_______________ THE MICHIGAN DAILYX_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 "*7D Vh 2Q £ _ - , NCS OBBI TN HUlcrisis. game. t h is Wolverines Trock Stars -- - --- - --- -Four of the retiring players, Ely, Pa- Shine tt Illin CO R . ,.Inw w ss ~w w.. . ar . r a s Iper, Rice, and Capen, and six others,{Sh n6i Mi m nd !cn s tand up bet1) ter. IlubbarO she hadi gone part of his distance as an- w;ill n1lso 1:.1 iiiIt ,,:short race in the ;chor ma ;Reinke,, however, contin- ce ~,min:Inoor Conference meet a tlctlafterc utting his pace down and R L-4) there will not be anfy low hurdles or p Aaead of. several other teams. ar wi nit sit; ilil BKI J pNkei irks, Hd enerson, Mw o'l, ___________a____broad jump.thtI H'ggery n ic' eea-re The reports tha~t were circulated in CHA9M PI i P 5P0 LIEU1BYLands whle MacGregor, Bekema ,Coach Fariels track men showed shortruns, as was shown wen evrtp hc unata ri $ len ,Vlaited Too, Frgnfp eat of-he°ear henthe given their AMA's." Coach Math- 47 schools from the Middle West inJ down to defeat. However, this is n ot; tecria ecr nteso feto h erwe hylost toI ritnst otubakbllpa- put sire false. The ni utake was cas- By Hoodoo Dring za i. Rllie Wililas and Wisconsin 18 to eritns!ocniu aktbl:rc the annual Illinois carnival held atlas discouraging as might be at first Seasol4 11t. The Skipper attempted various tcfothen eligile fo etya' Urbana last Saturday when they piled assumed as Coach FarrellI's men were Nl)Xb5ofaiisrtinhep- conmbinations In preparation for the sude eas famsrn ntepo L~I PAER UAR tI41. con rod tip nd tared thsa on thevery onaycesday, andhisup a greater amount of points than greatly handicapped because of the ras of the meet which stated that i ' FAE' seodra-ti an satdth week when, because of th pboxing show any of, their compttors. cinder track and every man in ths' the record was 41 feet 1-4 inch when 1 [HT S' DV.Northwestern game Feb. 17, at Evans-' 'e*gNo offcial winner is announce nor I distance ran much slower than he has 't should1 have st ted that it was 44 -Eton wih Kipake and B3irks, the latter Thursday night at Waterman gymnas- points compiled by the officials at done consistently in practice. Kan- feet 1-4 inch. This record ws made inthe 1922:akb .sa u, thgets ula f ~ esd a teilstead.hAny n Wdyb interestted a neiil, ttefr he carnival, but it is interesting to as, with a fine rely team which was ,byCoss of Michigan several ,years tin thenBgeTent, Clocort ward berths. The Purple fell to Math- sold'epr tloahMahr.not that Michigan stands out as ha- accustoned to the boards, was al, c n asntb"nbterd a wa ib er's quiiette 27 to 13. From Evanston ;______eportoCoac ___her ing the best rounded team of 47 greatly handicapped, and, failed tV Ordn's put was 43 feet 1 2-5 inchs yI five onice again wIshtb the squa.went'to Madison wnhere, on4 schools in which were entered the show. In fact the teams tht Avon allI which took first pa ce with ease. al the Skipenarhaysbeom ines5nag we n th Mfberefonrt edtfo etperformers in almost all events. the irelay races were ones that were' Rike, IHubi rd Break Reords nhi tSkperla of me Ia u lIt m a ghbowedtheBade rosrtedteam; II 'The Wolverines accumulated 33 3-5 accustomed to cinder tracks. iReinke anl ubbard did break rc- ar i i emo coa~hlngatbwdothBdgrfrte third de- 'proints, while their nearest rival, Illi-' In the coming Indoor ConferenceI orris i~ the 1000 yard run and the an feat 1G-11. This defeat practically put~ Beta Theta Pi went into the lead ini nois, counted 25. The results of the Michigan will again have to leave the broad jump respectively. When Coach re was every indication at the the Maize and Blue out of it as far asG the race among the fraternities on; al-around championhiip in which on- boards, but will rtn on a hard packed Farrell saw, that the two mile relay of the season that the Maize and ionference honors were concerned.' the campus for the Intramural th- ly four men were entered were not~ clay track in place of cinders and race ws hopelessly loot he told Rein- would bid extremely high tor} Ohio State was played Feb. 22 at; letic ;cup, when points earned in the crne.Iw aei hr ih1 also will have an opportunity to prac- ke to withdraw from the rce after ~ec oos h rcieColumbus and the Buckeyes again recent basketball season were added points tie its dash men over a short cinder;' awith Notre Dame and Michigan were beaten by Michigan 39 to 14. I-, to those received from speedball and Strong in Field Events track outside the gymnasium before1 , 'were 'won with little effort linois was defeated Feb. 26 at Urbana dicrs -country, which were made lastj Michigan showed a decided strength the meet. In this dash Wittman will= ,ge scores In faor o ~hgn. 127- 20 aed in the final game of the sea-1 fall. in the field events over the long and also have a shorter distance to run'1 Mather kpt his regulars a son for the Wolverines on March 3,i Nu Sigma Nu was in the lead until duigtekgf aainadiowa came outaon the top end of a 20 the basxetball points were figured.- the first Big Ten'encounter came Jto 1 coeate$bin uplayed .by 134a Tjheta Pi is closely followed by!°al .6'ihIliosa aemnMihgncr fe hruhubi h ra 0 uSgaN wihi utase isium, the men were in midt-sea- much Funk with his foul shooting ar- ahead of Phi Sigma Delta. Kappa Nu ascistsIsitt fT cnlg rm. ,Coach Ru y' s Illini et ti hywsaprilcas fted-adDeltaasTanhuEpsilon are holdingcn aeto deefat 30 to 13. Although the fea bt ater caue, wasf the factan (Citiued on pags Sve)lon___ in dloing, this Reinke was saved for thCe 1000 'yardl race which he. was in (Cintinned on Page Seven) Evcrything for every sport, in- .. c luding swQatcrs, jerseys, sh.oes, etc. c'at alomw e e (me z Cqi'st 211 S. State St., Chicago, ill. 1 Thei startc Blue Confer games; Aggies by lax, when on Jai gymna~i son f down Wolverines made a small proportion of that Mather was forced to inject' the ther shot at the basket, the floor ,conv alescing Haggerty into the fray work of Captain Ely,. at center, -Miller before he had anticipated. H-aggerty and Hagerty, at forward, and Paper was unable to keep up the terrific pace and Cappon, at xhe gu~ard, stations, was because of his illness and Ely was sad- a wondrous sight to the fans. ly off form on foul shooting. Jinx Begin ; Ely and Paper Star In the' second week of January the Of the individual performances of Wolverines started the first road trig, the season, Captain Ely divides honors They. played Minnesota Jan. 13 at Mti-h with Mire Paper. Ely ranks near the neapDlis. winni'g the slow tilt 32 Co 11. top on scoring and, was the equal 'of In this 'game Cappon and Ely were in-. any center in the Big Ten. Paper, at jured',. thereby. announcing the first guard, was an example of steady play - vitation of Old Man Jinx. On Jan. 15 ing that is seldom seen. The diminni- Iowa ,was payed at Iowa City and here tive defense man displayed enouigh Michigan m4et' its initial defeat of the speed at all times to. hold the fastest, seasoni. With two of the veterans on forwards among the opponents. Cap- the sidelines thxe off ense andl defense ofl pon was also a valuable defense man1 Mother's mmachine was crippled to such{ and was a -fitting running mate, fora an extent that . the Hawkeyes won 18 Paper. Miller was conceded to be the to 17 by a last-minute spurt. best of the forwards. and until his in- Coachi Mather was forced to call on eligibility, was the sensation of. the his reserves, and when Northwestern West. Haggerty showed enough form 'came here Jan. 22, 'the team wvas this 'season to brand him as a real strong enough to take a slow 16 to. 10 comer next season. Although a triefl victory from the Purple. 'The coach unsteady and handicapped by sick- put forth every effort available and ness, he performed capably at forward. b'uilt up an attack that sno~ed Ohio Harry Kipke showed his versatility by State under a 49=25 score on Jan. 27, worl;ing at both forward and guard On Feb. 12 with the winning of a 34 berths. He has another year at bas-. to 18 game from M! innesota .came the ketball and with Birks, elceted. captain announcement of the ineligibility and for next season, should form a nucleus illness of half the veterans. Bill Mil- for a strong team. Rice, Henderson,I ler, one of the greatest forwards in Piper, ,and McWood composed a 'pow- the Conference, weut under 'with the erful reserve force which aided in' the mild-year examinations and was lost to the squad. Birks, valuable utility veteran, was declared temporarily out of it and Haggrty, :sophomore flashi, - i i r. . . Molre Micigtan imen play. { .: Blisars than is the case M 6 in any other American or !F i gn U i e siy s4 s, been triue now for a 9 ' p( io,4 of ntearly twnenty Oyeairs. Thib reason- PIE * -RS -0DA: ( VVO4r3y to treat you r*ht SCHOOL OIL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE A graduate school offe0ring a course of std leading to the degree of' Master of Science, with field stations established at six different companies located in Bangor, Maine; Boston, Mass.; and Buffalo, N. Y. These companies produce sulphitq and soda pulp, paper, caustic soda, chlorine, heav9 acids and salt., sugar, coke, gas, steel, ammonia, 6enzol, etc. The more important operations of Chemical Engineering, as tg~pi f ed. by the abo'-'e processes, are studied systematicall by means of tests and experi-etl w r nf l cl l n ,a p rt s n f t eoj cso h s w r is to fix in the mind of the student the principles of, Chemical Engineer- ing and to correlate these principles with practice. The Work is. non-remunerative and is independent of control by the plant imanagement, and, therefore the whole attention of the student is, directed to thze stu~dy of. Chemical Engineering. The total number admitted to the school is limited' and the students, studying and experimenting in small groups, receive individual instruction. Before admission to the School of Chemical Engineering Practice, all students must have adequate, preparation in chemistry and engineering. The able student can complete the requirements for the Master of Science degree in one and one-half years. At the present time, thirty?-one colleges and universities are represented among the men attending the School of Chemical Engineering practice and these men comprise over one-half the enrollment. For further details address: R. T. Haslam, Director, Room 2-131 School of Chemical: Engineering Practice Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. -Siacomb keeps your hair just as you comb it and at the same time supplies naturhl beneficial oils which the scalp absorbs. Ideal also after washing your hair. Adds life and luster. Ask' your barber for *a Sta- comb Rub. At all druggists. ICI R~EG. U.S.PA.OFIC Magkes the Hair Stay Co tbed I ' 4 i j _ 11 o m _._ .. .. '' 3? as i ' } , ' ffi , .. 1 t._._ _ j y j ' ' , , . 4 . l: ,, , , , y r l! 7jT*; P t ts ;3' I ti , Ij . a - f) Yourt best E investme'"n-t- a~p got in the path of the influenza epi- demic.' Several of the reserves were sick 'at this time also. Second Defeat Here again the coach was forced to rebuild almost' the entire team for the Wisconsin game on Feb. 14. Piper and Kipke_ were used. at the forward hole but Michigan suffered the second de- EAT WITH THE BUNCH at the BLU-GOLD LUNCH 605 Church I A Glass of Mi'lk Each Day IS Strengthening But i you drink Milk- why not the Best-that which gives the most nour- ishment. You'll find ideal Milk and C ream far different from the ordinary CALL 1269 Ideal-D ay L4EONARD MCCAL'LA, Prop. II KepStep With the RbisI - Don't let Robin Red Breast get the jump on you -_1 Young MnsSpr4Aing Toggelry - - and Crawford E cusv-oo w a Get the fll enjoyent ofSrriing Dbiygetnthtofieal.W Ge h ulejyet fSrn ygtigta uftery ewould like to show You what a splendid stock we are carryingp -this Spring.- SEE OUR'WINDOWS . a ___________119 SOUTH MAIN - - =;'i 111l11111 I 11l11111111 1111 1111,111 i;Iti I IIIIIi 11 111 [ IIIII1lI1IIIII1II 1II I II11111111111 IIIIIllII ill11l11111111 111 1 IIIII 11111l11111 11III 1111111 ,11 llIlII11I helIller 4 OA A'March winds are fickle. A top coat is a necessity. Sec the new models we've just opened and you'll see how. the House_ of Kuppenheirner combines style and utility; fine woolen fabrics and beautiful tailoring. Exiery coat is giiiroil ilk linml ; Eiey d~siiiis distici-ve and exclusl'ke; ''11o 'r atiof style tan dserviceaibility.'* $4 / Other good makes '$25 to $35 The new lints are loose and graceful. There's a clear sweep from, shoulder to bottom. weaves ; novel color combinations, solid shades.' Handsome , 'I 4 We're showing a full line of Kuppenheimer suits for men and young men. See the new Spring models. $40 to $45. 11 N. -the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes 1E ;f 1 . -!r- .1 IVY A I '6 N' -l - b He ..... II . ° . ' rm - - . I, - - - - r.-