iT IfJL MICHIGAN DAILY I4HE MICHGAN DAIL - f]~ V sus.- _ "...,. , , - ,_ U . -r . _ 'Ti, q A ,. - ! ! I__ +6 /' -. ,'- r -rrrr r r4 e ~ rrirrr E' I" I' FFERED1 BY A NYV THEATR~E IN A-N .fit ;1i .Oll VI'NlFPY.INC'LUD)ING, I)EATOIT. IF' YOU ARE 511 PI'N(i FORl ENTERTlA INM31ENT, II EA ) EVEIRV WORD1 o1" ilS I Al1). I.n e Comm ening Today! i t '. -JE i in his very latest feature-- ~Aiii~ i' . 4 I f . U lsi.Do you think anyone butC('b -En:f could play this-- an that human undercurrent, that indefinable element which made saedconvict talkingUa parson's clot hes, ,a pa r:on's jo')--and tstill "The Kid'' d masterpiece! keptewhole worldI happy? Enacted, written and directed by Charles Chaplin-that's why! LAG -mm tSpecial Notice!! TOl-0iIt I JUIOR PA rt.RONsr TIuesday, 'Mrich 13, 4 P. ll. Conme Right After School CAPLIN PRIZE MATINEE BE SURF,'1)TO ( 1 COUON from One 0of1the iBoys ,. FREE! FREE! FREE! SIX 3MASTER PRIZES. Comprising A Itealt 'elephone Six Pairs of t he .U1i01 Outfit Extension Iloiller Skates --an ROA PECIAL ADDE FEATURE PRICES SUN)DAY SUE 1) 1 1 7 I1 J,- [Technicolor] The colors of nature have beeni PHIOTOGR~APHIED for Ibe first Uie bb inking. [Technicolor] Matl inee and Evenuing, All Seats 45~c. War Tax Esc Total )0~c iRiddles 10c Even inig 7:00---S30 It's to your -advantage to "Trhe Toll of the Sea " OTHER DAYS A hoignamil romiance of the Orient, of love confessed, and so 1love lost. Of the realism of the illusion of reality One -New York Critic said. Collie early. Matinee Balcony, ?ac A uditoriu,,3)cT Evening Balconay, 35c E veuting' It's to iyonr advantlage to Augemented Orchestra With Special Musical Setting Afitrlui,50 ATTF ,i I 'I