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March 07, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-07

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i ;

London, March G-(By A.P.)-
The Turkish nationalist assem-
ly at Angora has rejected the
Lausanne treaty accord'ng to a
Constantinople dispatch to Reu-
An official telegram from An-
gora, it is announced, states that
the assembly gave its decision
this afternoon that the draft
treaty of Lausanne was 'unac-
ceptable as it was contrary to
the national pact.
The assembly disclaimed re-
sponsibility in the event that
the powers insist on the. accept-
ance of the treaty.


00-TYCNIL oSpeak Tonig ht MNSE



Declares Stories :dust ilove Some
Batckground of Act iial
*"Ini writing as in all creative arts
our highest idetals are nevrer whollyj
raliir was r rrt ahnla.. n ant,.,.rnt.:



Meetings Intended to
Student, Facualty
era tlon

Foster )Uor,


Coach Fildhing I.. Yost, Director
of Intercollegiate Athletics at the
University, will leave March 14 on
a trip to the Pacific coast in response
to invitations received from a score
of alumni associatilons of California
and other states of the far west. The
entire tour will taker four weeks.
The itinerary for the trip includes
the cities of St. Louis, Chicago, Den-
ver, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland, Ore., Seattle and Spokane.
The' coach will also stop at the Uni-
vorsity of California at Berkeley,
California, and at Leland Stanford
'university, at Palo Alto.
Visit St. Louis First
The first leg of the journey will
le to St. Louis, Mo., where on March
15 the Coach will present the Michi-
gan Cup to the champion high school
basketball teiam of that city. Trhis tro-



void of significant utterances in con- iiI ~t OL1 t UR
yondthestaeim~t tat ermay hd r NI5 M LN OI 1by Dorothy Canfield in her talk last
nection with th~ Rluhr situafion, he- noti iladtru ne h u
notspices of Whimsies. "No matter howI
'ntdirectly or indirectly projected roesDownf After H~otly COnteSted perfectly conceived a story may be
the inauguratio~n of negotiations %v ith Fighbt by Vote ofti ee niscopeina efc
the occupying powers and all rumnor: 51 to 46 i snvri t opeina efc
to tis ffet wre wth ut autor-as the author would have it. No
ative Wasis. 110OUSE CROWDED).I, ~TH amount of workin~g over will bring
Germany, said the chancellor, SPECTATORS D~URING DFHATI it up to the desired standards. When
foh o eoit i iwo h a story has been completed there is
situation createdl in the TRhinelalid and ; ansing, March 6--(By A.P.)--The
1 Ruhr ti~n'oughl the renchl-Belgium ;J3itkinl capital punlishmxlent baillwas nothing the author may do but palss
transgressions", defeated in the House today by a. vote! on to another," said the novelist.
lie intinated that so long as the of 51 to 46. The vote followved threw In speaking of the raw materials
ivading piowers continued their arm- hours of heated debate and failure o sdi rtn is afedfxs
usded yviolatioc of German sovereignty' several attempts to amend the mea- iAwiig^11~s afedif st

,Er Ilssc i n Ai
Persia's minister to the United
r6tates, who comnes as the guest of
the Law school will give a public lec-
ture this afternoon and1 is the chief
speaker at the all-law banquet to be
held this evening.


rear onofi 1 ter earlier stories,; Be

i ,"s offered annually by the Michi-FRE i raT their hostile occupation of German! Nearly every member of the Se. ToFins" from "Iillsboro People",~ and
gti Alumlni association of St. Louis HIII territory which illwa immune by vir-! ate, where the same issue In the form ;then told how she had developed {1e
tion" with its presentation this year TO E man government could niot he expect- ing, listened' to the debate. The n her mind.
this alumni haye planned a big Michl- ed to assumne the initiative in any ac- House floor and galleries were crowd= First there must be the back-
gan. celebration to greet Coach Yost. W1ill ~athier at 7:31 O'Clock Tronight lion looking to settlement of the prs- ed with spectators ground," said Miss Canfield. "This is
The "01(1 Man" will also award the In Natural Science Au' ot conflict. The fight ight have gone on usually derived from the experiences
xviiing football team of Seattle with dtr ~ The Franco-flelgium expedition in- throughout the afternoon. Many mem- and environment during a past stage
a Michigani trophy when he is there. to the Ruhr had thus far resolved it- hers planning to present their views,j in the existence of the writer. Miss
The 'Alumni association of that city PROF. MORRIS P. TILLEY self into ai dismal economic failure, I but for the action of-Edward Carter, Canfield then told of how the set-
has postponed the, ceremony ever WILD BE CHIEF SPEAKiElt he said. of Escanaba, who suddenly moved the ting for her story "Bed Twins" was
since last fall hoping that the coach - rvosqetoadrcie h tknfo e al hlho ly
would accept' their 'request to take Freshmen who have entered th su nn n nprious use.adrcie h ae fo e al hlho ly
pt in the 'presentation. Many oth- University this smstrwllfi lIII IIIII sppr o h hue during summer vacations in 'country
~raumn asocatins n te oun at7:0 oclok tniht n te ie H LL fIII~fIIUIUEleventh hour changes of views on4 districts of Vermont. The actual
try avemiari icin tawardsp-atl: S ccka ltoriught i he Nasm-ITDiITf the part of three members and the. facts of the story were then-worked
tr have simiar' Michiganawards at bsence uioim h se"atsne of one who had been expect- out. In this story two different ex-
whhthey give every year and many bly has been planned by tihe Student uiauiu uhr r ostein'tepooi ouclt cuit h e tdns; dt oefrte ilwr edreIeine eecobndt rdc
sponsible for the failure of the ina-i the final theme. which she wished to
tin, with the traditions and organization
In order to ttentd the Conference on the campus, and welcome thenm to WIl LL BE (dIVEN )LUT IN Io(}Ily~ ure to snake as ood a showing as it xdevelop:
Directors? etinbrg' in Chicago oil the University.,(W1NION FROMIII_1 1 TO 5' :cdd two Yeas ago when _AS memnbers These impressions are ten revised
Matrch 17 in Chicago and the alumni Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of the Eng- O'CLOCK voted for the death penalty, only two; which Include te mechanical side of
banuetto e hld he igt bfor lih (ei~rtent wil 10 te cie less than the required mTa ority,. writing and something which Miss
llt e C oh wi ldletu no Ci g beore ld e ~rm , l b h he jaed si old h n h ud b
theCoah' illretrn.to hicgo e-speaker of the meeting. P'rfessor Application blanks for tickets to the.Cnil adcudb n hudb
f~i'sartng to Cliorna.PreidntTilley has interested himself in stu° Military bal will be distributed for ' leari~re ofyteveyaprn rtr h
Marion L. Burton will also be present. (ent organizations and activities and, the last time from 1 to 5 o'clock this IIII~ I~ l~~ n okcnit tadn
at the banquet, through his position on tile Board of aternoon in the lobby of the Union. TOU fluTW j n subtracting of details. It is un
Three -Mel~tgs in Denver Control of Student Publications and These are to be filled out and return- ' o fl~fhtf ff~l otn, she said, that the right details
Three meetings 'will A' 11h1(d with oil the Senate committee for invest ed to the Military bal committee, 1325 f N Iji IPS1MO IGIbf lea to h on hti ob m
'alumni in Denver on March 19 and1 igation of Student government, hey t1ashtcenasv avenue by Friday of this phasizedi The story is finished when.
20, and two in Loes Angeles on Mar'ch shlould be in a position to explain con- week to receive ful preferen ce. the writer has the hunch that he is
23' and 24. Friday, March 30) Will b)e I diitions on the campus from both thr Yesterday afternoon several hunxnd- CARL GI'SKE, GRD. LRtECS;
spet t he nierit ofCaifrni Ire OE I SII R IS ;through and when he feels there is
spnstteUiest fCltri tudent and faculty standpoints, redf applications were called for. WOKI;SWE' nothing more to be said."
at Berkeley. ~~Members of the council will give Twelve hundred is the upper limit that *ASNE_____________________
Oni March 30- the Coach will visit short talks on traditions, their worth will be (dist ributed and of these only-
Leland' Stanford university. It w~asan significance, and explain the va- 650 will be accepted. First prefer-i Mimes will offer its first - --ra-
fro thsshosha otcm ouios intercass games which are held ance goes to members of the VeteransE under its new policies, tonight and!
Wioiglver101.Itwa also tami h in the Spring. Tile meeting is design- of Foreign Wars, then come the E vyT R. 0.' tomlorrow night at the M~mes 'thew-.vo T'S ea
dectd4-,nNe er a,10 ed to take the place of the meetings T. C. Following these are ex-service ;te. Tie entertainment will consist This A l ternoon
date os0Angeles. Te SanrsD a10m held eachl Fall for the freshmen en-; men and women, tile faculty, and the of two one act plays and musicaly
at o nee.Te tnod°em'ter ing at that tlle. All students who 'campus at large. numblers.-
thc ain ed ihiofnYo t'satter cn-are entering this senester are in- The affair, °which is scheduled for Carl Guske, grad., has been direct- 1egto otslte e fs}igtewr ntei h b His Excellency, Mlirza Hussein
men c.f-sided in the welcome which this; April 27 in the comblinled Watermanigthwoknte plays i te b an Alai, Envoy xrodnr n
the; year before.. Eighteen of Yost s metnwiletntotenwiIi-anIlrou gy asmwllas ence of E. Mortimer Suter, who isyExrodnyad
meetng illextnd o te nw mm- andBarourgymasimswil lat Minister Plenipotentiary from Persia
old Stanford players are now alive. ,hers of the student body. from 9 to 2:30 o'cocik. It will be I at present 'directing the work on the t h ntdSaewowl pa
Those whot live on the Pacific coast ___ strictly formal, military men, however, Uiversity of Wisconsin opera. t h ntdSaewowl pa
are planning ol meeting' him in Cal- A L HIM E S caning in full uniform. Tickets will' "Release," oe of the Vagabond at 6 o'clock this evening at an All-
Ifornia. AD LH E T cost $6. plays, was written by Edward Smith. law banquet, will also deliver a pub-
'The alumni of 'San Francisco will; _________ It is a grim tragedy portraying an 'tic lecture at 4:10 o'clock this after -
entrtan he oah o Mach31 nd A (debate of the question: "Resole-j incident in the lives of five law noon in room B of the law building.
dApril 4 andh- will be spnPtandSet-cd, that our present primary systex ''L breakers. The scene is laid in a pris- He will talk on, "Persia from the In-
should be replaceoncellwherefive enlacusedof-Iternational Point of View".
tie. From there he 'will commence {uyshtemreplaces~ the 01(dng atilmurder and robbery are awaitingj--
hil Jornehorme, stopping off at 5p0 : csoytheme"iwasofthe Adlead oinfetre tial.Theirattepts tnevae.fltel(
kane, Wash., to jgreet the alumni there o he metnigofthiUerepsi etyHallIL[LELLTUDL IUVAT rlal.dsatheir ltt emp slt ev adetenLA ERcS GIV TWO
on April 7. Followin'g thle debateR L. Alex- quarrel and the death of one mem- COMEDIES TONIGHT
.Coach Yost will'return to Ann Ar- hr
hoir'April 11: Mr's. Yost and his s0o, ailder, '24, gave a talk ol "The Bet-r Prof. IF. B. Williams, head of Whys- Facer.e"b
Filig rwl copn hn ster One Third", being a discourse on ology- department at Columbia un "acyFe" ySane.,og- In its initial presentation for the
elig J. il comayhi s, oauhrof~~ndlWke" ssome phases of co-education. versity and noted as being one~ ol ato of then ;Wke" i second semester, the Players cub will
far as San Francisco,. Several visitors, chiefly prospective foremost menC~ in his field today, will lighter piece. While in the first pla offer two one act comedies at 8 o'-
tryouts for the society were present ako1he"plctono hsc all the roles were shale, thi- comedyclkthsenignSaaCsel
OLDSITH TO SPEA K and1 all those who wished to try out in Medicine" at 4:15 o'clock this after-w e-al n w ml oe~Agel hall. Both plays are under
were asked to report at 9 o'clocknonite eslctrromoth The new schedule of prices which sudndietoadhepolm
Saturay sornig. Phsicsbuiling.will prevail at all Mimces productions of production- fromt setting to cos-
Dr ee .Goidsmitil, of thie In-Ytra mrig Pyisbulig hereafter will go into effect with this ,
Professor Williams is generally con- trvles and stage manager have been
stitutte of International Education, rga.Alsasaersre n
wll "deliver a lecturte on. "Brazil in the Tn Bea Pi H~ols leting ec-ded to be 'a world authlority on phys- program.s All seat50ns.e he ~er-ti entirely worked out by members of
Hour of Her Majority" at 4:15 o'clock Tau Beta Pi, national lhonorry e isn-l t ipi .o o icn i frceswillslat 50cets. Te1pe-othclocnk.aio
is the galvinomneter. This is an ex- onacswl tata :5ocok The first presentation will be A. A.
this afternioon in the Natural Science, ineer fraternity, held its semi-ill-1 and seats may be reserved by tele Mm' Egih drna,"uzl
auioim r odmt sled0 hy(ilw i ieigls iittreinely sensitive instrumlent for reg- ,Mm' nls rm,"uzl
tPoeheltru, ?.Godmt is ha ft~ [ne n etn atngtiterinrg the characteristics of heartI hieI Flunery". Here the action is prompt-
the Pan-American section of tile So- at Willit's cafe. The speakers of eat hloeae ymaso
clety for International Conciliation,.Ie( evening were Prof. 11. C. Sadler, o tswihoeae ymaso db~h eus fa ceti l
is englaged in. establishing relations he- the engineering college. L. W. Kemipf.t ele ctr ical currents generatedl by the -;r rulr ccpto genleman. The part of Crawshaw is
twen uivesites f te Uite SttesI '3EC. . Mellr, 23F, ad i i uscuar coitractiois of tie heart Berlin, March 6-(By A. P.--Sev- taken by K. Prettle, '24, who is also
and those of Panl-Amnerican countries. Stegmeier, '24E. .tel The instrument is in use in e ral of the Berlin newspa~r u-drcigteIly
pratically every hiosital in the cou- lished a repot that lKronbrg has "Two Crooks ad a- Lady", by On-,
try Another work of Professor Wi- 1be0n occupied, Up to 8 oclock this1 gene Pllot, will come iext. One a
it. I~"J~t-If1J - auls is his calorimeter, a comizicat- evening, however, there was no ofl- the~ 47- Harvard Workshop plays this
ryjtTo ppar nererda
Pzanzsinstrpment , for determining the ? deals with a- New York robbery.
cilcnimto.o h eot.amount of heat generated by food ini Through the efforts of an ol(d paraly-
1 thebody.tic, Mrs. VPane Simms, played by Grace
This season's, Choral Union concert season in Australia they duplicate theholy P. Thomas, '26, the contemplated
series will be brought -to a. close I r i-I their Old1 orld triutnlphs. DS IP I E B D e be- S r ugay i rsrtd h w
day- evening when e atio ilgueya wr-pand Following is the lprogramn:- S IPLN BO YI bbe A Su eurly isfstad.Te tv
Le Patsnwl iea w-in CUITS TFTT MEN Cure F r te crooks, Miller andl Lucille, are C. E.
recital In Hill auditorium. Fantasia and Fugue in A mlinlor .~F rB u s Abt 2 n eaKt.'4

,re115 of Personal E xper'iences
I'lnii'ersity Extenision


OFFEED l IN S. C. A. D) [lYE.
1I'ol'. Willim D . Henderson, direct- '
or of the U[niversity extension serv-
ice, gave 'a talk to deputation work-
ers at the Student Christian associa-1
tion extenlsion banquet held last night
at thle Methodist churchl, dealing with
both actual experiences of his own
inl the speaking field and1( advice to
men starting out in thb work.I
In speaking of the latter he said, i,
"Ren~ember that you a-re doing a real
service in the commuinity whlere you-r-
speak: Always keep ill mind two or
three essential points that you seri-
ously believe are well worth while
a-nd talk upo~n them."
Of the University extension work
the professor saidl that more than
300,000 people in. the state attended
classes given by extensionl professors !
last' year. These men from the fac-
ulty travel regularly to points in the
state and conduct courses of work
there. "The purpose of tile work is;
to carry ed ucation to the students in-
stead of bringing more students to I.
the Univeisity," the professor ex-I
plained. "You see then thlat we have
10,000 studlents on the c'amipus and-
300,000 off the campus.
"People a-re realizing more andl
more tile great inmportanlce of exten-
sionl work ini modernl education," Pro-v
fessor hlenderson continued. "4In1
England tile systemn is organized far
a-head of ours. T1hey. realized long;
ago that the schools today cannot
r-each everyone and so men go out-
among all cl~gses of people where
they organize cour'ses of study, sniall
schlools in themselves and give thle
people a real opportunity for educa-
t ion."
The cup for high man in tile recenlt
S. C. A. drive was awarded to George
K. Zimmerman, '25.
Tickets for the Sohomor e Prom 1
will be sol(d at the booth in the Union1

His Excellency, Mirza Hussein Khan
Alai, Envoy Extraordinary and lVif-
ister Plenipotentiary from ]Persia t
the United States, will be the chief
speaker at an al-law banquet at 6
oclock tihis evening in the. Union.° He
will also speak, at' 4:10 'clok this
afternoon in room 13 of the law bid-
ing, for' which address lie has chosen
tile subject, "Persia from the Iter-
national Point of View".
The speaker is a diplomat of'iter-
national repute, and has ;made a se-
cial study of American aid English
legal and political institutions. Hle re-
ceived his education in ;Englnd at
Westminister school and the Viiiver-
sity of London. IlHe studied law in
England and was called : to the= bar
at. the inner tenmple.
Holds Many Offces.
Since that time, he has. serie in
many important diplomatic and poit-
ical capacities for his governm, t.
He began his government serve in
1902 as Attache and later Seretry to
the Persian Legation in, London. Re
turn ing to Persia in 190'? 'he became
Chef de Cabinet of the Persian Fr-
eign Office. In 1918 he beame 'Minis-
ter' in charge of the departmet of
Public Works, Agriculture and ±Com-
merce. He also served as a men-
her of the Persia-n Delegation t the
Paris Peace Conference in 191, nd
was sent in 1920 as Minister to pain,
whlre lie represented his contry at
the Madrid Postal conif erence and at
tile Barcelona Conferenbe on01",ra is-
it and Communicatioo.
Plan Annualanqut
The banquet to be held in the ev-
ening, at which the Persian minister
is to be the chief speaker, will be the
first of a series of annual 'affairs plan-
ned by the Law School. It has long
been felt that there was a need for
suchl an annual gathering of the f'ac-
ulty and students of th wv School,
for the purpose ,of fostering oodi
fellowship and esprit & oi~sk
It is also planned that the anual
affair will be the -meais Of empiasz-
ing tihe responsibility rsting t7fpon
all officers of the law an~upol the
bar, and of creating a motre intense
professional feeling, amon, the- stu-
dent lBody of the Schnool;" I
} 3400 MARK IN N90
Despite the poor weather ondtion;,
the spring drive for subsciDUtio f
the 1923 Mihiganensian wats launch-
ed yesterday with a successful first<
dlay. Although tile results are not as
high as those hoped for by the ,sAff,
it is expected that the 1 #frl of 3,000
copies set as a goal will be reachd.
This will bring about a rebte o-fr0
cents to each subscriber to "te year
book.. -
The drive will continue during to-
(lay and tomorrow through a nuber-
of salesmen stationed at the- prom:i
inent points° on the. campus. Tag
will be given to each subscriber as
an indication that h1e has bought te
With the G1 copies sold' yestr A
the total of books sold reaches 1332
copies. It is the aim of the staff that
3000 copies be sold. in order to bing


toddiy and will be distributed only thle rebate to the subscribers. The
upon presCentatioin of tile accepted ap- "present mark, however, exceeds the
plicationl. total sale' of any pirevious issue of the
All sophomores are asked to call at 'Ensian.
the time stated oil their' app~licationi Sale of the books is being conduct-
to obtain the tickets. ed onl a competitive basis among the
In order' to accomnmodate those whlo freshmen tryouts for the Michigan.,
are not able to reacih the 1b00th at the ensian business staff. The three who
hours stated on their application, a were leading in the number of sub-
few tickets will be given out between scriptions taken last night were L.
3ad 5 o'clock today. This will be0 the ! C. Pitts, '26, T. J1. Clark, '26, and
last tinie that tickets will be giveu Frances Davis, '26. At the end of the
cut. The pi-ice of the tickets is $5.50. drive, the five freshmen who have
--_---__ obtained the largest number of sub-
Flower's Adorn Uniersity Hall scriptions will be assured of appoint-
Severail times a. wear the offices in ment to the regular business staff

This is the first musical event of .........Bc-ae
its kind ever given in Ann Arbor I Prelude, Fugue and Variation ...

and adds one niore to the numerous
innovations which they' have been in-
produced this year by the Impresario
Opera company andt the Ukrainian;
National chorus.

Cesar Fran ck
Scherzo, Op3. 87----------.Saint-Saens
Variations on a Theme by Beethoven
3 ......Saint-Saens

Four studenO~ts, Sheldon Brown, '23,
~James Hoover, '26, Max Van Zandt,
'26, and Lawrence 1-owe, '2G, were-
found nlot guilty by the Discipline-
commnittee oil the charge of transport-
ing liquor from Wyandotte to Ann!
Arbor' on the mninz of' Fieb. 3.The

What is your conception of
a hobby?-
Mortimer E. Cooley, of the En-
gine School is right. "A means
of relaxation" from- the worries
of the wc'rld, such as somiething
-lost --anted--for i'ent -- for
t. -n . l. 1a~w i'.. of a n ro-ll

Norman L~. Willey, of the Spanish
dlepartment will be the next speaker-
in the series of lectures being given
this semester undler theC ausp~ices of.
SLa Sociedad llisnanica 1-He will talIk

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