. News From The Oather Colleges Iis; curi - .c cordling to present !I ()I in the mioving picthl-: "The \s),e- plaits a Missouri interscholastic press mite Trail." II'z"coachos at t he association, under the supervision of; Ui~iversity of Ar zona du~rng' the ti ;- the school of journalism of the uni- e,,,an(, ki ; xvii the Ft'ck. c+ :io coifilii versity is 'to be formed before thec end (A111 ;n&thle summiier. of the present school year. Det~ils o("t the organization were drawn up Mon NwWeir];-- 'cd'l ric'.: C. Pen~le~l. clay at 'a convention. of editors and i, 1;uaS::adoz' to Aus r.n £l tthe time of business managers arkd their faculty his death, heueni. tied Sh OJ It( I tK', advisors. 1V :i ier,4tV for sob 6la sIdIs. 'The por- pO;sec:( ti: 0 sljoarships)5is to (whw- l ,I INev'da-Men of the junior class 'nien interested in international affa~r- hiave sworn oft; shaving for three to) produce trainedl dIploaIts f:=t, the weeks. At the end of this time, a ,cunitry's ser'vice. Two scho1li b' ;. "49er" dance will be held. are for $2,000, two for $1,000, an, teeo movre for an annudl value of $800, AfcAil-)IlenIles t>~ the serfl.Qi While three amount to $500. The:.e cls will werc n on t are now in operation. Educators Do You Know Smith comimencement, reviving the old cus- torn. The class of 1895 was the last class to wear them. Yale--Freshmen enrollment in .Sep- tember will be restricted to 850 men, "Was the statement given out by the vregistrar's office today. The students will be selected on a basis of scholas- tic stand:n ;., Calmifo'n ia-Footbal I gamnes are S100,000 during the 1.922 season for the athletic department. This is finali- I cially the most successfulu football season of the university. Texas-"Most of the articles lost on the campus belong to girls," says a reporter in the Prater," andl they are the least likely to reclaim them." Thie ,.a__ single article which is most often lost (1itio ts--Stten . llth eo* is the vanity case. The reporter acids otis Jp.:ti--z' mk e riodcaCl s- that the owners seldlom make any e'f- omnis deartlnrn4 mke prioicalsur fort to get them back. veys of the employment situation in Columbus. -So, far this quarter mr Ifl(WCtttt ;a-Tt ldr3stzt thai~l},40 popl ltavebee iner-whtich is still in effect in the univer- viewd. he rsul so ar rom hissity, of seniors wearing on ole quarerssurey howtha ony oe tare*s, was amended at the beginning out. o seven men over 16 years of ageoftesmtr. eeaethorr is working. less .than- full -time--an ol rioahi eese.Hrefeth zdt tim Riie Improvement over recent radhot h jzniors and seniors will previu sere s.go these appointments "in academic Tfhe existinog heating plant is oler-'- atig at (:ap:aciI y. This plant will not be able to serve the buildings no~w nn- (dr construction in its present condi- tion. In order to cut expenses on fuel it would beC necessary for thet heating plant to have adequate stor- age space. In this way the entire coal supl)y for a- year might be pu r- Chased at the cheapest possible prices. Tunnels by means of which P 3 'ttSMIth niewI buildings will be heated are es- Payson Smith, of Boston. the state sential. The central heating systema commuissioner of education of AMass- is far leis expensive than an individ-! achuisetts, is the new president of the tial system of each building heating! dep'irtnient of superintendence of the itself would be. Further, the newi National Education association. Do'-- hospital in order to operate At the spite his being ill at home aind unable lowest* cost should he heated from~ the to attend the Cleveland convention, he I IV. and Jr--Daseball has been abol- W'ied by the athletic council, Thi, has Ibeen caused by the decline of the in- terest shown by the university stu- tients during the past two season,. dignity.'' IRkEDl)TO) ADDRESS SENIOR I NINEEI' MEETINC TODA Y Opportunities for engineers in mun- i I ,A )1,A Ci3 ~ltG'J '. III U ( i C.l-ici. 4trbi Sate-Samuel Luchs, 15 year zn rn address by Prof. Thomas 13. Dill freshmfan In the college of arts, Reed, of the political science depart- philosophy, andc science, received .a inernt. at the senior engineers' class ~tra'ight "A" for' his first semester meetilig which wcill be held at 9 o'clocl, grades,.lie completed his high .chool this morning in room 348 of the Eng- Z~course in three years. ineering building. Professor Reed was forery city manager of Oar :e~. 11hodo i land--Freshmen who vie- Calif., becoming a member of the !I(;c- late traditions are punished by f-ve to W~ty of the University last fall. Vten- hour:. hard work on the coilege 1'ollowing the address :everl nm- (-oal pile. For minor offences tlic I portant business matters conc'v ;' 212 must don 'basebal', masks for two! the selection of senior canes, e . z d {yz ations for state registration of engin- eers, the proposed engineering exhib- Indioa-"LBabe" E. Pierce, '21. for.. it in 1lay, and engineers' outing will nier football staff, played an iml.ortnt be discussed by the class. i= Thirtieth AnnualMayFestival ;HIL AUDITORIUM ANN ARBOR OUR SAYS -M.y111, 18, 19 SIX CONCERTS SOLOISTS tGRJSEPPE DANISE, Baritone MtWROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY BENIAMINO GIGLI Tenor METROPOLI'TAN OPERA COM PAN Y JEANNE GORDON, Contralto METRtOPOLITAN.OPERA COMPANY SUZANNE KEENER, Soprano METR{OPOL.ITAN OPERA COMPANY FLORENCE MACBETH, Soprano CHICAGO OPERA ASSOCIATION ICHARLES MARSHALL. Tenor CHICAGO OPERA ASSOCIATION ERNA R°UBINSTEIN, Violinist A )LSTINOUISHED ' ARTIST ERNEST SCHELLING, Pianist A RENOWNED- VIRTUOSO HENRI SCOTT,' Bass-Baritone LATE OF TIIE -METROPOLITAN OPERA CflMPAN4 CLARENCE WI-ITEH ILL.Baritone MIETROP"OLITAN OPER1A COMPANY, I, R7 I a . THE ORGANIZATI ONS UNJVERSITY CHCRAL UNICN '(350 VOICES) THE CHILDREN'S CHORUS (5bo VOICES) THE- CHICAGO 'SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA- (70 PLAYERS) CONDUCTORS EARL VINCENT MVOORE GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN FREDERICK STOCK AND j GUSTAV HOLST Distingi~ished composer-conductor who wii comne from England especally to conduct the American premiere of his "Hymn of Jesus" which will be, sung by the 'Choral Union at the Thusday Evrening Concert. } COURSE TICKETS $5, $5.50, $6 $7 ( If 104, ti:F. Coupon" from Choral Union is returned, deduct $3.00) l._ S11~cI)'Iers of record to *Paifrons Ticikets"ivuay secure old Wlt.a 1 eats.II order reaches office ini or before March 3. 5 11 If