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March 11, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-11

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-A- -.A6-



L~egislators will Bie Accommodated Ini
Parlous Fraterultkes and

'Houston To Speak DIA~ APOEFO IIUpfl .Journalists To
At Peace Meeting1111fUlLVUll Hear Towers, '10
ron ~H~fiO~tIP l~'Walter K. Tow.ers, '10, Detroit news-
. lul IIIUIUIII Ulpaperman and former editor of The
meeting of the Students' Press club
FIN ISH W AR PEB h e ricn Byth i llem str ad15 e'clct e rst
f;<rrheld this..e.e:t.r.at,6:15 o'clock Tues-
v dCay night in the (Charlesvxcefi !


'Publisher Named 'NO[IIEDRI[ TDRP
Envoy To Spain VVJVIIIL1lfl


Ea';t Liberty street. The talk by Mtr.I
RECENT AGREEMEN'T WITH GREAiT; Towers will be preceeded by a din-
w~riN PEPARE~ VR er and P.ollowed by the usual business
OPERTI4I meeting of the club.

I Ad. Tnevnrn .,U- - .,F &A- _._a



ir uwers, who is at the present
time one of the editors of Concrete, a
financial magazine, is prominent in i RUHR INDUSTRIES HARD
journalistic activities, and will speak HIT BY OCCUPATION
to the club on some phase of jofrnal -___



PFit rents May- be Extended fier {; a im. Donal Hamilton H-anes, of the
YerPro, ihItret t3 jourmi I ism tdepartment, will Introdiuce
Perid, ith iitre~titt the speaker of the )evening.
and :? - C~ ent _____ ___
Wash1in-;ton. -lrch. .(1.i'3v .P1 . - I. nn -nn __rt1 __ .t_

French and Belgian Mfinisters to Dis-
ctu s Indemnity il eet-

Gov. Alex J. Groesbeclk yesterday
accepted the University's invitation
to speak at the Gonvocation to be held
next Friday morning; Governor Groes-
beck will be here with the visiting,
legislators on their tour of inspection.
Invitations have been extended to
more than 150 people, including all
the members of the legislature, 21
pages and other~s closely connected
with the two houses. It is expected
that several members will bring their
wives with them.
WVi11 Arrange Housing'
'Thie University committee in charge
of making ready accommodations for
thfe visitors will be assisted 'by a stu-3
dleut committee appointed yesterday
by the president of the Student coun-
cil. This committee will secure lodg-
ing accommodations° for the legislators
and assist with plans for 'Convoca-
tion. The personnel of the commit-
tee is Walter K. Shearer, '24, chair-
w~an, Lawrence D'Qoge, '24, Donald
McCabe, '24, Hugh Duffield, '24, Thomn-
as G. Kindel, '24, 'Laurence Favrot,l
'24, Harley Hubbard '24, and Howard
A . Donahue, '24.
The chairian of the cowmtittee re-
Ported lats night that more than 75
rooms hlad already been promised by
fraternities, for use by the visitors.
and that no difficulty was expected in
obtaining the remaining 75,' which will
assure adequate sleeping quarters for'
the number expected.
Accommodations for womuen visitors~
will be furnished by the womlen's
dormitories. The University of Mich-
ixan League is co-operatin~g with the
other committes in securing accomino-
dation,s for the wives of legislators.
COmmittee Ifeets To)day'
For the purpose of explaining ex-
actly th3e service that the fraternitiesj
may offer, if they wish, to the-eomnmit-
tee in charge ell fraternity housej
presidents are. requested to meet this
:afternoon in the Ulnion, when a menm-
br of the faculty committee will out-
line the plan for lodging the visiting
Igislators. Many of the houses have
already promised the use of s everal,
rooms for Thursday. night, but the
meeting today is for the purpose of
explaining the program of entertain-I

The American debt funding ommnis- L l~ 1 uliC~ ondon, M1arch 10--{-By A.P.-A- +
Ision. consider ing two foreign debtIU IlUi tn+ II though offering no very definite evi- '......
questions today, negotiated a. tenta- dence to support their statements i ,..: ;iir
tive proram or efuning the ebt IlL IE L V i I some of tie British correspondents in
of Finland to the United States and putt rU uteRhrasr}htthr satn
the recently negotiated agreementi dency toards peace and that both .'.
Honorable rbriert lHouston wvith Great Britian in the final stage sides would welcome a settlement ; v;:*:.:;::, " ,k; '
The IpublV3hter of "Ofur world". will preparatory to going into operation. Petition of Student Couxeil Placed OR endng the strain' of the last few
adrs apaen a t meting cora approval was given by the Table for Further Discus (n at weeks.Gemnsd artid
which is to be held a.S o'clock to- comsso to the pact which embed- ANcxt Ietng Both the workers and the indust i-AlxnePMoe
morrow ~the terms of the agreement with -. alsts on theGemnsdartid
m o rro w n ig h t in H ll a u d ito riu m . T h e a d w i h al'A ( F N M U T o u s :tof h h le a d r P
theBrts government adwiha-o h struggle,th correspondents AeadrP Moore Pittsburg pub-
iS11011 oopn n. rad hsben ssnedbycoges. ORISU1DAEATO say, the former seeing ho hope of win- usher and husband of the late Lillian
tin w d a p in fr b te n e - The document now will be submitted nn hl tt es m i et ers f u slh sb e a e ntd S a e
national i ciations .iniop~position to fu- to the British government for a per- -- mug while atuhg s imntehersuf-mbussadortohasn.ameueedSts
ture war. Mr. Hou-1ston is rt former msal of its phraseology andl suggestion Action by the Board in control offrigaeaumnddil.mbsdo to pin Heuced
partner of I-Th. Walter H., Page, cx- as to a, date for the fornmal signing Athletics on thepetition of the tu-f tInecreaiono ngyte indtrialitemwith; Cyrus Wodtiswh o tkesupte m
ambassador to England, and was as- Finland was accorded terms for the dent council in regard to the naming { thlenection orefeelngrtw fthe pichosbsaoildte tTko
sociated with ex-President Taft on his 'payment of ber debt almost identical, of the new field house was deferred [ lost trade and arc fearing for th
speakinig tour in the interests of the with thiose given Great Britian: cs-! at tie meeting today pending further 'Future.t
League of Nations. acitioil of time for payment over a discussion. Thie petition tas placed1 The French on their part are rep- E-n
-period of 62 years wih neeta pn h al nd Iab ruh pirsne ssffrn'sacl et 5 N O N E
r cent for the first ten years and; again at the next meeting. they have not procured what theyIf l f
3D1-2peir cent thereafter. Interest The petition, wvhich was presented' went into the Ruhr to obtain and fi
PEACE univi rrn oon the debt was fixed at 4 per cent 't the board by Roert T. Knode, 23, ! French industries are being ieriosly l l iU ~ l PA
nTllhec. 15 ast.gvrmnthsh a student member of the Athletic! affeted by curtailment of tie co'
} + i bi oermetha oar ,rqeie htte-nwhue(upy
DPN IhID~ 1A owed approximately $10,000,000 but borrq;ie htth e os upy "Jane Clibsa. Mountain" illI
repament hav brughtthe ebtbe named after Coach leldng,~ H.I The suggestion in these dispatches 01.iiui
IIW IUI IIU I twn y amot $,00,00, ad tie e-Yost. It stated that the Student ' is that it will lbe impossble for pes-
J undlin program tentatively agreed; council believes that the alumi and ent conditions to continue much long-
Hlouston and Merrill 41il1 Address um-mn calciidatedl a refuinlig ona ass student body are in favor of theE er.PUL ;
Atl-'Wmm"r Meting In IHill .$9000,00.'e rdifference of aroundul:movement i view o the fat tat With regard to the customs barrier TOIU I)IT GlE:N}t uiain rudteRiead ti setl11 PERLFOURII~t';
$1itrim.50S,000 will lie paid in cash. practically all of'the large alumni a- ta odthe rhaeineesd ts asiseedW -LA-~AR RTIE
Dr. Alex Astroi, the Finnish rai- sociations in the country passed re-;thaohe reatra interestsmbesideI"aeslmsa onan"i h
' All RNG IS PART O" ister who was present at today's meet- Iolutions to this effect and that 'ap- ngover the French r estrictions. 1-ol- Iname of the nineteenth annual EiN lEIO MN n none htlewudcbepoiaey350mn tdnso elJunior
NATIN-WDE OVEENTingannunce tht h wold abl prximaely3,50 mn sudets n Iland and Denmark, according to the Girls' play, written by Laurela Hollis,
Openng n An Abora ntio-wie jthe terms of the agreement to his gov- 1 the campus ,si ed petitions ,asking Telegraph's diplomatic correspondent
OpnnjnAn ro nto-iernment at once. The Finnish parlia-' that this action e taken, have 'made reprsentations to FranceC which will be given March 21, 22, 23
cattyaign for better international rela- mnt is now in session and will prob- fecause of the large amount of! on the subject. ,and the afternoon of the 24th at the
Lions iin opp~ostion to future war, the ably actioiite la before th ad- bsnesto ue rougut u ew the "'" S ueen, whose large trade oie has ! iryt 'te.icprdcio a
HnHebrHotopbihro orm t.board the matter of naming the new 1 beep," virtually stopped, also s-dis- curda e ners hsya, e
Our World, and Dr. William P. Mser-' The settlement cannot. e finally field house was not reached until the I runtled and is said to be only await-acurdanwitesthsyrb-
ril, pastor of the Brick Presbyterian consumated however until acceptedb ltepatothmetnhnterIIgsmemv by GratBrtan cause of the fact that for the first
church of New York, will address a congress. latrpr ftemeig hnter noI oeb ra rti'
meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow night . ws not.'sufficient time to discuss it I Washingto, the correspondent time since its existence, it is being
in' ill auditorium on "World )'acs. fully. The meeting lasted more ~han adds, also is interesting itself in the presented to the general public. Prof.
Mor thnn,00 cofeencs adr four lpr Bcueo h lpi-question, although along independent John L. Brunlm, of the rhetoric de-
mas metiTsUtDfiiTg hiaulLagn tacb f ease' ort hecidped partment, is directing the play. Cath-
massnietuis t i~ingthiscamaig tace f te nitte. te harddecdederine Stafford is general chairman.
before the entire country have been to postpone further action until there Paris, M4arch 10-(By A..)-The She has been assisted in her work by
arranged, both in the larger cities and TO -MHIHMUC could be more time to discuss it. ;utsanding fact in connection with Helen Debridge and several commit- i h ua ititAogteAs n fteaun e~eso
1ofI Premier Ponaiesvstns ekt tees.
speakers who w~il address these meet- the board, John D. Hibbard,. '87, of1 Brussels for the purpose of confer- four' eding' oles
ings aie George Wickersham, former $e~o REPRESETA~TIVES TO GATH- Chicago, is in California at the presentE ring with Premier Theunhis, is that the Shirley Salisbury, Frieda Wishropp
United States attorney general; Prof. ElR; PROINPl E\T W1ORKERS tim and ir expected to return~ before' French are detemined to have a com-; Mildred Brodrson and Mar Fair have
Irving Fisher, of Yale university; W4ILL SPEK the next meeting, which will probably plete cleaning up of the reparations 1tie leading roles. They take the parts
Hamilton Holt, editor of the Independ- be held about the middle of April. t question whenever Germany makeso Jane F ilding, Polly, Dr. ames
ant, and Major General O)'Ryan. More than 250 students from lY________ vrtrsfrastlmn. Knapp and Dr. Thomas Black, re-
Mr. Houston and D.fl Merrill, Who colleges and schools iii the state wiljiitrse bevr bleeta pciey
will speak here, have been active in: come to Ann Arbor Friday to attend To Pitt Reception heDiwinte resateoserverstinl belilyesinlve with Dsp,;tivemas
this work of internationlrelations i thn . third nnnntenwolelepaatin qeston illbe ollyis n lve..itJ_. Toa

mernt as well as to solicit co-opera- "for a number of years. Mr. Houston
tion in the housing plan. is a. foriner pairtner of the late :Hon.
The program including the tour of Walter H. Page, former ambassador to
inspection, with the accompanying; England, and was associated with ex-,
entertainment that will be accorded President Taft with whom he toureid
the legislators, will end Friday night; the cuintry in 1918 speaking on the
iLeague of Nations. Dr Merrill is pre s-
w~ith a dinner at the Union It is ex- idn f h ordAline
pected, however, that many. of the vis-i ditothWrlAlane
itors will remain in Ann Arbor until Th{apini bigudrae
by four combined national church or-
Saturday ' ganizations, the World Alliance, the
-- Church Peace Union, the World Peace
T~URK anunEN Foundation of Boston, and the Federal
ISKS Council Churches ol: Christ. The
imeetings are being 11-ld simultaneous-
nil. mnly from coast to coast, in alIl the larg-
flIlhlTS A[[ or cities and most of the. educational
[QU1Lcenters of the country. It is the plan
to organize America for world co-op-
$L'V*~iEST RtENEWAL OF P'ARLEY; I eration against future wars.


the~ mire &.U'A~ ~dL annal tat stt. tvUiun
teeir conference to be held March 16
17 and 18 under the auspices of the
Student Christian association.'
These students, prospective mission-
aries, are conferring together for the
purpose of furthering the missionarya
work by comning in contact with each
other and with older men in the work.
For this reason men who have been in
the field foir a number of years will b(.

nell to
The ti

Tickets Onl S ale gone into so thoroughly at Brussels Bla5ck, iut leer affection is notre
that there may be a fnal and total! ciprocated for lie adores Jane Field-
-° settlemnent of the whole matter. ing. Jane in turn admifres Dr. James ,
oeral sale of tickets for the Coin - Knapp, and so complications arise.
takteamn reception to be held 'PI.f~lIIf~lm Finally, because of an ;alliance of
ui 24 at the Union will take place [ AU ~ tile two girls, Polly makes Black fall
day afternoon at the Union. ' UUCIINE in love wth her, aiid Jane and Knapp
ickets are are to be limited in iau n;r inr ninr lo decide upon one another. The
or and in the sale the upper- # Lblfl IUHSf l so loves culminate in the romantic 'West-
men are to be given preference.{ern mountains. Throughout the en-x

Constantinople, March 10- (Dv A.
P.)---Althiough Turkey's answer to the
proposals submitted. to her at Laus-
anne asks no important modifications
of the political clauses of the treaty,
the Angora government 1finds, (difficul-
ties in the economic section and ini the;

Mew :Of The Day
3New YoirkMairchI10.-Sen. Hiramnt
ed politics out of his head aiid started
W. Johnson of California today brushi-
on his first voyage across the Atlan-
tic. Accom panin g Mrs. John~son wa,) '
Mi's. Johiison and their son.

here as speakers to the delegates. ' Vatana csoar ilbe; I;R; 'EET MD FO ±,( trshwheeaetocsapori
Dr. Paul Harrison will be the prin-, formal, and will includl novelty acts RRNEMN; ADaOR~te sow thelcore.retucejapopi
of etrta'nmt ad a ubeUfLTT AND OUTSIDE 1[EN1 athrberosca olor.cat rea
cipal missionary leader at the confer- nemTOn SPEnAubrKfOhe ebrso hecs aea
ence. lie is a graduate of Johns I-lop- ; speches among which will be one by T SEA follows: lHorace, Madeleine McGurck;,J
kins Medical schiool, has had "years of }Major John Griffith, commissioner of Rgn 4 L ubr'wl eowStan and 'red, twins. Catherine Riggs
experience among the native people b! Conference-athletics, and one by Prof. I R etL .Hbadwl eoeIand Constance Smith; Mrs. Fielding,1
of th Lawof the non resident speakers on thy'
other countries and is the only Chris- Ralph ig ler o h a school. prgam ragdb enE1ri( Velma Lee Carter; Mr. Fielding, Eliz- ;.
tian ever admiitted to internal Arabia - - ---.Irasfr h oin uimrs abeth :Pike; Uncle Mark Hiolt, Marian
to practice medicine. Haliaghrton to Coach Coluia. Ti it fotie etrr ayl or; Daisy, D~orothy Rockwell;
The followving list of other speakers. New York, March 10-(Bly A. P.)--- ;includes men prominent in education- .Betty, Dorothy Weimer; JTanet, the
foin' the conference. includes men who Pec .H hofIusa ot lisiuinsfo l at ftemaid, Florence Moretsky; Professor
phae had experience in almost every ;.hTllnoaihstHMargadfet Trainer;s White-ry
phase of this work. E. J. Weeks, tray- alc ha Hradfrnneyascuty wash, Rhea Schlaak.
ofth Pesytrinandi creator of the so-called "Hauigh- f This series of lectures by out of1 The chloruses include:
hoaing secretaro .Blwota ton system", .hags accented an appoint- I town men will begin with an illustrat- Itre-lzbthCi;Ei n
boatrure.tMa ion . hal l at-ment as gridiron mentor at Goluinbia ed tal~kby George E. Carrothers, as-! tme T iaet ai, ml n
chiinson, who will speak on the social university, it was announced today ssai ueitedn fshosnabelle Burdick, Harriet Bury, Shir-;
and economic relations of the people! by Robert 'Watt, graduate manager of? Cleveland, on "Education in time Phil- 1 ey Lawton and- Mariani Murray;
iof China, Rev. William F. English and athletics. Haughton succeeds Franil ippines" He will be followed by twvc m'.mises-Helemi Million., Frances 0'-
Rev. Robrt B. Loigweilluothrofed O'Neill who retired last fall when m illustrated lectures by Regent Iiilu aRiellyr, Hlen Hlaw kins, Aileen Harley.,
whom have had experience in different his three year contract expired. adon n"RbsnCrsead Sally Randall, Geraldine Sackett and'
foreign countries., the other on "Gulliver's Travels".
Th dleats il arie riay Lasig anGes enrashpOn July 2, Prof. E. P. Rowe of thicyLoisegCes.nHres Hlel)r
Th dlgaeswllarie ria ! :Lnin 4- fekGoea~sil University of Montana, who will teachi Clee e-yo'tne1lleDr
morning. The opening meeting and Washington, March 10--(By A. P.) Prof. W. H. Hobbs' courses in the" othy Bogan, Anita Johnson, Virginia
banquet will be hield Friday afternoon! -The war department has. annou nc- ISme esowilsek nteSmiith, Vita Voghit, Charlotte Howard,:
and eycnrnsession; will spea on ife ' Dorothy Bacon and Cathene Ains-

paragraphs covering the troublesomne --. "
capitulations quegion. Alexander P. Moore, of Pitttsburgh
The note, now in the hands of the: newly apponted ambassador to Spain
li3ritxsh, French and Italian high con- also left for Europe.
missioners, insists that Turkish sub-;
jets° in the allied countries be ac-i New York, March 1.-Anxiety ovei'
__ li ni1if tn- - --i£ f n r ~ na s f


corded the same 'rights as the allies
seek for their Nationals in Turkey.
It also proposes further discussion of
these economic clause, upon which
there is as yet no agreemenlt for re-
,-wnption of the conversations at Con-'
st'antinople or some other European
ci ty.3
The Angora note, which is. 110 pag-
es in length, propses slight chanlges
in Turkey's boundaries as outlined in
the treaty. It accepts in full the sec-j
tion covering prisoners of war and
with minor changes the part dealing
With commissioners!.

tie cuiiuii 0o iiuei 'Jompe~rs, vet -
rank labor leader who suffered an at- n~
tack of influenza wsas removed ton ight - y j( TfIA~II

by physicians at Lenox Hill hospital
Swho reportedi the elderly patient much
Mexico City, March 1.-President
O bregon receiving newspapermen to-!
day declared Mexico was not prepar-
ed to dispose of amny of hem territory.I
as proposed in a resolution passed by
tile Arizonia state legislature looking
to acquisition of a strip of land so as
to provide the state with an outlet tc
the gulf of California.

UIIUL110U LI L 1 11uflhU1I
Cheago, March 10-(By A.P.)-vWis-
consil's court team defeated Chicago
here tonight 23 to 12 in a Western
Conference basketball game. Should
jWisconsin 'win hecr remlaining game
with Indiana, she will tie with Iowa
for the Big 'Ten championship.
Georgetovn WInsUR.Me MA teli
Washington, March 10-(By A.P)-
Scor'ing 3,3:34 out of a possible 4,0001

officers given Federal approvali as
brigadier generals in the National
IGuard of tlweir respective states was
Elarl Ruthven Stewart, Lansing, Mich.
I ell En uff And
{ Sell Your Stuff
In running a clasAified ad it is
well to keep in inn that the
more you say the more a

tJeVlUgy oULiagara rats u 6 t.
IMeek, superintendent of schools at To-;
ledo, will deliver a lecture, the sub-
ject to be announced later, on July7!
0. Later in the month, Prof. K. T
Cornpton, of Princeton university, will
speak, his -subject also to be decided
upon at a later date.!
B. F. Buck, principal of Nicholas
Senn High school, Chicago. will speak
and F. G. Pickell, assistant superin-'r
tendent of schools, Cleveland, TrillI
talk on "The Advantages of Group-!
ing School Children." The last of'I
the uon resident then to speak will be l
Prof. A. S. Root, librarian of time Ob-
erlin college library,.lie will takeE

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