TI IW MICHIGAN DAIL ) c. ,.. . _ . . . . . _ .. _ _ .. __ z --- ____ , .. DALY OFFICIAL DULLETINI ' PubihcatCA In ti" Bulletin is constructive -notice to all member of this Unriverity. Copy received until 83:0 D. i. (11:30 a. m. Satwday.) Vume a ' TUESDAY, MARCH 0, 192= Nm1e' 112 T;lo the beants: ITere will be a conference of the Deans Wednesday, March 7, at 10 a,.m M. L BURTON. fetate .Council: Tre next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held on Mn- da March 12, at 4:16~ p. i., in the President's office. 9 F. E. ROBBIS, Secretar. . tily women: Dean Hamilton will be at home to University Women at 1122 1111l Street from 4 to 6 olock every Tuvesday 'in March, beginning March 6. £ ngneerng Exhbt Members of the Faculty who were students during some one or more of athe exhib)its'back in,1912-14 are requested to communicate at once with W. A. Cotton, 25 Forest Avenue. The qustion of an Exhibit this year is un- der consideration. M. E. COOLEY. ..,7ectnre, Tihe Appleadons of Physicss In Miediine:S Proesor H. B. Williams of the Department of Physiology Columbia rUniversity, 'wlt leture upon this sbjet, Wednesday March 7, at 4:15, 'Wst Lecture "Room Physical Laboratory. H. M. RANDALL. llnatrated Lectr: Dr. Peter . Goldsmith of the Institute of International Education will deliver 0n llustrated lecture upon "Brazil in the hour of Her Majority", Wedeersday, kMarch 7 at : 1.p. in., Natural Science Auditorium, under the auspices of theIo nternational Relations Club. R T. CRANE. Lcri$iesil JWloyF: T he Department of Zoology announces three illustrated lecturs on paleontology by Dr. W. D. k ttew,. Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology of the Aerican ;lueum -of Natural Histry. The technical lectures will be give nIn Room _214, Z. S. Bldg, at 4:15 Monday and Wednesday, March 5 and 7. T~e sube t r te tchnical lecture Is, "The Evolution and Dispersal - f thie Ter tiary Animal. The public lecture will be given Monday evening, March z, at ,8 p. nr, in the N. S. Auditorium. The subject for the public lecture is " the Evyo ution and Dispersal of the Dinosaurs". A. FRANKLIN SULL To Meombers Of. te 'irershiy and the (eeral Public: You "areo nvted to attend the ~niversity lecture on the subject "Euro- :peanGardens" by John C. Wister, President of the American Irfs Society and.,Seretary of ~he American Rose Society. This lecture, which will be yplendlttly illustrated, Is to be given Tuesday, March 6th, at 8 P. M. in the Wtest Crilery of Alumni Memorial Hall. "AIBREY TEALDI. Sigma j,1 and Junior Researh Club: ,. A Jout Meeting of the local chapter of Sigma XI and of the Junior Re- sarch Cub Will be held Tuesday, March 6, at 8 P. ~. in the Natural Science iSdtorfiur.n.,Professor R: I. Curtis will speak on the subject of "Stellar vv q-,.Mehfrs may bring guests. ca, 5. R. GUILD, Se'y. Sigma Xi 0. M. BROWN, Sec'y. Junior Research Club. Sge odatu4 Sin * etrIcal Eginer ig: - Tli Waner Electric Corporation of Saint Louis, Missouri, are offer- ing a. spcl apprrentice course for el etrial engineering students. Those who s.r iliarested can obtain further information from Professor Cannon ormyl. BENJ. F. BAILEY. ~letaei a l ai eoruicl Engineers: Mr. poiylr ino the General Electric Company of Schenectady, Nw , York, will be in Room 274 Tuesday and Wednesday, March 6 and 7, for the pur- pose'of inter viewing students of mechanical and electrical engineering who would tike tq-attain employment with the General ElectricCompany. BENJ. F. BAILEY. ]'roiis Or IPrlers Classes in Philoso py: Because of illness, I will e unable to meet my classes in Philosophy this wee -k D . H. PARKER 11 Jde 14de up examination in English 24 will behld in Room 6, Ulni- vrSity 14a11l,"on 5Saturday March 10 ,at 9 (oclock. W. R. -IilMHREYS. ur. Pattersons class in FPrench 42 which has been meeting in Room A Aluno i*M4,nt lal on Tues. and Thurs., will meet after this (begning k rsr i Room.n281 NS. at the regular time. ti WANNER l. PATTERSON. 1r'lryseaIColoquliamg* At 4:15 ,Tueday N. Ht.Williams will speak on Phase Relations in V. T. Power.Circuts{. I M. RANDALL. RItuane,.Club; Ileguar' monthly,- luncheon of the Romance Club, Union, Room 319, 12: to, Wednesday, March 7. A. G. CANFIELD. Society will be held Wednesday evening, March 7, at 7:15 in the Society Rooms. WILLIAM A. COTTON, JR.. Presid(,r*. Sopahomore Prom tickets -v ill be sold Lose something? A classified in today and tomorrow in the Union. the Daily will find #t.--Adv. All sophomnores are asked, to call to - - U~)L41 111. fiolot t L (LA , :tL 'L at: 3 nn I ph E a e ate rM tt i lnterfrateruity Confierence: I A regular meeting of the Interfra evening. Mlarch 6, in Room 302 of the To Students Interested inu Public Speak You are urged to attend a banquet day evening, March 4, at 5:30 o'clock. volunteer your service;3 in Student Ext value to you in practical public speaki 'to All Students Interested Ili Public SI: ''All students interested in practice tend the meeting, of Adelphi House of night in the Adelphl room fourth floor membership will be received at that ti to become acquminted with the nature the program. Cosmopolitan Club: Professor Brand Blanchard speal Par East during the late war, at Wes]l p. mn. An important business meeting urged to he present. IWHAT'S G0ING ON N'1OTICE--Copy for this colnumn should be submitted by 5i:30 o'clock of *the day before l)ublieatlon. TUESI);tY 12:15,--Nledieal faculty lunch in tire private dining room of the Union. 2 :00-'Pliket. to thue Soplnioe Prom given out in the Union. 8 :0-Players' chub, meet~s In room 305, Mason hall. 4:06-Players' club meets in room 205, iMasor. hall. 5:00-Clrmes business staff and try- outs meet in the Press building. 6 :0--Prof. W. 1). Henderson speaks at Methodist church. Students inter- ested in extension work invited. 6:04-Prof. 11. C. Sadler speaks at Tau Beta Pi monthly banquet at Willet's cafe. 6,:l-Jrnlor engineer Ibanquet in as- sembly hall of the Union. 7 :80--flee (lii) meets In tho upper. reading room of the Union. 7 :0- 1Instltute of religions education ineet . in Lane hall. 7 :130--Cleveland club meets in room 318 of the Union. 7 :30---Alpha Rkappat Psi meets In room 304 oi the Union. 7 :30-SIgma D eltsa Cliimeets in room 306 of the Union. j :30-Adepihl meets oi ltho fourtl' floor of University hall. 8:00---Acolyes meet inu room 10f), Na. sofa hall.' ' :0-Junior Rtesearcelt clumb lectre in Natural Science auditorium. :($)--Jomn C. Wister speaks in W{est gallery of Alumni Memorial hall on "Some European Gardens." }:60-Dorothy Canfield' lecetures in 11111 auditorium. ternity Confcrence will be held this returned appication. o tic~ets will be sold after Wednesday. Michigan Union at 7;:15 p. m. nxhbtooftecniiinm(rw- STRICTLY HO0M COOKNQ HS.ILAIC. 'ings for te new Chicago Tribune q building will be shown in Alumnti'H L lS ing; Memorial hal today and tomnorow, ! SUD N to be held at the M. E. Church Tues- and Thursday forenoon. STU EN You will be given an opportunity to W-{eterners' club meetinlg pospoed to LU C-1i/jL tension Work which will be of great Wednesday, March 14. -LUNCH _n. .C.TUELOD S ng _ .C TUBOD Rigg's, "Depreciation of Public Uti l 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST. peakhtg ity Properties" received at War's- in public speaking are urged to at- juniversity Book store.-Adv. %- Representatives, 7:30 P. M. Tuesday- of University Hall. Applications for r___________________________________ ime and also a chance for new men - of the practice in speaking given by St r DONALD 0. COOK, Speaker.St d n s up l S or ks of his work and travels in the 111SuhUivriyAe ey hall, Thursday, March 8, at 7:30- follows. All foreign students are IR( J. A. C. 1ILDNER. Engineers and Architects' Materials 1 Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Senior Edi nmst order their canes at Cameras and Supplies 1iNhl Wagner's before March 24. - Nlitary bal application blank..;Kill i Candies, Laundry Agency, fobaccos - be given out from 2 to 6 o'clock today and tomorrow in the Union. IT'S COME! THAT, TEXT BOOK ~T WHICH YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET, P CAN BE HAD NOW AT W AH RUNIVERSITY- BOOKSTORE 'Excepi ' Only after careful seletionr orkin adafter thorough Pasteurizing - tann Are Our Products Sent to the Customers. PfLTT By so doing they are assured of MILK AND CREAM .;O not only the Best Quality but also of the Purest Grade_ a a IF YOU WANT THE BEST= FO RT anaC'THEIN SS - 3 _- Y- aa Y L1=.I ,DaR I 3 6 aro Noao urReuarPrc W llB f ayn AbrDar opn $j. 5FOR CLEANING #Ea _______AND PRESSING Three Piece Suit or Overcoat - - l ~~Actions Speak Louder than Words( TRY US AND BE CONVINCED TIC V - ~ ~N~kT1*a ~WHTESAN~ Umite ante ed Blooded .Chigan Men a a. a a. a. .. .. a . .4 and. Vomen for 7DENT XTENSI ON SERVICE tional opportunities for in positive Christian which affords splendid' kg in BLIC SPEAKING a -4 Io ,%. L WEIN E SDAY 12 sly-Rlomlllce club husch in r-oonai 1319 of the Union. 2:00)--Tickets to tihe Sophomore Prom given out in the' Union. 1:~A~gurecital fin IfIll auditor. 6:00-Civil enrgineecrinrg staff dinner inn the union. - 6:00-Law school dinrner in t he assein- bly hall of the Union. 7 :00- Vreslaman {lee clubi meets ini th~e upper reading room, of the Un- ion. 7 :15--Fordg'n stud-entnienbers of the Engineering society meet in the so- cie ty rooms. Foreign students in the 1efigineering college are invited. 17 :W-Ordem' or Delifolfly itreets in Ilar. r;;, hail. 8:00-Phillip Abbas gives 'cello recital 'it Pattengill auditorium. U.- 0T ICE S 1Anr exhiition of oil paintinigs, wa te] colors, and1 etchings by Hayley Lev- er, G. H. Bakser, J. J. Haffner, IR. F ILogan, and 'R. C. Tuttle is now be- ing shown in the wvest gallery o: !Alumni Memorial hall, Open daily through March 10. MATC H THAT OLD VYILL YOU )LUNTEER )UR SERVICES? he facts tonight at the Church 5:30 O'clock )f. Henderson. Speaks Student Speakers 5 Piece Orchestra VTIDNIGI-IT SONS" Engineering Society: The second mneeting of, the 'foreign student members .of the Engineering QUARTETTEi AferShaving Every °Man Likes to Use EcoSaigLotion It's So Cooling, Ref reshing, and Mildly Antiseptic COAT. AND VEST With Nw Trousers ot the Same Material and Pattern Send us a. sample or vest of that oild discarded. suit. We will match the goods and make a nPew pair of trousers to your mneasure. Sam tpl1Os and( prices submitted for your approval. I 35 and 75c na Square Meal IW;.T YOUR '"'KET EARLY and, void the Rush The Eberbach & Son. Co.. 200-204 EAST.,LiBE*RTY STREET An Extra Pair of Trousers Wfill Make Your Old Suit. a New One LAWR ENCE Trowsers Service 802-4 Medinah Bldg., Chicago rm- g. "The dqs that make. us, happy make us wise.". -Masef ield. Perpetuate those happy moments with the aid of photography. Make your good times everlasting by being able to re-create. them thru the medium of pictures. And in'having these pictures made remember that for 18 years' 1, STEWARDS and HOUSE MANAGERS OF FRATERNITIES 60 CENTS AND SORORITI ES ted Number of Tickets on Sale at I