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March 10, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-10

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~Wh4t±*t ~ffI~tTO HELP FIND, JOBS
~ ~ ~ A committee has been appointed byI
the Board of :Directors of the Union
UNYIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN to investigate the possibilties of es-
isblished every morning except Monday! tablishing an employment bureau for
during tlae University year by the Board in Michigan men in the near future.
Control of Student Publications. I
Mebr--WsenCofrne-dtra Each year the senior class has in it
Mesmobertof Wser ofrec dioilhundreds for student;; who do not
know what they intend to do upon
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all leaving the University. They have
news dispatcher credited to it or not other-.no immediate prospectsi, and are
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein, unable to find the opportunity which
they desire. When these men are
etered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, graduated they either drift aimless-
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail. $3.50. ly until some position pre~sents itself
Offices: Ann Arbor Press .Building,: May- to their liking, or they are forced by
hard Street
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 17 6-M; Busi- financial pressure to seek work which
mess 6. does not fit themr and which will
Conmunications not to exceed 3o0 words only delay their real start in life.
if signed, the signature not necessarily to Trhe idea of an employment bureauR
appear in print,' but as an evidence of faith,
and notices, of events will be published in would to a considerable extent obvi-
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if ate such conditions. It -would be
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive no ion- l necessary to hav~e a man of keen in-
sideratiosl. No manuscript will be returned
sunless this writer encloses postage. The Daily sight' in charge. He would be iny
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments constant 'touch with alumnni employ-
expressed in the communications,..~

iTrl .1


Wo ien's.


TO()WE;T 'TO WOO Edit o~r The M\iebiganx Maily;
. genius is so rare a gift, tonan1-
Chaeer Vp, Twvo-O'c'lock kind---a.l ilint int ellect s~o quick to
The boulevard wa~s soft and mnushy' burn itself out andl (isapplear, it would
last Sunday from the weather b~ut i! seem wise if w e of the lower, unr-
we have a week more of spring it blessed plane, would step aside,
will be that way for another reason.E watching; with full awe and rever-
cc E~)-!t ]aek. ence, a~s it, flared up into radiance andE
;M gowed there in its g-ans.All
um unktoo often we try with hands dun e
$uniBunkunitfor the task, to platc our'coin-
This week's teething ring goes to' ment beside the work of t he great:

The Graham Book Stores will give the Building Fund of the Women's League a per-
centage on all cash sales of the




... .,.


our own Daily. A cafe ad re
Vegetarian Dinner for Veveth
Who are the Vevetarians, follo,
the House of David or Emile



Telephones 2414 and 176-1
News Editor ..................Paul Watzel
City Editor.............James B. Young
rAssistaut City 1 ditor....... .....J., A. Bacon
[ditorial Board Chairman.......EF. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Itaiph Byers. Harry Hoey
L. J. Ilershdorfer R. C . Moriarty
11. A. Donahue J. . Mack
~prsEditor ............Wallare 1". 1,-Tjott
Woe'hditor...........Marion Koch
Siundoivy Magazine I citor. 11.I. A. Donahue
Pictorial Editor:..............Robert Tarr
Music E~ditor .............. H. Ailes
Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

men. Those who desire positions
would be interviewed by him and
their qualifications weighed in con-
nection with the positions available.
The efficacy of the employment planE<
would rest upon the success with}
whiich students -fitted into the posi-
tions procured for them, and this int'
turn would depend to a. great extent
upon the selective ability of the man
in charge of the bureau. The activi-
tio,3 of the organization would of
course not lie limited only to grad-
uating students. It could similarlyE
take care of any alumpni who wished
Every effort should be made upon
the part of the Union to carry through3
the employment bureau idea. It is
one important way in which the
Union can be of tangible service to1
alumni, and studentis, alike, and it
will answer a need which heas long:
been felt on the campus. Considera-
ble expense will be involved in main-
tamning such a bureau,'/ but if the
Union is really anxious to serve
Michigan men to its beat advantage
this expense will be in an excellent
It would be worth while indeed, if
an employment bureau could be es- '
tablished by the Union in time to aid
this year's seniors in locating posi-
t 10113.

'Ultis is Easy
A handsome stude walks in
"Arc", with the gracefulness
Appollo, he seats himself besi
other than my partner for tY
ning; I spent very good money
that show and let the queen
too. But, this hxansumn broo
sophomore), never tlqsisted
stamping his feet every tin
flickers flicked, and the musicr
ed. Can't something lieodone?

* * *

Y..anley TTI. Armstrong
Sidney Bielfield
R. A. Billington
Hlelen Brown
IT. C. Clark
A. B. Connable
B~ernadette Cote
Evelyn I. Coughlin

1{ranklin D HIepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
Edward J. Higgins
Iweentli C.Kel ar.
Elizabeth Liebermann
John McGinnis
M. H,. Pryor
W. B. Ra~ffert~y

Why didn't you change you
Or let me take your little que(
tim e anod she won't pay- any ato he d k b si e er Y n
breathie the word "Cease" hoai
his ear next time.
dear helen,-
You wrote me a lengthy letter
me all about yourself, just as
ed-BUJT--I'm still ut) in thea
say you're a beautiful, tall, litl
tlemanly girl. GORRILL.A sa;
're a nice, modest, slip of a,
weighing a. couple of lbs. Ie;
a 'horse. Who am I to belie
Smile 1,11t Stuff
An ancient legend credits T1
being the inventor of the nal
papyrus roll mT.entions that th
discovered that the soup spla.
his pants whenever he dropp
crackeris in, so he was forced
a camel hide for protection.

,.Iiske Robert G. Rmsay
Zahn Garinghouse Campbell Robertson
Walter S. Goodspeed J. W. Ruwitch
Portia Goulder Sol J. Schnitz
Ronald lalgrim V1, il1i' t \a~an"
Telephone 160
-Advertising...............John J. Hamel, Jr.I
"Advertising...............Walter K. SCheer
Advertisin~g.............awrnc 11 lavrot
P blication ...............dward F. (onlir'
Copywriting..............lDavid J. M. ['ark'
Circulation ...............ownsend JH. Wolfe
Accounts .............. .L...Bcwant Parlis
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton
George Rockwood J(aes A, Dryer
Perry M. Hayden WV. I. Good
ktugene T. unne Clyde ;. lHagerman
Win. 0'raich, Jr. Henry leud
John C. laskin Herbert P. Bostick
C. I,. Putnam . L. Pierce
iE. 1.. Armantrout Clayton Purdy
Hlerhert W. Cooper 1. B. Sanzenbacher
Wallace Flo6wer Clifford Mitts
William If, Reidr. T.Ralph Lewright
Harold L. Ifale Philip Newall
WM n R 1n Cr
SAT URD)AY, MARCH 10, 1923
Night Editor--HOAD A. DON AHUE:
The eye of the University body and
alumni today is focused upon the
ineeting of the Board in Control of .
Athletics which has been called. At
* this meeting the Student council will
present it; petition for the naming
of the new Feld House being erected
oni Ferry field in honor of Coach
Yost, head of Michigan's athletics and
for approximately a quarter of a cn-
ttury nenlor to Nrolverine elevens.
Ever sinlce ,,e new building has
been und(, con st rcti ou, a constantly;
growing opinion has expressed itself
among those i te~este d that - this
' would le an appropite expression
of appreciation for the service which
the Coach has devoted to Michigan
athletics.' Practically every active
alumni organization throughout the
country has submitted resolutions
favoring the action, and many in-
dividal alumni of note are actively
sponsoring the plan. Added to thisE
is a practically unanimous student
belief that the Field House should
bear the name of Yost.I
Suggestions have been made that'
the new structure is a Michigan
building, and as such should bear the
name of the University rather than
that of any inividual. In answer to
this it may be said that rearless
of its namve the Field house will le
identified with Michigan, just as is
Ferry field. In addition to this,there7
is no name more insearaly connect- '
ed with Michigan in the popular mind
than that of Coach Yost. A survey
of the campus will reveal that the{
majority of the University's buildings
bear the names of inividuals, among
them being Hill auditorium, Water-
Man anil arbo r gymnasiums.
To Coach" Yost must go the credit
for bent the greatest man in Michi-
gan athletico. The Field House it-
self, is the materialization of a planI
whichl came about largely through hi I
efforts. It Will be a far better expres-'

FOR BETTER \EWSPAPERS We wonder if King Tut's [is
Oklahoma will set a worthy prece- 1 ever waited up for him whenI
dent for the rest of the nation to home late?
follow, if a bill introduced in the "And where have you been
upper house of the legislature requir- 'Tut?"
ing reporters to take an examination "Oh, I just dropped in at the
and secure a license before being able' tra club to see the bioys."
to' obtain. employment on any news-' TUT
paper in the state is passed. The***
idea embodied in the plan is familiar; SARtCASTICA LLY SPIEAI(
to newspapermen the country over, Her face was upturned
but the enactment of it as law, be- THer head held back with pri
sides contributing much to the ele-1 Her eyes shone with celestia:
vation of journalism to the dignity ofj dor
a learned profession, would strike Upturned towarods tihe vales
at the root of most of the evils sur-' Ion,
rounding a newspaper, the inefficient As tho beseeching justice,
manner in which the news of the ; Hercr heels like roses crown,
dlay is handled.; dew,
In the organization of the average Her delicate mouth was miovii
newspaper office too little stress is Givin~g to her features an exI
placed on the reporter. Men accede of anguish,
to the p~osition often with nothing Her face revealed soul-seal ir
more than a high school education, tion.
with little knowledge of the "social; She wags gar-gling
or political problems of the day, and ; POISON
hence' unqualified intellectually to! x. a*.
write up the, news as it should bej
written. 'Phe salaries paid for re-
portorial work are in most cases
sn',all, and it/ canl be said with ai
gra el tuh t a a e1comeri a reporter so that he may ac-j
quire a desk position as quickly as"
the Lord will per'mit him to. AnolbI erI no'lv Onward
The passing of laws, such as the'FaiDrmu a ie
one proposed in Oklahoma, requiring D.ice ntl eri
reporters to pass a strict examinationWdeay Wecnhesl
and, if possible, that they be col- won by more than a no0se.
loge graduates nnglit change matters***
considerably. Any influx of educated
men who had studied journalism as ('OIl'l)ENI''I1~ Ii'L1 SR'E
a profession would doubtlessly be at- Seems like there's
tracted to the field. Through their quite a battle
superior ability they might demand to get tickets.
high salaries and reporting might for that Military
come to be looked upon as something ball.
more important than a mere stepping
stone to copy reading. Until the She sat in the moonlight,
news of the day is written in a fair] Her figure was clearly
and elucidative manner by men who ' Outlined against the har-vesti
have the intellectual qualifications to She lifted her nose in disdain,
perform the task, and not in the Then opened her mouth and
slothful and inaccurate way of the Let out a hell of a howl.
average, present day reporter, it is Go home, you hound dawg, g.
difficult to see how the newspaper
will ever secure the confidence of***
the people. ")ancers hi INratllon C'I
Many editors will probably be op-. To(ledoll hide.

'as "A thereby tarnishing a piece of true:
iirlilrsI5 art with the blackness of ignorance,
ewers of insesibility, and misconception.
sCore?! However, as Dorothy Ca,,nield ex-
endee"ilained in her lecture her ow pievi-
ous in abi lit y to depict a~ inner st rug-
gle, devoid of actual pysical forces
ito the t hat should be hint enough for us to
of an j1now discontinue our pursit of hidden
de none jsutleties, oand rise to ta ]mo lacl-i
.he eve- fying sphere.
y to seeE As to Miss Canfelds lecture of
see it, Tuesday last, we would say that ,it
ser, (a was a most enlightening revelation ot
tfrom1 the personality ailul mental activity of
me the one of America's foreost authors.:
musick- It is an unusual favor to have such a_
? ~ person thus show an audience the,
Off ll. actual reactions and resposes un--
Ioergoe in the creation of a piee of
r1 seat? literature. An added inteest lay in
yen next#? le effective pesonal touches, given
ttentionj with a arace and confidence that
u miht!embellished the whole. Miss Can-
mreyihfeld spoke in such pictorial tems
that scenes froml her New England
country home, her travels in Scan-
dinavia. and her childish reactions
r tllngtoward an "aunt, were readily vis-
teIngsk aized and appreciated.
air Mo iss Canfield weas encouraging to
he, ge-! "young hopefus"' in her belief that
Lys}'Ot-an isiration once set dow,. couldl
creation libe infinitely improved upon by hili -
ss than gent amnd thoughtful changes, addi-
ve? tiomns anmOlissios. She bade us
remlenmber also, that aldl (;~~ an ever
le cmplet ely realized, but that it is
best to) stoi working on one piece
ut with of material when an inner warning
hkiL m ints that it 13as been handlel
he Kingenough.
-sed oni 10ilsrt h tgepree
pedhised in assimilating- ado developing mna-
I to use terials for a literary work, Miss Can-
fielod used one o1' her early stores.
nanmed "The Patchwork Quilt''. con-
rst wie trary to a forner incompreensible
he cane jnmisconetioni o'te title, which was
tonihtiublishled in The Daily as "ed
A remarkable aspect of the lecture,'
Cleopa-a which mut, linger long in our
T i' minds, was the way in which thei
author seemed to 'aise us all to her1
iING plan-who had not ii the first pace
set out to le a write---plerhaps we
woulol become writers too. someday,
ide ! in Hpite of what we hopedl or fear-
I spien-" ed now. The materials ad come to10
7her- in a most easy- andl natural way--
of Ava- l pral~lYK we too, would later on fid~
a meanimng and iterpretation for+
someCof tie nmost drab and ordinay
led With epreneandb these in tler turn'
might form the rnuleus for a stryV
ng, I like hers. ate is a cuious thim ,
pr'essio~n playing havoc with our fondest hopes
and odesres, ctstilg 1usinto aiealm,
Ig Ciflo-! unknown, unnp3ied for, undesired.
We can all be very thankful, how-
ever, for the queer streak of the in-
iIVY. evitable which turned Dorothy Cai-
field from her pulrsuit ofi modern tan-
gua ges ,anmd at thle samce time bought
er to the lofty positiol she now
holds auniug American novelists.
l. ID.
Ed itor, the Michigan Daily:
Unconscious humor i,; oft cml best.
i R's "conclusion'' on evoution con-
head of tained al exquisite gem. Consider
election it;: "The second point is the is5uf-
Ysay lie ferable eotism of the proposition a
tihing unblearable o rie." Dear R,
who is tie insufferale egotist? Is
(lN( it you who consider that the Uni1-
verse was created by a special (hs-'
pensat ion for you toi blindly enjoy?
From the above quotation I olo-
c!tlde that you never cae to a. real
thoughtful inference oil evolution;
olr there is too mch feeling expressed
inl that quotation; it shows a basis
of rgid prejudice.
In R's second paragraph a coifi-
nmoon lion is obvious in his thou,ht. I
know not how the profesor's teah
the theory of evolution. But te fat

on which the theory rests are facts
;o home, and establishedl andl recognizedl. TheyT
I~ia'.are not speculation ; the theory may
be largely speculatioin, and~ probably
-tt i _ is, for what theory is not? A theoiry
is tile speculative conclusion, aimed
ss Ollie, at a trmuthI, built from a. thinker's ar-
C'O nine' ranIgeniltlt of certain known facts,
a estab- Util about the middle of last cenl-
s record tiury the 5spec-il clea' ci ti'? cory
during couldl le nmaintainedl by 1m1en of gr eat
Ao by an scienltific attainmnits, but now it is
in Was- t uiy the special creation thleor-y
may notice elxceptionls, as those t-wo
fanmous biodegists, B. J. flryan and Dr.
anythting Lovell! To supplort any othler thleory
tke anId thanl that of evolution in this day
111d give is like asking us to) return to pire-

Ann Arbor and Jacks""
(K astern Standar d ''i
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6 :oo a.M., 7:0 :oal;Soo ajn., 9(,
amn and hourly to 9 :05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Armor) --9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9 :47 P'"-1.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.mn.
and every two hours to 9 :0o p. in.,
1 z :oo p.mn. To Ypsilanti Oniy'-7ix :40
P.M., 1 :15 a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7 i5o a.m.,
12 :10, pi.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim-
ited cars 8:47,: o0:47 a.mn., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 P.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m1.








2 1 5c Tins of Smoking Tobacco, your choice, a
cleaners with every Royal, Italia, Briar Pipe fo
These are regular $1 .50 Pipes
$5.00 Gillette Razor ........... ... .. .
$5.00 Auto Strop Razor, Gold Plated.:..
$1.00 Gillette Blades, 1. doz, ... ....







$1.50 Gondolier Chocolate Cherries .. ........59c ~
$1.00 Funds Chocolates, lb. box .............. 39c
This Candy is shipped fresh from factory every Thursday
"The Right Store w~ith the Right Price",
Phone 64-R

" r' WEAR

1Latest Shiapes

and 2 doz. Pipe
for .. 8ac
.... .98c
.. . . .99C


Tahe tile "Beaten Path"
our'fdoom' a aolsave a (dollar
snore on a hat.





I ealso dlo all kinds of Clean-
in'- andI Rellocking of flats at
low pmices' foil' urn II CLASS
- ---- WOCRK_
017 Packardl Strecet Phone 1.7(.3
Wh'bre ID. U. R. Stops at State
AiiEI'A. .S.S tPiNG BOA. 1)r,
C. E. hUEI,1,1L. PhI'lone 138-1 i

Demand it by name. Let
this treat convince you
of the deliciousness of

Demand This Purity!l
You, housewife, know the value
of _freshie ss in foods, Connor's
Ice Cr-eam is made of the very
freshest' of materials, direct
from our owen sanitary sources
of supply.
In the sunlit Connor plant,
where cleanliness is both a habit
and an iron-clad rule, the most
scientific equipment further pro-
tects the purity of the product.
('onumor's is pure-thru
and thru; it safeguards




7rM -,o



A i lds at lo wet p c te s. 844, I i i II id 1 c li inc edC(1,oe s ad Kikr '
Largest assoitnient, in all materials, also Corduroy, Moleskin and Sport Suits.
Munson Armay, Officers Dress and Hiking SHOES, Leather and Wrap
Pimttces, High-Top and Moccasin Pack Shoes for ladies and men.
0. D. Wool Army Shirts, Khaki and Pongee Dress Shirts, Golf Hose, Tom
Wye Knit Coats, Sweaters, Underwear, Caps, etc.
Surplus SuppliV~es Store, 213 N. 4th Aeve.
"It pa s to walk~ a few block~s"


AIGlas of Milk
Each Dayk
But if you drink Milk-
why not the Best-that
which gives the most novi-
Voni'll find Ideal iMilk and

T'he best. ingredien~ts often make a 'difference in the quality,
and taste of food.
MR. STEWARD--Do You Wart the Best?
By buying in medium large quantities you will find the best~
to be the cheapest. 'We especially recommend, for general,
all round purposes-
Roller King
Or the most suitable flour for Pastry Baking
M imico Pastry
You Will Find That Our
All Purpose Flours

posed to a bill which purpor-ts to)
raise the standard of reporting on the
ground tha~t, if p~assed, the result will
be a general raise in salaries. But a
few capable reporters may do the
work of many legs efficient ones
without the loss of prestige which
the ;utter usually' impose upon a
newspaper through their useless biat
ruinous blunders. A newspaper will
ultimately gain even financially'
through safeguarding the integrity
and accuracy of the news, and this

"Eidgar 'Van Ollefen andl Mi
Finnerty wooied Terpisich~or
amnd a half hours steadily iii
fishing a new nmon-stop woirld',,
for foxtrottimng. Neithler ate
tile lon g da nce, w h ich e xcee d o r a re o d m d e S t r a
We ar-emn't trying to starta
but we think somelI of the sna
ft'ails around the Union -ora
thoen a good ace. Whlat say


:rer ilntenhallpcl fornr i-iht. rand excesllesnce. adericaht bpi-


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