THE MICHIGAN DAILY . BHIVI INTRG the gymnasium are as follows: White,' F sYB s b M Snider, Feinsinger and Pressnell on; eam1111,Unyone Rockwell, frown A warded Numerals For Work KTIA L Fa TEn N TY BILkIiFh onCoach Ray Fisher, freshm an bas- exception of M orgaridge, a center, and kzthi mo n vna tir nnnl n d t Bumnus, a forward. (Continued from Page Six) Fingerle, cross country 'numeral MR E STOR TIISP winner, and "Coach Hahn's ace in the half mile, was unable to compete du( to an injury received several weeksI- Seven houses are entered in the fra- ago. It is expected that he will be ternity billiard tcurnament which will start Tuesday at the Union. No time able to run out iors s has been set for the opening match Savinghisf lrs -e as the drawings are to be made tomor- Savng isfinal burst of speed forrwatteUin the final lap, Hicks showed his heels row at the r Union. to Callahan and Hull in the two mice. Although there is a small represent- covering the distance in 10:30 2-5e ation of the houses on the campus, the onds.Catlhtancnk1t:e0l2-d se-altournament will not wait for any more onds. Callahan took the lead several etisuls hyaesa nwt- times' but could not cope with the re-( entries unless they are sent in with- sresteghof Hicks. in the next few days. 'Time cf the served strength arff.h-Iraks. drawings at the Union will be set by Snide'e, individual star of the trials hemngrftheetadhwi captured both the 65 low and higt the manager of the event, and he will hurdles. He defeated Frank in thenotify each house. low hurdles in 7 9-10 seconds and eas- ily won the high hurdles from McCoy Seuicr Dents To Starting the 440 with too fast ,a pace, Freyburg failed to better his Smoke In Union time of 53 3-5 seconds, winning frbm Rockwell and Feinsinger in 54 1-10. Senior dental students will hold a Reversing the result of the previous ser nttUdnTsdWylehld- trials, White won a hard race from oker the Union Thursday even- trilsWhie wn ahar rae foming The affair is to consist of speech- Feinsinger in the 50 yard dash in 5 Cs,. 4-5 seconds. Feinsinger ran a strong es, entertain ient, and a luncheon d race but could not equal his perform- Dr J . Tald al o. t. Dal aJc of last week, whLn he ran the 50 -, yards in 5 3-5 seconds, tying the wat- college faculty will deliver short talks. 5 35 Scodstyig he atDr. Albert Le "Grow of Detroit also erman gymnasim record. Stem fin- sd gmaimrcr.Swill speak. The principal feature o= seird.btrdh makthe entertainment will be an act of 8 1-2 inbhes in the high jump by clear- Egyptian dancing during the intermis- iZetau mentor, mage in eannuai awIar uA - --a - . of numerals to the members of hisIIn commenting upon the merits of shis former pupils Coach Fisher said freshman basketball squad yesterday s. fiia x- I f Hoist Engagement ot'Congratulations to the authorities of the Ann Arbor May Festival for Arouses Comment broad-sightedness and enterprise. On May 17 as one of the features of their Engagement of the distinguished Festival, they are to give the Amer!- English composer, Gustav Holst, by can premiere of the "Hymn to Jesus" the School of Music to conduct the by Gustav Holst whose "Planet" sym- American premiere of his "Hymn to phony made a decided impression Jesus" at the May Festival, May 16-19 when played here last year. And fur- is receiving much favorable'comment, then, they have engaged Mr. Hoist by of which the following taken from a cable to come over and direct the recent issue of the Musical Courier is work. That is the way to do things; typical: and that is the sort of thing that im- ; . I . ,? j_ ; i presses Europe with the fact that there is sorme decidedly intelligent music-making in this country." Irish Leader Captured Dublin, Marcli 10-(By A.P.)-Fran?, Henderson, describe.d 6s a leader among the irregular forces in Dublin yas captured in the treet today. Try ,a' Classified Adt--It *ay.-Adv. when eight men, Morgaridge, Bump- us, Ierfistein, Palmer, Stevens, Fin- ley, Baker, and Baer were given the right to wear the coveted jerseys. Ineligibility following from the firstI semester examinations wrecked the hopes of many of the candidates who would probably have received their class insignia, for more than 40 men attend the nightly practices under Coach Fisher's direction. Guards on the past season's squad greatly outnumbered the forwards and centers, and of those reciving their numerals all were guards with the' cellent chance to make. the Varsity squad next winter. , Hutzel, Reese, Doyle, Cherry, and Ginn did not re- ceive the yearling insignia because of scholastic difficulties, but they will be remembered along with their more fortunate team mates next winter in the fights for berths 'on the Varsity when the season rolls around again. All of these men are practicing with Coach Matther's Varsity squad in order that the Varsity mentor can get a line on his future prospects and can ac- quaint the yearlings with the Varsity style of play. 4 i Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. : i . x ... I I Fraternity Relay Finals To Be Feature Event At Cornell Meet f, ing tMe cross bar at 5 feet 9 inches, winning from Viant. Clearing 21 feet 3 inches, Snider won the broad jump with apparent ease. Viant placed sec-I and with 19 feet 11 inches. Probable runners on the two relay teams that will race Thursday night in. An event which should be of much; Officials in charge of the event are interest to those interested in fratern- urging all teams which will compete ity athletics, an indoor relay race be- to get down to serious training at tween the two fastest fraternity relay once, as the grind will be hard and teams on the campus, will be added to only a few of the fraternity athletes "he program of the Michigan-Cornell aresin trim for competition at the track meet, which will be held March!present time. 24 in Waterman gymnasium. Both A silver loving cup will be awarded teams will run eight lapseach man to the house winning the finals. trang w runds eih 'as Further information on the race can First eliminations for the event will be obtained at the Intramural office. be held tomorrow and Tuesday, in More than 40 teams have r ntered order that both teams may be in the'thus far. nest possible condition for the final :un. In the preliminary eliminations hlIany Entries Listed each team will run alone, the eight New York, March 100-(By A.P.) fastest teams to be selected for a A new record for Davis cup competi- later elimination which will be held tion was established today when Bel- March 19, the week before the Mich- gium's 1923 challenge reached the U. igan-Cornell track meet. Entries S. lawn tennis association bringing the, may be sent into the Intramural office total numbei- of nations entered to 15. any time between now and Monday Several other challenges are expect- evening. (ed. i &L .I I i I Craftsmen to Hold Smoker It was definitely decided by Craftsman cluh in its meeting night that an All-campus smoker be given March 24. the I411st will F GIFTS Commencement fl fl THIS m0MM TiAS ECLUMN LLAES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. CA C~~it b4 Rates.Two Emits Per word a a vy, perd In mava c. NMm- tmv ~charw -ftr frst day, 2rp(. Mi mum t ttwfr, 20c, Three ' ets pr w d per day it charged. Whig sm. dwcbged for at rate of Be Ow &pM Obeuuside4,ebarged .e~to tbo Ose having phones. r : T+ +o a v 4 t.Per Ifte, ith"ou ctractmaid in advance. I 1. NOTICE BUSJNESS OPLPORITU'LNIY - The following box replies are at The STUDENT AGENTS Daily office: GRE, ECP, 18, LEB,j Make Big Money Selling 1D, GW, CZS, RHB, FMM. I RADIO CIGAR LIGUTEP.S An imported novelty. A lighter that DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING always works. Send no money. Write called for and delivered for $1.26 a for particulars. suit., Phone 165. White Swan THE MODERN SPECIALTY CO. Cleaners. 117-6 1147 Grandview Avenue, r I i 1 ,: I I . - -oo -g -om - -D -~n m Detroit SPORT OXFORD that are different om - -g Chicago S I IIIIIII II Special 25% Discount our You will be pleased if you profit by -a I- - Sunday Dinner, 85c SOUP Creme of Celery MEAT Fried Milk Fed Chicken, Country Style VEGETABLE Green Peas SALAD Combination with French Dressing DESSERT ' Ice Cream DRINK Tea Coffee Milk THE VARITY INN 512E. WILLIAM ST..., O A Y O TEitiiSEiAPPEAlllfiNfllliltiitll:tti "iCllltlltti O Y ?ill DO ANY OF TH ESE APPEAL TO. YOU? WANTE D WANTED--Student salesmen, fori Spring and Summer vacation;. alec spare time. Big money in selling the best line of household necessi- ties on the market. Spring vaca- tion will soon be here. The anti- dote for failure is preparation. See me now, F. T. Wall, 402 E. Jefferson St. 117 WANTED-By June 15, three-room un- furnished apartment for student -and wife,situated near campus. Ad- dress Box B.A.C., Michigan Daily. 117-7 WANTED-To rent for next year, house which will accommodate about twenty men comfortably. Box SZF. 117-3 WANTED--Airdale male pup. Must be registered or eligible. W. W. Todd. Whitney H-otel. 117 I BOARD. BEGINNING MONDAY the Y. W. C. A. Cafeteria will serve a special thir- ty-five cent dinner; Beef stew, mash- of potatoes, rolls and butter, tea, coffee, milk, chocolate pudding with whipped cream. Watch our bulle- tin board for our daily specials. 11'i THE IDEAL AFTERNOON LUNCH- KREAM KOFFEE KAKE and coffee. Rex's Club Lunch. 114-50 'SHOE FACTORY ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FAC- TORY. Bring your repairs where shoes are made.. Crepe soles at- r Cached to your shoes. $2.75. Bring i them in today. Made-to-measure orders-one week service. Satis-' faction guaranteed or money re- turned. 534 Forest Avenue. Call 3043. 108-21' TYPEWRITING YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCURATE service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- DLE'S BOOK STORE, 11 Nickela FOR SALE-Remington Portable I Typewriters. Call Black, student dealer, 432 Thompson. 1128-J. 115-50 KODAK FINISHING FILMS-Developed and printed by our own photographers. Leave films at any of our stores today, get prints tomorrow night. Calk- ins Fletcher Drug Co. 109-21 MISCELLANEOUSr KILL TWO BIRDS with one stone. (,Olt,, US, OHI 21 IF you want to try the selling gamo spring vacation see H. J. Leader, 622 E. Liberty. Phone 3221-J across from Spedding Studio. 109-50 Footwear of Quality are Distinetion I onall I LOST LOST--Saturday morning in main street shopping dsitrict large black cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Liberal reward if returned to 1520 ( Hill St. or call 629. 117-3. Nickel's Arcade ANN ARBOR Ivory and Leather Goods See Windows I SUNDA Y DINNER f2:04-2:00 LOST-Pair of tortoise shell rimmed Eglasses in brown case bearing ad- dress of Farmer and Toniks, Sagi- naw, Mich. Phone 1793-J. 117-2 -IIIIIII - -IIIIIIII - -IIIIIII m mII LOST-Wednesday night at Van's, a log book and leather loose leaf book with valuable architecture notes; Reward. Lundin 1747-R. 116-2 LOST-Friday on North State or cam- pus, pair of black tortoise rimmed glasses. Finder please call 25;6-M. 117 LOST-Last term, postal card size ko- dak in book store or in Engineering building. -Reward for return to Secretary's office. 117-2F LOST-Gold wrist watch on black} ribbon. Initials "H.E.R." on back. Phone 1325. Reward. 116-2 LOST-Pair of Brown tortoise shell rimmed glasses. Call 3121. 116-2 FOR RENT FOR SALE-Conn B-flat , Cornet. Trumpet model. Quick change to A. C. slides. Box case. Call 1291-J. 117-2 FOR RENT-4 room, steam-heated, un- furnished apatrment. Private bath. 1032 Vaughn. Phone 579-J. 117 FOR RENT-5 rooms, lower flat, coal furnished, 1-2 block from campus# 627 Oakland. Phone 1754-R. 117' FOR SALE FOR SALE-Raincoats, Cravenettes, directly from factory. Save youF money. Satisfaction guaranteed. SIMONS, 2846-J. 107-21 FOR SALE-Two Festival coupon, main floor near stage. Phone 1311- W. 117 WASHING GIRLS, if you are real particular, about the way your dresses and clothes are cleaned, send them to us. White Swan Cleaners. Phone 165. 117-6 FURNITURE 'Getyour Roast Chicken with Roa Mashed Pc Boiled Rice Buttered Pars Butter Cold Slaw Chicken Noodle Soup a Dressing Breaded Veal Cutlets st Pork and Apple Sauce )tatoes Candied Sweets Creamed Celery nips Buttered Peas fly Salads banana Split Heavenly' Hash Assorted Pies **t G. Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription Store Cor. State and N. University Angel Food Cake Nut Bread SPECIAL Head Lettuce Cucumbers Tomatoes Radishes Vilcro d I I , V"ql --- New Pie Plant fog r VN - Phone 308 THE Y. W. C. A. CAFETERIA Easier "The Quarry" 508 E. WILLIAM JUST OFF STATE ST. 44 hLq .il ® , ... .... .._. .. e .. -..., Come in beautiful and let us play for you a Easter "song service by such great artists as Caruso, Homer, McCormack, Harrold and others. While you're here select the Victrola model you would like to own. We can arrange terms of payment. Why put it off again? SLet us send you your Victrola to day! +,11I~ii111111U1111IIN11lllilillllillllU 1111I il IIU t1111111 ll llltllilliillllyf1111tt ll l1.11i1 1111i 11111 1l1111 -- s SUGDEN'S DRU G CO. are now in their new home at 1112 So. University Avenue -~- We have the best equipped fbuntain in the city _ and carry the best brands of candy made TRY OUR FOUNTAIN EAT OUR CANDY SCHAEBERLE & SON I