i rt igan
____________________i_______rnn ___t___a
OF TT Making the R
oh of George
-iy ospita.
mechanic who n
es, supporting
LATEST XOVE INSURES 'FREMi11 exten ions and
Works To IRLlb LIRII
Lame Walk
ATwo One-Act Plays Given: "Release",
Drautatic Success; "Fancy
Free', Mediocre
ame walk! That is the
Curray of the Univer-
George is the expert
makes orthopedic brac-
corsets, wooden legs,
s lints for patients at
Final Drive
To leB
of Suibscription Ounipaiign
!fade Tod, y by Book
(By Associated Press)E
Marion, Ill., March 7.-Hugh Willis,
state board member of the Illinois
mine workers, was pointed out from
the witness stand at the second Her-
Do Tests Deci
Drivers' S k
Mental tests in their pres
are useless in determining;
drive an automobile safely
ing to Prof. Henry F. Adan
psychology department.
ent stage
ability to!.
ms of the
the hospital. Many who
to the hosrdtal on stretche.
chairs ha'e gone away or
legs supported by the {br
George made for them.
trussc,. are fined individi
Sehdilst Leader Rejects Peace On patients.
Basis of Any Conquest Margaret Orr, one of Ge
by France est patients, a mere ch i
to take her first step,
Cologne, March 7-(By A.P.)-Addi- from the shoulders down,
tional territory east of Cologne was brace constructed by hi
occupied today by the French troops in paralyzed from the shou
order to give France complete con- having only the use of
trol of all the custom posts on the Without the brace she wo
right bank of the Rhine. By this move able to stand. A cementn
the bridge head at Cologne is now body was made to insure
surrounded by French patrols and of the corset about which
outposts. t is construlcted.
The area east of Cologne for the sns t
present is being- patrolled by the
French.IWIpterfurth Seized COLUMBIA 0001011
The customs post added the Der-
ringhausen railroad junction and the =TI Of,
town of W ipterfurth southeast of El- THEew r o c p d b t eOF
berf'eld were occupied by the French
Tuesday, and attachments of FrenchI
troops were stationed at Grafath andIPROFESSOR I. A.WILL
Remacheid to guard the lines of con- RESSES GROUP OF A
runication extending from Remscheid AND INSTRIUCTO'
just beyond the British area.
Prof. H. B. Williams, he
Berlin, March 7-(By A.P.)-The
Reehstag today debated Chancellor physiology department oft
Cuno's speech. The discussion re- bia Medical school and a
vealed general unanimity in support authority in his field, spoki
of the government's stateleM while in body of medical students a
the Rleichstag corridors the-talk cief- isiutr t :5ocol
ly concerned itself with the effect of instructors at 4:15 o'cloc
r i 11- hn Wnc lnntr rn m
ers or wheel
m their own The Michiganensian will open the
races which final drive of its campaign to obtain
All of the subscriptions today under the incen-
ually to the tive of two successful preceding days
of sales. The order for the year
orge s new- book. will be wired to the publish-
d, is about ers at 5 o'clock today.
supported. The total sales for the book last
, n a body night numbered 2,483 copies, of
m. She is which number 101 were obtained yes-
ders down, terday. This is the largest sales that
her arms. the Michiganensian has ever had. It
ould be un- is the aim of the staff to reach the
mold of her 3,000 mark, -at which point a refund
perfect fit of 50 cents will be paid to all sub-
h the brace scribers.
rin riot trial today as the man who LIVINGSTONE '25,STARS IN
gave an order to "kill theirI all" after SIPERB TRAGED)Y 1 OR AYAL
a mob had taken 48 non-union work-___
ers from the mine of the South 1111- .
nois Coal company. Mimes has offered many plays in
The accusation was made by Rob- its career, and now and then one of
ert Tracy, a survivor of the riots. such exceptional worth is offered that
I it takes its place as a Mimes classic
Berlin, March 7.-The Munich cor- and is played again and again to de-
Adams made this statement in answer
to the recent action contemplated by
the Baltimore Safety council in, giv-
ing all motoristq a mental test, thus
determining their'capacity to drive.
Professor Adams emphasized the
fact that anyone who has graduated
from high school or an institution of !
higher learning can e:xsily pass any
W. S. Penfild of Washington, Oscar
Hull, etrolt Lawyer, Give
ead of the
the Colum-
an eminent
ke before qS
Must Sign Up Today
The need of signing for the annual
today is especially stressed by those
in cihrge of the campaign. When the
order for books goes to the publish-
ers, it will be impossible to add to
it. Last year more than GO students
tried to obtain copies after the final.
campaign had closed and were disap-
The price of the book in this cam-
paign is $5.50 if cash is paid and
$6 if the annual is bought on the in-
stallment plan. This latter method
necessitates a payment of $3 at the
time that the book is received.
Drive Conducted by Freshmen
The drive this spring is being con-
and physics
sducted on a competitive basis among
f tht TPhv4
the speech abroad.
Opposes French Conquest
In the course of the debate Dr. Ed-
uard Davis, for the Socialists, said
the French ought to understand that
an agreemnent Wa.s alvways possible
with a France desiring only repara-
tions and peace, but with France want-
ing to annex the Rhineland and tlie
Ruhr, never.
Herr Herst, conservative, regretted
that Chancellor Cuno had not an-
ri~nced a ruppture of diplomatic re-
latou e . rsajT.
in tnw e esti ec. ure room oe n ys
ics building on the "Applications of
Physics in Medicine."
."Students planning to take medi-
cine do not realize the importance of
the subject of physics," said Dr., Wil-
liams. "It not only gives one 'men-
tal training" but is actually used and
if one knows the underlying prin-
ciples of physics that person will be
far in advance of the one who does not
know-them. The physics required in
pre-medic work is a minimum and if
possible more physics should be tak-
the freshman tryouts for the busi-
ness staff of the Michiganensian. At
the end of the campaign, the five try-
outs having the most subscriptions
will be assured appointment to the
regular business staff next year.
The Michiganensian this year will
probably be delivered on the campus
about May 15. It will contain a larg-
er number of pages than last year, al-
though the size established then will
again be used. The prevailing color
scheme will be blue, the cover being
of a, dark blue leatheret.
"When asked just how physical
principles apply to medicine," con- 'YOST RTtn D Wia , h fo wnl
tinned Dr. Williams, "the following, flIUHV%
might be mentioned: the transforma-
tion of energy,-the human body is a
machine for converting heat into me- 11 1Ur HIU DURING i P
chanical energy, and its efficiency can
respondent of the Achtuhrabend-blatt lighted audiences. Such a play was present mental test with flying colors Speeches
in a dispatch to his paper says he has presented last night Edward H. and yet not indicate anything as to his - -
learned from "a visitlg diplomat" Smith's one-act tragedy, "Release". ability to handle a car in a trying sit-' Recent legal developments in Per-
that the French intend to occupy This play certainly promises to take nation. cia and the literature of that country
FraIkfort and the occupation of Mu- Its place beside the other classic, "The He also stressed the fact that somew
nich is to take place in about three Cloister". of the most reckless driving and dre gv stnig bya is Efel-
weeks. Belgium troops it was added A Gruesome Tragedy many of the most serious accidents dress given last night by His xce-
- would also be used. The play itself is a grim tragedy. are caused by people of the highest! lency, Mirza Hussein Khan Alai, Per-
-- The plot is a gruesome thing dealing mentality. Sane driving is rather a sian minister, at the first annual All-
Detroit, March 7.-One of the larg- with four men in Sing Sing prison on question of using common sense and Law banquet held in the assenibly
est liquor smuggling gangs in the of whom must die alone to save the proper respect for the rights of oth- room of the Union.
United States has been broken up ac- others. This rather melodramatic plot ers than of superior mentality. "Persia has made attempts similar
cording to Earl J. Davis, United States offers a chance for some of the finest to those of the United States to get
district attorney, in the arreist of four acting that has ever been done on the a constitution and political independ-
men alleged to have utilized the yacht i pimes stage. Lefty" Veneziano the eOUNI' TO fI Ionce," he asserted. "In spite of o-
of a millionaire Bay City lumberman op, played by Charles Livingstone stacles placed in her way by intrlgu-
of aon ire eat 25, was the star of the night. His ing European powers, the constitution
The men uinder arrest are Elfred acting i the tense moment when he UI11 has been achieved and only the capi-
Theken CudeJhn a orrtre lfned crept forward to look at the coin . tulatory regime stands between Persia
W a tk ienP RI, C a p t. J o h n' Il at r y r gi m st a dsoe t w enn dr s i
Capt. Alex Clifford, all of Detroit. which Was to decide his fate was won- ._ and complete sovereignty;
Cat.Alx lffrd alofDerot derful, but the scene in which lie pray- :1I()' OMITEWl.B Outlined Judicial Syftj
erfto the Vigin was t hsu>blime mo.,SING-OUT CO HMITTEE WILL IIE "~ ia uln oyu ie
Dubln, ar-li .-Twlveirrgulr e to he irgn ws th sulim mo - I shall outline to youz this evening
Dublin, March 7.-.Twelve ir'regular;ment of the evening. His voice ris- NAWED AT SESSION the Persian judicial system. Pe ia
prisoners were killed in county Ker- ing higher and higher in the intense TONIGHT law is diveded into two categories,sac-
ry today through the explosion of agony of the moment as he sobs out _ I red law and civil law. Priests are
trigger mines. his prayer to the Virgin calling for authorized to try cases coming under
her protection before casting the lots Ctu e -in th ic h of ten the sacred law, which is based on the
mae an impression on the audience tudent councilwich have been Koran. These priests are thoroughly
that will not soon be forgotten. And drawn u by the committee appointed !versed in it because they must pur-
carcely less remarkable was the work by the Student council working with sue a course of studies in one of the
done by Edward Parnell, '25, as "Bull" t Senate council com tt for the centers of Mesopotamia before they
i U l N 0 ""*' ""hapshiswasthemesare allowed to hear cases.
MEiOCRE PROOCIIONSOMal. elsiwshmtartistic performance of the evening investigation of student government "Persian civil law of today is based
Reserved and restrained he gave a will be, discussed at the meeting of largely upon the Napoleonic - code.
"TWO CROOKS 'AS P LADY"ANDmost convincing portrayal. Robert L, the Student council tonight at the That this was chosen as a model is
"WURZEL-F- Y" GIVEN Davis, '23E, and John Bromley, '25, due to the close relations which have
LAST NIGIT as Rabbit Moretto and Kid Mal- existed for years between France and
-oy were both more than adequate. Committee Report Submitted Persia. Prominent Persian jurists
Tarkey the keeper was played by Cros- The report of the joint committees have been working for several years
Exhibiting many rough spots, the by Reese, '25, who appeared but twice i sdt.tb revise and codify the civil law
finr.t performance of the semster given but made a most important contri- will be submitted to the Student coun-Wre this task is accmplshed, Pi
by Players club last night in Sarah bution to the play. His recital of thee lfor disussion by the chairman of sian civil law will so closely resemble
Caswell Angell hall uld have been 1 horrors of the electric chair, was su- the Student council committee. The that of other countries that all pos-
perbly done.- Senate council committee will turn sible need for capitulations will: be
more finished Especially noticeable "Fancy Free" Fails to Charn ieInemoved. The capitulations have been
in the first play, "Two Crooks and a "Fancy Free" by Stanley Houghton, the report over to the Senate coun- one of Persia's greatest curses.
Lady", by Eugene illot, was a ' a short one-act comedy served as a cil after the Student council has act- Tells of Persian Law School
teeta'nonaisv..stigasion htofistuden. Four years ag a law sschool mod-
ed lack of polish. Some of these difficult to play because of lack of' any tee on ivestigation of student gov- em in every respect was founded in
ruder spots unquestionably could action, and for the most part was ernment consists of Prof. Morris P.- Teheran. This offers a thorough
have ben ironed out by another week rather poorly done. Donald Snyder Tilley, of the English department, course to prominent Persian youths,
or so of rehearsal, and the audience '25, as the debonair vapid Alfred was Dcan Alfred H. Lloyd, of the Graduate under eminnt jurists, both Persian
was onscios of this. the one bright spot of the comedy. Th:. School, and Prof. Evans Holbrook, of and foreign. Persians love justice
Scenery and Settings Good drawling accent, the slow, deliberate the Law school. The Student council passionately, particularly since they
The scenery and settings for this action of the fop were inimitably done. committee is composed of Thomas have suffered so much injustice at the
play and the one which followed, A. The plays were good, both of them. Lynch, '25L, Thomas Underwood, '23L, hands of others."
A. Milne's "Wurzel-Flumiery"; were but -one so outranked the other as it M. B. Stahl, '25L, Perkins Bull, '23L, tPeneiel. Speaks
a-ove the acting. Considering the him- outranked most of the plays given by and Howard Liverance, '23. Hon. Walter S. Penfield of the Wash-
itations of the chub workshop, where Mimes that "Fancy Free must of ne-Pinton bar, who also spoke, shoWed
-cesity suf-lit. We paraphrase the PlnSigOtigo'awoas pksoe
all the -details were executed., thse tiesy '-ofone of Wies owperas. Swing Out and other Spring events what opportunities in diplomatic worl
could be called quite aood. They "diimes did it" we say, and beause wvill be worked over at tonights meet- re ope t e w it lea t
were impl, bu thee wa ins.Prelminay onight' m et" He emphasized the, growing need fr;
were simple, but thmer was no at- Mimes did it, it was done well. mg. Preliminary plans were made ata students of international law as a
tempt to make themnierfect. -nieeting of the senior class presidents aid to those who are carrying on for-
Probaibly the fatal error of the eve- called by the council last Tuesday. eign trade.
ning occurred when in rillot's play ; 'Due to the fact that some of the' "Waslmington is becoming. more and
Miller, the hawk, played by Harry If. IMAnior classes have already ordered morem the diplomatic nerve center '
Platt, '24, toppled to the floor several ? UlULfl IJULUJIWUJ their canes, the plan of having Uni- the world," said Mr. Penfleil t
seconds before the shot which was form canes for all the classes was stressing the.opportunities for men In
to bring him down was fired. This IVIW IIO Vj dropped. The council will determine the diplomatic service. "There are
may have been caused by track-stage;[I SF1 TU{{tW; the feasibility of making motion pi- more envoys in the capital of th Unit-
difficulties, but whatever-the cause the - tures of Swing Out and other Spring ed States than in Paris or Londn."
result was a general weakening of- ef- Oklahoma City, Okla., March 7-(By evnts. A Student council commit- Detroit Attoruey't ls
feet. A.P.)-Newspaper editors, reporters, tee will be appointed tonight, and all Oscar C. Hull, '13, practicing attor-
Vera Katz Acts Well and all persons engaged in handling plans for the Swing Out will be placed ney in Detroit, entered a plea for the
Vera Katz, '24, as Miller'saccom "copy" fOr- publication would e re- in their hands.retentionof the high ideals with WIC
plice. was easily the best performer- The Spring week schedule, tentative- every law student graduates. - e dis-
in "Two Crooks and a Lady". She quired to pass an examination before ly adopted at the last meeting, will be cussed the trials which a young law-
carried her part without the slightest a state board of newspaper exanmin- finally acted upon at tonight's meet- yer must endure and urged.theo li
hesitation and with great ease, while ers and pay $10 fora license under , ing. The committee working on the students at the banquet to keep i
the other members of the cast did not a bill introduced in the upper House schedule has had two open meetings mind constantly the ideals ofthe er-
appear so much at home on the stage. of the State legislature today. " since the last council meeting, and fession.
appear so Maurice R. Norcop, 23L, president
"Wurzel-Flummery", a whimsical The measure, according to its au- will report their results to the body of the senior law class, credited Dean
English comedIywvas not, wbinvoical thor seeks to lower the libel average tonight. HnyM ae of the senorla scshoold ea
Egihcmyasot hirc by raising the standard of personal tngt Henry M. Bates of, the Liw school,
enough. Kenneth Prettie, '24, knew by ra he nsadr oacting as toastmaster, with the plan-
thepar ofOr-wshw lut id oti-on Oklahoma newspapers.
the partof awsha but dinotProvision is made in the proposab GIVE EXTENSION TALKS ning of the banquet and expressed the
troduceohis conventioneliE ntlisproposals
trfduce his conventional English or "cubs", who are defined as stu-. hope that the event would be tradition-
ideas with sufficient spontaneity to dets. They would not be licensed and Two of the three University Extn- al, in celebration of the adoption of
produce much laughter. William' D.ts the United States Constitution, as
Roesser, '23, and Louise Graham, '2, their acts. wsion lectures delivered yesterday were planned. Ralph Carson, '23L, who
acted extremely well in subordinate given by members of the joint com- studied as a Rhodes scholar at Ox-
parts. . I. E. Alumni Endorse Budget - mittee on public health education. Dr. 1 ford, was called upon for his irn-
pressions of English student life, and
Lecturer Unable to Appear Detroit, March 7.-The University John B. Jackson was the speaker at gave a short talk on the legal studies
Dr. Peter H. Goldsmith of the Insti- of Michigan building program is en- Argenta, talking before the ' Silver at the English school.
tute of International Education, who dorsed in resolutions adopted here re- Creek W. C. T. U. and Grange on Thomas E. .Dewey, '25L, entertained
was to have delivered a lecture on cently. by the Intercollegiate Associa- "How to Keep Fit". William C. Hirn the meeting with two soigs, accom-
"Brazil in the Hour of Her Majority", tion of Detroit, which represent alum- spoke before the Ladies club and the panied by Max A. Ewing, '24, on the
did not reach Ann Arbor in time to mn of 64 colleges and universities of the high school at Fowlerville about "The piano.
appear in the Natural Science auditor-,United States. Wayne county mem- Laws of Moses and the Present Day
ium at the time scheduled yesterday hers of the legislature are called upon Practice". Edith Thomas, of the Li- "The East is awake and those who
____ ____ _ ' aby the resolution to supert the build- bary Extension service, addressed the don't know it are asleep," declared
n appropriation requested by the un Isabella club at Lawton on the sub- His Excellency Mirza Hassein Kahn
_,rsy.' ject "Adventures in Reading". Alai, in a talk given yesterday after-
All 1200 application blanks for the be calculated the same as any mechan- ST. LOUIS AND SEATTLE FIRST
Military ball available for distribu- ical machine. In fact, man's efficien-T ET'
tion were called for by 5 o'clock yes- cy is about 33 per cent. Heat has an S
terday afternoon. These are to bo important bearing on man. The de- COACH
returned to the Military Ball commit, termining of diets depends on the cal-
te 1325 Washtenaw avenue, by Fri- culation of the number of calories in At least two Michigan Alumni asso-
day of this weelk if they a'e to receive all food. Sound is important. It r ciation trophies vii be presented by
fullconideatio intheadopedr- time doctors camrs that discovefs mui'-
full consideration in the adopted or- ur i tile heart.h sCoach Fielding H-. Yost while on his
der of preference. Only 650 applica- -_thP__csih g
tionsxwii be accepted. - -tour to thme Pacific coast which begins
___n_ ____.ALL-CAMPUS SMOKER TICKETS next Wednesday. Both St. Louis and
Three Dead, Toll of New York Stormn TO BE PTON'SALE TOI)A11 Seattle alumni have asked the coach
New York, Mlarch 7--(B3y A.P )-
Three persons dead, one dying and Tickets for the All-campus economi. to stop on his trip and give the Michi-
severalied ins art of the tol e ics smoker which will be given at 7:30 gan cups himself to the winning high
tracted here by a snow storm which o'clock Tuesday evening, March 13, in school athletic teams of their respec-
lasted fr-om yesterday forenoon, until the upper reading room of the Union,
ts mrning, ywill go on sale this morning at the tire cities.
this morni .victims were found dead main desk in the Union. . Tickets may Those awards are made every year
in snow banks . The third slipped be reserved by calling M. H. Pryor, by the Michbig'in Alumni associations
from an icy platform and was killed '24E, at 1680-R, or by calling at roomn to the winning teams. In St. Louis
by a train. Six and a half inches of 142 m. tme Natural Science building. the chamnionshin basketball team will
snow fell and traffic xxas greatly im- The smoker this year will be sponsor- receive the award from Coach Yost,
peded. ed by the University Chamber of Com- r
_ ___coierce. Tickets will cost 50 cents and in Seattle the trophy will be giv-j
! apice. 'en. to the wvinning footb~all team of
Freshman Glee Club Elods Officers api ce.
Twenty-five member's of the Fresh- - last fall. This ceremony ma~s beenl
manTGley-t et forsrehers andI Naval Aviators Drowned in Fall postponed since the last of the season
man G olee club met for rehearsa l antiPhiladelphia, March 7-(By A.11.)- - so that Coach Yost could be present
eigetion of ofmicers at 7 o'clock last Robert M. Farrar, a naval aviator, and to take part in it.
ni*ht in room 308 of the Union. The Stephen F. Sullivan, his mechanic, Alumni groups in other cities have;
following freshman officers were were drowned today when their sen similar aiards that they give every
elected: presidernt, Harold Jacox, plane fell into the Delaware river off year for the encouragement of ath-
vice-president, Hubert Struthers, sec Gibbston, N. J., seven miles south of letic competition and many others are
retary-treasurer, George Molling, li- the Philadelphia navy yards from considering the elan.
brarian, J. Kenneth Ramsay. which they had started for Washing- In the East this plan of college al-
ton ten minutes before.'' umni groups has been in operation for'
Technical Movie Tonight a number of years, but it is a compar-
A six reel motion picture on "The Pensions Voted to Faithful Negroes atively new thing in Conference uni-
Manufacture of Rod and Wire", will be Columbia, S. C. March 7-(By A.P.) versities.
shown at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the -Faithful negroes who stood by their The other Alumni associations that'
Natural Science auditorium under the masters during thm -civil war today are already giving these awai'ds are
auspices of the local branch of the were voted pensions by the S. C. leg- in the followng cities: Toledo, Indian-
American Institute of Chemical En- islature. The bill provided that slaves apolis, Kansas City, and Sioux Falls.
gineers. The picture is furnished by !who served the state and their masters Similar action is being taken in aE
the Page Steel and Wire -company.l in the Confederate army in the war number of other cities.
The public is invited to attend. ?hall be granted pensions. t_
Abbas Proves 'Cello Mastery
Extrnmely rich. in tone and con- Abbas played Sainte-Gabriel's "La
structioi and embodying works of a Cinquantaine", that quaint little iel-
light and popular nature in contrast ody embodying all the principles of
with the most exacting and difficult old style music.
music written for the 'cello, was the The fourth group was all Popper,
delightful program rendered by Phil- who is to the 'cello what Sarasate was
lip Abbas, first cellist of the Detroit to the violin. The Spinning song call-
Symphony orchestra, under the aus- ed for the most difficult runs and fin-
pices of the Matinee e Musicale, last gerings of the whole program, but the
night in Pattengill auditorium before artist responded so well that the com-
a small audience. plicated passages were executed in a
Locatelli's Sonata opened the pro- most masterful fashion. He repeated
r {
. j
Old Fraternity House Being Salvaged
The former residence of the Psi
Upsilon fraternity at State and South
University avenue has been sold by
the buildings and grounds depart-
ment and is being salvaged. The site
is being cleared for the erection of
the Lawyers' club.
Detroit Alumni to Meet Today
The University of Michigan club of
Detroit meets for lunch at 12:15 o'-
clock today in the roof cafe of Hotel
Tuller, Detroit. A five piece orchestra
from the Campus will furnish music
to assist in the old time song fest
n.'s nt,. c,,1
Late Bird
Can't Go Fishing
Becausethe early bird gets the
worm. It is not too early to be
thinking of that summer job.
Your choice or ability diplayed
in a Daily classified will bring
you just what you are'looking
Quarterdeck Rears. Sleeches
Tio members of the Quarterdeck
'gave speeches at a meeting of the
club at 7 o'clock last night, in room
306 of the Union. David MacTaggart
'23E, spoke on "Long Cruises in Small
Boats", and - Joachim Seeliger, '23E,t
spoke on "German Raters During the
, 10000I Employees Fired in Two Years
noon in room B of the Law building.
Fire Sweeps Pittsburg Tenement "There is an attitude taken by 'some
of the western nations that Eastern-
Pittsburg, March 7-(By A.P.)-- ers and Near Easterners are unpr-
Fifteen persons have been taken to ers and N sten er e ro
hospitals seriously burned and 581 gressive and in some way inferior to
ohesarsseievesty btradpandin them. This is the attitude which we
others are believed to be trapped inresent in our' dealingis with them.
a tenement building which is com- ee rianinis t em.
pletely surrounded by a fire sweeping, The Persian minister gave a brie
the lower north side district according survey of Persia's dealings with her
to reports at nine o'clock. neighbors since the beginning of the
twentieth century. r He showed how