THE ICH-IGAN DAL'I .., Uni _~ D' Y 0FfIC A I Publication in the Bulletin, is constructive, notice t,6 all memdbers of the l~veraity. Copy 'received until 3:20 .p. m, (11:80 a. 'n . taturds*. 'lole 3'.. TU ESDAY, MARCH 1.1. 19.03A utnber 118 r - _ u ww.w+11M110fY r General Attacks Congress Actionf In Cutting Army Sk *~E Faculty : Cileg-e. of Lieratnre, Sclence, and tt3 Arts. Will members orf the fac6ulty kindly fill out and return to, the offics of the Assistant Dean, the schedule, blanks which bave been delivered through the. messenger, boxes. Inraome ixistLuce these will }be found in the toff of the boxea. WR. HUM1hPIH.IYS. College of ]1te rature, Sclece.dud t he Arts.: Repecntatires of the def tznents ofr .t rphy, Kn*WX R fhetoric poilitcal scien~e, Public Speaking, Mathematics, Astronomzy,(iltek, tlatin, Seint1'e, and any others interested are arked to call at prtofessor Shepaird's, oM(o4 Monday or Tuesday. March 12 or 19, for aon inspection of the completd flor plans of the first pa~r of the flew LiteM'-ty fluildig. The Reients at their m46eting of Jan. 26 adiop4ed the -following resolutton resolved That the title of the property designated "to this date as "The Botanical Garden and Arboretum" be and'is hereby changed from this diate to "The Nichiols Arboretum" his A lasting memor6ial to the donors of the real- estae, Walter Hamymonid Nichols of theGlua~s of '91 and' Esther Blanche Connor N ichols of the 6~a of '9'4,. now. of the city of Palo Alto,: California. SHIRLEY S: SMITH, Secretary. lkserve Ofteem' Trahilng Corp-$,r Hereafter, all men will attend Wednesday afternoon classes in unii- form. Watch Wednesday morning Daily eh week for notice 'regarding drill. In casq of drill, do not report to class' roomsa at 4 o'clock,' but fall in wit~h. your organization on South University Avenue. The regiment 'will form on South University Avenue facing :south, with "A" company on' the right opposite the Clezneut's Library. JOHN14A. BROOI(S, J.', Adjutant. phygileai Uofloiuiun: z "The 'Application of Qu ntic Conditions to the Series Spectra of Stron- tium" by the undersigned, on Tuesday, March1 13, at'; 4:15 p. mn., in -Room 202, Physical Laborator'y. All those interested are cordially invited to attend. 11'. M. RANDALL. To All Students Interestedin Publliceakitn: Tryout speeches of' men who have. already appeared before the mein bership committee ,given at the regular meeting of Adelphi House of Representatives tonight at, 7:30 o'clock, in- the Adelphi. room, fourth floor of University hall. All" men who :are intorested or who would, like to hand in applications are invrited t. be pre,4ent. * DONALD 0. 0O0K. To .4 ?'tonibers of the Chamber, of, Coi mmerce of the. University of Michigan: ' o'eiso~r Merrick 'will give an. illustrated lecture: on his experienceei while In Japepft, at the Arn Arbor .Ch ,rnber .of Comnmerce. luncheon Tjs clay nloon, Marc~h 13. TIs is "GET ACQUAIN TkD DAt". A .entirely. newi stunt w'ill be inaumurated at t his luncheon.: Reservations should, be a .ry. Student members phone Mr. W. Nichols, 11283. F'. C. REINIKE., Ame*iea ChemiflaI Society, V Of X. sect ion:c Tyr. ,i. E.2 Harris of the: Western Electric Comnpanty, formerly 'of tele eat.t of Chlemisatry, University of Michigan, w'ill .give ,a demionstrated lectu~re oil. The E -ec;tron at Work",toW44, Tuesdla, M arc'h 13,at' 8 p. nm. in the Chemical Amiphitheater. Ail interested' are invited to' attend. aC. C. 1MElOCFI"E, Sec1'etaiy. Lcctures, in e'tnlltirgt : Thr," lectrtres in~ metallurgy by Dr. Walter Rosenlia of the National l'yical: I- ratoI5y of Tecddington, Englnd are anioitficed for Mlarch t4, 15 ana 18.. The subjects for the lectures arwe as follows:' March 14,-The Stricture' Ad Qontittutlion .of Alloys. MIarch 1.--Strain and Fracture, in Mwas m4arch i.6.-Aliuininurn Allays. Tho lectitrro will be given in Room 165 Chemi~istry Buildling t & P. 1%., illarch 14 and at 4:15 P. M., March 15 and j6 : A. L. WHiITE. Ctrele Franeals Leetture, Cercie FraxiCais lecture by M. D"s Maras Wed nesday, March 14, at 4; 16, Natural Sfeence' Auditorium. Stbject: Trticde d Christianisrne en Amerique avant C hristophe coloinlt ATHO(NY J. JOBlIN. fDo You Kow Unversity avenue betwcen Ingalls and![ Twelfth streets. '!'he dimensions are ,approximately 750 by 200 feet, fourI stories high to provide sp ace. for din- ing rooms, officcs, a cafeteria, a small! auditorium and accommodations for ! What is the mall? 44 guests. The extra burden for the upkeep of the University on the state tax pay- !dCas ~ eThe facts concerning the new 14 Clas-.l19 ics builiding? XWHIITEJ STAR, CUN ARD, CANADIAN- -PACIFIC, FRENCH, HOLLAND-1 ___.,..TERDAY'ST ANSWEX GRS7T7TTTf1.-D1 'CT Students Supply Store 1111 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, ' obaccos ! k. 3IaA. Gen. Robert L~. Bullard "The army is in a status quo, and that means a 'hell of a fix'," said Maj. Gen. Robert L. Bullard in criticizing the Ia~tion of congress in reducing its strength. He declared the policy was laying the country open to invasion. WHAT'S GOING ON XOTCE-CopGy for this column should ho nbinilted by 5 :30 o'clock of jthe dory before Publication. TUESDAY 12:15i--Medcical faculty larch ini pri- vate dining room of the Union. 4:00,-Mhmes business stagf and try- outs meet in the Press building. ,7:00)-Tr'y-our speethes for member- ship In Adelphi. House of Represen- atives are due. 7 :00-VYrsityGleees lithnmeets lit u0- per reading room of the Union. 7 :0-Inst~itute of Religious Edncation (meets in Lane' hall. :30-Adelihi meets in Adelphi room,~ fourt~h floor, Uiniversity hall. 7:30-Ek'conomies smoker in assembly holl of the Union. Prof. E. E. Day; speaks. WED)NESD)AY 2 :00-atinliee Musicale In assembhly hall1 of the union. 4;00--R, 0.(T. Vband nmeet, in New. ~berry ;hail. 4: i--Organ reel al, in Hill auiditor. itim. 4:W0-Music writers meet in room 3401 of the Union. 1 7:00--Fresurin l Cee club iiicets ini 1upper readinig room of the Union. :30-Seabbard and. Blade weets i room 306 of the Union. 7:.30-Order of 4101,(,ixy meets i liIar. rN'ishall. YETRASASESThe Law club will comec as an in-I novittion to the campus. Funds for. the building were donated by an al-:" umnu~s whose name has been withheld.s The type of architecture will be Gothic with an exterior of a cream-colored stone. It will face South University! avenue extending from Tappan ave-1 nue to State street and down State street to the former Delta Kappa Ep- silon house-. A tower is planned for the building at the point whereOa- land avenue leaves South University. Under this tower is an arch opening into a quadrangle. The club of the biulding is to be that part facing State street. The dormitories will ,be in the portion facing South University. The building is planned to serve as a corn- bination club and dormitory. There will be accommodations for 150 men and graduates who wish to do furth- er study. There are no 'substantial changes mianned for the Barbour. gymnasium. For Waterman gymnasium, 'the plan.' is to build over the present shower room. This addition will, contain of- flees and lecture rooms. The roof and jwalls at the main entrance will be fin- fished. When the new Field house is completed, the Varsity locker rooms now in the gymnasium will be moved there. These rooms will be converted into handball courts and wrestling rooms. At the northeast corner of the two gymnasiums will be -built the swimming pool. It is to be for the convenience of both male and female students at different specified hours. ETC., ETC., TICKETS FOR ALI, OCEAN LINERS, CRUISES. COOK, THOMPSON, CLARK, ETC., TOURS. Licensed Stea mship Agent 'sC. E. I{UEBLER, P'hone 1384 UNUSUAL BO KS*=HaveYou Reads Them? SlIiHA, STUA4RT P.: "AMERICANS."........................... ...... $2.00 HEAR BL.. O.2.00 SOLOMON EAGLE: "ESSAYS AT LARGE". .... .........00{.. V GIBS: '*THE MIDIDLE OF THE ROAD"...........................2.00 H BBS, W31. H.: "CRUISING ALONG BYWAYS OF THE PACIFIC"............ ? CARiRICII: "NEXT TO NOITHING HOUSE"...............................2. ,0 Special Price to Reading Clubs and Libraries a ~UNIVERITY H, BOOKS"TORE Wow R s U . i t i i 3 t t i [ i t ii i 1 I I £Z t 'To date, more than $68,000 has been raised for the proposed Women's } League building. It will face North r' .. a . . . f. r t 'w . .,, G i ".,, TOLEDOO-ANN ARBOR BUS DAILY EXCEPT SUN DAY. Going North A. 3X.: P.M. Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:0-0 2:00 5:00 Arr. A. 'A.. 9:35-12:35 4:35 7:i35 Going South Lv. A. A.. 7. 00. 10:;9{r 2:00 t:00 Ar. Toledo 9: 35 12:35 4:-35 7:35 EASTERN TIME SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS G~oing North, ;A*, 3L P . Lv. Toledo 8:00 .11:00 5.:30 Arr. A. A. 10:35135 :0 Going South Lv. A.. A. 8:0 11:00 8:30 Art. Tol. 10:35' 1:35F11:05 E'ars 'Leav e Court honue. "In the Spring a young man's fancy--" II I Give him the Portrait he's been asking for FLOWERS Plants. Coarsages ° V-AOTICES Press, club meeting' postpIoned ulode- finitely on account of illness of speaker. Westerners' club meeting piostpjoned t'o Wednesday, March 28. Senior Eds moust order their caves git jWagner's before March 14. Palms and Ferns to Rent FLOWERS BY WIRE Cousins & Hall 611 EAST UNIVERSITY AVE. PHOTOGRAPHER Mld-West Pebate : The annual Maid-west debate will, b e ld in hill Auditorium Friday night, March 16, at 8 o'clock. Thie University of Wisconsin will be our op- ponent. Ttie questiIs "the abolition of, the use of injunctlonbs in 'labor 4 isputvs". All It mbers of the; University and of the community generally are cordially inrited. Thlere will be no admission charge. RAY IK. lMMEL,. latbetcal Cla).: Regul'ar mPiet.lug will be fheld in Room 401 Masoni Hall, this evrening at 3A o'clock. ProcIf. H. C arver will present "Some P±undamnental Prob~lemns of Statiuticn". Graduate studenta and members of the Faculty are invited. W. W. D3ENTON, Secretary. Acolytes: Acolytes will hold a regular meeting yTuesday evening, March 13, at 8 o'col in Rtoom. 105 Masorn Hall. Miss K~urth. will,,read a, paper entfledl, "The Signifrcanco 'of Mental Testy". HOWARD D. ROELOF4,P Arch Acolyte, Vrev kl Aand 6:." X 'shall not be able to meet my classe.s in French on Wednesday. EUGENE' E ItOV4ILLAIN.' Read Te Daily "Cafe" Columns ALPHA DELTA Pill COPS FRATERNITY HOCK(EY STATE STREET Call 303-W for appointment T ITlLE (Continued from Page Seven) of these players are (liters of the first water and have dependable abil- ity to cage the puck. The problem of goal tender is solved with John Stek- etee, Alpha Delta Phi. As a goal ten- der hNs work was spectacular at times and In the opinion of some hie rivals Comb of the Varsity. Some other men who helped their houses materially are: Brayton, Alphv Delta Phi;. McCobb, Delta Upsilon; Erhart, Beta Theta Pi; McPike, Theta Delta Chi; WGilson, Acacia; I11 Stud. field, Beta Theta Pi. Try Our Business Men's Lunch 11 :30- 2:00 -65 JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY l)LNElL Kennedy's Orchiestra 11:30--4:00 Cornwell Coal Bldg. IE I PHOVE l15 ' '. _ __ __ _1_ _ eWe Eaven ftatched,. the b~uttons Here is a typical White Shvan booster looking over a shirt just laundered to see 'if we actually dhid as wue adver- tised. The shirt was sent minus a button and not only was it replaced, but wse even m etched the butti'os on h 's shirt. Sai No ney- LEARN Tying LEARN LEARN Typing NOW rPut your duds in our suds" ,. S 4' 1r That's what you do when you buy your hard- wae upie'here Try us. I! IY Ii