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March 11, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-11

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tinall overdraw, through not know- 7.: ,....,
t 1 tit j ng the anmount of money which they
__________________-' have on deposit, seem:;, inexcusable. O S EI
OFFICIAL hEWSP. PER OF THLE With the expenditure of but a few,
?UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN minutes each week, anyone can know ,F
Published every morning except Mondayexclho he tad nacII
during t eUniversity fear by theoBoard i11 The person having such knowledge BT
Control of Student Publications.if illntl 1 rlrfn n n va nn n n-- _ ___

Member of Western. Conference Ed. toriai

ers or to prat himself in embarrassing
predicaments by' issuintg uncollectible;

Bright and early as I climb from
out my downy couch and do inhale
deeply of the balmy air. Walking


'The Associated Press is exclusively en- .JA , S
tild to the use for republication of all A profitable habit for anyone to form1
news dispatches credited to it or not otheristaofcuryin-itiig
wise credited in this paper ani the local1 hto cuac nmitiigan
news published therein. adequate knowledge of one's Rnacial)
________________________ IWelfare. The man who knows "how
4ntered at 'the postofice at. Ann Arbor,'
Michigan, as second class matter, fie stands" is seldom the man who
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.s. comes to issue with his hanker on
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- matters such as overdraft. Besides, it
nard Street.I
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and I76-M; Busi' is likely that most of the persons
RSS. ~who continually claim to be "bt oke"
Communications not to exceed 3o0 words would never have reached that stage
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, of ffinancial impoverishment had they

briskly down the thoroughfare,h
zming snatches of the Opera "St. L
Blues" as rendered by Theodore I
is' Symphony Orchestra. I ain
minded of a, verse of CUB'S:-


"The call of Spring is lurking
Beneath you sky of blue.
I do not feel like working
In fact I never do."




andnotices of events will be p)ublished ir. maintained +some sort of personal ac-
Tike Daily at the discretion of the Editor, ifI
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un" counting device for their own con-
signed communications will receive no con venience.
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses. postage. The Daily
dove not necessarily endorse the sentimnent: ORAiEW l( tA
expesed n he omurnatona - "All roads lead to Rome" is a
EDITORIAL STAFF phrase which shows that the old em';.jl
TEelephlones 2411 and 176-1 perors were aware of the fact thatit
-- quick transportation is a tremnendous
MANAGING EDITOR asset to the state. The Romans de-C
MARION B. STAHL veloped a complex and highlly effec-!
t- - liye system of highways to furtherl
News Editor.... ............Paul Watzel! lecomianmltrsicitrssl
City Editor .....'...... James B. Youngteeoomcadmiiaiti nee t
A -; itit City CEitor .......... J. A. Bac '' f the government. Some of the mlain!
N:ltra adCara.... .Mis{atre ight Editor arteries of commerce were constructed)
Ralph Byers Harry Hoey 8o well tha~t they have survived the:-
I~.J. lerhdoferH. . Mriaty ravages of time, and are nearly as
I.ADoae J. MakSplorts Editor .... ;..., Wallace V. Fliott perfect now as they were in the dayss
Women's Editor ...... ...... Marion Kochwhntecsusudtoradhm

It's a lovely little lyric, and calls
up in one's mind visions of Springish t
things such as new bonnets, apple 1ad oa b l so s ic r e l n
nel-wear, dulcet whisperings andI1
plash of paddles, the first robin and
the last lumpy galosh.
And so through the dlay anti into the'
eve. Tro bed with a most deciddtl
feeling of unrest. 1 must purchase
m te some shirting-s aind cravat on theI
W1hail Did 11(e Svy
have YOU ever called
HER by phone and sp~oken...'

4AM P1"'1011Y
(Oregon Sunday Emnerald)}
There is, att the pre'sent tume, a.
heavy atta ck being made upon aictiv-
ities; thi; is evidenced by the numi-
ber of Big Berthas now being trained
fronm the parap~ets of Fort Johnson
toward the scores of little gun pits out
on the students' No Mani's Land. Now,
of course this is all r'ght---we must.
have conflict or life would get rather
monotonous, but we must niot allow
the roar ot the big guns to press out
the value of they}e activities.I
For activities have a value, more of
a. value than. most profess ors id ped-
agogues are willing to admit. And the
nine-pinned man is, oft-times, the
possessor of more hard, solid gray
matter than the prodigy of the labora-
tory, or the child of the library and
the seminar. The very fact that a, man
has nine pins indicates, p~erforce, that
hie is the possessor of some kind( of
unciommzon ability. What is that abil-
i1' is the quatlity of being 'a good
m iixer. 11. means that the inan knows
how, to gr;t along with others; that, he
knows howr to put an ear to the ground
and list to the rumblings; it means
that lie knows how to expres~s him-
self; it means that he can bluff, that
he can persuade, tha.t he can comn-
promise, that he cani get things (lone.
IHeaven criown the fellow who can get
things clone!
Don't let us be understood as dis,
par'aging the scholar. H-e it' the chap
who is going to keep "th1e small, trail
'flame of truth alight in at mighlty
windy, teinpestuo~s world. We need
more scholars, no doubt, andl any-
thing we may do to produce miore
scholars is commendable.
But let u~s never fegret that it is not
the scholar who is to negotiate the
daily transactions of the world. It is
not he who is to i-oll up hi's Sleeves.
get out in the mxiddle of the street and
deal with ornery people,, inexact and
prejudliced emnotioi, erroneous facts,
and warped ideals. It is not the schol-
ar who must roughly strike a balance
and go forward. The scholar's mind
is too delicately tuned, too finely bl
ba-anced to compromise or' to deal in
subterfuges. Above all things he must
be exact,.lhe must be faithful to truth,
'he must forever disregard the clamor
of the mob; hie must not heel the
journalistic spirit of the modern
EAmerican which cries out for a pop-
ular ,rough and ready interpjretation
of all things =under the stars-and of
the stars themselves.

methods of study that do not, result
in the acquirement, of real i nowl-
The problemn is one that mnu4 he
leift for the psychologists to so ve.
Certain it. is 'that any system. evolvedl
will not meet with approval if'. by
laying clown a set of elementary rules.
to do as lhe pleases. The delicate
problem facing the psychologists5 is to.
p~reserve the liberty of the student
jand yet at the sane time lead hint to
work in a systematic manner that will
result in a. college graduate who has
a mind trained for hard work.
Dedicate ('liapel to - iIlhmimiHP
The new chapel in H-arris hall i,
to be a memorial to the late Bishop D.
Williams. An appeal is being male 0 '
University alumni of St. Andrew's
church to p~rovide funds to furnish
the chapel properly.

Schedule in Effect October zE, 1932
Cen'ral Tim~e (Slow Time)
l) X X D
'.iM. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3.45 7:45 "... Adrian .. 12:45 8:4S
4 :30 8:30 ....Clinton . . ..1:00 8 :0
5:15 9:15 ... Saline . ..ii:15 7:15
5:a5 o:<'; Ar~Nm ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
Chamber o)f Commerce Bldg-.
(}----D)aily. X-D~aily except Sundays
and I!Holidays. Fr iday and Saturday. special
bus for studlewis leaves _Adrian 1-45, leawea,
Anni Arbor 4:45.
J AMNNSIf. F. ,LU O'lT, Proprietor
Phone 46

The Graham Book Stores wi!] give the Building Fund of the Women's League a per-
centage on all cash sales of the

60 1,4 Nat'l Bu~nk Bldg.
Ellours, 1.6 p.m. Phone 401-3~
712 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Street*


wo nen












Pictorial Editor.... .......... Robert Tarr
Music Editor ...................;. 1H. Ailes
Editorial Board
Lowell Di'err Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

Sidney Bielfield
R. A. Blillington
Hlelen Brown
it. C. Clark
A. B. Connable%
Bernadette Cote
Evelyn I. Coughlin

Franklin D Xlepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
Edward J. Higgins
Kenneth C. Kelar
Elizabeth Liebermiann
John McGinnis
Samuel Moore
M. IH. Pryor
W~ 1)P f..-+

Joseph Tpstemn W. B. 1\uUC ILY
T. I. Fiske Robert G. H alusay
John Garlinghouse Cam pbell Robertson
Walter S. Goodspeed J, W. Ruwitch
P'ortia Goulder Soll J. Schnitz
Rtonald lalgrimn P'hi'is M W V'n or
Telephone 960
-Advertising. ......'..John 3. 1Iamel, Jr.
Advertising.........alter K. Scherer{
Advertising ............. Lawrence 11[. iavros
Pbication................ Edwvard I'. Conlin'
Copywriting........... .Dlavid J. AL Park
Circulation ..... ......... ownsend 11. 'Wolfe
Accounts ...............1. Beaumont Park,
Kenneth Selck Allan _S. Morton
George Rockwood James A. Dryer
Perry M. Hayden im. H. Good
Eugene j,. Dunne Clyde L. Hiagermian
Win. Granlich, Jr, Henry Freud
John C. Haskin Herbert P. Bostick
C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce
E. D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy
Herbert W. Cooper 1. B.'Sanzenbacher
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts
\villiam 'Ff. Reid. Jr. Ralph, Lewright
Harold IL. Hale Philip Newall
win. 0. Roe,,er
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923
Night Editor---RALPH N. BI'ERS

at the head of their legions. to HER for a few
But to get away from the mistyf minutes and then AFTER
thoughts of the past and to come down you have made a LONG
to the present it is obvious that roads IPRETTNV speech wait
are still an important factor in the' for an ANSWER and not
}n to . hi fa t w s il sr t d yge lthe Germnans in the late war when ' and then dhid you BANG
they mobilized -men on the French; the receiver and vell "HELLO"
border in a surprisingly shorttime! and get EXCITED and
due partly to their perfect system of; THEN did you suddenly
railroads and highways. In the' come down to dear OLD
United States, the railroads have mother EARTH with a,
reached a degree of perfection that 'THUD and realize that.
has not been attained in any other SHE has hung 'up on
mitiT but our highways are infe- you?
rior to those in Europe. ain't it a GRAND
Recently there has been considera-. and GLORIOUS feeling?
ale talk and agitation upon the sub- AIN'T it now?
fect of a concrete road from New; YEIl..
jYork to San Francisco. While as yet h ell.
aothing definfte has materialized in :
chis direction, still it is not a vain Yir' d Blink
[!.pe that within the next ten years a Bcwcy ik a utb~ms
highway will stratch from coast to ~an enhni on e ou
cast. This wil be another strongiantbe ng rudyicln
dese last coupla weeks ya tink,, ya
axinof cmmece tat wl anerveto can slip one ovem' on me Ware da ya
bind the people together into a n get dis stuff about sayin mie sh oit;
separable state of facilitating cheap ;uha.
transportation. Every citizen who GeIe'apiyws u atn
owns an automobile could then smake's ocawly itYrs lm
rn anulti;costecniet (de second letter is an a, dunilibel) yai
Such a road would be 'an iinimeasura-
Ne asetin tme.of wr wen te tink Helen is a nifty kid W'ed she aint_
'l'ad wold e haid1 I bin out wid her to menry timdes an~d
Ia:the enire-l ntalert tio m was her man but she trew me down
I teetr udno rnprain' Say Bunk, didja here about de froshl
The resultant stimulus to business in wc al ~Hsosadwn~t m
the states traversed by a" coast to coa."t; if deres axmy skatin in de poolroom to-
highway would be extremely impor- jnsie
Itant. So much so that were the strat- ~ ~~vlQ1)
egic value of the highway and the '
impetus that such an undertaking
would give to °pleasure driving to be D)ot; Jl!(kl&'5 Down
7obviated, the importance of the pro-; I head a pup)
posed road to the nation's businessI His name rvas Menthol
would apparently be justification 1-e saw my galoshes
Eenough to warrant carrying; the en- And Mentholatum.
terpris'e th~rough. Soi'etblroat.
( INULES VNo skating at the Coliseum today.



e,' "*

' 1")III t1 Ott'I1)2

I 9

'2 7


- .4



-a ~ rG , i p Al s HATS
[Big Seletmoinof Late t Shakesj
c In'SfItRs, i'()(!!
Take the "Beaten PIath"~ to
our doom'andi save a do]llar or
more on a hat.
We also do all kinds of Clean-
ing. and Reblocking of Hats at
low pmrices for HIGH CLASS
W-AORK -____
617 Packard Street Phone 17:92
Where D. U. R. Stops at State
Read the Want Ads

E -y
i I
t 71A
S r__


.Mallory's Maslterpiece&
~If you want just a piece of felt, go anywhere. If. you
want your Spring Hat to be a'masterpi:ece in felt, come
here and choose a Mallory-renowned from 1823 to 1923.
All The New Shapes And Shade's In Spring Huts




- k

(McGill Daily)

Showing A omplete Array I Correct Spring Styles In-



L . .- r -r 'I'.~


f ,
I i

*:Now that the dlate for F atler's Day
has been definitely set at May 12, the
student body should determine now to
make this day such an unquestioned
success that it twill become establish-
ecd at Michigan. Heretofore the Ta-
ther's of many students have visited
the University at timges when there
-were n? attractive events scheduled
to interest and entertain them. But
for -Fmriday and Saturday, May 11 and
12, the committee in charge has plan-

t y

* * 4'

Fashion dictators of the East have
decreed that it is quite "chic" to shin-
gle the hair, in the back and bob it on
the sidos. Shades of Bechuana Land!
Bobbed hair without a doubt omigin-I
atodrith the f-a +oir' rio n-.c'l oi en, I

'Todaiy's N onlsen1se Novel
"Heart-broken"---Judith Eveme.
Don't worry about old age, you girls

that the visitin~g fathem's who witness! of the barbarian African tmibes'. The of the late twenties 'cause the D~etroit
theca should return to their homes mighty Amazons may have worn Fe rs as"ilshg ee
wvith even more esteem for the Uni--3 theirs bobbed in the good old days of puzzles doctor's. Time girl says I1
think I have the wor'ld beat on tcem-
. emsity. conquest rtrs''isEeym yn,3
V'isiting (dads will be conducted And now n odern mnai-d; have sug-peaus.MisElyiLos,3
-about the campus, taken through the ;gested a step farther in the fats, ra- ;year's old ,sat up WVednes;day stll
varousbuidins, nd lloed o a.- Lin o naura hisut tedenies 'protesting against hem' illness andl
varius uilings an alowedto t- ionof nturl hrsut tedenmes maintaining the astounding thermomn-
<tend the regular classes and lectures. They would shingle the hair-cut it etrradn f14:ere.
On Saturday they may witness the closely in the center - in order thme etrraigo 1 ere
Spring games at Ferry field and the better to offset a bobbed effect on the Cheer up, gimls ' you aren't so darn-
NVichigan-Illinois track meet. The silesl Just as Sam on lost his pow- ed old.- And incidentally. those who.
events will culminate with a. banquet 'E er of arma when his locks were shorn, at eig-hteen think they are, can for-
Saturday evening at the Union on it is not unlikely that the miodern get it.
-which occasion President Marion L. flapper may be robbing her ownl powerE
Burton will address the visiting par- of attraction through an overly-liberal ('(l I III: I'IALL ' SPEAK#3tI (~
tnts. use of the 'shears. Al week long I wait
It should be apparent at once that On the other hand, if the back--to- For Sundlay, ,and now that
n. goodly amount of desirable publicity Africa trend continues much longer, Sunday has conme I
will be giv-en the University by thet it is not radical to expect the fashion- find that it has broug ht
fathers, -who for the first time per- plates of America 10 appear on the another week
leaps will see Michigan in a truly se- streets clad in nose-rings and bare, fwiig
tive pezibd of the college year. More fott sandals. ,Ie Kr.
than this, visiting dads will be given a - - __ * - *
good time; the week end for them will Athiough Leo Ditrichstein, who ap- li'sSspciY
consitue a hor vactio,a period inj pears'here Monday night, has play-;SyJa fItouh htvnwr
which they mnay learn innumerable ed in production after production SyJa fItogttayu, r
facts about the Univer'sity. Gonse- throughout a prolific carer on thenosmeewskrdopmreit
quently, the student body through the (stage the part he plays is always tha -tjting behhtd a ; eond handed Oliver I
medium of Father's Day is providedj of the "Great Lover",vrould take you seriou. Ladty, if you
-with a double' opportunity: that of ____ _____ are not, you hurt my professional
serving Michigan through the broad- May 12 may seem a long way Of but pride cause I'mn a Frosh -and my Yipsi'
tcasting of useful information concern- the wise student wlill invite his father girl thinks I've bad three years ex-
ing her a~tiviies, and secondly, the' down now, so as to guard against any perience with normal school girls. I
opportuniity of affording dad a fewj excuse of a previous engagement on fooled her and I fee I can do the samie
profitable and deserving days of real the part of dad. wi~tih you.
relaxation. l)e p'tee ummoimd If.
- - Smythe hasn't been saying rmnch **4
G UELYSS D1EPOQSITOiRS these days but lie has been thinking Dear' Offul----
A statement which has just comre a great deal about many things, one You're awful to c-all me an "01' ht-
forthi from a local bank brings out the of them being the extent to -which any moi;.lmnta l uoita
f'act that this particular institution e mployme~nt burmeaui could satisfy the .,, -.,_,_ -- --

At the conclusion of the past "Week'
of Terror" most student,, heave"d a
great sight of relief and prepared to
SPlunge into a round of social gaiety.
ghat would effectually dirive all
thoughits of the horror of exanina-
tious fromi. their minds. After' hav-
ing passelI through the nerve-wrack-
- ing crisis of wirit lug three or four'
finalIs, the student of average abil-'
ity is apt to wonder, if sufficient vi-
tality is left him to think at all, if the
examination system at present in) force
is the best method known for dletem'-
mining the knowledge of the studlent.
True, one thing that seems to speal: in
its favouir is that it has held sway
since time immremorial. That., to
coier-vativye minds, warrants its con -
tinuancee. Others son-etimecs won~der if
a. system a little less vicious in its
effects could not be evolved.
Howevem', we do not wish to (con-
'demn the examination system enutire'-
ly. There are phases of it that are
conimentlaole. For instance, rGViewC
for' an examninatiomn gives tihe student
a grasp of the subject that lie would
not otherwise get. Another goodl
poinmt is that concentrated study diii-
ing exam time rather destroy,, this a>
a wondlerful mental stimnulant, but time
(extr'emes to which it is carried affect
the question. A negative reason for
its existuice is that nio Ipsychologist
has yet devised a method of testing
the knowledge of the student that. cam'
supersedle the examination system.
Psychological tests are all the r-age.
nowadays but they (apparently) test
one's mental capacity, not the range
or extent of knowledge acquired. The-
oretically, examinations are supposed
to mnark the culmintation of a syste-
matic cour'se of study. Actually, the
scholar' spends the h',st week or so
in 'frantically cramming facts and
ideas that lie was supposed to have
absor'bed slowly as lie went along.
The rejmmlt is, that the examination
once over, away flies knowledge to
the windls and the car'efree student is
as blissfully ignorant as ever.
The" ncrvous and mental strain is al-,
so <, factor, and no incol-siderable
one at that, which condemns the ex-
amination system. Robert Lois StE-v-
enison once wrote alpathetic story
r21)Jnt a sc-holar whlo plugged all night
fom' an exaltin, and who was found 1ill
the early hourms of thme next. mor-ning,
a hopeless, wit-wandering idiot,. Evenm
at McGill we have had in stances of thle

%P =

Even with Sunday Specials
omitted it would be worth
~while eating here for the
superb cooking, low prices.
But. specials aren't omitted!

E .


oW ,


t r . ....

A rcade



A'rc adre

d 0~



-- In fitting up the bathroom, there O.re
nmamiy little things which will acd
a great deal to tihe comfort andi con-
venience of the family, such as a
glass shelf ovier the wash standl, a
holder for the cup or glass, tooth
brush holdIer, soap dish, 'towel rods.
papem' holderi, sponge rack to fit over
'.he side of the' bath tub, clothes hooks
to nmatch the rest of time fixtures. All
-- of these things are showvn in our as-
~-- somtment of good duality bathroom
fix:tures in either white enamel or
nick~el finish and the prices are right.
J "0 0 lFSCER CO..,




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