_____________ ____ TI TE MICI-HGAN DAIL'~ _ _ . DAILY- IPublication in1 the University, Voluame 3, tO,.I' ,A e Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:.10 p. m. (11: 30 a. m. Saturday.) THRSDAY, MARCH 8 9 WYnumber' 114 To Students, Xemnbers of the Faculty, and Offieers of the trniverlty: At the mzeetink of the Board of Regents held Feb. 23, the following actioni with regard to the administration of student loan funds was taken. Attention is culled 'especially to the last two paragraphs which indcate how application, phoutd 'be made and the method of acting upon requests. "Be- lved, That the Regents' suggest to future donors of loan funds that they dire such funds subject to exRisting University regulations regard- tug the=1n io provided in the plan given below. "Resolve4, further, That when possible and expedient the Regents ask the donors of existing funds to mnlke such mnodifications of the conditions under which loans are to, be adinistered tlat they may all be subject to t~he samne general planx. "Resolved, further, That all loa~n funds contribted l 4V inivoi stty' classes shall be comtbined In a fund to be known as the Alumni Loan Fund' and admiistered as a unit, the names of the various classes contributing to it, arranged according to the school or college, to be published in the 1ist of donors to the fund, and that the various classes which have estab- lished loam funds be requested at their next reunion to agree to such an arrangement, ,it being understood that the University Committee on Loan Funds will admilnister the comibined fund in the interest of all departments contributing thereto. "Resolved, further, Tha-t all loan funds given by individuals or in mean- My of lndividualA shall when so desired be kept separate anti so admilnis- tered. "Rslvd further, That all ap'plications for leans from men be made in the offl e of the Dean of Studeuts where applicatlonj blanks, will be furn- ished. Women .should apply to the Dean of Women. "Resotred, futher, That the Regents authorize a University Committee on Stujdet Loans, to consist, of the Dean of Students% the Dean of Women, the Treasurer of the 'university, and one representative from each school or college,, such representative to be _appointed by their respective Deans. The Dean of (3tudento ohaill act as chairman of the committee and the Treas- urer as secretary. Tthis cmittee shall. hold stated meetings in October, November, Jnuary, qad February of each year, and at such other times as may be necessary. All loans shall be made in regular meetings of the committee, after a personal appearance of .the. applicant, and in accordance with any special provisions of the futnd. The wmnmittee shall report to each schooA or college at the beginning of each semester the funds which are available to students from that departnienL The. coMmittee shall an- nually report to each donor of such funds, or his representative, the use to which the fund has been put during the year." SHIRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary.. Notie to Ali Orgafnizationis and Others Concerned: Ile "inning- Monday, March 112, general outdoor sales of tickets mner- chand :c, tags, or anything else will not be permitted, upon the Campus except on express permission of the, undersigned, which will in turn be ~based :upon approval by the Dean of -Men or the, Dean. of Women.' In. no case will, perintlasion be given to set up booths,. wigwamns, shacks, or outtdoor bulletins, placards, or other advertising Matter. SHIRLEY W.. SMITIL Secretary of 'the University. ProspeetUre Tex lsen-; Frolled -04hi Bureau of Appointments; All ptuo1ent enrolled with the Bureau, of Appoitmebnts .who have not .)hearty 'Pflld out a location blank. for this semester should do so this week. Offce hours are troni 10:30, t6'12:00 and 2:30 -to 3:30 daily, with the exeej~tion~ of Saturday afternoon. MARGARET CAMERON,. Secretary. Auerlean Cheiacal Soceiety IU. of M..Section: Dr. J. E. Harris of the Western D1lectric Company,, formnerly of the De- r,;rti-Knt :of C'hnistry, University of Michigan, will give a& demonstrated lecture on "The Electron, at Work", Tuesday, March %3 at 3 p. mn. in the Chemial Amphitheatre. All interested aro invited to attend. C. C. MELOCIIE, Secretary. *Extemporaneous Speaking Contest: s The students of public speaking will discuss "France's Invasion of the Ruhr" this evening at 8 o'clock in U niversity Hall. The public is invited. J1. K. DUNN. Chairman, Local Contests. DAILY TO AGAIN ISSUE "fl'I1AT 'S G0 1N G ON ! DIRECTORY SUPPLIEM ENT ______________________________ Following a custom instituted NOTICE-Cop for this column should Isome time ago, The Daily will Py ' Ipublish a directory supplement be submitted by 5:80 o'elotk of to correct changes made at they the dajy before publication, beginning of the second senes-i Iter. The supplement will lastf THUCRSDIAY all changes in address and will1 19:15 --Dental faculty lunch in private I also contain the names of those dining room of the Union. who cane to the University injt l2:l4-English d;martment iunI Class ...................... 7 :--fun and Blade club meets In room 318 of the Union. All Veter-i Address .................... ans' bureau students are eligible for membership and are urged to at-:I Phone ..................... I tend. 1 7L0- . Willey gives Spanish lee. hHome town................. . ture on "A Visit to Mexico," in room . Old address .......... ........ 203, Tappan hall. (I_________________ 8 :00-Boxing show at Waterman gym.---- -"... nim.jWmga ie SENiIOR ENGINEERS TO HEAR therfoteaneeADDRESS BY PROF. REED FRIDAYProf. Thomas B. Reed of the depart-1 1205---Law facUlty lunch In private; ment of political science, a recognized dining room of Union. authority on city government, will ad- 4 :41--Players' club1 meets In room -Oa,, dress a meeting of the Senior engin- eoring class at 9 o'clock tomorrow Ford to Lecture in Detroit Try Our Busineps en's Luncli morning in room 345 of the Engineer-4 Prof. W. B. Ford of the mathematics t1:OE- PA0KER'S tug building.a department is in Detroit today where SEL P'AKD E'S Prof. Reed has chosen for his top- h le will deliver an illustrated lecture Kennedy's Orchestra. ic, "The Engineer and the ?Modern before the Mathematics club on "Mathi- 11:30 -,,,4:00 City." _erratical, Historical Pisa, Italy". Cornwell Cowl Bldg. IT'S COME! ATEXTBO0-K WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET, CAN BE HAD NOW AT SUNIEST BOOKSTORE I Meison nall. 7 :S- Alpha Nu meets in Alpha N it rooms, fourth floor, university hall. 8:00-C hora.l Union concert in Hill au- ditorium. r-NOTICES1 An exhibltion of oil paintings, water colors, and etchings by Ilayley Lev- ey', G. IHI Baker, J: J. Haffner, R. F. Logan, 'and ft. C. Tuttle is now be- ing shown in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. Open daily through March 10., Settlor 18d must order their canes at, Wagner's before March 24. An exhibltlen oi= the comnpetitionJ druw- Eings for the new Chicago Tribune building w.ill be shown i klunnl Memorial hall today. Westerners' club mneeting postponed to Wednesday; March 14.' 8 pasty for Presbyterian students liv- ing in and south of Grand Rapids with the exception of Wayne and IWashtenaw counties will be held Saturday evening in the Presbyter- ian -church. Six reel motion picture on "The Man- ufacture of Rod and Wire," furnish- ed by the Page Steel and Wire corn- pany, Natural Science auditorium STARTS MARCH SUN. 11th SUN.} C"ARUES CIIPLI HIS ONLY RIVAL TO "=THE KID," The Chemical Eniginering Soelety: Announces a~ Motion Pictin'e of theE shown in Natural Science Auiditorium, 'I to tho Campus, eve-ryone invited. Will be Ecouomics I Makeup Etanition : A iiake-up exanination for those wi 11 willfbe gfven Satuirday at Mp. m irfI R othier make-tip will lie give.n. Sophomore Eligineers: ..Tere will be 'ilanImportant' meeting I riday, March 0., at 10 'a. in. Roo6m, 348E mnole Bniineer should make .a Special ei Tke Gum amdi Mde Club: The; regnlar meeiing ofl the Gun and IY Ing room of the Michigan ..Union at 7:31 Veterans' Bureau students are eligible f attEnid as this. is anlorganization of fvp< A.Ve getaria for Vevet (A n Ideal Leni, at 7:30 oclock. Th, le paic invited.' ANI)IN ADDITION Steele Rod and Wire Industry to be -T__________ ____ 'ECHICO0LOR rhursday Evening, March S. Fred A new era, in moving idctimres. A } accomapanied by 'a lecturer. SENIOR LIT DUIES M1UST BE dramaitim te Orient., photographed i . . OF'I'JEN.'PA±ID I IIEC'TLY Inthe FTRUE clorso ; ...-. . tin aure. -- 411Al memibers of thro senior lit- ________________ -coois erary class who have not yet#j ha received caAition in Ecnmis a i ti dues; amounting to fI ABSOLUTE'1LY TILE BIG- .oom 4SEng.;Bldg. Psitvely no - 3.&0 for tMeentire year, should j GS VLEEEROFR I''- A.'3JIRDO ll. ' j do ,so ininedlately. Make checks i . ED BY ANY THEATRE IN payale o flrto. E.DunopANN ARBOR OR VICINITY, 'eastreasurer, 1617 Wahi ICUDN DT-Ir g- of thle Soaphomore ,ilgine0ers on ~ vne rigineering Buld ing. ,Every, Sophto- Pfort to -be present. : - - C. .WILSON, Mentor, liade Clul w wilbe' held i ~thenda~- S u en s Supp y Store 10 p. i. Thursday; March 8. All for membership and are urged to -1111 South University Ave, ortance to. such students.. *JOHN A. BOYCE. Engineers and Architects' Materials hh~h~~hhII~h~h~h~hIhh'i~iihIhhI~hI~Stationery,. Fonti Pens, Loose Leaf Books - - - -Cameras and Supplies Lfl Ii nne r V Candies, Laundry Agency,'tobaccos artans _____ __ *rSr lost of- - -. at .w .r - ~ : St Parick's Day: 'app mae u Dne2 arch 17th Special Candies with the-aid of .photography. Shm okIerra gby being able: to re-create. h m ok-c ra ..- - f remember that. for 18, years a vice and satisf action at a r, WHITE 5WAN WIE WN uWuHITE SWAN* CLEANERS TrAT T- vvC Lea a- 1 Others F olio/v Drastic Cut in Rates on I rooy Cleaning. THlE PLACE- ,UT TO EADR]ESS- Block and H alfEi~ Regular P'rice NOW' For Cleaning and Pressing 3-piece Suit Special Arrangements with Fraternities, Sororities and House Clubs U U NA "The rags ihdat make ush Perpetuate those Happy moments Make your asodtims evedastinj thee thru the inedium ,of pictures. And in having these. pictures mach Mich'igan students- have found ser