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March 06, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-06

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Published every morning except Mondayl
during the University year by the Board in
Centrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western = Conference Editorial
The . Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
'wisecredited in thi paper and the local
news published therein.
entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ciard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ess, 6o.
Communications not to exceed goo words
f signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events 'will be published, in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor; ifa
kft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor...............Paul Watzel
City Editor.... .........James B. Young
Assistant City Editor..........J. A. Bacon
Eldituiial Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss
Night Editrs-
Ralph BLyeas IHarr' Haey
L. J. llershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
II. A. Donahue J. E. Mack
Spots dior ' ..Wallace l . Fliott
Women's Eitor............Marion Koch
Soay Magailie Editor.I... . A. Donahue
Pictorial Editor............ ...Robert Tarr
Music Editor................... H. Ailes
;Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

without interest for all students of,
the sUniversity. The purpose of the
'Ensian is not only to fulfill the wants
of the graduating classes, but to fur-
nish everyone with a book full of
memories which will be cherished aft-
er leaving Ann Arbor. For this rea-
son, it behooves every student to de-
cide today whether or not he can af-
ford to be without a Michiganensian.

1/ /
'llE A RNA (A
The -TOW xUy



Iv r
To Howard M. Birks, who has so
ably performedon theMichigan bas-
ketball team during the past, two
years, has been delegated the honor
of captaininig the team next season.
Birks is cne of the very few of last I do.
season's players who will be back forIandL
duty next winter, and he has shown umn
himself a most valuable player in fill- Help,
ing in the gap left by the ineligibility


This may be a
surprise to the fev-
erish readers of3
this column ' b u ty
have changed hands
~ again. Femur toil
me that I'd like 'em.'
Here's hoping that
From now on henceforwards

until another arrives this col-
will be conducted by BUNK:
as4istance, succor and aid! !.!!
* * * '

(New York Herald)
The army of "movie" haters is not
exactly militant, but its hatred has a,
very grim quality. it will concede*
nothing to films except boredom. So!
it i~s with some trepidation that we
rise to suggest a service which the
"movie" may have, rendered these
self-same haters.
That is to compel the theater to
improve. There seems to be a general
agreement that never before ha.s the
New York stage reached so high a
level of plays and productions as this
year. There is Shakespeare superbly
done. The-re are the Russians. Therej
are a dozen plays fairly reeking with
ideas. The bed-room farce has been
replaced by downright drama ably
constructed and setting forth an orig-
inal theme in original fasiion. Even
the girl show has developed a sharp;
edge of satire. A dozen years ago we
were graciously permitted to attend
perhaps one Shaw play a year. This
season it is as if the managers had
scoured the Continent in an effort to
produce nothing but drama appeal-
ing to the intellect so far have our
box offices traveled since that distant
day when Canada first spoke her
lonely message to an apathetic city.
No, we do not argue that the "rnov-

The Graham Book Stores will give the Building Fund of the ''omen's League a per-
centage on all cash sales of the



Wornen l'S







of William Miller.
Michigan basketball fans are hop- A XODERN HERO
ing that the ineli-giibility jinx will not> The man in my estimation,
pursue the team next season, and that That is worthy of being called brave,
Captain Birks will lead his team to Is not always the battlefield hero,
the highest place in the Conference. Or the one who can laugh at the
For the past two seasons Michigan grave.
has had the material for champion-
ship teams, but both this season and It's the man who can stilll keep his
last injuries to players and ineligi- temper,

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9.o5 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-=9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
aad every two hours to 9 :o0 p. in.,
ir :oo' p.mt. To Ypsilanti only--i i :40
P.. r :5 aan .
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7 :5oan.,
12:1(1 p.m.
To Jackson anti Kalamzoo-Lin
ited cars 8:47, o :47 a.m., 12:47, 2470
4:47 p.1m.
To Jackson and Lansing--I.mited at
8:47 p.m.

Th Gahm oo Sors il gveth Buldn FnofteWm'sLuer




Thelma Andrew.
3ianley 'l. Armstrong
Stanley M.' Bazter
Dorothy Bennett,
Sidney Bielfield
R. A. Billington
Helen Brown
It. C. Ctark
A. B. Connalile
iiernadette Cote
velyn T. Coughlin
oseph Fpstein
Jr . Fiske
Jh arlkighouse
Lter S. Goodspeed
1 r i fn flif

Ronald Halgrir.
Franklin D Hepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
9dward J. fliggins
lXennetth C. IKel ar
Elizabeth Liebermann
john McGinnis
* rmuel Moore
A7.If. Pr -or
W. B. Rarferty
Robert G. Ramsay
Campbell Robertson
J. W. Ru witch
loll J. Schmitz
Frederic G. Telmos
Philili Nf. Wanner

Telephone 960
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising..... .... .Walter K. Scherer
Advertjiing ............L~awrence I-I .Flavrot
Publication................Edward F. Conlin.
Copywiritintg............. David J. M. Park
Circulation-.- . .owtsend H. Wolfe
Accounts............T,. Beaumont Parks

bility have wrought havoc with
Michigan's championship aspirations.!
But the worm must turn, as the say-
ing has it, -and Michigan will watch
with confidence the .work of CaptainI
Birks and his teammates next sea-
son. Meanwhile, we congratulate the
newly-elected captain.
The exhibition of drawings submit-
ted in the Chicago Tribune prize com-
petition, which are now on view in
Alumni Memorial hail, represents
what is possibly the greatest achieve-.
ment in the history of modern arch-
itecture. Including among its num-
ber, the work of architects from all
parts of the world, this collection
demonstrates the architectural ten-
dencies, not of one or two nations,j
but of the earth at large.
Through the instigation of this con-
petition, the Tribune has given a
greater incentive to the perfection of
art in the designing of office build-I
ings than anything in the past Some
of the results which have been pro-
duced are truly astounding. Hereto-
fore the conception of a cold, inartis-
tic, bulk of stone has been the usual
selection as the only fitting plan for
the practical fulfillment of the needs
of an office building. Now we have
presented before us positive proof that
office buildings can be made as beau-x
tiful 2,3 cathedrals; pure in design as
well as imposing in structure. '
Motifs. from the many beautiful ca-
Ithedrals of France, the temples of the
Greeks, ard mosques of Byzantium
have been incorporated in the plans
for these ,superstructures of modern
engineering. Preserving the harmony
and symmetry of the artistic, these
architectural geniuses have combined
the ideals of the past with the me-
chanical possibilities of the present
to produce what is to be the most!
beautiful office building in the world.I
The results of the Tribune's contestj
show clearly that architecture is not1
in a period of decline, but that in this1
age of commercialism the skyscraper
nway become just as much a symbolofj
architectural perfection as the Gothic
cathedral of the middle ages.j

And dance the whole evening through,
Who can laugh and smile the live-long
With a half inch tack in his shoe.





PA44E. JUST JEAN ies" have built up new audiences.
Couldn't 'som-ething be done to elimin- Fresh sources have undoubtedly been
ate the moon-eyed . tapped by the film; but that these raw
overs who insist on sharing all their recruits are already ripe for the the-
tender love ater and for the theater at its best
secrets with any unfortunate who we shall not urge upon the "movie"
happens to be handy? haters. What we suggest is that by
The goof in my Spanish class assures; presenting a certain kind of emotion-
me in most ardent !al spectacle exceedingly well and very
and poetic language that his girl is cheaply the "movie" has forced the
a divine creature theater manager either to lie down
of exquisite charm and beauty. The and quit or to seize himsef by his
Romeo in my Math bootstraps aidd ho.mt his trale to a'
class swears on a stack of Bibles 37 new level where the "movie" could
miles high that not, try as it would, compete.
his girl gave beauty tips to Venus. That level, it seems fairly clear, is
And so it goes. the drama of ideas. In the spectacular

1 2
-1 5 6 7 8 9S 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 1
1S 19 2)0 21 22 23 '2
25 27 27 2S
Our $3.00 and $3.50 Hat




S . I
4' '




Cavanaugh Edges
Rain Proofed Crushers
Lutz Clothing Stoe.

WC Save You a Dollar or
More on a Hat
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
Where D. U. R. Stops at State


Kenneth $eick
George R&ckwood
Perry M. Hayden
Eugene T. Dunne
Wlm. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
C. L. Putnam
E.' D. Armantrout
Herbert W. Coop'
Wallace Flower
\Villiam 1-, Reid.

Allan S. Morton
I James A. Dryer
Wm. H. Good
Clyde L. Iagerman
Henry Freud
Herbert P. Bostick
D. L. Pierce
C4ton Purdy
er I. B. Sanzerbahert
Clfford Mitts
Jr. Ralph Lewright


Only more so. And then
might be very interestin
and all that but I don't L
have a girl so I can't
appreciate it. Although if
co-ed is looking for..--
Well I guess. You bet.
* * *
Those Hawkeyes
proved to be
saturday night.
t * *
An' now that the sidewalk
tin' dry, it might be menti
the grass is coming into con
again. It seems that as so
sidewalks get dry, the stu
to walk on the grass. No
you 01 trump, you, I've gi

some. It field, in sentiment and slapstick, the
g "movie" is supreme. In melodrama it
happen to can give the theater a close run.
.When you come to the play of wit and
some fair thought it is left standing at the post.
A scenario of Shaw would be nothing
but captions; and captions are the
BOZO. bane of the "movie", an evil to be
eliminated as far as possible. It is a'
AKING plain business proposition that we
sketch. Many a clever manufacturer
... of high-grade products has eluded dis-
aster by improving his wares so that
they -were beyond the competition of
~ cheap machine-made rivals. Has not
just such a swift move been wisely
s are get- and ably made by the theater mana-
gers of New York? Luckily, buyers
oned that stood ready and eager, composed, to
sideration a large extent, of our friends the
on as the "movie" haters, who found here a kind
des begin of entertainment that 'neither Douglas
femur, Fairbanks 'at his daringest nor Mary
Pickford at her prettiest could pre-
Dt77 aplantend to parallel.'


Harold ,. Hale Philip Newall
Wm, D. Roesser
Night Editor-ROBT. C; MORIARTY
Among the numerous offerings of'
plays, concerts, and lectures with
which the present season is so full, a
group which possesses much signifi-
cance is the series of poets and nov-3
elists to appear under the auspices of;
Whimsies and the local Collegiate
Alumnae. The first of this group,'
Dorothy Canfield, is to appear in Hill
-auditoriim tonight. This is the sec-1
ond series ,of its kind, being a sequel
of the modern poets brought here by
the same oragnizations last spring,
and which were so enthusiastic'ally re-;
ceived at that time by the entire
The literary lecture series originat-j
ed with the group of- student writers
who are the editors and contributors
of Whimsies. These students were in
contact with the literary celebrities',
who occasionally visited Ann Arbor,'
and they were convinced 'that a good-
'ly part of the community would like-
wise appreciate the privilege of such}
contact. So hearty was the response
in favor of the idea as set forth in
Whimsies that flans were made -by
its proponents fof- arranging a series
of lectures. Twelve hundred persons
aftended the first lecture, and subse-
quent ones were even more numer-i
ously attended.
The conviction that there is a per-1
manent place at Michigan for a dis-1
tinctive literary series of this charca-
ter each year led the sponsors of the-
series last spring to attempt a second
venture this year. A trio of two nov-1
elists and a poet has been secured,
and possibly another name or two
may be added to this list later on. The
students and alumnae who are work-
ing to make the literary series a per-
manent feature at Michigan are de-
serving and should receive the same
support- which greeted their efforts'
last year.
Th Mihiganensian opens its final!
,inherintion drive on the Camnus i

Schedule in Effect October i8, 1922
Central Time (Slow Time)
P.M. A,.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian ... 1245 8:45
4:15 8.1s ... Tecumseh ... r2:15 8:15
4:30 8:30 ... . Clinton .... 12 :oo :oo
s:15 9:15 -... Saline .. 11:15 7:15-
5:45 9:s5 Arknn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bas for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. ELLIOTT, Proprieto:
Phone 46
Going North A. It. P.1M.
Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00
Arr-. A. A. 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35
Ooing oth
Lv. A. A. 7:00 10:00 2:00 5:00
Ar. Toledo 9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35
Goinig North A.3M. P.M3L
Lv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30
Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8,:00
Going South
Lv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 8:30
Ar. Tol. 10:35 1:35 11:05
Cars Leave Court House

___ -''---



patent grey trimmed
strapped pipp, with.
cuban heel

hxere by filegrass of the campus may
be saved. We're going to divide the
Student council up into shifts and
have them stationed at strategic points
on the campus, where they can read-
ily catch all grass lovers and hay-
seeds who hate dry sidewalks. On
1 Sundays we're going to have the
Board of Regents take the council's
place so that "Hill's" gang can have
a rest.

$ .50

The arrangement being fostered by
the Y. M. C. A. whereby a number
of students of the University will be
enabled to take an educational coursej
at the University of Mexico next-
summer deserves encouragement. Al-
though Mexico seems destined to play
an important part in our economic,
political ,and .social relations in the
future, the- average educasted person
knows little about the internal af-
fairs of our border state.
Mexico at present is endeavoring to!
form a stable government, and to
clean up -the country from within in'
an effort to gain some measure of
prestige internationally. If this can
be accomplished throughout a period
of years, political advancement plus 1
the development of dormant economic?
resources should make Mexico some-
thing of a world power, and it will beE
to our interest to aid Mexico in bring-!
ing this about.
But aside from this Mexico has al-
ready progressed far enough cultural-
ly to be of interest to University stu-
dents. A goodly amount of litera-.
ture, some of it of vaue, has been pro-
duced, and though the best 'Mexican
authors are read extensively by Eu-1
ropeans they have practically no
following in this country. Impressive
cathedrals modernized after the art of
the middle ages may be seen in Mex-
ico City and other metropolises of the
country. The "University at Mexico
City has an enviable standing among
Mexico in its new period of develop-
ment needs the help of America. Its
needr assistance economically, but
above all it needs young Americans
who through studying socal, political,
and cultral cnrditinns will nrnnaoat-

* * *
Cano Puellani-
(Pardon, Robert)
Thou haughty, stingy bobbed hair!-
Thou wadna deign methinks to share
Frae rich store o' smiles sae fair
Just ane w' me.
I loth wad waste a gift sac rare
That thou wad gie.
I dinna ken but that the Grail
Wadna a fairer quest avail
Than een like heather i' th' dale.
Just two wee winks
Wad hand me mair than barred jail
Or iron links.
Mair precious than auld gold thy lips!.
How well they'd gie a kiss that dips
Deep lown into the soul and slips
A Lethean bliss
O'er every mon, apocolypse
Of Love's abyss.
Thy smiles, thy kisses kept frae me!
In .sooth then I a thief maun be;
And if I'm caught I will them gie
Right gladly back
To prove that generosity
I dinna lack.,
We wonder if ZEKE is really from
Scotch stock or just has some.
* * *
Dear BUNK,
The Joisey Boid back in the fold
again! I haven't seen him ever since:
I gave him the 0.0. by the bridge
below the vinegar works. That's the
night I-took his brass knuckles away
from him and sent him to bed for a
few days. Ran across him on the

(Ohio State Lantern)
There is a constant clamor from
certain groups of intellectuals who
very steadfastly aver that they have
a right to what they choose to call
their opinions. But the query often
arises: Have they this right? Do they
really know why they believe as they
James Harvey Robinson, in his book
-The Mind in the Making", lays par-
ticular stress upon a certain aspect of
our thinking. This aspect, though far
from being remote impresses us as
being one that istoo seldom realized.
~ "Most of our so-called thinking and
reasoning is our attempt to justify to
ourselves not our opinions, but the
prejudices we already hold," says
Professor Robinson. In other words,
we are always trying to find reasons
for believing the things we want to
believe. We are always trying to fit
facts to our prejudices.
One can cite numerous instances
which are points in proof of Profes-
sor Robinson's statements. Politics, on
the one hand, furnishes us with illum-
inating details. People are Republi-
cans or Democrats, but, have they
come to be one or the other by any
reasonable process? As one editorial
writer queried recently, do not most
of us inherit our political views and
then try to find reasons for clinging
to this inheritance?
In labor controversies most of us
start with a fixed point of view rather
than an, open ,mind. It is essential
that we follow the facts and then ar-
rive at our opinions, whatever they
may be.
Universally it is true that men dif-
fer, but we can honestly try to study
a problem and get at the real truth
in regard to it. Let us not seek to
justify our prejudices, but to have
opinionps based on fact rather than

PHONE 1115

Wahr's Shoe Store

i S,. MAIN


- - _PA_ _



{ , i


We're cleaning and pressing


suits for $1.50----and


with benzol, not gasoline!

we call for and deliver

Muddy walks, a gradual lowering of
temperature, and a growing antipathy
on the part of the average student to-
wards his hoonks, ca~re bt the' onlyr




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