THE MICHIGAN DAILY.* p RS, The Schultz Grocery THHOME OF PURE FOODS PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WVASHINGTON E x tr a S p e d3 1 s _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._._--__--__ , 4 -t Large 'Prunes, per lb., 18c, 25. lb. box. .... 15 oz. Seeded Raisins, 15Sc, doz..... ........ . No. 10 Can Table Peaches, sliced or halves, 80c, doz. 2 Cans I-Ib;y Milk......................... Rex Lye, 2 for ......... ................. . 3,Cans Dutch Cleanser 27c, doz................ No. 1 Flat Can Salmon Steak 38c, doz......... . Pecan Meats, per lb. .... ..... .......... . Walnut .Meats, per lb. .......... ........... . H'alowi Dates, 2 lbs. for ..................... $4.25 1.65 9.50 25C 25C 1005 4.25 1 .t0 80c 25C I FOR 1 00 PER CENT PURE DAIRY PRODUCTS PHONE 114 COFFEE Our Coffee is surpassed by none. Blended to your individual taste-it's different and better. i . : . I, ___________________________________ -..--- _______ I n AL WAYSA7 The W inmanw~e'"I'FneU LENTEN FOODS Everything, in canned Fish, Sea Foods, Cheese Lenten Foods. y THREE PHONES 15() ONE NUM3SER and c t!,v.- 'As usual a complete line of fresh fruit and vegetables. IBT IN ANN ARBOR I SINCE 1865 "QUALITY- SERVICE-SA TI SFAC TION" THE HOME OF PURE FOODS 11- EGGS Country Runi....£.t kaniped ...... ASh 0 I SAUSAGE W. G. Brand in 3 Small Links ..... 94 L .! I' SARDINES In Pure Olive Oil. Two cans for.. 3 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPERS GET THAT LUNCH, HERE AND TAKE, HOME WITH YOU Macaroni and Cheese Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce Home Made Baked Beans Potato Salad Karolyn Kitchen 119 E. Liberty 2620-M ® Lenten TROUT WHITE FISH HALIBUT SALMON HERING PERCH BLUE PIKE PICKERE LL Smoked W"ITE FIS1-F FINAN FHADDIE OYSTERS F'sh, Iall elE' ned J fig ' for 010e pan ci cry d",- "?ia ; / P ORK +houldier lIgoai7 !.tt Young, zm'ilfl an GRAPE FRUIT 4 extra large for............ U2 BEEFJ Tender Shoulder Roast ........... I" A - CRANBERRIES While they last. c 2 tits. tor ........' ; fi i , r i4 ; NT. d7 _i ,.. ,' 4 4 as .. POP CORN "Sure P'op.''.2 3 lbs. for .. . . ..- 3 lbs. or .;. HAMS rile1U 'i oked, ),thole, or h.ltf .. .2 FLOUR Laxa bye'>r"IBs$1.2 I- MAPLE SYRUP [lure, per.5 qIuart ........... . ____ I IF: WE-ARE NOT DOING ALL WE CAN TO SATISFY OUR CUSTOMIER.S THEN WE ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH The Dome of Delicious Foods VAN'S5 MIKYour health is doublyT safeguardedw ~When you drink our Milk and Cream; for you not only get the best K CREAM quality but you get the purest, made so by cHIEESE Pasteurization I FR.ESH iEGGS <2 BUTTER = The Ann AbrDairy Co pan FOURTH and CATHERINE ST5. IECREAM OFQUALIT 3I l ways b O in ldandby peoplet ', Ih 1 nt t he besst. F or this reason we , catr gula uv 1 th- . k .ml rrdhostc ss. A llo w u s to :s u g g e s t y o u r d e ss e r t 1l. -w tr .u r i~n a (.d i l ler . -Or S e h l C ) I I I t l i l h sI Our~JWI~ U uh1~lati~IT~i%~ 14( L r JAMAICA NUT VANIllAk~~ t _ I