'THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...____ FRlEE E[ IXES IMPERIL 1 Do You linow iSY AIR FLEET IS JOUATION SYSTEM! _I NECESSARY TO NAV oral concrete tunnels which had Just the lease now held by R. A. Ca rsoni een comhpleted beneoath the surface; will expire. At that time the new oi the ;round. !owners expect to build a- new, andi - ~ imore nmodern t300 rooim hote] upton the A Ilenet iHotel ('1ml t :* I : f lk ---------------------------- -- site. Why the. University Extension di- CAR EIE FOUYNDATION 1REPO)RT vision was organized? I)ENIIY (LAI1M POOR REVEALS BUDEN S~M1 ,What is the University uia o COST y Musical so-4?. a n A V L I T 'I O' LO)SE 1 ciety? A ] ~ Nlew "York, March 3-(By' A. P.) f For whom Ferry field was named? WshntnMac -(yAP- f Thcs fmdr dcto b- A fleet whose aviation is inferior to: ) coming such a prohibitive burden to A Bureau of Appointments having I that of the enemny will operate under jtaxpayers, due to the superficial and1 as its function the obtaining of pos-agre sadvnge whc mit #inefiiet system of today, that free I tions for graduates of the school ofj well have a decisive influence on the 11 public ,education is endangered and Education is maintainedI by the Uni- result of a war," declares Edwin Den- u ~n~ * ees~ c-vest.Tesrceiprfmd by, Secretary of the Navy, in the Aer- ~~r~il~en~t ratuitously for the benefit of b)oth ilAe Yordin to tererto the acarenegoe students of the University and the Summarizing progress made by the F'o-datou fr te Avancmen ofsuperintendents of schools, boards of ayi le vainsnete ol s ecig utmaepbi ee education, and any other body wishing , war, the Secretary declared that the * The report attacks the expensive to em ploy teachers. Students desir- m nodern school system which at- ing aid of the Bureau should address, installation of a form of catapult onj temps toteac 'th chid a itte ofthei corespodenc totheserty; United States battleship is one temts o tachth chld litleofther crreponene t th seretryof the most important developments ? everything in' its "inefficient endeav--: of the bureau. jo aa vaini n ayi h oxrs" to fit him for a trade or profes- %orl." (ston, instead of ,giving him a funda-I The Engineering and Architectural "Athprsn'm etlecoi- mental intellectual background. In- societies are composed of and& run by ues, "we may point with pride to the r'stead of- confining thie child's educa-+ students of the respective schools. At fact that no other navy is equipped in; tion 'to four necessary and important the meetings of the Engineering Soci- aysc anr u aaut e studies, the modern system goes in ety papers of technical character are ing designed for projecting into the f1or' a smattering of vocational train- read andi observations and experi- air any type of plane which fitsPito V lg,-which dolts lnt fit him for any ments are discussed. Prominent men the tactical and strategical use of ar-, &trade, .and which should be left to often address the society. The Archi- craft with the fleet."s tradle schools, according to the re - tectural society holds meetings for the The Secretary states that one o' 1 ot ups fhaigvstn paes port - urpse f harin viitig seakrs.the first duties required of fleet avia- Onuly by separating fundamental1 They also give several social functions tion in future wars will be to carry tra a inig froms.pecallzed training canI throughout the year. on reconnoissance work over enemy; this# sugerflcia y and expense be done. bases.I 1away with, it s stated. The report+ The Forest nursery is located on- -alsoat tackzs the great and increasing South State street between McKinley _____ "r numbher of "iit ts" now being sent ; and Dewey avenues. Its purpose is rn-- --- -.into the high schols and universities, and propagation of forest trees. It i ( Iin The IN ews Of specially equipped wth apparatus for OtCollege i sedo en d .edin special tedeosrinofctanpssO fl' trd col o ss~htial High-sale- of silvi cultural work. Method sfte - -{-.-.du __es_ tied___________jib_________ commercial nursery from the prepar- Cornell-Every man on the Cornel - ation of seed beds to the packing and 1" ___________ rowing crew will e subjected to the -Ishipping of the mature seedlings are I deonsratd. ccomdatonsforthescrutiny ofa slow-motion picture cam- ?, dmostate. ccmoatinsfo te u io P laproper care of students working at the era as the result of a decision from Po ulr Jim Rice, the crew -coach. The epi-j - Vt td ns i nursery are provided for upon th tre iltenhe put on the screen (grounds, in orer that the coach may observe, the defects and flaws in rowing style Do6es the averap, man on the cam- of each man. ]pus mxake frequient use of the ?vichi- ( DAILY TO) AGAIN ISSUE - ' .an 0 P :01iif . wee to judge by j11(IECTQRY SUPPLI:EME '' ( 'Mo- -Two hours credit are to be t he esttrnate&, of various Union offl-(IX