THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..-r --_________ .at* be given every educational advantage. ;rt1h ,1J E ~IThere is the argument that an edu- cated populace means a well-guided, OFFICIAL tNEWSPAPER OF THE happy, prosperous populace. The UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN problem is certainly one that cannot Publishe'd every morning except Monday be_ solved in a few weeks or with a during the University year b the Board in feW words. Centrol of Studert Publications. u ROLL~V EDITORIAL COMMENT .. A oWomen's League ~ fSAMMY PEPSIN'S DIARY; M ember of Western Conference Editorial THE BATTLERS MEET A _ __ocia__n._As a culmination to the activities of I p etimes for an eight &clock en the University Boxing club, under the Spring is not yet at hand but great The Associated Press is exclusively "en. h mest oin lb ne h quantities of snow under foot. Re- titled to the use for republication of al direction of Coach Ted Sullivan, dur- u u news dispatches credited to it or not other- mains of recent precipitation still an- wise credited in this paper and the local ing the last two years, comes the to my rubberless feet as I hur- news pubished therein. Boxing Show which has 'been announc- !ylg - ~ry along. I must on and obtain text-, 4ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ed for this evening in Waterman book for course in Peencilsharpening. Michigan, as second class matter. gymnasium. Subscription by carrier or mail. g$3.50. Home at noon for midday repast., Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- By its very nature a healthful and Nourishing hut not bulky. Snatched card Street interesting sport, boxing has suffer - Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176M; Busi- a slight nap until the hour of six. ness. o60 ed much at the hands of professional After evening meal away to see thes nmoney-seekers, who have' developed cinemas. 'Twas known as Jazzimania, Communications not to exceed 30o words the prize fight to such an obnoxious If signed, the signature not necessarily to a most fetching title. Miss Mae Mur, appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, extent that certain states have placed ray a delicious feast for the eves; The Daily at the discretion of the Editor if a ban on its exhibition. would my stomach were equally ap- keft at or 'mailed to The Daily office. Ln- Activities of organizations such as signed communications will receive no con G peased. Lost fine new bowler in sideration. No manuscript will be returned the University Boxing club, which leaving. College fellows always push- unless the writer ncloses postage. Te Dailyleaving.hCollege fellowsealways push- does not necessarily endorse the sentiments place the sport on a clean and manly ing and shoving as it were. And so expressed in the communications. basis with all-amateur competition, home to bed to dream of chicken a _-deserve the support of those who are la king, the exotic Mae and a well-j EDITORIAL STAFF devotees of red-blooded athletics. crushed bowler. . Telephones 2414 and 176-M The exhibition tonight will be a Sammny Pepsin, Jr. -- ' demonstration of what can be done in * * At4NAGII G EDITOR the fistic art on a. Uuniversity cam- The mother's heart was broken tARION B. STAHL pus. The participants are not mere When she caught her Willie smoken :-sdt, . ...Paul Watzel pugilists. They are scientifically. And she said "Go throw them cigar- ily tui r.a.... .ames B. Young trained boxers. An interest evidenced ettes away." -.-.-lahin. . RM iby the campus tonight at the Boxing He said, ''Don't call me a loafer, N iht I(ditors-- Shew will indicate to the members Cause I'm naving for a sofer, kl.e i sdorfe C oriarty of the club an appreciation of the With the coupons I am getting every; IH. A. Dxhnin e J E. Mack value of their endeavors. day.". .. ... . ...LUG... ,oi~s hlitor.............. allaee 1..IF-lira * * Wosen'sEditor.............Marion Koch Stiiay Magaziie Editor...11. A. Donahue "TIME" (ONF'UIENTIALLY SPEARiINfE P'ictorial Editor....... .....Robrt Tarp'I*Tems eet etr ntelt ucditor................... H. Ailes The most recent venture in the it- Critics claim that Michigan's Editorial Board erary world is a weekly magazine pitching staff will lack Lowell Kerr Maurice Berrnan dedicated to the purpose of giving the steam this year. Thassall right, Eugene Carmichael "irreducible minimum" of news facts. they won't blow up ThAlma.Andrews siAstantald Halgrin Its founders, two former editors of so often. JoXr. aminley i . Armstrong Franklin D .Hepburn the Yale News, have collected a staff * * * SWVA LO1AW-TAIL VS. TUXEDO (TJo ton Transcript)i Speakers at the annual convention in St. LouisF of the Merchant Tailor- lDesigners' Association have urged, with no small emphasis, that Ameri- can men conform more strictly than they do at present to the unwritten rule which requires the wearing of dress suits, rather than the less for- mal tuxedo, at the more formal eve- ning gatherings. The questiori thus raised is one of supreme sartorial importance; it opens up anew the threads of an ancient controversy. There was a time when the beau monde took for granted the swallow- tail at all evening affairs, when it was the mandatory attire for all men when? they entered the brilliantly lighted ball-room, or foregathered with la- dies at the festive board. It was a badge of gentility, although the owner- The Graham Book Stores will give the Building Fund of the Women's League a pier- centage on all cash sales of the MICHIGAN SONG" BOOK DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH GRAHAM'S BOOK STORES ... .. ...rte. DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jacks- TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard I me) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:o a.m., 7:ou a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:O a.m. and hourly to 9::o5 p.11. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of 11n1i Arboi-)--9:47 a.m., and every two hours to«i9:47 p>.m. Local Cars East Bound-7:0o a.rn. anu every two hours to 9.0o p. i., i:oo p).m1. To Ypsilanti Only-r :40 p.m1., 1 I5 aflm. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bcund-7:50 a.m., To-Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim- ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 P.n1. To Jackson and Lansing--Limited at 8:47 p.111. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect' October ze. 1922 Central Time (Slow Time) D) X X D e,'.t. A.M. P.M. P.M. 3:45 7:45 ... Adrian .... 2n4S 8 :45 S I 8:15 ... Tecu seh ... :S 8 + 4 :30 8 :30 .. .. Clinton . ... 12 :06 8 :o :1 :i5 . S... Saline . ... I:5 7:15 S:4 :.; Arnn A\rborbv. 0:45 0:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D--Taily. X-Daily except Sundays and lolidays. Fr6iay and Saturday special hus for st.idents leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves Ann Arbor 4:45. JAMES I. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Phone 46 VICTOR ALLMENDINGER PIANO TUNING S'hlool of Musle Tuner PhONE .062 Office at te., 418 N.- DIvision St. n SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THlE CTLUB]LUNH( 712 Arbor- Street 'Near State and Packard Stre-es ship of a dress suit was by no means, confined to those who believed that they had a claim by birth and breed-: ing to the elusive title of gentleman. Latterly the tuxedo, reserved hitherto for "stag" and card parties, has reg- istered tremendous gains at the ex- pense of its more formal counterpart. It has climbed far up the ladder of respectability, and if the tuxedo has not, yet rendered the swallow-tail ob- solete, it has gained an amazing foot- hold in the good will of society. Well may the elders rub their eyes at the sartorial standards of the present generation. I. M ir/ 1 - M/rI 1II M/ 3 t'M t 1')°2 4 11 1-8 ]R +'i 12 1.) IN 13 120 r 14 21 28t 1 2 15 16 1 22 2 3 Z 24) 30 3 17 24 Spring Pumps ' t MneU. B e Dtorothy.Bennetta Sidney gielfield Helen Brown Hi. C. Clark A. B. Connable Bernadette Cote Evelyn I. Coughlin Joseih Epstein John (arlilghouse Va ter .Goodspeed Portia' Goulder Winona A. Ifibtlard Ldward J. Hliggins Kenneth C. Icelar Elizabeth'Liebermann John McGinnis Samuel Moore MI. II. Priyor W. B. Rafferty Robert G. Ramsay Campbell Robertson J.W. Ruwitch Soil i. Schnitz Frederic G. Telmos 'hi1i M. Waytnet of young newspapermen, all college graduates with little professional ex-i perience, and have proceeded to or- ganize on a completely specializedj basis. All popular interests will re- ceive just attention according to the instigators of the new enterprise. The work wil be handled through sixteen departments, such as Foreign and Domestic Affairs, Sports, Books, Plays, Crimes, and'Economic and Fi- nancial Affairs, with a specialist at the head of each department. The articles will be short, straightforward, and easily accessible, giving all the f-+s f +la -: al> n ti in ]P t ma Some of Ed. piniaud sWork Eli? Heading in Toledo-Blade reads-- "IRRIATED FRENCHMEN FLEE TO FOREST AS BOULEVARD QUEENS GROW WH ISKERS". * 5* * )lilelcing the Pubile "Friday Offers Milk Solution", at least soit says in the Free Press. It seems to us that any farmer trying to get away with the such would have a brief sojourn in the hoosegow if they discovered whomecow it was. Help, assistance, scecr, and aid!! 3 1 3 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Hence the plea for the re-establish- ment of the long-tailed coat on its ancient pinnacle of glory and respec- tabilty. On practical, no less than on sentimental grounds, the plan has much to commend it. It is not alone that the swallow-tail has a long and hcnorable history, that traditions are richly clustered about its name. Con- sidered as a matter of expediency, why should there not be a greater balance between the wearing of the two garments than now unhappily seems to obtain? The dinner jacket has clearly won its right to a place in the wardrobe, nor would even the nmZst dyed-in-the-wool - reactionary seek to deprive it of its place therein. Were it not sound pqlicy, however -- popular taste that fickle jade, permit- ting -- to restore the swallow-tail to at least a moiety of favor? It will always have use, as long as satin breeches are not the accepted dress of American ambassadors on parade abroad. Why not, then give it an even chance at home with the ubi- quitous tuxedo? Such a plan, moreover, would give to neither garment a monopoly of the wear and tear, and both tuxedo and dinner coat would be assured thereby of a lease of life approximately the same. Budget making would be an easier task if one knew in advance the probable demands on these two articles of wear. ,. a riSPRING ~a hAlw] Di1 rc H A T S fA~WAIO NOW READY Big Selection of Latest Shapes CRUSIIEUS, TO! ! IVE MAKE HATS e:- .:. Take the "Beaten Path" to our door and save a dollar or more on a hat. We also do all kinds of Clean- ing and Reblocking of Hats at lowprices for I IGH CLASS WORK- FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where D. U. R. Stops at State IT'S A TRE AT tick- f' 1 .° - '# 7 . .:'' = " ' ' f // ' a ,F~, _ Thie Ritz_ A patent grey trimmed strapped pump, wih cuban heel 0 : $ .50 Advertising...............John J. Hamel, Jr. I tai i ~t ekiiceauIin AderisngJonJ.Hael J. ,fadts of the week in the simplest man- Advertising..............Walter K. Scherer ner possible There will be no edi- Advertising............Lawrence 11. Favnieot Publication...............Edward F. Conlir torials and no editorial policy, for the Copywritin ..... ... .....David J. ?4. IPark~ Circulation.............ownsend[. Wolfe editors have announced that with the Accournts.................LI. Beaumont Park, first issue they will publish their Assistant SM prejudices and then "forever hold George Rockwood James A. Dryer their peace". Perry M. Hayden , Wm. I. Goode Having dubbed their new upstart, Eugene ?.. Dunne ' Clyde L. Hagerman' Wm. Graulich, Jr. Henry Freud ."Time", it is possible that this novelty John C. Haskin Herbert P. Bostick .b. C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce inpublcations will solve the prof- F.fD.Armantrout Claytonz -Purdy lem which the man of affairs has had Herbert- W. Cooper J. B Sanzenbachier Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts to contend with in our dailies. The ill . i.r. RalhLewright interminable task of searching Ilarold L. Hale Philip Newall I itimial ak o erhn Wmn I Thip Grthrough huge areas of filler to obtain a few facts would be dispensed with; the conservation of precious moments r f r f THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1923 would be passible. Such an enterprise would however Night Editor--HARRY C. CLARK be of little interest to those who de- - - light in gossip, unduly scandalized TOo LARGE OR NOT TOO LARGE through the determined efforts of the An editorial in the Daily Iowan reporter to "fill in". Personality in newspaper writing would be entirely commlents upon the fact that the pro- frint Tm"a ol loe- foreign to "Time" as would also ed-; portion of freshmen to seniors in that itorial opinion. It is true that "Time" university is almost three to one, will serve a purpose, and if it is to be Nvhich, the Iowan asserts is "an alarm- a success its editors must be content infigure." The editorial further to satisfy the retricted group that states that many men and women reg- need more "Time". istered as first and second year stu- dents "have either no ability or else GALLOPING TO OBLIVION no intention of finishing their col- The horse, that useful companion of lege courses". man from time immemorial, is facing In addition to statements such as{ rapid extinction. Even now he is these, a professor from California is - making his last stand in the moer se- ii 3 i I t reported to have said that the place - for a great many students now in col- lege is at the end of a pick-axe or a' frying pan. They who have followed closely the' _ontroversy as to whether or not ed- ucation should be given freely , to )nany applicants or restricted to the intellectual aristocracy, are' fairly cer- tain that changes are sure to come along in the near future, in the light of present day opinons. Whether the three to one figures mentioned in the, Iowan are really "alarming" is con- troversial. There are a great many! students who fully expect to be grad- uiated, when they enter college, but{ who are forced to abandon their stud- ies for fina ial or personalreasons. TIo assume th'at most of them fail to graduate because of mental deficiency would be to disregard the many other. factors entering into the situation. One of the leading questions involv- ed in the controversy is whether or' not it is in accord with democratic7 ideals to restrict education to those, lessed with unusually .good mental equipment. In the past this policy has not been adhered to, and the di- rect result is the feeling today among lmany critics of education that the mnasses are being educated at the ex- pense of the few who could use an 'education to best advantage. Large, scale methods, applied to education have been a failure, they assert. The problem, however, is not so simtile as the Iowan assumes. The cluded spots of the West where the cattle ranges still retain a semblance of their former free expanses, in the mounted police forces of the cities, and on the various race tracks scat- tered around the country. People seldom-ride horses any more for rec- reation; it is much more comfortable and less exhausting to ride on the soft cushions of an auto. Th status of the'horse in Europe is on a slightly higher level than is the case in this country because the farmers there have been too poor to purchase machinery to take the place of the draft horse. Russia formerly had the largest number of horses in the world, but since 1914 that number has decreased from thirty-five mil- lion to thirteen million due to famine and, the war. Three hundred years from now, on some Sunday afternoon, father may take proverbial "little Willie" to view the rare animals of the world in the zoo. It is not difficult to picture the ensuing scene. On the first floor of Memorial hall have been placed the competitive de-- signs for the new ('hicago Tribune building. Architect, from twenty-two nations contributed sketches. The ex- hibition is free, and more than worth seeing. But you will have to see it immediately. The exhibition closes at 4 o'clock this afternoon. FIWFIOM som wild day I shall thro The restraints of conventio That simple sap thatsits nex I shall dig his beefy ribs With a hearty dig And when the prof. restrain A wild, heathenish desire t Reproves me so and so, I shall rise to quiet dignity, Ope my mouth as though b Then smile benignly at hi And wave a careless hand And so leave the room. And when the shameless Tells me I must seek the r I shall smile wearily and s "Oh, is that so," and while1 I shall wink at hi.s steno And so fall off to sleep. When Prexy calls me in And begins a serious "Now s I shall climb hi3 august kin And slip him a tiny Chester I maynot be with you next. But for once I'll have myc way. * * * Another Lamb Ta Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as It followed her to Pitts And now look at the '* *r * Noah's a girl and nobody but me. Anyway, Noah ol me this. Don't you think poem about Mary a bit a: harm meant, I as. ire you you do know that Noah n nothing about .Pittsburgh,d do you? Write and leave the dope. Hlappy There is gray, flaky dust o colored floor, Ravels and line on my bed- A 'wide gaping crack, top sided door, And cobwebs hang o'er my My abode is cold, dull, ant by gathering gloom, I revel in dirt and despair Yet on the bare, splinters my tiny dark room I see visions and dreams there. * ** There are meters of rhy There are meters of p But the best kind of me Is to meet her alone. * * * Today's Conund Attention! ! You Rhetor Can you use the word pa rectly in a sentence? I hi say, "I like a pear a sightI an apple." That must be W ,off in. xt me. ing o laugh, o speak--- m dean oad ay he talks AT THE Blu-G old Lunch 605 CHURCH TO EAT i ,.. HOSIERY 17, ", .. .. IN " I :.I rww rrrrr 'a S , dp TIME AND TRIVIALITIES (0. S. U. Lantern) ;ee here---" Triviality is one of the charges iee brought against the newspaper of to- rfield. day. Critics contend that too much year light, frothy, and unimportant mate- own sweet vial is used in the modern journal. POP. They insist that sensational stories about unheard-of individuals and pic- le tures of no news value are crowding important and worth-while news out snow of the columns. burgh once True as this charge may be, it d--- thing. should not be confined to the newspa- Noah. per alone. It is a charge that could well be brought against human nature Noah's it as a whole. The newspaper may be d girl, tell considered as an approximate reflec- your little tion of the mental attitude or status ncient? No of the public. And indeed the charge ! . Besides of triviality can be made against a ever knew great many students. Undoubtedly fig- did he? Or ures indicating the actual time wast- me know ed by many college students would be appalling. Hlow often you resolve to spend an evening or an afternoon in solid study, n my slate and when the time has flown you find that you have accomplished nothing. Influenced by someone or something, s my one- you have been shunted into a digres- lion, a time-consuming triviality. The head. whole time allotted to study has been squandered and about the only result d prevaded that you have attained is a feeling of disgust with yourself. Under the heading of "Trivialities" dc1 floor Cf can be placed a great many specific diversions. At the top of the list might that are well be placed the habit of talking about various trifling matters. When Regnitte. a group of students gathers in a study room and launch forth upon one of me, these idle discssions, the hours pass oems, like minutes. The aggregate result is ter, usually nothing more than a large volume of misinformation and an OffnIl. equally large volume of wasted time. ill But talking is by no means the only ic sharks. one of the student's pastimes. Virtu- rasite (0r- ally every student has a so-called earl a guy "hobby" that consumes his spare mo- better than ments. Too often these hobbies are right be- detrimental rather than benficial di- WShoe Store "1 I T k ,(. I I It I i PHONE 1115 108 $ AIN Movie directors, please copy ,iction and the movies all college men natu- ily fall into two groups. Those who pass days and nights "Rah! Rah !"-ing and e-dancing; and those who never appear pt with evening clothes-and cane. .e man who works his way through college ly doesn't figure. ,king care of a furnace, running a laundry, ng on table, tutoring, covering for a city r, working in shop or office in vacation- his may be lacking in romantic appeal, but an essential part of the college picture. nd a valuable part. The whole college is gainer. for the earnestness of men who want education that hard. aluable to the college, but even more to the who travel this rough going. They learn mportant lesson in Applied Economicss- mount of sweat a ten dollar bill represents. you are one of them you may sometimes that you are missing a good deal of worth- e college life. If you are not, you may be ing a good deal, too. I, i , w r ' t 1, Va men Published in an in the interest of Elec- the a trical Development by If; an Institution that will feel t be helped by what- whil ever helps the Industry. missi p Di'etri,'Cn nn wit II I