grant recognition to those who have played on Michigan's teams, but also as a spur to athletically iL- clined under-classmen to enter into some branch of Varsity athletics. The M, days last year were eminently suc- ('Ossful, and served well the purpose for which they were intended. But the continued success of the weekly M days depends upon the co- operation given by Varsity men in the wearing of sweaters and hats. Some who may be reticent must realize that the custom is not one designed for personal ostentation, but rather as a means for increasing the prestige of Michigan's emblem in order to better athletics. Students on the campus today should be able to recognize every Var- sity man by the display of his emblem. One hundred per cent collaboration will make the observance worth while. ,, past. their s Until .then, let the judges do on the slide rule. sternest. one can only pull , the log scale. I discovered that out tree roots on DOWNTRODEN HOLLYWOOD "Hollywood, the sink of iniquity, the black stain on our escutcheon", and like phrases were prevalent in thei newspapers of the country last win- ter. Even if these reports of the press are taken with a grain of salt, thej film city appears to be mad enough to warrant the reputation which it has' attained. According to the press, the dope peddlers ply their lucrative trade in broad daylight, the police work: hand in glove with the bootleggers,1 in fact, the night life of Hollywood rivals the debauchery of Rome in the time of Nero. Such is the newspaper version of the state of affairs in Hollywood, butG as is quite often the case, the press magnifies a few minor details in or- der to create sensation. The notoriety, of the movie town is due to the actions' of a few actors. A somewhat similar condition existed at the University} two years ago when the unfortunate actions of a few individuals was the cue for the scandalizing of the whole school by the press. In reality Hollywood is nothing more than a typical suburb of a big city; .a little village,' beaking in the warm California sun, the picture of, contentment The mainv stucco hous- * * * Dear Sissy- Please don't give up hope and by all means don't let jealousy creep in- to your life. I think your contribu- tions are fine but they're all about Spring and that isn't here yet so I'm saving them. So persevere, Sissy; all you need is patience. * * * Pretty(*) songstress at the Maj-- I ain't got nobody to tell my troubles to- Every male in the audience, to him- self-Bet I could help her out. *from where we sat. GPA S. * * * A murmur heard on the campus: yesterday - "Java Head-ache after seeing that movie at the Maj last?" 4 , * * Have you heard the latest scandal, in Hollywood? No. What is it? Jackie Coogan has a cold sore. . Do you know where he got it? No. Where? From Baby Marie Osborne. Do you know where she got hers? No. Where? From Bull Montana. * * * Today's Nensense Nofe1 "The Bootleg Girl" -- Phyllis Bottle * * lJust Like That To know the joy of life and love.. breathe Spring's sweet air new born..... to feel with heart a pain so poignant...... that tears cannot bless the eyes too sad to sit alone. desolate. .and long for him who never is like that. SISSY. Candid tuff helen, POISON IVY, and SISSY are good. TEARABLE is awful, he cant be un- derstood. Offul is terrible, there's no wit to his cracks. JoKr's original, his jokes are real facts. the aid of influential friends and not v. A............"31/ Lv .A. 8:00 11:00 8:30 / 'i1/Y1r always because of superior ability. Ar. Tol. 10:35 1:35 11:05 It is for this reason that a group of Cars Leave Court House i prominent men and women have ar- ranged to open the largest sales gal- If you get "fed up," lery in the world in New York City. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Modern principles of hbg busines Schedule in Effect October 1E, 1922 If you want a quiet place to dream, will be applied to the marketing of y wXu Xwy A rinar.TruhtiJfCltll P.M. A.M. .Ara P.M. P.M. If you want So Tea, Amerinart rg thismeim 3:45 7:45 ..Adn... 12:45 8:45 y John Singer Sargent' and others who 4:15 8:15 ... Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:15I c wn oo ie 4:3o 8:3& .... Clinton ... 12:oo 8:oo stand in the first rank as American s:i5 9:15 ... Saline 5 ... z:x 7:15 5:45 o:A; ArAnn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45 artists will offer their work directly Chamber of Commerce Bldg. to the public. The large group of D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays wealthy and eminent Americans who and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special are promoting and financing the proj- bus for students leaves Adrian 1:4s, leaves COME Ann Arbor 4:45. ect do not expect to make any prof- its on the sales. Their purpose is to JAMPS H. ,LnI4TT, Proprietor promote recognition of American art Phone 46 and to help the artist obtain a more liberal reward. 'An average of 300 paintings vary-. ing in price from $100 to $10,000 will be kept hanging in the gallery at the Grand Central terminal. From this traveling galleries will be sent out ac- companied by sales forces. Edwin S. Barrie, who will have charge of the Grand-dad loves to tell about the time when he started to work. He earned busines, management, says: - "One of otr leading purposes is to $1.50 per week and saved $4 per month. He rose at 4:30, walked 7 miles interest new buyers. Tens of thou- sands of Americans who ought to take=to work, worked twelve hours and returned home, happy and contented. an interest in American art do not do= so. We want to reach the old art- a b uyin pu but we want o evelop In those times the-e were banks only in the larger cities. Every month Grand Snw o t is agreproah sto tdd put his $4 beneath a' loose brick in the chimney. It earned no interest. .cotuntry that the great artists who.: have been (Ieveloped here have receiv t was not safe from sneak thieves. Grand-dad did 't know the meaning of ed comparatively little recognition and that the public of art buyers i >a checking account. so small in comparison with the num- ber of persons of mean,, in this coun-! - try. The artist is much better off Nevertheless Grand-dad is today reckoned a wealthy man. He' had none than he was fifteen years ago. But the average income is still very small of the banking facilities that the boy of today knows, but he learned well It was this condition that caused the big business men and other influen- the fundamental principle of spending a little less than you earn. tial people on this committee. to take an interest and try to apply vigorous - modern methods to the selling ( This is the lesson that we teach, along with other progressive banks. Why art." not enroll in our classes If you have an M, wear it today - if you haven't, watch for them today. What is so rare as a (lay in March without either wind or rain?-ThA b - ~The Ann. Arbor Saving Banka March is certainly living up to itsAS bad reputation.. _-____-'- _tT- " The fBank of Friendly Serbice" Fr"ev1hman Glee Club Meet, Ton