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March 08, 1923 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-08

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Fro Ml The O h r Colleges j ill also be fred to confine itse-'DN
France, because of the state of he RP IT10 1
~'ere scttered i ~ ~ ~ ~ two counries resources, would never be able to hold INLDS FIEtri
a yad lcomtiv stuck he oul bohel in mercaaccrdig ;bcause she has such great miita y
*hena yrd ocootie stuckthewoud h hed inAmeica acor~ingforces mobilized at the present time,
dell-knotsi refreshmnent "flivver" a to this planay'a ht h ih ntrwud7IINT AES~lh ol
few days ago. This machine, a fa; ;nprob a heeritreer onths, 70c- LIN ~~ T A E I oM
rniiliar sight on the campus, was badly' poal eoe ntremnha-! TRUHSAE RO
wreeked but the owner, Louis Zou-!French General cording to ProfessorTurner._____ APRIL 9 'IV 13
urisescaeihol lgtii Uses Iron Hand 1 Five cities will be visited by the Var-
Peislai-h rsmnds-In IR uhr ]Vinesi o ln z sity band on the spring trip this year,
Penn yhaniaTheFrehmendis- o ?LU according to Calton Pierce, 244,
eying the University traditions uhavej' manager. The trip will include a tour'
sgns tacked on, their backs whit' j_____---_______ --- ______ of the principle points of the state, and
fhey must carry at all times. They ( Why Michigan needs new buildings? (will last from April 9 to 13.
Wad: "I've been a darn fool. I did The needs of the Univesity in Coi- he band, will leave Ann Arbor.
not wear my freshman 'cap. I wore k nection with the heating system? {April 9 and will play that night at
knitted ties and colored socks with What the State College fund is? Battle Creek. They will lay at Mus-,
{ olf knickers. I' sure am a D)ARtN kegon, April 10, Grand Rapids, April
fOOL." The Reserve Officers' Training corps l11 Kalamazoo, April 12 aind Lansing,
ircmoe ffuruis h os April 13. The trip has been so ar-
Drew York-The latest census shows ! artillery unit and the infantry unit agdatoicdehereerat
th nolet.t e1,88, an in- jare open to all eligible students of the or the firsek of the springvc-
reae of ,074 over last year. The literary college andl the Colleges of entreoart that willtnakct-
freslhnen number 1,845. ", +, rngineering and Architecture. The ti ilil~ecmoe o oet ta
{ signal corps unit is open to only thosetrp ilbco osdomreha
Vanderbilt - Phonographic records pursuing an electrical engineering]7 eicuigslitpoet
ivil make reproductions of the pro- cors and the ordnance unit is open Itenosibanttanthe r llaee.a
founciations ,of language students,.., k to students taking a chemical eIt iseadddposbtha it aothoer plaerma
Two 'weeks after these are made, stu- S eig course. The eligibility thraulstepa.Isti s are
dients will be ~aleto contrast their are as follows: Male students only, I the ndxstr pa. aytwis prblie
ironounciation it h that o a native who are citizens of the United States;1Arl7 Potahsben egtt
~linguisti physical condition must be good Arl7 ota a enngta-
I enough to admit ofaculsrie no ing with the band managers to obtain
____atal iie this date, along with several other
e~t member of' the army, navy or marine
We. V Igl t"-reshmen are com-? corp or a reserve officer of the am towns.
elled to participate in some recog- rn. Tedeatmn army.n-__ s--
f ,sed activity after the second week ied under the authority of oige R lt esI
lfteoleeya.A queepl-in. 1916 as amended in 1918 and 1920. a
daton ;must be madtte to the Student H unt For Student
1aunicil *if this rulhe Is not'observed.siyaetohsiasthUnvriy eliest'enyMGabr'2,
Stau~d-A 1Run in connection with the Univer-
tatr-Arecently drawn lip con-) i a twI~o opalth he Universi-IRltvso'lnyM abr 2M
ttution strictly regulates the stu- an}teHmooahc he ies-wo has been missing since last Sat-
eats actvites. recrd ill e ket; ty hospital group consists of a en- urday morning, arrived at an early
eachcetu:en's.outside>nterests, vlion, the i aler \Vk id, a lpsychopath- jthat there is nothing that they can
!ith each office, editorship, or nianag- chsia, !otgosties.o- 1 oadintr erh
olrs. N o unt willalcertainlnumer to Gn f,"io ta, an ear and ee ward, a maternity ;Garher's prnsaeo nti
arol nts. Notudr~ etani tuemaloedro(Ch topila ere'hmeadacountry, but his brother, Louis Gar-
~crywrr h~acrannme fGen. H-. Sinmons, in active charge of heating plant. The liomoopathic i ~r brother-in-law, H. Gober, co-
~po~esatoe tmeconsequently mon-the Ruhrmie seized by the French, ''os > ta is conpo~se(] of thei main KsidElfadafre om
eniitted. isi OL. mate, J. Miler, cae from Chicago,
the mine owners to idl in operating 1 bstc: neal patients, two nurses' homles ysedy
the mines and producing coal and ore. sand a training school. Teepol visited the Medical
lale---Thc Harvard and Yale track! Simons is responsible to Ge irl "~ --sho na fott idamtv o
teum-. will be sent to England in July! Goutte, in command o t L ..hr 'I,)t' imer Elwyn ooley is dean o Garbelrs disperne They tv found
.' jo aninenaina ee.Aniviarfres s:neeing andi Architecture cl- Enothing. The only thing that is miss-
} tion" to thle.event was recently sent by - e.~ cgrauated fr'teNvlIgfo are' oma 3 ii
' t'ord and. Cambridge universities. 'cu:r n17.lercie h i-in tetshibrfcs.
- Y i eSP --.rc greofME fo henzer fory Al. (hrber is five feet five
j ~~sity of ibichigan in 1885, LLD fromt inches tall. Ile has black hair. When
s .('!!t 1 01 St onneS I Micigan gicutual college in 1907' be left Saturday le was wearing a
GfROhi! bU I il _____ and Eng.D. from the University of: brown shit and a dark gray overcoat.
: ,f 1 11! f .!!Ij N e b ra s lk a in 1 91 1 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
InrT ian tigP "France Is the strongest power ini -'*------'--BTANY iSTRUtCTOR. SPEAKS
10 C"rL 'MLMUIIIRL Europe at the present time. declared Nurses to Give Dance ?BEFORE PHI1 SIGMA SOCIETY
I' lg IProf. Z:. R. Turner of the history de- Members of the nurses' (ormitoy l
1p lartment yesterday. are maing arrangements for a dantce Dr. Carl Laue, of'the Botany d-
rScholarship .amon~g the fraternities j to be held at. the dormitory, Saturdy partnent, who spent three years in
ion the capus will be encouraged £n Professor Turner said that France ! evening. The dance is to be hield or uar o h oorc lbe oi
p cpac usay ih yteI- is h nypwri uoeta a the members of the ]rouse and fii eds pany,. gave a short talk on rubber and
{erfraternity onference of the 'Cecl a strong army and with it could pre- (only, and the proceeds are to be used the rubber situation to the member
il ambert Memnorial cup 'presented byi vent the mobilization of troops in an, to purchase articles for the dormitory.3' of Phi Sigma, national honorary bio
the Acsla fraternity. The confer- i tim u'pa onr.Amlfog other activities which are be- oia rtriy atngti h
rLnce also rvyept..on record as favor- I England will not attempt to prevent ' 11 planned] by the nurses is a St.; Natural Science building.
'jug Dray", proposed as part further French advances into Gei I atiick's party to be held, Friday eve-
n~ ;th-tna~vpogaafr pigmany in. any' way other than by the I it, Mrch 1. Prof. Parker Ill With Influenzai
i~veek whlech is now under considera- exertion of "moral pressure", Proi'es I'~"-_____- Prof. Dewitt H. Parker of the Phil-
tIon. j sor Turner believes. France is able Strt the new semester right. A! osophy department has b". u confined
' A commnittee from the 'cofernce, to) keep Britain in check by virtue of Recmingon Portable will help. Just to his home since Mlonday with an
appointed at a previous meeting. re- ;her large flets of airplanes and[ sub- c'all 112-J.--Adv. attack of influenza. Professor Parker
ported on a'set of rules for the award- marines. The United States, because or! -- 1 expects to meet his classes next
ing of the scholarship cup which was its distance from the field of action, Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. week.
accented 'by the meeting. A commit-
tee, to consist of the registrar of the' It1tlIlft1111111ItII1f11t1111ttl111li(llll!lIf11111111t t1111 1l 111itN 11lt1t 11li i
University and the president and sec w
retaary of the In terfraternity confer - lljIBEIT R.HIARTZELLA RAYMOND R. CGLDERG ..
The cup, accordling to the plan adopt-
ed; is to b ie awarded yelirly for a
period of 0 years .to theo fraternity in ; tIRTEG/LJ $~ogW
the coferewce' rnking highest on the ;
liniversity scholastic chart. At the T JIUA~ R FT
0(prim'ation of. the 10 year period the = .
cip ~will be permanzently awarded to
tthe cirganization having the highest % PA5.IQAIY
average, for the -period.:-w
:. iey le rores 1or. East
phy denjartmnent, left Tuesday for' a e pragNfor1XV £ In n
visit in' the'least 'which will include-
Wlashington, Philadelphia, and Nev L N L O E
York., Professor Wenley and Presi-L E E O E
dent.Marion I, Burton will speak be- . tht«tnh=ncuiva
fore the banquet of the New Y or l Machii seenht et, nlsv

state .alumni associ tion at New York = and
tomorrow evening. Professor, W4em-. From ten to five-thirtyan by appointment~
ley expects to, return in trime to mneet
is classes Monday.
In addition to Suits and Tropcoats in a
" . T~ide v ario,-ty0o modlels and patterns, we
1IO. A5~h~J~ II-will display for your inspection a compl(ett
Prof. Grover C. Grisrnore of the Lair
chool has been confined to his home line of smart new Shirts, Neckwear' Golf
for the past two (lays with a' slight S u its a ad CGolf A ccecssories.Tr
attack of the IA. grippe, Hie-expects,~ NETV FORK YOJUNGSTOWNi, 01110
to return. to his duties within a few
dasays. ' 'i~ !!'llllllllll11I~ 11111l1 lt l6 1I111i1f i11111U fi[11 11~1tH 11i111l i1lI111rN lx
A wez I e i1111~ 1r~#-IElitl1 11N :l1[1Elli111111i~ ti11t1I1iEllil!lII~ !3tiltlll~li11liitttltlll1ll~ 1E~ l'tl"l~ [lltl~ l'
By Edward Smith By Stanley I loughton
W Y"
we 11
- Musical Sketches

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