THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~FB~PI~PBE [ i itramural Items liflll NPA4T (Continued tfoin Page. Six) SNOW TIIU$SDAY NS. fourth anyl fifth places respe'ctively. COACII StWLIVM{ SENDS ME THIROUG4H 'PRACTICE$ BOTS DAILY With 'the" Boxing, show schedules, for 8 oclock Thursday nigh2t at Water- man gymnasium, Coach Sullivan's mitt artists are speedily rounding in- to perfect-condition. McLean, eastern intercollegiatei lightweight 'champion,_ has been matched with Shorty Reams, Detroit Junior college lightweight champion, in one of the feature bouts of the tiv- ening. Wolonitz and MVekechnie are both, prepared for their battle, which :prom- ises to bristle- with; action from start to finish. The formner packs a power- ful punch, while' the latter seems tc be getting faster every tday.1 Rluhl and Conley, 160 pounders, put t up a hard fight. in a practice, bout in ! the boxing, room yesterday. Ruhl is]I improving rapidlyF and might sur- prise Conley on the night of the show. Hays and Young.. both clever ban- I tamweights, promise to matte the fur fly in their bout. Young is showing rema:rkable improvrement over his ear-,! ly form. Several other bouts are list-e nt e c ubinig tettl o actual fighting to 21, round s. Tickets may be' obtained froi p m-l bers of-the club or at any. of tf e cam-u okt r ag ted nc at this show, wgill help boost boxingE as a sport at Michigan. Cabottsend Hnbcr attend=-41edica l Meet Beta Th 1eta Pi has entered strong teamns in every sport so far. Delta Tau Epsilon has been picking up from 1the start and is dloped to" finish in a higher position than they now occu- py. The standing of the first 10 teawne and their respective points is as fol- lows: Beta Tpheta Pi, .271; N\u Sigmia Nu, 249; Phi Sigma Delta, 244,1; Ka ppq1 Nu, 230; Delta Tan Epsilon, 225; Phi Sigma. Kappa, 214; Acacia, 200; .Phi Gamma Delta, 200; Delta Clii, 187; Cygnus, 183. Tonight's wrestling schedule is ao follows: 7, oclock, Phi Sigma Ka pa vs. Nu Sigma Num; 7 :30 o'clock, Pi Beta Delta vs. Delta Tau Upsilon; o'clock, Delta Tau Delta vs. tea to ! be selected and notified fromi the in- tramural office. The following Ihandball teamns mus,: play their matches and turn in th i scores by 5 o'clock tomorrow: Car- rett & Abrams, 1057, vs. Klein & Frona- zak, 1366; Michaud & Hoffman, 3104, vs. Rice & Sneil, 271; Bla~uneir & Se- gall, 751-W, vs. Rockwell &r Sar na- chia, 669; Shawaker &c~ Carroll, 746- R, vs. Shopen & Stone, 1505; B~oy er- & Flynn, 39 f; vs. IHeilbrunn & Lane; - l ois, 1485-University exchange. :entries for fraternity hand ball ar~ due and must be sent into Vic Intra.-r Imural offi.ce within the next few daysr. Officials in charge of fraternity at i or may be secured at the Intramural ond, third and fourth places. ]Poor o.1 office. !Kansas took, first place with 6 feet 1 inch, andisowatreweaktntethits 3All-camrpuis and fraternity indoor l1lninch. Iointreingktontethist 'A,4I track mneets will be. held as soon as! event and it will be here that Michi- ,ill pending athletic events are clear- gan will be able to garner many valui-R ed up and it is imperative that fra-f able points in the Ind or Conference. torn iticos andl all men interested in ; McEllven and Smith af'e consistent six the independent meet send in their; foot high ;jumpers and, as all Confer- leolsso entries within the n~ext few dlays. No; once schools were entered at the car-'~ ls~i (leadi line has been set for these en- nival it is likely that they will place 1866; the first tries as yet. high in this event. 12 easr later - ( ~Hindes found trouble in the shot......i .. il f )Otall ame n 18 89 Iw;h the first racand nthne same year, 1893;1 21 5 E. HURON }aketball game in 1909.' u =s 9 ssa 0p qp Varsity comipetition in ~I again until 1917.+__ IIGAN SAM FITTING PHONE 214-Fl ILLINOISRELY IFET (C utiniued from Page Six) excellent condition, to run. His time: 'was 2 minutes 19 4-5 seconds1. Hatten- dorf's performlance in talking fourth 1 j311 (' in thiis race after runing ba (treuous race in the two mile relay, markis himu as a corner in the 8Q00.1 L(In k o with two meets past and two new records is "batting 1,,004 per cenit". HIubbard shined in his best event thoixats; Wittman was up among thema in the' 75 yard dash as far as the 50 yard Smark but fell out on the longer di.- tai.ce. He was handicapped as hie has; not had a chance to p~ractice ?,1i longer distance duec to the shorLnes' > of Waterman gymnasium., In tijc. coming Indoor Conference he will on- ly have to run 50 yards. The one mile team was hopelessly defeated by Iowa. In Wilson and Brookins, Iowa has winners who will give. Martin plenty of competition in: the 440 in the coming Big Ten meet Illinois took third in this race. Ilii- I nois also took first in the four tilerly rely. pons'fo hmetwr as follows; Michigan 33 _2-5, Illinois 25, Iowa 16, Chicago 11,, Kansas 11 Notre Dame 9, Nebraska. 8, Wisconsin 7 2-5; Ames 5 and Purdue 2 1-5. Michi- gan got 23 2-5 points in the special events and 4 in the relays, Illinois got' 18 in the special events and 7 in the, relays, and Iowa got 10 points in the special events and 6 in the relays. anual the first bt There was no te ilatter -Mort L Lt .,"III UZI- 1Vlt" 'Ypsilanti Normal school has played Alichigan three timges in footbal, In '96 the score was Michigan 18, Ypsi- lanti 0; in '97 the score was 24-0 andO in '98, 21-0. T 'wo Iiites 01111.ted CadeLt. CL .AlfredI1. Rob1inis, '28,3. anrd Cadlet Capt)i. Kingsley S. Anderson, '2N, w'e ~ueigthe ten inen recent- ly imttda charter m embers of Co. F, /ili regiment, of Scabbard and Blade:, national honorary military fra tern ity. " Daily Cl assifieds" work wonders. WeS tpF a l l i n g H r w e a r n 9 axt w r Y u r M n y R f n e Grow oNe s Nating9 Iy The Van Ess 3-botte treauirent is ason- Yure he soley~ have purchased a. ninety-day treat- ment. If it fails, we ThisNew Way reunyor mny I L 7 no ris akin ti s Science discovers falling, lustreless hair due to simple infection (Sebum). Now +quickly overcomes it. Hair actually grown on 91 heads in 100. ' i f E.NUS") h :$fk I ; =, i I Dean Hugh, Cabot and Prof. G. Carl letics are planning on holding a fra- Huber, of the Medical school, are in ternity relay race between the two Chicago today 'representing the Uni- fastest house teams on the cal'i1u1s ill versity at the anneal. meeting of the conj;unction with the Mtich gan-Cor- council on education of the American+ nell track meet, March 24. Entries Medical association. They are expect-I will close at 5 o'clock, March 12, and ed -to return to Ann Arbor tomorro.f a silver loving cupl will be awarded tc ,.I the winner of the race. Further par- When you have a want, always let j ticulars will be announced thr ough Ithe a "Daily Classified Ad" satisfy it.- columns of the Daily at a later~ date ITI AI.CADVERTrISINGAT3PM the present world's record made by Bookstore Installs New Room Gourdia of Harvard in this event. Pedestrains who went in front ct thec -Irpcokler Jhoes Well Graham book store ?Monday weer obli"-. 13rooker pulled a surprise when he' ed to around a space which was rot zed beat MeKewn of Kansas, State Nor- off in front of. that store. Excavations Imal in the pole vault with a leap o9 are being made under the sidewalk 1 2 feet 3 1-2 inches. This is the best there for a new display room. jump that Brooker has: ever mradle and with another year of competition Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. b 1efore himr looks good for 13 feet. I O rooker can beat Collins of I1linoin _____________________ who took second place at the carni- val witha leap of 12 feet 6 inches ho will gre atly help the Wolverine's CIEA; TNIG A ' chances in winthing the indoor Con- i -f.'" ;N rence meet as Illinois will be one of ' Michigan's greatest rivals. if not the greatest. lBrooker showed perfect form.bu th and made a fair stab at 13 feet. Pros-I whenb:acked bythsevcol .per also went well tieing for fourthentesrieh place with a jump of 12 feet 3 inches. zII just missed 12 feet 6 inches by a small measure and will be able to clear this hcighth in the near future. Intehgjm clvn i iitll showed up well clearing the i b fbar at 6 feet and tieing with Camp,- I hell of Minnesota, Donahue of Wis-I Mastecr cousin and Pence of Purdie for sec- 204 E. WASHINGTON jIRigg,'s, "Depreciation of Public Uti~ ty Properties" received at Wahr's I University Book store.-Adv. -° f3 .~he stiudent or prof., nvT-.als LAIfor perfect pencil IVork. 17 blac zdegrees ani Sa3 Qespying. A.t~ Ameracan Len~d R enci Co. 5 y 4 ift ve. f" }t r~iy ^5 f } /i~r x 1 } __ r i ' gu7:y enil { e- This. is to offer you new hair- lustrous, beautiful, attractive --or money refunded under our 90-da.y treatment plan. It offers, too, to stop falling hair. If} we fail, the treatment costs, you nothing. Your own druggist' signs the guarantee. Hence we. assume the risk. Thousands of women have nmade this test. Results arc, amazing. The charm of wonderful hair is now available to any one. who chooses jto have 'it, The Infected Sebum, in Your Hair Sebum is an oil. It forms at the follicles of the hair. Its natural function is, to, supply the hair with oil. But frequently! it becomes in- fected. It cakes on the scalp; clogs the follicles and plugs them. Germs by the millions breed in it, then feed upon- the hair. Soon you r'hair begins falling. You note too how lifeless it appears. In a short time, all the natural lustre and beauty are gone. But--and note this scientific fact remove the Sebum and the hair reverts back to the softness and brillialncy it displayed -when you were a: school girl. The Van Es~s treatment accom- plishes that result. ATe know you will; doubt it. So we guarantee, it. We urge you to give this new way a fair trial. It is folly not to test it; for, remember, you take no risk. Go to, any drug- - gist or, depart- Ment store todfay. Ask 'for the VanF{ Ess Liquid Scalp Mfassage on the; 3.-bottle treat- - meent plan. Writ- ten guarantee accompanies it. I I ~NDPRESSING have on extraordinary meaning. fpred by VAN ESS LABORATORIES Mo 5007 Lake Park Ave., Chicago W AN.DAILY CIS Rtea.' Y v 'f toper *d a a< d'. lhMJa d ai , Mt. ~ uuphrfirst day, 2sc, IMai'mum gbdea tr, 2O.;. ThLree eulis pswi'ward Peray 0 charged. White spw e t rod i' 9r at ratty cd ftb w l*ablesC . Ch, arged only to kbw~e having phoneus. I here Wwehve mtaper IbS, iioucontract, ),ald ito atvamc . MAY FESTIVAL I Steam: Dye Works y1_ M 'lhe followings Box Replies aeat t BIfyu wantSSto ry tselnggame DalyOfic:18, EP B;RHB,- spring vacation see 13. J. Leader. FM, CS G, DLEBCS. ! 622 E. Liberty. Phone 32217J across -from Speddings Studio. 109-50 Cleaning PHONE 628 HI-LL AUDITORIUM Ann Arb r- iWEDNESDAY EVENING, May 16 A j FOR R IENtT- { p O~R RENT-Housekeeping rooms~ furnished; also sleeping rooms. Large, pleasant, everything conven- ient. 711 Haven Ave. 442 -W. 112-3 F'OR RENT-Suite and single room 2u . Sprivate home. Instructor and wife1,! 1or upperclassmnn.preferred. Phonq r5634.1I1-2 VO ET-1 on house, close to Scampus; ..just the thing for board-I ing house or tea rooms. Phone 416. L 111-3 I 'OR RENT-Warm comfortable rooms. Prices reasonable. Call. 2340-R. 628 Packard Ave. 112 11ISCELLANEOUS E. NORMANTON BILBIE, teacher of violin, piano, harmony. Five yearq abroad. Studio 307 North Main. Call 611-M. 111-21 FLINT STUDENTS-Heated sedan' leaves Friday nights returning Sun- day night. Railroad rates. Phone M~44'. 97-21 FOUND--Bunch of keys in Waterman Gymo. Saturday night. Call 2593- R.11 RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Alim Arbor Carpet Cleaning W orkrs. 76-2 1 r WA Commence- ruent Gifts F'OR RENT-Rooms for- women, very Scomfortable. 1358. Geddes_ Ave.. Phone 738-W. . 112-3 ORRENT-5 room, furnished apt., S1-2 block from canmpus: W. Robec.3 jPhone 3171-J. 11241 { +ORH RENT-L arge front room to couple or ladies. 33 E. Huron. 2895-M. 112-2 F OR RENT-An apartment, heated,1 private bath, immediate possession. Call 579-J. 112-2 FOR RENT-Unfurnished four rooni1 flat. $25.00 per month. Phone 2163-M. 112 BOARD FO R VARIETY AND QUALITY--go to the Y.' W. C. A. Cafeteria. 112. FOR SALE F'OR SALE-52 acre farm 1 mile from. -University, good 7 roomi house, fur- nace, ,city water, new basement,j barn.- Plenty fruit. Inq~uire JOHN! W. HERRIT, South State St., Anil Arbor, Mich. 107-b: F~OR SALE- Double decl bed with, -mattresses. Nearly new. Telephone 183-R. 123 N. Thayer St. 1124 COMPLETE SET of trap, drums. Good condition. New side drum. $70.00) Anderson, 396. 112-3 LOST IWILL the party -who picked up thIi- brown suit case on Monday bae-' tween Washington and Hill Sts.~ please call Liebman, 2980-M. Ref ward. 112-5t LOST-Between 1016 E. Ann and Med- ical School, pair of tortoise rimmed glasses in leather cas{.. Owner 1016 E. Ann. 112 LOST-Sigma Alpha Iota pin. Name. M. Trainer on back Finder call 1325. Reward. 112-2- - SHOE FACTORY ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FAC- TORY. Bring your repairs where shoes are made.. Crepe soles at- tached to your shoes. $2.75. Biring them in today. Made-to-measure orders-one week service. Satis- faction guaranteed or money re- turned. 534 Forest Avenue. Call j3043. 108-21 WANTED ' WANTED-6 to 10 room house with good lots in good residence section Will pay up to $22,000. Box G.R.E. 112-21i, LARGE DOG HOUSE wanted. Ad- dress Box 123456, Daily. 112-2 ' 2. THUR