_____ _____ _____ _____ _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ _ _ _
___________ willtake plT~ace today asa1follows
lirad ay hors,4 o'clock; -,kele--
ton', 4:0 -'do k; (1011s, 5 o'clock;
-401 l profen ,sors, 5:3 0 ('clock.
-Tt s requestedI that all. senior worn-
There will be a meeting of all11ob- !enordler their caps and gowns fjom
omnore wxomen at 4:15 o'ci lck tomor- Mc and company by Saturday.
row in Barbour gymnasium to de
cuss plans for the sophcomore movie. S z nn;mie
Members of the Junior athletic sv-At Title Seeker
NEW. PLANAID-S LEAUEFahion For Coiffeur Varies
According o1/hmOWVci
, .RRea r as;r. i"9v18Q'.ES (!d8! It@
U,1VLIles Fr
sociatuon will mcet at 9.: ',0Lck to !0
day in Barbour gymnasium to make
Plans for spring work.
League competition cards for tihe
second semester will he sent out soon
to all dormitories, sororities, and
league -houses. It is requested that
reports b: returned on teecairds an~d
not on other papers as it increases the
difficulty of checking the amnounts.
Portia Literary society will hold
tryouts at its regular meeting at 7:15
o'clock Thursday eeni'ng in room 3032,
Mason hall. Trhe tryouit will consist
of a three-to-five miaesoeito lbe
given by each candidatec.
Class -basketball to ai. will be an-
nounced at the regulair practices to b)e
held tomorrow ii.inlarbonr ryins*
lum. Captains will 1;o c ho-en after
the announcements. 1All wonpmnwhio
have been out for practie Ibi seaor
,are urged to be present o,==ihursda.'
Rehearsals for the Junior Cxirls' play
Is bobbed hair going out, comninll has not beoen my experience however.
"More bricks for the League build- in, or just staying b~lbbed? Th'is is Short hair in most cases is much heal-
ing: " University women may acd to a difficult question to answer, judg- thier and thicker than long hair."
the ampagn und or te UiverityFashion books frout the east, show)
the NcamigfudfrteUirst ing from the many varieties of coif-iane stlof ardesng Th
oMihgan League 10. percent of allne stlof)ardsig.T i
p~urchases in ready-to-w eal ar n~feurs one sees upon the street. About hair is shingled back, and bobbed aty-grin4 yfthilha ob(tesds.Tssyecoeyflow
ad l iliniery made at Mack &(c,~ every fo~rtx orffhgr a ~bo1tesde.Ti tl lsl olw
luring this semesterso ese oi the line of the hecad, and enhances th~l
provided the3f i hair; sm ee obe letting itgro~~natrlbat fth uln-i h
ask for the League receipt when mak-t out; and others look as if they could- o aul ibeaut futhe Soialnead te
in g the purchase. These receipt~ n't decide just what to do. oine ewokaudatim. orefav eapdec-
;must 1)e turned over to Neva Loveq A leading hair-dresser, in response edter# ~ m fapoa pnti
well, '22, chairman of the undlergtad-j to the question of the popularity of ewmde samphaeradpitthm-,
Iufats campaign work, in order that bobbed hair, said; "Every day, four or ine moadhvedptdite-
] th committee mayprset thet five girl come i to hav their hil elves. Whether this style will spread
the sue tth ndo pech imnh obd A h etime inwa e rhaveI over, the west remains to be seen.
hevra stritteedo ahmnh obd ttesm ie ehv Most of the fairer sex in Ann Arbor
As a feature of this plan, Elizabethsera appointments to "do up" shorthaesiem atalyhtteydw
Maloy, , has been placted in charge hi.Otngirscmeitoha~de line at shaving their heads but:i
of University women customers ant, several inches cut off from long hair o hmsi h aetit
has just returned from New York -hs reteonswo akthwe- hen bobbed hair first came in. The'
where she has spent a week in select? essary nerve . to have it all cut a esto my son beoe,"r
lu ig apparel especially suited to col.) once. Girls with short hair have told);sige e a on bcm,"r
lege women's needs. Miss Maloy plane me that they will never again let shingle heads aspoulr omasthe
to display selected attire at sorority, their hair grow-that bobbed hair is were, or are moeedsbeoin~
dormitory, and league houses. It is a decided economy of time, and thaI; shingled every (lay?"
renested that individual houses make' the mere act of doing up their hair, I_______Y___
special appointments at once. by call- ini the old dlays, had many times madeI Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv.
ing; 251. them) late for classes. Now, they l____________________
Miss Maloy will be at the store ev- smooth the roughness out of it iz)
ery afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock andI about, five minutes, and are ready for
-v/ill devote her time to meeting Uni- school. At the same time, thegil
versity women who desire her help in who are decidedly against bobbedE
making selections. Women who wish'I hair, say that it is unattractive uin- I0
to give special orders may do so by less curled, and that curling hair with Brii s ,
consulting Miss Maloy. '1a hot iron will eventually ruin it. ThisI
After graduation, You must bridge
' an iw rk a French shop will be established in. the "years of experienice" before you
Ann Arbor, where this- lingerie w;ii will be fitted to occupy a position of
To Be Sold here be sold exclusively. Samples of th,1 bsns n
Your bank should be sound, accurate and
efficient. But that is not enough. Banking
service to be of the most use to you should
be also intelligent and interested.
That is what this bank tries to be.
101-105 SO. MAIN
330 So. STATE ST.
1 99
After Every Meal
e. rea
a wlwqo lap w w w 0
Secrcon-Jk diy
Arcade-Mae Murray in "J azz-
mania"; M2r. and Mr..(re
Deilaven> in "Keep 'Ein Homie."
Majestic-"Hearts Aflame"; 13u.1'-
ter Keaton in "Thee Electric
house"; lrwin's Pop Land.
Orpheuin - Willimz Duncan in
"The, Fighting h-and"; comn-
edy and news.
Wuerth - F. Scott Fitzgerald's
"The i3cautiful and Damned,"
withi Marie Provost; comedy
and Pathe news.
lvartha Guernsey, '19, will have
charge of the sale of French lingerie{
vwfiich the Chi Omega fraternity willj
sell for the benefit - of the Women's
League. The lingerie is imported ,d!I
rect from Tiulle, France, and the
French Vosges mountains, and is typ-
ical or. the exquisite hand embroidery.
work for which the French peasants
a're noted.
if the number of sales warrants it.
lingerie will be (displayed soon t
various campus houses, or personas
appointments may be made by call-
ing the Chi Omega house. The p r'ce.3
fof the goods are extraordinarily rea-
The Hotel Allenel is catering to (in-:
ncr parties in our private dining
rooms at popular prices.-Adv'.
Loige somethinv? A classified In
thDtaily will find it.---Add.
these yearsa, Babson Institute offers
an intensive training course of one
or two years in business practice.
No lectures; no conferences. No
written work; but dictation through
dictating machines and secretaries.
Babson Institute, an educational in-
stitution endowed for the purpose of
fitting men for true executive resp.
sibilities, invites you to send for
the booklet "Training for Business
Leadership." Write today.
Babson Iristiutle
WelalyHills,'(5nk1rYTof) Mvass.
'" ,+
J -.. ' ,i"
What. we have
eaten 'andhow It Is
"agreeing with us"o
makes all the
difference In the
Suzaii entgei
I The worry attendant upon wearing
the1. crown of supremacy over the fem-
ininle tennis players of the world isnr't
lapparent as ,IMlle. benglen, French
Kar, watches her ambitious rivals at
I :i Nce internatiornal tennis tourney.,
,?' rlec vidently Yfeels conildezt,
AJ,1 11'1' rOVIE FIQM S'lTl R
l larold Tf itus, '11, of Traverse City~
vwrote the story from which "Hearts
' Aflame", now being screene(I at the
f ;P,"-jestic Theate.r, w.,as adapted. The,
Sstory ap)pcaredl under the title "For-
aker's Folly" in the December, 19211
iseof l verybody's Magazine.
I I r. Tituas has written many storiee
I itl ]agazinues of Diction, mostly virile
t atozrcs of, the out-doors. Hie is also
1 1 o e° a Vthe author of three novels,
"I hueuerd","The Last..Stra V,/
I ad i~rceof (Circle A".
hiwork or play, 'RILEY'S
gives the poise and steadiness
that mean success.
It not only helps digestion,
Sbut allays thist, keep ing the
,° o th cool and moist, the
ff- i@at muscles relaxed and
pliant" and th nerves at pease.
WRIGLEY"St the best ttt
ca be made aiMd comes to -.you
keep it good.
Stage- This Wcdc
Garr ick (D:c +.rcit) .._
rielbsteinl in "TI
Ma sk."
Shutbert - Michigan
Bonstelo acoepan3
VBad .Man."
._ Leo iDiet-
he1 Purple
(Detroit) -
y inl ..1.11
Evening. Clothes
Golf Suits
Flavor p
The Great
Sava te I
Reapi The Daily
ite-A, ssificd9l
y ;
x II
--Cla--i------ Columns--
'r ,S7 L Loose Leaf FLiTno' $;'ly Budget$, i. a comnpacct little
Binder- have one-piece, covers accofunt book, made for t.1e
of genuinae cow i ec that will not special use of the college stud-
wear (out 01' become shabby- on t, to aidi him in keeping a
looking. Md in sires and1 record of his expenditures. En-
styles to fit evecry need. dorsed by leading educators.
1)u ir's iiiore ad -snced accounit
43"- Fiiw accs$ booklf t intakes It fins
$11y3 B dge t$gift for tie family i-
lAdress o; kcas Dimncier.
For Sale, by 4.0. D ORlRIL
fo r
- 1wpm
- UNmmom
Easter /J
rrlf {
II*'IinorTr T~guv IRin
Is C.open
Sun-day from 5 to 0p i.
Come in and let us play for you a,
beautiful Easter song service by
such great artists as Caruso,
Homer, 'McCormnak, Harrold and
others. While you' re~ here select
the Victrola model you. would like
to own. We Can arrange terms of
Why put it off, again?
Let us send you your.
Victrola to-day!
109 S. MAIN ST.
Comc in before or after the Show
t :
for (among other things)
W1e are mnaking great preparations fo' El ~~r-We will
have for your selection special designs aS well asp-the usuali
Rabbits, Chickens, Crosses, etc.
Give us your order, now and we will plat:e L 1>
inscription you desire on the piece YOU scle,
free. of charge. Just another novelty of the
Sugar Bowl's.
R~a1Chicken. Salad
I udge Ice Crcam that is Right
Chocolat with Whipped Cream
i I ic Hn se