1 HElt H [IDY .. .... " i cye/Iwk 'tAlo icTo Pe erv O f Seers; MANY ATTEND EXHIBIT ''Of TRIBNEDESIGNS Prize Winner Tribune ~In Contest awarded second prize in the Chicago The opera is under the management Tribune contest for plans for their of the Detroit Concert direction. TheM fbuilding, It is the work of Eliel Saar- interest manifested by Ann Arbor stu- inen of Helsingfors, Finland, and is; dents in previous performances of thes considered a fine architectural work. Russians has induced the manage- The Messers. Dwight Wallace and Ber- ment to offer tickets to University stu- tal Grennen of Chicago assisted Mr., dents at a ten per cent discount from Saarinen in his work, the regular prices which are $1 to _____ $3. As soon as the repertoire is de- dealt with according, to a statement During the months of January and mnade yesterday by Ann Arbor's chief February the police department, made of police, Thomas O'Brien. The force only 41 arrests. M~ore than half of j vill be increased by two members these were for violations of traffic equipped with motorcycles to enforce; laws. Students composed more than traffic ordinances. 40U. per cent of the offenders. Oit1J(INAT1'LiiS(IES OF PI~TORiS SHOWN AJLUMN I HAML 13) C1W- AT S More than 5,000 students and oth- ers, it i,s estimated, have visited the exhibit ion of designts entered in t he Chicago Tribune competition for plans for a new building, which have been on (isplay, in the main gallery of 1Alunmni Memorial hail since Monday. The, exhibit wil close at 1 o'clock to- day. Two hundred and twenty designs Iwere submitted in the contest, of Iwhich 135 are on exhibition here.- Sarchitects of .22 nations entered jdrawings, the first prize of $50,000 be- in g awarded to Messrs. Howells and Hood of New York City, the second prize of $20,000 to Elie Saarinen of Hel,singfors, Finland, and the third prize of $10,000 to H~olabird and Roche of Chicago. The drawings on -exhibition here are the original pen and ink sketches submitted in the contest. R. P. Cross of the Chicago Tribune company is in charge of the exhibition. inmwc 1 4 RUSSIAN OPHflARETURNS ITO BEIHITMARCH 26 t i finitely available, reservations may be made at the University Mlusic hiousej Willhims and Maynard streets. INCREASE POLICE FORCE TO HIAND)LE TRAFFIC VIOL A ION'S FO R SJTUDENTS 445. DAY' OR NIGHT 2c207 N. Main ' 5 1 LAR(Wit CH OUS ANi) .222 ~ IORCHESTRA One of the outstanding events of =: } 35 athe current Detroit musical season ' :::...::,: :,;. y:.::.:.:::> ;::::.: was the appearance of the Russian . .#.':: ..::}::;:::;:::;;}' :".' z tached to the announcement that the ~ .*u~ !Russians will retur'n to Detroit for a ;: :':; > ' ' <>:::t#<= week's engagement beginning Marcy~: s> ;:<. : <1: >: z::>::::> 26 at Orchestra hall. S>~ ~The repertory will include "Boris ,{}, } _f$ ........' :.G o d o u n o w ", "C a rmnen ", "E u g en O n e- ,', irn La Juive", Snegoroutchka", S.' -Nuit de L'Ainour", "The Demon" and ~ \S. The Cz r'sBrde". Eight perform- ...Cars ": y'>. :<; :> ,:;':<~::? iances wil be [pgiven, including a mat- t'' ? .."" #s.:: :z1>:::': {:inee on Easter Sunday. I~n addition __________________________ to an augmented orchestra and chor- us, there will be a complete new ball1 The design pictured above wvhichIlt and new scenery including a set will he on display until 1 o'clock for "Boris" which c'ost $G,000 and today in Alumni Memorial hall wvas equals that used at the Metropolitan. Springspeeders will be severely . LAST TIMRES rODAYP 1 *1 I Wl 111 111 [ LAST TIMES TODAY 3 t~ Th(C u r n t u r r ga r ijHr e s a So e r r u o Hv o B e,_ , PRODUCTION Will ann 1). Gan WiJllia m D. Gann, New York, claims the long ditncechami~pioniship among sesc. oo0(thsaersandl predictors irn general Since1909 Ginhas accur- atel y foreto ldal t''imnportanthpen hgspin-tew ds itrincluding the abdIication7 of the kais cr. Row does lie'(10 it? Oh, 'by algebra and geom- etry. Cpx: r . 8N yyE ST . 1 W MEN TO- N ii o liiiii, pr. VA TIiION E'igh pekrs wiil talk on "Frane's nvsofo the Ruhr" in the dne rs xtiporaneous contest which w vill he held at 8 o'clock to- ni,;ht in Uiverzsity hail. Each will gieve a seven mi~inute talk on different 1