PRESIDT ILLERAND SPECTS A, JOUUNALISTS .TO MEET DCT. 28 :ail.VILL isE. Sy'E 15IS(GUEST HONOR FOR ANNUAL OFj TH EE-DAY PROGRAM PLANEDBY SOSOR s Baruk6 n, Lae. Whie, Th ma son, andj Jca ltfssrstoi Spak on T X e l PYroblemns Melville E. Stone will be the guest of honor (uring the annual conference or the University Press club of Millhi- gan to be held Thursday, Friday andj Saturday; Oct. 2, 27, and 28. Mr. Stone, for many years genral man- gr of he Associated Press, is prob- -tablyhe be4 .known aand most beloved 1fKr;I ~rcnjunls. l will b6 the honor guest at the Thurs- day eening dinner which'will be held under the 'auspies of Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic fraternity Presidet Maion L Burtn has an- pnounced that the cortsies of the, University will be- exteded, throu h the University ratorcal associatio, ~for the Iecuu'& on .WUednesday ee H~xilli'sad~r ii, on "he.Changing' lt"' Mn aicrsson,, well known th ough h1 frequent'contributions 'to th61 atura y lvening 'Pst, is one o thie best noisted'Ymn' on world Polit x 'a i a ' ta r t T h u r s d a y - A~~t"Ig Tioher' 'ttractive featuresn " f'th three 'ayptogram there 'will be Tursday- morning and Lnchof iar#sessi qla f the 'vatous groui chg br lishers at which tie u a1 as ls. from- the officers 'f each 'jjwlAbe Issued Rservatons f 'rirlykto dii rooms of the Michi- ' .TUnion 'hay ben made for, the v ly4 is s etio rah ,,a popular priced lui'exepon will b~ served. jma-fst general -session of the vUlivai y Press lub, devoted to con- sld ao$n f= acaemic and practical a~jet O the jon alstc curriculum, angd, in carge of fee A White, will be hld' Thursday afternloon. S. E Thomason, Ibusinss manager of ties Cicago Tribune, will speak at th time on a subject to be announced later, rel~tive to the business sideof th@,"newspapr .., The Friday mnorning program will be, in charge of Prof. Jo1hn L. "Bru mm, _o'f thke journalistic department. Some of the best :knwn 'campus "men will participate. -, Prof. Robert M. Wenley wIl'Speak on the subject "An Ancient tO au °lodern;"Prof. John B. "Waite, oif the Law, "school on "Newspapers nd rime;" Prof. Reed of the depart-1 mouint of, political s6'iee on "The ,Press and public Opinion." io Iesrbe New Body Friday afternoon will 'be devoted to the 'presentation of the purposes of " theInewly orgnized American-Society cif Newspaper Editors, by one of the ,offiers of the organization and other newspaper problems will be 'discus- ".. Frilday evenig will -be given up to the annual dinner when President~j FBurton willi speak on "The 'University Program." Saturday morning will be deoted to business haittersand a trip arpund the ceampus in automobiles, at the in- vitlion of the Univerity autlori-- ties so that the editors may see what ,the -University building program in- valves: Saturday afternoon members of the club will be the guests of At- ltcDirector Fielding H Yost at he "football game on Ferry field, Miflhi- -gan vs Illinois To Hav. contest -The deartment of journalism is ar- ranging a contest for the best front page among newspapers of the -state. The %paprs *ill be~ divided into three class; Mchlga~n DWiis' assocla- ions. of the "largr cities; Michigan ' 'eague of Iome Dailies,' in the ksmaller cities,'and weekles. The pages considered will be those of1 the final edition- for. Thursday, Sept. 21, -for the dailies and for week' endinig Sept 23, for ;weeklies. The pa- " Ves will be judged by a committee 5 o f instructors in -journalism at the ;Upiversity before the opening of 'the University Press club convention, Oct. 26 and the results will e 'an- nouned on the 'final day of the con- 'vetion, Oct. 28. Cups will be award- -ed to the winners.+ -At least 300 Michigan publishers will attend this -annual 'conferene *which presents the most complete program ever set up by the University Press club. Oratorical Board Elects New Member At a. recent meeting -of the Ofa- torical association board, Francis Ortman, '24, was elected to fil the place of Ruth Sutherland, '24, who was elected- as a delegate-at-large in the general campus elections last sprang, but who failed to retur n thisI I emester. RIDERIS PEN' SHOP 308 S. State St. 66 f R 9 Holds a Whole Barrel Full of InkE Not a Barrel Full of Trouble F~ROMLFACTORY- DIRECT TO YOU:,- Biarbering uampus Julian R. Trojanowski6, proprietor of the barber shop at 110 South 'University avenue, wishes to announce that hie'has not retired from busi- ness and that he will continue in business as long as he lives. Mr. Trojanowski believes that the recent announcement made by The Dailyj concerning the sale of John 'Trojan- owski's barber shop has caused many students to think that he had re- tired. John Trojanowski, whose shop 'was located on North IUiversity avenue, recently sold out and left town,"ano his older brother who has been a fam- iliar' figure in Ann Arbor for nearly 35 years is. anxious that no one ob- tain a mistaken impression from TheI Daily notice. Twenty-Thrro 'Enuter Pulitzer Speed Classic Scliaduled for'Ode - 'ler 1 Ar,,RAXGErENVfS ARE ]NM)E TO j PATROL N 4EARBY LAND. {Al , j1 Baked Goods, Dai~ry Products French Pastry -§4 SPECIALTY St.=Adv. V OPEN LEVLR Y DA Y i IN+CLUZ;DING 'SUIN DA YS 7 a., m. t10 P. nm. 9 Y 'irt i Presiden.t 3llcrand w ..c1t(c. frst iFrenchi field mwiiuenr s iii wr iSynthetic Basbl Is ..,rhtesJag. -. Datroit, Oct. 4.-The Detroit dist- rilct has becompe the aeronautic .l head- ,quarters of the country with the as- sembling at Selfridge field, Mt. 'Clem- ens; of one of the greatest arrayvs of a Ameridan airplanes ever. seen, in preparation. for 'the Pulitzer race, world's speed clasgsic, to be held Oc- tobeir 14. Aerial experts for weeks have been perfecting the motors and at least a, dozen of America's latest designs of aicraft 'will compete in the races markinig a three dlay' air speed ,pro- gram. Entries' include types from the army, navy and :commercial fields. To YPatrol Sky Twenty-three entries have been confirmed in the Pulitzer Trophy race, to be flown over a; triangular course above Lake St. Clair, wijth Selfridge field as the starting and finishing point. Measures to safeguard lives of the airmen have been taken. Navy, coast guard and privately own- ed airplanes will patrol the skay paths and keep from the race courses any machines that are not active partici- pants in the contests. Medical branch- es of the army and navy are arrang- ing. for a temporary hospital at the field. Soldiers of the regular army will act as policemen on the field and in the grandstand during the races. jSynthetic baseball shade its debut here ester1day. Shiortly after 2:30 o'- clock the Arcade Magnavox without . pi-clim-inary notice, adruptly began to bark the returns on the openin ; world series game between the GiantsI 9.n the Yanks.- "Bawt'rfes for tuhday," bariced the! amplifier. A frosh and underclass-! Iman heard( and straightway 'forgotE duty to listen in. The pair of fanrs grew to 'a dozen, then to a score, then to an enthusiastic crowd of 204, all bit with the baseball buig. "Ruth utp." A roar from the radio fan:;. "Strike one." (Howls.) "Ball one." (Murmers.) "Ruth taken out for quarreling w ith' the umpire." (Hoots, jeers, and z mmblilags.), And, not, until the finalj report gave the game to the Giants by a 3-2 score did the crowd disperse. PRF.BTEMAN HO9NORED[ INamed to Niinal Highway Confer- ence Committee } CUSSS OF2FLERS ELECTE Student to sell bonds to a highz clas' - MEEAlTF'MCS -OIORJROW 'clientelle, Ann M'Abor, ,must .have ref - - eren.ce. Rtemruneration excellent. Ad-f (Continued frome Page One) diress, S. Al. Keller, Box 101, ,Saginaw,'j o'cl cks yeird y, -will have a-new' Vlichgan-Adv. (late ,inr6'inccdlat er.- - .ihC oL--ovin' classes will assemble- 8enioir Engineers will meet at 9 o'clock this -morning in room 348 Fn- : gun-icl ing building; Junior engineers+t %-ill convene at 11 o'clock today in the same place. Mm~nber of the ;junior medical class will m-eet at ' :30 o'clock this morning' in the MItdical amphitheater in thel lUniversity hospital for their meeting, and thie sophomore medics will meet a' the same tine in the West amphi- thle"Atr iiz the Medical building. Sio htiiswill assemble at TODAYI 21 o'clock. today in room 300, Chemis- try buildinig with the junior phar- ufecs meeting- at 1 'o'clock, just p~re- ,-- ceding the senior assemblage, in the , same room. . - Members~ of the architectural. class- es are co be advised as to the time' and place of meetings for their class- -' es by the bulletin board in their col-##! lcege. Open Sundays rrom 9:30 to 4:30 p. mn. Lyndon Shop.-Adv.E f,- NI EM AN'S DELICATESSEN Next to Van 's Gas Station 2 " TOMORROW. 'r , d i II I -,SATURDAY A Picture of Alaska- Its Life and -People.- And a stor-T th at.w il l make you hour of good entertan ment -' JFour W~alls r r 'I 50FOESRYSTUDENTS- AT,"TE.ND FIRSTMEEING M~ore than 5O students of the School of Forestry attended the first meet- ing of the Forestry club last night, in room 214, Natural Science build-. ing. Officers for the ensuing year were, elected, and a date set for the annual campfire of the club.- ~The camrpfire will be hfeld on Fri- day evening,,,O(ct. G. Martin Webb, 23F, is chairnman of the entertainment comiittee, 'While bGene Gillis,' '23F, 'heads the committee ecn refreshments. -Officers for the year '22-'28 are as follows : Stanley Locke '23F,, pre-3i- dent; L. I. B~arrett '24F, vice presi- dent; I. S. Booth '241, secretary; and .R M. Schmidt '25F, treasurer. After the business meeting, a talk: was given by Prof. Filibert Roth 'in which he urged the stude is of the School of Forestry to make the maost of their opportunity of studying inj one of the oldest and best schools; of Forestry in the United States---Ahat'of. Michigan. WORLD'S LUCKIEST BASEBALL ,FAN WIN'S TICKETS TO SERIES I l fi, 'I 4 4 Prof: John H. Bateman, assistant professor of .highway engineering and director, of the Michigan state highwayj laboratory, has been appointed to the connuittee on "Highway Laboratory Courses" for the Second National Con ference on Highway Engineering and Highway Transport Education which is to be held in Washington, D. C. 1from October 26 to 28. The investigations and conclusions of this comimittee will be the substance I of' a report which they will make the conference. Professor Bateman's aippointmnent," according to Professorr Blanchardl, head of the department of . highway engineering, is a recognition of the fact that the uJniversity gives the most comprehensive undergradu-j ate and graduate highway laboratory rnd research courses in the United ;tates..- and a Roof MAY MA KE A HOUSE, BUT THEY NEVER MAKE A H-OME. No house is a home, -worth while, until it is made com- for table. I-GOO 00)PLUMBING. 2-A G~OOD BATHL ROOM. 3-A GOOD HEATING PLANT.- are p~resen~t-day essentials. if I 14 ADOLPH ZUKOR PRESENTS f ' , : I Hlobbs Gives Lecture P.WR.department, delivered a h lecture to the 1 members of the Geological and Geo-I graphical Journal club, in the NAtur- Al Science building, last evening on; the Osborn expedition to the Pacific.f ~His lecture was illustrated by pictures of scenes visited by the expedition.f Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50.j For Pens And Good Repairing TIlE PEN SPECIALIST I 3081S. Staite St. If, you have let us keep these three them good. things If not SEE SSTODAY v PLUMBERS 211 S. FOUJRTH T PHONE 5.25 SIR 0 avid o el-ooth ell Lawis4ogo thyDaltoni --ALSO- - L lp 1 no L anHe ANUPOAIOSC M 10- TEN FREE AIRPLANE RIDES-10 p HI On next Saturday night we will give, away ten- tickets good for one ride V. hullIII til i in Capt. Carr's five-passenger German RZurnpler plane at :Barton Dam U4 =HIi field. TICKETS GIVEN AWAY AT- 8:30 O'CLOCK COMING - REX IR AMWS SAMPLES Permanently on Display at GUTY-WOOLFOLK &'CO. 336 South State Street Ann Arbor. Mic'Ilgan Lasts and Patterns exci l'1v ywzr olvxz design Jdomes P. Hi'on, St. Louis, solved the'mystery of "Who- hit Whitey Witt with a pop "bottle," in one of ~the recent games between New ~York and the -Browns, by explain- 1t'ing that he had seen Witt step on _ th'e neck of the bottle while :chas-' I ing a fly and it flew up and -hit. him. Prexy Johnson of the ;Am erican. -:league ,pr~svnted him with tickets, th e-world's seies, a check for' 5;1(!(} rnd3round-trig tickets. i... j TE IZN '(UPI s'n. i WHITEHOUSEtRA & HARDY BROADWAY AT 40'"' STREET 144 WEST 42"' STREET MUROPo- OUTA OPM RSoIT LuOC, KN;r-KEaeOcKxft BUILDrjg NEW YdilK "THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" - - --. '1~ i.