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March 07, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-07

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Holder of lainy Lightweight Titles to
Enter Rinzg With uiilor
College Chnainp
Five years experience at the ama-
teur boxing game backed by a record
of never having been defeated at his
weight, 135 pounds, in collegiate cir-
cles, is what McLean, lightweight
champion of the University, Will haveI
to offer "Sunny" Raines, lightweight
ruler of Detroit Junior College, when
they meet in the headliner of the
boxing show Thursday at S oclock,
in Waterman gymnasium, for the 135
pound intercollegiate championship of
the state.
Little is known of "Sunny" RainesI
D.J.C., with the exception that he is,
a comer in amateur lightweight cir-
cles around letroit and has conduct-
ed himself creditably in all his past
battlts with men in this division. On
the other hand McLean comes to the
boxing fans of Michigan with a rec-
ord that is sensational to say the
McLean started his ring career. in.
Fort Sheridan during the war, where
under the tutelage of Charley White,
famious exponent of the left hook, he
became the undefeated champion of
his class. Following his transfer from
Fort Sheridan to Minneapolis, Mt
Leani took instruction uinder "Johnny'
Tillnfan, a rugged welterweight, and
"Mike" Gibbons, the St. Paul "Phan-
After the war the champion enter-
ed University of Texas where, due
to the excellent instruction received
at the hands of these professional
ring battlers, he annoxed the title
at his weight in the Texas iitercol-
legiate boxing tournament. In 1920
McLean transferred' to Princeton
where he again swept all opposition
aside and again landed a title.
"Spider" Kelly, Princeton boxing'
coach, figured largely in McLean's
latest. success for the famous star
of, former days taught him the use
of; the doubles, which is a light left
hook to the stomach followed by' a
stinging right to the face 'This is
the best punch that Mc1ean has.
Coach Sullivan, Michigan boxint
mentor, is rounding McLean into

shape for his coming battle for the
championship and is teaching him the
art of slashing, gruelling in-fighting,
in which most college boxers are sad-
dly deficient. In a workout before
a large audience of students last
week in Waterman gymnasium, Mc-
Lean showed his cleverness by mak-
ing the coach miss with his right
now and then. Sullivan rained blows
at his opponent from all angles, but
was only successful at times because
of McLean's footwork.
Two years of dogged endeavor to
win a place on Michigan's Varsity
track team crowned by ultimate suc-
cess only to sacrifice that success in
-favor of another man because he be-
lieved that other man could perform
a better part in the four mile relay at'
the llinois carnival than. himself is,
to date, the cinder path history o;'

Intramural Isem

Entries for fraternity . handball,
track, and relay race are due and
should 'be sent into the Intramural of-
fice at once. Any students contem-
plating entering the All-campus track
meet should sign up at once.

S~ Cleveland Club Holds Meeting were discussed for a dance to be giv-
V UUSItfR JduLlThe Cleveland club held its semi. en in Cleveland during the spring va-
Hannual eleclie officers last night in cation.
Sthe Union. The folloin were elect- Lose something" A classified in
1 R., ed : ru, .Schuyler Elliott, '25E;I
vice-presidet:r, Vernon Lieblein, '25E; classified ad will sell It for youw-.iAdv.
- en rf P, rv. Ti, ,','l ,nn T. Dixon '24Fl

Final round in the independent
ketball league will be held att
clocktonight. The followingat4
will play: court 1, Adams vs. Ray
court 2, Harkeys vs. Stacho
court 3, Livingston vs. Galenter
Freshmen teams in the sect
league will lineup at 6:45 o'cloc
night as follows: court 1, Tiger
Wups; court 2, Indians vs. Ya
Club; court 3, Big Fire vs.
Standings in the Intramural ba
ball leagues are as follows:
Freshmen League IV L
Big Fire ...............2 0
Bear Cats ............1 1
I Yankee Club...........1 1
Indians . . ..............0 2
W ups . . . .............. 0 2
Society league W L
Detroiters........... .4 0
Arch. Soc...............3 1
Detroit J. C. .......... 2 2

6 o'-

waitl The preliminary round in the fra- IDame fortune turned In her tracks
r. (ternity bowling tournament will be Monday night, handing Iowa her first
completed by the end of this week. defeat of the season, Ind'ana doirri
ional The following teams will roll at 7:30 the trick when they massed a total of
k to- o'clock tomorrow night at the union 23 points while the Hawkeyes were
s vs Sastruggling to get 21, in a basketball
ankee gon, Delta Tau Delta. At 7:30, Friday game at Bloomington. Nyikos wa.
Beau the round will be completed by the I the star of the game, scoring 21 ofj
following teams: Zeta Psi, Alpha Chi Indiana's 23 points.
Sigma, Phi Epsilon Pi. A few more j This reverse at the hands of the
sket- teams may enter. If any enter thei4- Hoosiers makes it possible for Wis-
schedule will be published tomorrow consin to tie Iowa for the conference
or Friday.cosnttiIoafrtecnrnei
Pet ___chamnpionshipi Interest among the
1.000 Conference fans is at a high pitch
.500 Only two matches have been ar- in hopes that the Badgers may be,
.500 ranged for tonight's fraternity wrestl- able to come through their remaining
.000 hg festivities. At 8 o'clock Beta The- games on the long end of the scores;
.000 ta Pi will wrestle the winner of to- and finish the season with the same,
night's consolation match. At, 8:30 average as that of Iowa's.
Pet. Acacia will engage Phi Sigma Delta. Visconsin has two games to play,
1.000-- before their season closes, meeting
.750 Look at the "Dailiy Classified col- the Maroons at Chicago and Indiano'
.500 uumn" and you will see some real bar- i at Madison. Iowa has finished he-J
.250 gains.-Adv. season.

am! treasurer, ilarold i2le, '25. Plans Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Ad#


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Congenial work

or college graduates


In deciding upon one's life-work there is one
very important consideration every far-seeing man
will make. He will select a field where the edu-
cation gained through his college career will not
be wasted.

George Griffin, '23E, cross country Mich.
runner and star miler. Scalp

Union ..
& Blade

.. .... 2
.. .... 1


Picked. at last, after his years of Inter - state....... . 0... 4 .000I
trying, as a member of the quartet that -
was to represent the Maize and Blue Church league IV L Pet,
at Ur baha, Griffin gave up the oppor- Episcopal . .............4 0 1.000
tunity fo run against the best track Catholic................3 0 1.000
men of the country because lie believ- Lutheran .. ... 2 2 .500
ed that another man could serve better Methodist............1 3 .250j
in his place. Presbyterian . ......... 1 3 .250
At the eleventh hour Griffin report-
ed to Coach Farrell that he felt that All teams entered and scheduled for,
a slight cold which he had contract- the first ronted of the al-campus
ed might detract from his usual dual- handball doubles must have their
ity of inning and urged the Wolver- matches played and the scores turned
ine mentor to take aother man in his in by 5 o'clock tonight or forfeit
place uio that Michigan might surely their right to continue in the running.
be represented by the best possible. Schedule for the second round
combnation in the four mile relay. matches will be announced in tomor-
Griffin, it was stated by Coach Far- ow's Daily. The 'matches must be
tell, would surely have made the irii {fcompleted and the results tabulatee
had he said nothing relative tc his by 5 o'clock, Monday, March 12.
condition It i; such willingness toi__
sacrifice as this, according to Steve, Ay a
thai ismakng hisyea's ichgan As it seems unlikely that cold wea-t
track team 'theingratest that he has ther will return, the inter-fraternity
ever coached. rt hockey tournament will be closed and
__________hd. the awarding of points will be based
on the standings of the teams at thq
Have you read the "Daily Classified time that the last matches were play/
Qolumn" yet today?-Adv. ed. The Intramural department will
retain the cup, as the season will not
Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. be finished.

T~ T~' rvr~ V T' T r ~ Th d' r' ~ 'T~ T ~ f' TI SN
r EAJFLt~ .J U ..JI.~1. ~J 1 11 ~

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write practically every form of ittsurance except life.





Paints, Oils, Artists' Supplies,
Wall Paper, Window Shades,
Draperies, Curtain Rods,
and Accessories


Probably 50 per cent of
Michigan freshmen have
,never played Billiards be-
fore coning to AnnArbor.
They say that 90 per cent
of Michigan Men play Bil-
liards on, And, off during.
their college course, niost
of them at-



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