TH4E MICHIGAN DAIL) e v V 1 , x x F 1 i m- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN! a~ 1 A~ ,iv a cmea aissistant To Treasury Head; Publication ini the Uiversity. V'olume 3 the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:20 p. in. (11:30 a. m. 8atiarday.) FIDAY, MARCH 9, 1923 Nuniber 11 Economics IE fMake-Up Examination: A make-up examination. for those whp received condition in Economics 1E "will be given Saturday at 2 p. m,. in Room. 345, Eng. Bldg. Pogitivelv no other make-up will be given. F. A. BRADFORD. Sophomore Engineers: There will'-be an important meeting of the Sophomnore Engineers on Friday, March 9, at 10 a. mn. Rooma 348 Engineering Building. Every Sopho- more-Engineer should make a special effort to be present. C. E. WILSON, Mentor. SenIor Engineers: Assembly will be held at J o'clock on Friday, March J, in Room 348 of the Engineering Building. Thomnas H. Reed, Professor of Political Science in the University, will speak upon the work of the engineer in the development And administration of the, modern. city. it is especially urged upon members of the Class to be prompt in arriving, as there is a considerable amount of class business to be attended to. W. C. ROAD, Class Mentor. TEACHING POS1H EXCEED__C More calls have be( the b~ureau of ap~poin School of Educationt candidates available fo The demand is for te;i trained in more thano More than 40 lper ce come from this state. however, are receive( every state in the Uni, Rico, the Philippines, G ious foreign countries. b~er of calls come from ana, Iowa, Minnesota, consin. In thne last five years had 5,926 calls and hi candidates. In the la there have been 2107 tions in high school, ar positions in colleges ties. With few except been able to place allc year. Those for whore found p)osition1s, have those who have enrol been too particular, r p)roperly prepared. This service is free tt "and women providedV in time. ABSEN'TEE VOTERS 'Wisconsin Alumi Reilons Planned miembers, will be the oldest class to TO Classes of the University ol' Wis- meet.. ________ B LANKS AVAILABLE cousin whose num~erals end in 3 or S _..-_will holdther reuiosthu iviJne. When you have a want, always let MA D OAIE8 lc~ton officials have rqetdthat h casof1 , with four livingj a "Daily Classified Ad" satisfy it.- studlents of the University who are en- ,en received by titled to vote at the spring election on ntmnents of the April 2 make application for absent ta thrar.voter's ballots at once. The applica- te rthpoiinacewho are tioni may be made anytime during the A fte S h v in ni ujc. 30 (lays preceding the election, at the. ent of the, calls office of the township, village or city Every Man Likes to UseN A few calls,; clerk of the home p~recinlct.; A from alm ost; A pplication blanks w ill be sent frou j o , f o P o t th h m e p c n t to h se w o a lE soSa vn Lto aaiand var- for them and are to be filled out, sign-E s o S a i g Lt o .A large numn- ed and sworn to before an officer au-'T. olnRfehn n Illinois,'Indi- thorized to administer oaths. On re- Its So Coig ersig and Mvildlzy Atiseptic Ohio, and Wis- ceipt of these applications the clerk will send the ballots to the absent 35 and 75c$ the. bureau has . voters, who should mark them in ac- as placed 1,801 cordance with the instructions enclos- st three. years ed and return them in time for thei i' h E ero.. Sn o clsfrps-dpsti heblobooftehmnd 530 calls foil precinct before. the closing of the poly~ and universi- on election day. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET tions they hiave --- candidates each Lose something? a classified in _____________________________________ theyvej not he Daily will find it.-Adv. 3flit ey Science 6A: '"lass on Wednesday at 4 p. Mn. will meet in room 348 insteadc room' 229. WILLIS SHIPPAM, Major C. A. C. (Dol). or WHAT'S GOING ON NiOTICF,-Copy for this columnl should be. sub mItted bey :80 oWelock of the day before p~ublication.f IUII)Y 9 :00--'Pof. T. B. Reed ad~dresses sen- ior engineers in room 348 of the Engineering building. 12 : i -La Wmcuty lunch in private dlining room of Union. 2 :09--Btoa44d of directors, Boosters' club, meets in room 302, Union:. 4 :00-Playes' club meets in roomii25~,' Mason hall. 7 :W0*~tercoilegiate Zionist associa- tion iQrets in board of directors roam, L.ane hall. ' :30 --oloulA Literar~y circle meets In Lane hall. 7 :80,--AlpiA lNu meets in .Alpha q rooms,Yfourth floor, University hail. 8:00-Choral Union concert In Hill au- ditoritum: U.NOTiCES saln exhibition of oil paintings, water I colors, and etchings by Hayley ILev-; Ier, O. 11. Baker, J. 3. Haffner, R. F. Logan, and R. C. Tuttle is, now be- ing shown in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. Open 'daily Ithrough March 10.I fSenilor Eris must order their canes at, Wagner's before March 24. Whinmsies want, tryouts for positionf Iof bnsiness assistant to handlead a-vertising. Write care of the Press building, giving qualifications. Theaters I i ...WITN EY Within the .Actors'. guild itself, no artist on the stage today takes high- er rank than Leo Ditrichsteln, who is appearing at the, Whitney theater on1 Mvonday, March' 12, in "The Purple Mask." This "master player" is known as "the creator of a thousand roles." Such 6 record, for an actor still youing as present day, reckoning goes, is ,un- precedented in the American prof es- Neieniz .:Nos' McKenzie Moss, deputy commhlission-' er cf internal revenue and formerly representative from Kentucky. haa:. been appointed assistant, secrdtaly oA the treaaury to succeed Almer 'Dover. The latter resigned last summer. A TTHE T11EAT EPIS f ~ Screen--Today Arcade-Mae Murray- in "Jazz- ' kmania"; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Detlaven in "Keep 'Em Home." I Majestic--"Omnar, the Tentmnak- er;" comedy and Irwin's Pep band. I________ IOrpheum-IHoot Gibson in "The j Lone Hand;" Paul Parrot inI "Shoot Straight," and news. Ij A uerth-Mary Roberts Rhing- S hart's "Affinities," with Colleenf Moore; comedy and Pathie news., Stage--This Week Garrick (Detroit) - Leo Diet- ricbstein in "'The Purple IL Maw k." Shubert- Michigan (Detro-it) -- a Borfstelle cohhijpav'y in "The ' Bad Mant."j Patronize Daily. Advert isers.-Adv. -e chiefly been led late., have rhave riot b~een o Michigan men hat they enroll R . . . .. . . ... .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . ... ... .. . . . . STARTS MARCH SUN. 1th SUN. IS ONLY RIVAL TO "THE KID" AfiI) INi ADDITION TECHNICOLORI A new eimIn moping jdcttures. A drama of the Orient. photographed I1 R:tTLY in the TRUE colors of nature. SABSOLUTELY THE BIG-l GEST VALUE EVER OFFER- ED BY ANY THEATRIE IN ANN A.RBOR OR VICINI'TY, INCLU.DING DETROIT. IT'S COME ! THATTE T 00K. WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET, - CAN BE HAD NOW AT "MNESUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ,, A Complete Line of Drugs and Drug Sundries 'Toilet Articles -Perfumes Connor 's Ie Cream Gil bert's Chocolates Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MANN'S DRUG STORE SATURDAY sign; and gives to this master of 'his ti :00-Tr Yogt4 for Adeiphil terary craft a background of romance .and society will be held in the A delphi Iclorful. tradition which peculiarly' roopm, fourth fihor of University fits his personality. hall, It is not generally known among, X 1d4-Eo3 c in' Control of Itbletlcs'I theater-goers that Mr. Ditrichsteiu be- lunch in private dining room of the, gan his brilliant stage experience, as Union. an operatic artist. He sang the lyric1 ,3( -A merlran .Associarton of Uni.- roles of grand and comic opera hero- varityWone~' te intheassmbl esthrughut~theheyay f oera bail Iof tbec Union. fote seml comique .iAn Europe, where, he was the Q:O0iAnnnal banquet of the Baptist idol of the day. His voice-broke un- guild in Baptist church parlors.j der,,the strains of long seasons, and President W. Gear Spencer, of Hills- lhe turned to the dramatic stage. dale college, speaks.j Mr. Ditrichstein has written many 7 :40-Craftsnr club meets in the+ of 'the plays in which he has appear-i Masonic temple. ed. His writing ability comes natur- 7 :3i--Newa ylk club meets in room 1304 ally, for his grandfather w!as a 1 un- of the Unio . garian novelist of many works and 8 :00---r.sbyterimu student pi rty for wide popularityIlie has to his credit those living in and soith of Grand 35 plays, which' he has .written either Rapids, excluding Wayne and Wash- alone or in, collaboration with other tenaw counties, dramatists, such as Clyde Fitch, the S :O&--Pythagoreumls meet in room t3i Hattons, Percival Pollard, and Eugene of the Union. °, Walters. 213 SOUTH MAIN STREE'T v s - - I~~I 1 rn n11 ww A Vegetarian. Dinner e : for Vegetarians (An Ideal Lenten Lunch) EVERY DAY TH PAC-UOPANCAE wfl iIlES-~~$ .V s- Blw n ltfEs fAc GET RE~ADY for SPRING ovhIIWmumh x'I1UUI :1 ( =) 11 :_ ... ... ;a ... w : . .. : ... ,., .., :. . . . .:. «. ... . ' .., . . ,.. :. ,.. . ,,. .. . . «.. .. .:. .:. .: I-~ s -' i sth obn bgn osigan heblm ouhwid be, o D ge ou inthe rea ou-of-oor. W at'smor, yu wil wnt- ed u tokeepyou apearacesas god s yur sirt. W Uw111 . -a 7 .. ?ady Fo Sprin Mw asteRbn ei o igadteblysotMid lw o 411 amn t e h uiera hJcoo olee te h usemn go expect to receive value for their money. 1 Be R Thl'e days will soon be here when your topcoat even will be too warm, and-your suits will be more in evidence than ever. Then you naturally wish to look your best on all occasions. Tailor-made clothes not only possess the quiet dignity which gives you the assurance of being well-dressed, but are built with a view to long and useful service. Even though you may not need that spring suit for a month yet, place your order now, and be sure of prompt delivery when you wish it. just as soon will want to to be dresse recommend They are co clothes, but Let us show you what we have. I = I