______________ TI IJE MICHIGAN RAIL I___ __ SATURDAY, 'MA'RCII D AILY OFFICIAL BLETIN IPublication in the Blulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received -until 3:A~0 D. m. (11: 30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3SATUR.DAY, -MARCH 10, 1D23 'Number 116 I _ The )Iedleal tlaculty: The next regular fazulty meeting will be held Monday, 'March 12, at S p. mn. rn the faculty room of the Medical Building. CARL W.EBERBACH. Lectures In Biology: The department of .Zoology' announces three lectures in biochemistry to be given by Profes-3or L. J. Hlenderson 0 Harvard University. The techni- cal lectures will be given Monday and Tuesday, March ;12 and 13, at 4:15 p. m. in ]loom 214 of the Natural Science Building. The public lecture will be gaIven Monday, March 12, at 8 p. m, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The subject-for the public lecture is "The Fitness 'of the Environment". A. F+RAINKLIN SHULL. ' To the Deans: The Deans are requested to meet at 11 a. in. today, in the President's Office with the committee appointed by the President to nmke preparations for the proposed leglslative trip o~f inspeetion. F. lE. ROBBINS. WSoods Role Scho.larship Ini Zoology: Through the generosity of Dr., Bryant Walker the department of Zool- ogy offers each year a scholarship which pays tuition (value $75) at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., for the summer session of six week~s or longer. An announcement of this institution is posted near. Roomi Z-229, Natural Science building. The appointment is made by the staff of the Zoology department and preference is 'given to students who are specializing in zoology. Applications should be made in the near future. A. FRANKLIN SHIULL. 1Wo1men's Researeh Club: There will be a. meeting of the Women's Rescarch Club on Thursday eve- ning, March 15, in Room Z231 Natural Science Building. Active members are requested. to be present at 7:15 promptly, for a business meeting. The papers of the evening, given by Miss Frieda Kiefer and Miss Marian Studley will begin at 7:45. ELIZABETH- L. THOMPSON, Secretary. Men's Educational Club: The Men's Educational club will meet Monday evening, March 12 at 7 o'clock, in room 302, Michigan Union. Dr. Pittmnan of the State Normal college will speak. L. H. BEACH, Secretary. Found: A gold watchi, left in a class room in the Law Building, has been turned in at t",e Secretary's office. Owner may clai~m tt by identifying same. S. W. SMITH. Players Club: All members of the P-layers Club and other students who are interested in make-up are asked to mneet in room 205 M. H. at 4 p. Mn. Saturday, to ar- range for a series of meetings for practice in stage make-up. D. M. SCHOLL, Chairman. t This is the fourth of a series of art I nni al ert,'2; Malcomb Blake, Phyllis Delf,, Not a single man is sure of an ut- P'reT Lovere lectures scheduled by the fine arts ] UhUTI IIES PUN U0 IL 24: Katie, the mad, Katheryn Pot- l-oiio.TeotIld will pro- T Appea r H r department for this semester. ter, '23. al iwthhenfield foriiostrength f us~ the candidates for the outfield posi -- Prof. WNarthin Improving Jeanne Triggs, '25. has been at)-I BASEBALL CANDIDATES PUT tions look promising. Kipke, Sca- ,z. I The condition of Prof. A. S. Warthin! pointed chairman of arrangements for VII INTO EARLY W1OI1{4JTS, elford, Klein, Ash, Coleman, Seley ^i'Iof the Medical school who has been tePnI~lei alwihi ob and McAllister seem to be the lright- lz obliged to remain at his home due to! given jointly b)y all the sororities foj Cotiud ro!ag Sx est prospects for the garden positions. f ~~an attack of bronchitis is reported as;(Cniudfo PaeSx much improved. He expects to be. the benefit of tie University of Michi-I counted on to contribute their share" abet ethscassbgnigtegan League. of twirling this season. Although most' "Daily Classifieds" work 'wonders. .rfrto nx ek Although the date lias not been de-I of these men are inexperienced they .. . . . . . ._____________________ finitely deterinned, the affair is plan-1 show the makings of hurlers. Rayl Patronize Daily advertsers-Adv. ned or he erlypar of ay.Thewill probably use several of these =_________________________ f l ball will be given in the Barbour gym- twirlers on the southern trip as le will rr ?a~( A T T H E T PI A T1 E R S nium and1 booths will be furisheJ )robably save Liverance for the more ....' {;><:"'': '- by the differ nt sororities. Kennedy's ;important encounters. STE'WARDS and , ry/ (Eochestra has lbeen obtied lfor theI X, occasion. IScreen-Today IFurther lans will be announced f-; TnQ nHOUSE ABORA 1r ter' the -next Pain-Heilenic meeting.IUtUA I O f 1PR IPA 'VIII Going North A. ai. P p1TIIRS IPA cEIir.E DIYECETSNA FRATERNITIES a ( Arcade-Miae Murray in "Jazz- ( IN UNU SUAL Q!0EA C'IPLAY' Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00AN mania"; Mr. and Mrs. Carter r r.A.A':5 23 :3 :5AND Deonav-nt inayKeepar'ane, Homer" Lv. A. A. 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00 SORORITIES Majestic-"Omar, the Tentmak- Teethgof theoGift 9:35 12:35Goin5 7o3t 1 a given before a sal audience by A.Tld :5 23 :573 er;" comedy and Irwin's Pep Mumrtraiaini a'hC~ ASTERN TIME For the conveience of your -bn.(well Angell hal yesterday aft(rnoon SUNDAYS ANDI) HOLIAYS members why not start a chargi I___New scenery was used in the lnoduc- Goig North A. X. 1P. 31. acutwt h Lo stchta Orpheun-Hloot Gibson in "The tion, and the whole was mar ked by Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30 acutwt h Lone Hand;" Paul Parrot in 4go ehiu.Tecs a sfl Arr. A. A. 10Sot:35 1:35 800 Star of "The Great Lover,',' Sot tagt"ad ev. go ecnqe h as a stlI ot y ii SWAN"^ pear heire, on Monday nigh t at the,( '24;s:Ricrd Butler, Marga CreyJaes, Lv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 8:30 TWi? Whte, n"h Prl Ms. uerth-'Mary Roberts Rhine- I Aunt Marietta Williams Kthryn Arol 03513(1:5PHONE 1W hart's "Affinities," with Colleen I Cak,'6'n iseCalteEkCars Leave Court Rous, aun.iMoore; comedy and Pathe{ ___ MOIIURT news. I) _________________________________ ART LECTURE MNI Professor Mather of Princeton Se. Stage-T'his Week I ' OE cured as Speaker ____IATET BO Prof. Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Mar- I Garrick (Detroit)- Leo Diet-! ' qua.nd professor of art and archeology ; I richstein in. "The Purple j IE X at Princeton university, will speak j Mask." ats o'clock next Monday evening inI--'jBE NA L TO G T the west gallery of Alumni Memos- I Shubert -cia Michigan (Detroit)- WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BE N A L TO G , ial hall taking as his subject "The! I Bonstelle company in "TheCA BEH D N W T Newest Painting". Professor Mather I I Bad Man." CA1E1A6N W A has studied in several of the leading)j____________________ universities of this country and ofl U N IV R SIT Europe and has had considerable ex-' perience on newspapers and art mag- Have you reaa the "Daily Classifiedl azines. He is the author of many works Column" yet today?-Adv.F 1OK TR E on art subjects, the most recent of ..te__ _ 1t_. \. . . .,r . ". o thit n. riaa . Ar~iv i yi t { 1 i w I i 3 ({! t whc iste"otaiso at" Patronize vauy aaverusers --aav. W H A T 'S G O IN G O NNO I E C p fo th s c lu n h u d NOTIC---Copy for this column should 1 be subniitte by 5:30 owelock of thue day- before publication. SATURDAY t 9.4*-"-Try outs for Adeiphi Literary society will be held in the. Adelphi 4 room, fourth Sloor of University f hall1. 12:I4--School of Religion lunch In room 321 of tho Union. 12 :l5--Bo.rd In Control of Athletics I+ lunc'h in private dining room of the Unlon.E I :00-kngincering studlents of tile Chinese Students' club meet in Lane!G hall. 8 :30-Anuerican Association of Uni- versity Women's tea in the assembly ball of the Union.? G;0-Annual banquet of the Baptist j guild in Baptist church parlors. President NV. Gear Spencer, of Hills- dale college, speaks. 7:004--pper Btoom Bible class mueets iulane hall. 7 ::30--(Vhhw.dFriendly circle mueetsjf at Wesley hall. . .W-C(raftsanen club) meet:s in the#1 Masonic temple. 7:34--Newark club meets in room 30 of the Uinion. 8 :O04-Presbyterian stdent part' for those living in-and south of Grand' Rapids, excluding Wayne and Wash-a tenaw counties. j 8 :00-.Pythagoreaus meet In room 302' of the Union.4 open forum in Congregational church. 12:00-Student Bible classes meet Ill Wesley hall. 12:00 - Studettt discussion class, SChurch of Christ, meets in Upper room, Lane hall. 12 :00-Batit guild meets in the Baptist guild house. 13:00-~Congregationial students sing at University hospital. 4:30-Open house at Wesley hall. 6:0-C hi Omega dinner in room 1318 of the Union.1 6 :00-Baptist guild friendsip lhoutr Ini Baptist church parlors.. 6 :30-Wesleyan 'guild meets in 11et. odist church. 6 :6--Studentfs' fireside clhat in- Con- gregational church. 6:30--Baptist guild devollouifd meet. ing in Baptist church. C-NOTICE S A n exidbition of oil paintings, water !colors, and etchings by Bayley Lev- er. G. 11. Baker, J. J. Haffner, R. F. Logan, and R. C. Tuttle 'is now be- ing shown in the wvest gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. Open daily, through March 11. Senior Eds mast order their canles at Wagner's before March 24. Whimsies wants tryouts for position. of business assistant to handle ad- vertising. Write care of the Press building, giving qualifications. SENR LIT DUES MUST BE I j ~PAI) I All members of the senior lit- TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifthi Ave. and, William St.. REV. L. F. GU'NIE10IANi, Pastor 9:30 A. M.---Bible :School. 1.0:30 A. M.--"There Is a Ladi here." E'VERYONE IS WELCOME UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister Emerson wrote: "One accent of the Holy Ghost This heedless world hath never lost." By which lie ineant that mankind, though careless, will not consent to lose truths of essential value. That being so, whatever the (defects of the church, there is little doubt but that humanity will cherish her sacred valuations of human life, her culture of the broadest symipathy, her appeal for the utmost unselfishness and her high standard of personal righteousness. Oxenliam caught the spirit and challenge of the church in these ringing lines: "Where are you going, Greatheart?" "To cleanse the earth of noisome things, To give free play to Freedom's wings." "Then God go with you, Greatheart." The church of today is proving itself to the. thoughtful and earnest. Quoted by permission of the Rev. A.. W. Stalker. Sunday Morning Service., 10:30 BunbaT Chchcvce FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 s. Division Subject: ")IAN:" Sunday School, 11:45. Wednesday Evening, meeting, 7:30. testiony: Reading Room, 236 Nickels Ar- b ade. Open daily 1.2 to 5 except Sundays and hoalidays. ALL iRS WELCOME 1 f ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH FOUR SERMONS ON RIELIGIOUTS BELIEFS OF TOD)AY March 11. "Concerning' the' Holy Spirit.." March 18. "ITiehe mini of Prayer." March 25. "Faith." April 1. "Immijortality." Fifth Ave. and 'Washington St. SE. C. STELLRORN, Pastor 9:30 A. AL---Pastor's Bible Class. "4Seeing the Real Jesus." 10:30 A. IM.--Sermon (English) 5:30 P1.1M.-Student Forum. 7:30 P". M.--Sermon (English) "Trhe Fourth Saying from thle Cross." BETHLEHEM, EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave., near Packard G. A. 'NEU 41ANN , Pastor Sunda. School at 9 :00 a. m. Chuirch Service at 10,: 00 at. in. Eng- lish. Church Service 11:00 a. ti. Ger- mn am.1 Students Cordially 'Welcomed ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) CorniellrThir~d and West Haron Sts. CARL A. BRAVER, Pastor l- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 . EDWARD SAYLES, XMiister HO10WARD R. CHAPIMAN, Tdinister of Unversity Students I10 :30--Mivorninug Worship. Sermon: "Rediscovering:Religion." I7:30-Evening 'Worship. Sermon: 1"''The Fight for Charac(-r' It E.tdward Sayles will preach. I12:00---Student Bible Class, led by I Mr. Chapman.k 6: 00-Guild Fricuitlship ]four' in the Church. 6 :30-guild lDevotiouial Meet jug in the Church. I . ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIR AND "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASSES LANE HALL See "Upper Room" Bulletini and Printed Schedule Sunday Class for Men from 9:30 to 10:15 Wednesday, 7:30 P. Sermon, (Germ an) All Around." ' M.-1'ras sio02 "Mockerics -- erary class who have not yet SUNDAY I l aid their, dues, amounting to 9:30--Student Bible class, Congrega.i $3.50 for the entire year, should iional church. , do so immediately. Make checks1 9:30-University Hen's 'Bible class J payable to Burton E, Dunlop, ineets in Upper room, Lane ball. ? class treasurer, 1617 Washten- 12:00.--Prof. Russel! Watson speaks on aw avenue. "Michigan's Tree Wealth" before CANOE ENAMEL An eunmel to be satisfactory for canoes must measure tit to exacting conditions. A canoe is exposed to water constantly; fre- quently it is attacked by the burning sun or beaten upon by rain and wind. It is dragged up on the beach or carried over long portages, so that its surface suffers as much by handling as by exposure to the elements. Now the enamel that will give your canoe the proper protection and lengthen its life must be practically impervious to weather, wind and sun. It must also formh a protective fihm that is highly sc~ratch proof. Ths seemns enough to ask of an enamel, but a canoe enamel must do even more. It mu st not only protect andi preserve---it mnust also beautify. it must have a bright, glossy finish which retains its color unfaded by exposure. *Sherwin-Wilis Canoe Enamel fulfills these conditions because it bas been made expressly to fulfill them. It is a high-class varnish gloss enamel which dries with a hard film, impenetrable to water and unaffected by sun, heat or cold. Put; up. in half-pint, pint and quart. penny-lever self-sealing cans. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH R EV. A. W. STALKER, I3. D., Pastor IiS15 ELLEN Wi I. OORE, Studient Director 10:30 A. Al. Morning Worship. Pastor's Subject: "Lent aund Action:" 12:00 M. BIBLE CLASSE~S in WESLEY HALL. 4:30-6:30 P. M. OPEN HOUSE at WESLEsY HALL. 6:30 P. Al. WESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETING. Leader: MISS MILDRED CAMPBELL. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. ;Pastor's Subject: "Friendslll and Christ inity." SPECIAL MUSIC: "Pastorale" (Guilmant), Mrs. Rhead; "Romance" (Svendsen), Mr. Chancy and Mrs. Rhead; "Benedictus" (Gounod), the chorus choir; "Why Art Thou Cast Down" (Spicker), the chorus choir; "Lowly Kneel We" (from Mors 'et Vita) (Gounod), Mrs. Wheeler, Mliss H'owe, and Mr. Dewey, "Finale from Sonata I" (Guilmant), Mrs. Rhead; "Offurtoire" (Dubois), Mrs, Rhead; "0 Light Divine" (Kastalsky), the chorus choir; "Lift Thine Eyes" from Elijah) (Mendelssohn), Miss Hollands, Miss Martin, and Miss IHowe; "Tocca to" (Dubois), Mrs. Rhead. A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL STUDENTSt 4' 1 .1 S ERVI CES 9: 30--German. 11:30-English. Sermon Topic: "h of the Gospel. 10:30-Bible School. 7:30-Lenten Services subject: "The Fourth the (Crass." Sacredness in English, Word fronm FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIVISION AND) HURON REiV. L. A. BARtRE'VT, J) .,311i iter LEWIS C. REIA-N, Seec'y'Men Students 10:30 MORNING WORSHIP "131 issions and C'ivilization" 12:00 STUDENT CLASSES Led by Prof. W. D. Henderson and Dr. J. E. Kirkpatrick 5:30 OPEN HOUSE AND SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 YOUNG PEOPLE'S MKEETING' Christ inity and the New Social Tendency" FRAINCIS P. WEISENBUROER Grad.. Weduesday E venling, 7 :30 Lenten Services in the German. Subject: "Tihue Burial of Jesus." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH "THlE STONE ClIURCH I XI'T lE WARM WE LLCOME" HlebrtA. Jumip,. E. lino'. MItcliell, Mary K. Millar, Staff. CHURCH OF CHRIST (DISCIPLES) Temupora ry honie LANE HALL F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor I I ,"t. 1ntbreW's Episcopal Church I COR. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector 9:30 A. M. STUDENTS' B3IBLE CLASS, led by Mr. Mitchell. 10:30 A. M. Mr. Jump will speak on Hugh Walpohes -Novel, "THlE 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. I 9:130 A. M.-Bible School. 10:30 A. Md.--Morning Service. Ser- 9:30 A. M.--Student Bible Discussion Group at iHarris Hlall, i I 1i I