____ ____ ____THE MICHIGAN DAILY iPtole '7.r oEn c~I i$°rgs i Llts e'e, Froiii WwR~ent 14 0,0410 Contest For IExibition ANMW llN(I 4,11'PLANT ITOST BEAUMTI FULI NW O.L1 Through the efforts of Prof. Emil A. Lorch, of the Architectural school,, the Chicago Tribune building designs have been placed on exhibition, and will be on displayw until 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, on the g round floor in Memorial hall. The hall will be open to visitors, also on Tuesda,( and Wednesday evenings.s The Chicago Tribune competition for its new building is one of thq~ mnost notable thus far held: $100,000 was offered in prizes and more than~ 200 designs w-ere submitted by archi- tects from every part of the -world. The exhibition at, Memorial hail in-4 eludes the best of these designs; they} are photographic reproductions of the original designs and are four by one and one~lhalf feet in size, ;giving ac- curately, all, the details of the de- signs. The Tribune announced as its aim the building of the most beautifu) structure devoted to newspaper pur- pose-,. The site on Michigan.lBoule- -Nard diagonally across from the Wrig- ley building is a prominent one. Comtpetitors met the requirements wvithi varying degrees- of success. Ev-, ery conceivable combination of form i.;s ound in the 130 'resigns which are 1,;re for exhibition.; 'luterest- is centered in the three- prize. designs. The first prize of $50,- (00 wvas awarded to Messrs. H-owells and Hlood ,of New York City who arc also to construct the building. The second prize oif $20,000 was awarded1 to Eliol Saatrinen of Helsingfors, Fin- land, wahose associates were Messrs. Wifallace and Grenmian of Chicago.1 The third prize of $10,000 went to Hol- -ard and Roche of Chicago. Twenty- four honorable montions were award.- ed. Wins First Prize BLALNGHARD WILLc TALK ON FAR. FAST OFRFLi -- -.. ~ Prof. P. B. Blanchard, of the Phil- Bank to Award $3,000 >. osophy department will address the rkIFl - ' - members of the Cosmopolitan Club at ____ their meeting tomorrow night in Wes- fiiso h hc ley Hall. He will talk on his exper- iecsduring the eight months which inythe ndsyoplacredr t * rh spent with the British forces in y eetypae -Mesopotamia, sptma and on his life duringeahesntiIdaCnad aI mittee sac for the' encoure t ri ryea eseti nia hnadJ-ness Development a: " ~pan . . Following Professor Blanchard's3 Trust Company". ' r'talk a business meeting will be held awards are offere ,~ H, - at which plans for the Spring Carni-reachpi,$250 - , _>" val to be held March 15 will be dis-mogrp pizsf ( . cussed. respectively. 41. j Dr. R. E. Heilman, _____________________ --_____ economics and dean of - -- DAILY TO AGAIN ISSUE 1 __ !iV DIRECTORY SIJPPLEMEN~i1T VI ) SENIOR LIT DUE~ Following a custom instituted} PAID some time ago, The Daily will1 Almebroft publish a directory supplement 1 ebr ft - ts+ p fEto correct changes made at the ; rr laswoI beginning of the second semes- Pdthidusa , ----.. $3.50 for the entire ter Th supleentwil lit Ido so immediately.1 a all changes in address and will I paable to Burton $(also contain the names of those Jpa The design which won first prize inllae oteUnvrit}n j class treasurer, 16, the recent Chicago Tribune competi-., February.f aw avenue. tion for plans for a new building. Tho in order that the lists may be building, wh en completed will cost cmie sso spsil n $7,000,00. Htowells and Hlood, a :New { oplda on spsil n (York firm of architects were the. win-I printed within a short time, ner;~ r ilowells. of this ;firm, is the ; those who wish to be listed are!. sonofthelae Wllam ea Ilwe ! rcquested to fill out the coupon ! Lee Shubert preso author. eo n mi(ote fieo Mr. Leo Ditrichsl _______________________ Te Daily. I! meicksMaster ! Address, Directory Editor,(f A eiasM tr DE'TROIT CELLIST! care of Michigan Daily, Press l Player, inl the Ep TO building.__ T PL YTONIGHT bulig of His Successes; Phillip Abbas, leading 'cellist oti'1 Name ........................... TH the Detroit Symp,,honiy orchestra will j 6. bey presentcd in recita I at s o'cloeb Class ............................ PURPLE tonighit in Pattengill auditorium up.- I94 der the auspices of Matinee Musicale, I Address. ................... ! M s Mr. Abbas is widely recognized a:3 one of the finest masters of the vvio- Plione .. ...... ............. 1 linecello now before the public. Hi-, CositumetsPintues pryogram is as follows: I( Home town..................CotmsIne) Sonata ....................Locatelli Odades........... f1/at n Allegroof ealt anoF" Ada gio _________________- 'Complement o Men ettoin the Cast. A1ndante .. . . . . .... . ritiii I Adagio c Pastorale ...... Ilaudel THERE'S ALWAYS Staed by 1\enuetto. ............ Milandro, \ , tro A e Le Cygne ............... aint-SaensBU C At the Allegro Anp assionate, Saint-Saen, A ITH Whitney T heater Mazurka ....................Popper ModyMac Spinning Song ..........PopperII BLU-GOLD LUNCH Gavotte . ..... . Popper 0 hrhb ! Tarantelle............... Popper There wiii b _Variations-Symrnphoniques.... BocllmarI rno advance in pric _.. 1,Seatsj will ]WIPS commerce at Northwestern University is chairman of the award committee. Those interested may obtain further information in room 107 of the Eco- nomics building. i i J 0For Research nance ;go Trust comn- a sum of $3,00(1 esentative corn- agement of re- subject "Busi- wn the Modern The folio inqj ed: Terennial and two annual $300 and $200 n, professor of f the school of SHUBERT Pops. Mats. Tues., MICHIGThurs. ~andEsat., I lghis, 50.75.S51.00 The Bonstelle Company INI j'orl4 r Emierson lirowies "'THE BAD MAN" as played by HOLBROOK BL1NN I WASHINGTON TEATR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March 6 and 7 LEWIS BR OS. MUSICAL COMEDY CO. LAUGH-LAUGH-LAUGH,1 A Clean, Refined Show for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children v-SINGIN(4 A.ND I)A TCI-NG LPE~ FEATUR ING IRISH BILL LEWIS JACK ROSLIN -TI)- THE PITT TRIO The Harmiony 1lmmgs Rlii't Miss This Onte-Entire -Ne-w '-li w EaIh Night--Shows 60"?, SO") ADMISSIO- 35 CtE; Aih G AI '"V ' d Nihts - - 50c to $2.50 !' ~ Wed. Mat. 50c to .92.00 _________________ Sat. Mat, - 54c to $2.06 LEE SHUBERT Presents MR, LED D DIC OSTEIN ii S RUST BE be senior lit- have not yet mountinig to year, should Make checks in E. Dunlop, 617 Washten- I !! is i" i ' i' I' f 7 a In the Success of His 34 Successes 'THE PURPLE MASK' Next Week-G4reenwich Village Follies 7 1! .P - R Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I I I i I NOWPLAYING f, I NO ADVANCE IN PIlCES YOU'LL GET AN EYE FUL cents stemn, pitome It's a Cinema of Spnco _MAE )pation and Splendoroa 0. ' rA y c :, ,.; ', , '' ;!I I ' : i {t ,,, ' , .. ." . 1° 1, 'sque ituret Thirty S. S12 Brooks Speaks On Gothic Spires Al1fred Mansfield Brooks, of the fine arts depart ment of Swarthmnore col- ego, spoke yesterday afternoon, before a gathering' which filled the west gal- ler~y of Alumni Memorial ball, on the subject "Gothic Spires." The lecture was illustrated by slides of examples of Gothic architecture in France. Professor Brooks went into detail +concernin-- the development and con- struction of spires during the latter part of the 12th century- andl the be- ginning of the 13th. Hie compared the structure of a Gothic spire to that of the Divine comedy,. one In words, the c ther il stoneG.~ ~~Ni -r -Y Tim rodu('es ithe last -vvord in hligh tpi . NOW IN ITS SECOND CAP- ACITY WE-D~R1 KEP 'EM HOME y' 99TI1 )E hVE ices. I I a ' M1 1 Be sure tlhat' every day in every way you use the "Daily Classified Column". t- will make you better and t beitt".-Ad~v. STUDENT DJSAPPEARS Henry M. Carber, '25M, of Chic igo, has been reported missing since Sat- urday morning. H-e drew heavily from his savings account on a local bank early Saturday, and has not been seen or heard from since. Garber was a student in good stand- ing but had several makte-up examina-- tions to take d cue to sickness during examinations. I-e was 27 years old. I is brother, who is his only known 1 relative, can give no reason for his disappearance., Police authorities in various cities have been notified of his disappear- ance. W ;e Call For and IDeliver NORMCECLVE 3 CLEANING & PRESSING Fine Custom Tailoring 82 S. STATE 385-Wf ITE1)ESDAY-TllU1 SDAY )e sold in advance by mail. J[A''I . E E AP :,:,,'r All Seat's S4)W N(IT WILLIAM DUNCAN -IN- Lr 1-A-C1CJ YY l.ll 4 "The Fighting Guide" -COMING SUNDAY- George Eliot's " SiLAS MAR ER" Prices will be $1.10-s$1.65-$2.20-$2.75 Seats can be purchased by mail now, but no reservations will be made by phone and no seats will be laid aside. Advance sale is now large-immediate reservations are suggested. Is 3Z3c 7:00----S:30 DINO= aufflar'no= 1 _________________________'"_________.1___-d Habits are easily formed among them the'' saving of money- but money improp- erly employed is' dangerous to any. character. Start the new semester right. A Remington Portable will help., Just call 1128-J.-Adv. THRtU THURSDAY Now!'' THRU THURSDAY I 3f',. (furntnrn~ uVQtt n___ - 'Y 4 Id i 116 S. La Salle St. 42 Cedar Street CHICAGO NEW YORK OPTICAL 4GOODS REPAIRED LENSES GIROUND One Hour Service Carl F 'Bay A i (A DE JEWVELRY SHOP1 r AND WE GO ON RECORD IN DECLARING THAT WOE HAVE THE MOST REALISTIC PICTURE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN -IN- PRODUCTION 66WEARVO AFLANqE" Look! Escaped Convlct poses as pilgrim and preaches sermon FROM THE GREAT NOVEL OF MICHIGAN "'TIMBER"I by Harold Titus -.CAST INCLUDES- & Frank Keenan-Anna Q. Nillson-Richard Headrick ("'Ya can't fool me, Aggic! 'that's Chaplin! ") --GREAT ADDED BILL- Tfle oflimr featJurv l ehiulx A Screen Comedy of Superlative Merit- B3USTER KETO mommom"t As an aaaeur Electri- - -- cian installing electrical innovations in a mil- lionaire'smansion. "The Electric -ON THE STAGE- The Dance Orchestra Delightful ep8-COLLEGIANS-8 I L This is nog a Prismia Picture, but different. This style of