THIE MICHIGAN DAILY ping, Maruch 15, at Newberry hail, in- fIISTsead o" thh;., evening. There is still nIIop portuniity for women interested ithe cour se to enroll in. the. class by11 IS TOHN91MENT W IS ~u~litz lice hnson, girls' work see- reay fth . .C.A, 26 FOREIGNWMN EEV NINE NEWSCHOLARSHIPS Prof. W. Carl Rufus, ecretary of the, - _. vVVIwy 1WITII THREE fGAMEHS ON SATURD)AY Speculations concerning2 the chain- pionship team in the women's, inter- house basketball tourn nent are ex- pected to increase in interest aft0'r the fourth round of the contest which will be played on Saturday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Two undefeated teams, those of Chi Ouega and Sor- osis, will oppose each other at 1:00 o0- clock. At the same time Pi Beta Phi. which has also remrainecd undlefeated will, play agailnst Kappa Delta. At 1:45 o'clock Delta Delta, Delta and Delta Gamma will play. Kappa ,Kap-- -pa Gaimma andI Kappa Alpha Theta. have arranged to playr their game at 9:00 o'clock Tuesday evening of next week. 'The- comparative staanding-s of thr, teams which are still in-the tourna- omore women at 4,:15 o'clock:to- d cay in B~arbour gymnasium to dis- cuss plans for the sophomore movie. E Secretary Resumies Work Miss Neva Loveweli, '22, untdei uate secretary of the Micbigan h monit are as follows: W L Pet, Ciii Omega ... ..3 0 1.000 ,Sorosis . '... 0 1.000 Pi Beta Phji .......3 0 1.00!4 Kappa Alpha Theta .... 2 1 .666 Delta Gammzsa........... 2 1 .666 Delta Delta Delta....... 1 1 .500 Kappa' Kappa Gamma .. 1 1 .500 Kappa Delta...........1 1 .50C MUMMIER S PLAY AT PARTY TOMORROW League for thewna i teas iii icr the bast n second semester will be sent out soon1 has resumned work, andl will ha- to .alldoritoies s~oriies an I ice hours for this semester ft league houses. It is requested thatIt1:0aclkevr(ayan reports be retuirned on these cards and2 to 4 o'clock every afternoon. not onl other papers as it increases the' difficulty of checking the amounts. I AT TEEIETI Portia Literary society will holed tryouts at its regular, meeting at 7:15 I- o'clock this evening. in room 302,C Mason hall. The tryout will consist j Screi'--- Today of a three-to-five minute speech to be given by each candidate.j Class basketball teamis will be an- .Arcade--Mae Murray in "Ja, nounced at the regular practices to be mania"; Mr. and Mrs. Carl held today in Barbour gymnas-j Del-aven in "Keep 'EmnHeor ium. Captains will, be chosen a fter the announcements. All women who M 1ajestc-"Hlearts Aflame"; Ba have been out for practice this season; ter Keaten in "The Elect Are urged to be present. House"; Irwin's Pen band. I rphieum-Wili am Duncan The gymnasium class for the ath- j "The Fighting Guide"; colli letic section of the Faculty Women's and news. club will meet for the first time at !___ 7:30 o'clock this evening. All faculty - Wuerth--Mary Roberts Rhiz women wishing to join nay" do so at hart's "Affinities," with Colle this time. Moore; comedy and Pal 11news. Rehearsals for Junior Girls' lalyI 'will take place today as follows: Col -____ lege men and women, 4 to 6 o'clock.; 1 3ntire cast and choruses, 7 o'clock. j Stage-'.his Week Members of the Freshman Girls'; Glee club will meet at '4:30 o'clock; Garrick (Detroit) -- Leo Dia this afternoon in Barbour gyinnasiufn. I ricbstein in "The ' url r'ryouts will be, held next' week toI Mask."' 2;omplete the membership of the club. Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) The first meeting of the spring train- jI Bonstelle -company in "Tl ng course for Girl Reserve leader, Bad Man." will ie. held at 7 o'clock Thursday eve-I I rral arbour scholarship committee, has rga . nnounced several awairds made Men- eague, day afternoon, These scholarships month, are op en only to foreign women, and yve of-! are donated by former Regent Levi .rm 9 Barbour, of Detroit. 1 from! Awards are made as follows: Phil- ippinhes, one; India, one; J lpan, thrcL, ---- and China, four. In addlition to those already at the University, the total i vlt now be more than 20. The amount I, given is $800, and .$850 for students of f medicine, due to the increased tuition Iin the Medical school. As a result of a recent gift,' the number of students Ireceiving scholarships will be increas- Ied from year to year. ZZ- I FNTERTAI IVIENT AT JfAdiSo rter __ Members of the University Girls' Glee club, accompanied by Miss Nora In- Crane Hunt, director, will appear in trio Jackson Tuesday afternoon, March 20. j when they will put on their first out in I of town concert of the year. Member, of the club will be the guests of the ey jMosaic Literary club, and the enter- tainmnent will be given in the First no- grgational church. Following the entertainment a di. ' en ner will be served. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. et- I .. . Uk : pie I , (i STARTS MARCH - i SUN. 11th SUN. " 91i 11111(i1I~ l1pi1i11I111111111111~ 1!1I111I1lDi1111 Ice Skaters Notice ' The Coliseum wil be open every afternoon until Sat- urday, March 10, for persons who wish to call for their skates, as we will not be responsible for those .left. :; See ! 0iaixhero loves hereven 'as you and I I1' 11 BOYS' "AND GIRLS'. BOBBING A SPECIALTY In connection with POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SHOP' Far appolntmsnt call 993-R NOVI.TIRS FOR THE KIDD)IES i i }rttk} I TOLEDO'-ANN ARBOR BUS DAILY EXCEPT SUTNDAY Going North A. It. P. it. [jv. Toledlo 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00~ kArr. A. A. 9:35 12:35 .4:35 7 :35 VGoing -South Lv. A. A., 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00 IAr. Toledo 9:35, 12:35 4:35 7 :351 EASTERN TIME UVNDAYS AM-) IIQLIDAYS (Golug forthi A.M3. P. 3T. Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30 Arr.r. A. 10:35- 1:35 8 :00 Going South rv. A. A. :00 11:00 S :30 Ar. Tel. 10:35 1:35 11:05, ("Ag gie, ifta ain't Char'le 320 S. State over crane 's Cars--a 'Cort;ous II~e'S B SY. St~e ANN ___ AeOR 'A A one-act play given by the Mum- amera women'., dramatic organization. 'will be a, feature of the party given ~are requested by the comimittee to bu,, -~hem during this _time so that the 'League may be benefited by the sale. re sure that every day In every way you use the "Daily Classified Column". It will make you better and better.-Adv. S9HUaERT Pair. Mats. Tu ,. MIC~GANTrues, and Sat.. Migihe, 50"75-S1.0( The Bon stelle Company IN" Poriter° , a:;s o lrBtie's as played by I)OLBR',OOK BLINN G .ARgCK Nights- 56c to?$.5c .3 We. iga. 50cto $2,Ot ga._lt'- 50 o $2.f( LEE SHUBURI-T Presents NR, LEO 11II"UCHSEIN In the ',uccu £ ,oft i S ): SueN 1', r'J7 ik--f '" 'TH PURPL :E.MS K 'y ? U E-A *y' ® U i CUr~avRl 7I I IS ONLY RIVAL TO "THE KID" AN!) IN ADIIoN ' m , w es' a r +ui w w 9 Y ' 191 i - ,Pe, le TA n w i - s b R .v SA,;' A 111 N y S ::' r r + 1M M m a w Q 4 + on PM y 0 to 'w i SAMPLES Permanently on I)Isiiy at nGUY WOOLFOLK &CO. 836 South State Street Ann Arbcr lieligan Designed by A .nd A SILK WIH,1921 WHITEHOUSE & HARDY ~ tcoApoftATEo BROADWAY A1T 40"' STREET 144 WEST 42"" STREET Y OP~OUvoirs~~1ER House B=G, CN 1CK! AOCK= :7 5:.DING NEW YORK 'i i TEl.iIFNICO1AIR A new- era in moving is ctures. A dra ma of the Orient, i11 otn~i'ar plke4 id 1REC' LY in the TRit ir:codori wof nature., ABSOLUTELY THE BIG- / GE ST VALUE EVER ,O:EF sI?- IED BY ANY THEATRiC IN IANN ARBORZ OR VICINITY, INCLUDING .DETROIT. WEEK Staring T'ursdays Week. ay, 7Thursday,' Friday and Saturday .. 9 Ake !7 a f [ r a rl ' ! C" 9 F ; Y { 1R r a Thousands bf Yards New Spring Silks at ..... $1.00 Yard Thousands of Yards, Beautiful Silks at $1. . 9139 Y t17 This Great Silk Event will sweep the silk-buying public of its feet, by presenting thousands of yards of. the, c ho(c*e s Silks-the very weaves m ost in demand and, thexvne colors-at, sensation ally low prices-COME! EAST TIME TODAY WILLIAM .TT.A k i Y I% -1 - ""The lFighting Guide" --COMING SUNDAY-- 6eorg e Eliot's "SILAS 11AENEW'1 You Save $5.00 on Your rs Prhs Each Day But if you drink Milk- why not the .Best'-that which gives the most 'nour- het.Yo i'll find Ideal Milk- fnd Cream far differeft Coats Worth 'U to, 19.0 , thisweek.$ Ft n 0o0 alt Valuesto, $3.50. " " 0 " " "0"0O0" O 0 " 0 9 O 0" .$1.98 .$2.98 _ -.r'" w \\ h t L - ' I :.f r °,.:.;r. . t , saules to $5.00. The Nw ~t 4*rSelf ducin 'so m