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March 11, 1923 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-11

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(Cotninued from Page Nine)

George Eliot's "Silas Marner";
comes here on Sunday for the openingI
attraction. The portrayal of the char-
acters of Eliot's novel is effected in I
the .sincerest and most human ways
possible. The role of Silas Marner is,
handled by Crauford Kent. Little
Helen Rowland plays the waif*he findsi
asleep on his hearth after the loss
'f his gold. Anders Randolph is
Squire Cass, and Bradley Barker and l
Charles Coghlan are his sons, God-
frey and Dunstan.
On Wednesday "Lavendar and Old"
Lace," the screen version of Myrtle
Reed's book, will be shown. here. The!
all-star cast ineludles Seena Owen,
Marguerite Snow, and. Louis Benni-

Ps two older men are seen as rivals for
the hand of the supposed aunt. At this
"Greatest" Lover stage, the real aunt appears, and the
fun begins.
~ ~.~"~ Rice to Give Recital
Phidelah Rice, master reader, will
give a recital at 8:00 o'clock on March
14 in Hill auditorium under the aus-
pices of the Oratorical association.
His subject will be 'Peaceful Valley."
.Tho admission will be $1.00.
Ann Arbor Ice harvested
Ann Arbor ice companies have har-
vested their yearly supply of ices The
City Ice company, '326 Ann street,
easthas put up more than 8000 tons,
while Earnest ehrberg, 327 Bro
way street, has stored 2800 tons. The
City Ice company cut from the Huron
river above the first dam and Mr.
Rehrberg cut from a private pond.
Badgers Invited East
The Wisconsin, Glee club, chosen as
the only middle western club to take
* xpart in the Eastern Collegiate Glee
* }Club contest to be held in New York
city, will compete with 12 eastern col-
leges and universities, including
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth,
and Pennsylvania State. The Badger
club w s invited to participate as the
winner bf a recent contest held in
Chicago among 12 colleges and uni-
9:-x versities of the Middle West.
: \ ;::.:<.. ,Russians Offer Aid to Ruhr 'Workers
Mosc w, Mar. 10 (By AP.)--T
Russian trade unions have sent an-
other message to Germany reiterat-
ing their offer of 9,000. tons of grain
for workers in the Ruhr district. Up
to today, according to the executive
councils of the unions, no reply has
been received to the offer.



George Arliss in "The Man, Wh
Played God," is the screen offering
which opens the week at this theater.j
The story deals with a world-famous
musician who suddenly becomes deaf.
Embittered against the whole world,
he is a changed man within a few
months, and, is driving his wite and
friends front him by his cynicisim He,
has learned lip-reading and thru this
knowledge, just as. he has determined
o, suicide, he learns of another life.
tragedy greater even than his own.
His mind taken from his own griev-
ance against the world, he begins the
game of playing God. Mr. Arliss is
supported by a splendid cast, includ-
ing 'Ann Forrest, Effie Shannon, Ed-'
ward Earle, and others.
On Thursday Gorrinne Griffith will
be seen here in "Island Wives." The
story deals with a South Sa Island
Girl, who, discontented with the heat
of her native land, longs for a life
in the city where cool breezes and
stylish clothes are in vogue. Her wish
is granted in a most unexpected way,f
and the events that follow, are strange.
and interesting.

Flora Shfield
In the role of Laurette Dechateau
Briand, will -appear as leading lady to
Leo Ditrichstein in "The Purple
Mask" tomorrow night at the Whit-


The food is different.

The Stage
Leo Ditrichstein comes here in "The
Purple Mask" for a one night per-
fo mance on Monday, March 12. The
play is a romantic melodrama adapted
from the French of Paul Armont and
Jean Manoussi. The action of the
melodrama occurs during the period
when France was torn by internal
strife, when the Royalist. and Napo-1
leonistic factions made life a veritable!
nightmare for the man 'on the fence.
To capture a brother Royalist from
the hands of the enemy is the task
which Armant, the Comte of Tervieres
(Leo Ditrichstein), sets. about to ac-
complish. Mr. Ditrichstein is support-
ed by a splendid cast of 30 players.
Situbert-MIlchigan (Detroit)'
"Charley's Aunt," a farce which has
endured since 1892, and has been play-
_ ed in Detroit many times, has been se-1
lected by the Bonstelle Company as
the offering at the Shubert-Michigan
this week.I

The curtain rises on Jack Chesney's
rooms in college. He and his chum,
Charley Wykesham, are in the agonies
of composing letters to their sweet-
hearts. Their dilemma centers in the
difficulty they encounter in finding the
right phrase for a starter. They fin-
ally hit upon the idea of inviting the
girls to luncheon, where they are to
meet Charley's aunt, Donna Lucia
d'Alvadore, who is coming from Bra-
zil. The girls accept the invitation,
but the expected aunt sends a tele-
gram announcing that business will
delay her arrival. Here is a dilemma.
Somebody must act as chaperon, or
the girls will be compromised'.
The collegians have a third chum,
Lord Fancourt Babberly, who is hus-
tled into a feminine get-up and com-
pelled to undertake the character of
the: missing aunt for this occasion. As
Charley's aunt, Babberly is presented
to the girls, and later, to Jack's father,
and old Stephen Spettigue, father of
one of the sweethearts, and guardian
of the other. In the second act the

sona ble

Quantity and a rea-
price has. always

been our aim.

Smartest service in the City.
Special Sunday Dinner



We're crowding a lot of value
into our suits and topcoats
this spring, for in spite o
the rich fabrics and superb
tailoring, prices are modest

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Cleaning is expensive for you



at any price unless Benzol



We use it (not gasoline)

yet clean men's suits for $1.50!

All the new ones are here; Hart
Schaffner & Farx and o thers

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Tuxedos for Soph Prom wear, $30 - $50





Main Street at Washington

I Telephone


p. I'




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Unlucky for spots






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