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March 06, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-06

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Wwri r r -rr- aar--!.T




Hobbies-A Sure
SCAcure For Blues
assistance of black saint and an imnn-
" "~tsr n nri [rn 1T.~t Lwrw . Tc h1iG n1 nA nilr A S1 tf

11 IU [B If#I V I.1 1U1 U Hitherto unrevealed secrets of the
ADDRES campus janitorial service were divulg-
ed last night when the Janitor's Chor-
us of the University club made its pub-
lie debut as the "headliner" of the
Faculty-Student vaudeville show pre-
WILL SPEAK INCHILL AUDITOR- sente in Hill auditorium under the
GUM TONIGH AS COLLEE auspices of the Faculty Women's
club and the Y. W. C. A. Nine di-
versified acts of highly conventional
MAKES PLEA FOR HIGHER vaudeville were provided for the
Strauss Head Janitor
3reets Staff of Whimsles at Dome of Conspicuous anmong the "janitors"
Robert Frost; Discusses Many were Prof. Louis Strauss, who could
Subjects With Them not conceal his identity as head jan-
itor; Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips who


poite accent;-rofjack" BrunimmI
rigged out in overalls; and Kemp Kee- Subscriptions for 1903 Book Will
na, the swaggering campus policeman on Sale at Main Points
sporting ferocious whiskers. These on Campus
notaibles sang several numbers
an:ong them "The Scandal Song" from EDITION ESSENTIALLY
"Mimi" and the "Janitor's Chorus" SAME AS LAST YEA]
from "Larry and Leander"
Glee Club Quintette Al)planded The Michiganensian, Univers
The banjo quintette of the Glee year book will launch its final ca
club were applauded warmly for their paign to obtain subscriptions for '
rendition of a group of popular num- 1923 book today. Salesmen will
ber,. Burton Hyde, '23M, proved to be stationed at the principal points of t
a virtuoso marimbaphone player an campus, and M tags will be given
the three solos which he played on each subscriber. 'i'he drive will 1
that instrument. Robert L. Dieterle, for the three days until Thursday.

Go Students, Faculty, Alumni and Local
Attorneys to be Present at
ity All members of the Law school,
. students and many alumni together
tewith several local attorneys will at-
the tend a banquet Wednesday evening in~
1 the assembly hall of the Union. This, i
he it is expected, will be the first of a:
tt series of annual all-law get-togeth-
a ers.
Chief among the speakers of the

is is s your conception of a non-
Webster says that a hobby is a sub-
ject or plan to which one is con-
stantly reverting; a favorite and ev-
er-recurring subject of discourses,
thought, or effort often thought of


as unduly occupying one's time.
That is a good definition but a lit- FERRIS, MURFIN, DAY

tle elaboration is not amiss and '
is well to take into consideration that [
Which other men have said about
hobbies. Mortimer E. Cooley, of the
Engineering school, said that every-
one should have a hobby and if that
is so a hobby must be a good thing to
He says a hobby should insure for
the indulger a means of relaxation
and should never- tire one. It should

True greatness, in a. newspaper
man's mind, is usually established.
by the ease with which the alleged
great are to be interviewed It is on-
ly the great in name, he has discov-
ered, who make a man wait an houry
or a day for information that couldI
easily be given in a few moments.
Dorothy Canfield, author and moth-3
er, who arrived iii Ann Arbor yester-,
day afternoon and who will speak in:
Hill Auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight,
has. passed the test well insofar as
student journalists are concerned.

made a convincing 'Rastus with the

President Burton, (oncli Yost
Major Griffith Will Address
Both Teams


At the home of Robert Frost, resi-
dent poet, last night she mnet the mem- D)ETROIT C(ORNEL , LAL[MNI
hers of the Whimsies staff and con- IREQUESTED TO BE PRESENT
versed with theni in an intimate and,
personal way that completely won the Cornell tracksmen's formal recep-
admiration of her hearers. Being a tion to be held March 24 at the Un-
graduate of Ohio State university, she ion is to consist of many features
listened attentively to the tales of the among the entertainment, and a num-
opening of the stadium there last fall. ber of speeches will be given, includ-,
She conversed with Mr. Frost upon ing the principal speech by President
subjects..that in no way touched the Marion L. Burton.
(personal experience of her young vis- Union Sponsors Banquet
itors, but which held them rapt with ; The reception is to be held directly
interest nevertheless. From subjects after the track meet here with the
of national interest she turned With eastern school, and is to be given by
.equal facility to things which carried the reception department of the Ur,
significance to. thes:Michigan campus. ion, of which Philip J. Schneider, '251.
In. particular she spoke of the is . the head. Preceding Preside~nt
building program of the University. "I Burton's address, Coach Fielding H.
think it is splendid to erect fine build- Yost, Thomas I. Underwood, '23,and
ingis," she said enthusiastically, "butMajor John Griffith, Conference com-
I hope and assume that equally ur- missioner of athletics, will peak
gent efforts are being made to in- Snider will acttasetoastmastereak
crease the salaries of the professors." i Shenqder will act as toastmaster at
When told that the present program;the banquet'
eliminated salary increases at this Two tickets are to be sold to every
time, she remarked that she was, sor- general fraternity, and letters an-
ry, saying she believed that the ne- nouncing the sale of. these will be
cessity of the' right type of proles- sent to the houses March 8. The gen-
sors made essential adequate salar- eral fraternities are. asked to decide
ies. "You see' I can speak with feel- at once who at their houses are to
ing," she laughed, "my father was a have these tickets. Committeemen
college president." will visit the houses March 14 to sell
The author is speaking tonight ru=:- Ole tickets allotted to them.
der the auspices of Whimsies. JSome Tickets on General Ste
J.B. The tickets which in the past have
ordinarily gone to the professional
raternitieswill this year be placed
AhIIk on general sale at the Union along
with those allotted to non-fraternity


'23M, sang a group of songs which To Try for 3,000 Goal evening will be Mizra 'Hussein Khan
disclosed his rich and sonorous voice It is the hope of the staff that the Ala L Persian Minister to the United
to excellent advantage. Parallel bar number of books sold will exceec States. Although born in Teheran,
feats by gymnasium athletes were 3,000. If this mark is reached th the son of the late Prince Ala-es-
watched with interest. rebate of 50 cents will be available Saltaneh, Mr. Alai speaks English
Something a bit out of the oridnary to all subscribers, thus reducing the fluently as he received his education
was the style show, "The Whim price of the book for those who sub- j at Westminister School and the Uni-'
Shop" ,contributed by nind members scribed in the fall as well as thos. versity of London. He is also a law-
of Mummers in which speaking parts who will subscribe in this campaign yer having been called to the Bar at
were handled by Laurella Hollis, '24, At the present time more than 2,30( the Inner Temple, London.
Velma Carter, '24, and Blanche Ky- subscriptions have been obtained, th Entering government service in 1902
nast, '24. M. L. V. largest number that the Michiganuen as Attache to the Persian Legation in
sian has ever sold. London, he rose rapidly to be, in 1907,
The price of the book will be $5.5I Chef die Cabinet of the "Persian For-
in this campaign if cash is paid, an eign office under his father and sev-
6.00 if in two installments. This 'eral succeeding Secretaries of State.
[[G1S[ TUR1 ILL methiod necessitates the payment O: In 1918 he was promoted to the posi-
$3.00 at the time that the book is re- tion of Minister of Public Works, Ag-;
,eived. riculture and Commerce. He served
Book After Last Year P'lan as a member of the Persian Delega-'
The 'Ensian this year will be dis- tion to the Paris Peace Conference in;
tributed on the campus about a 1919, and was sent in 1920 as Minister
Both Roves. of State Body Accept 15. It will be essentially the same as to Spain, where he represented Per-
invitation to View last year's in its general makeup, sia at the Madrid Postal Conference
Building Program and the size established as a conven- and at the Barcelona Conference on
tion last year will be again followedf Transit and Communications.
In regard to America's international
SENATE AP PoINTS ('O33ITTEE There will be 592 pages, an additiy
of 5 paes verlas ~yar's' edition. policy, he said, "I would day that the
TO SET DATE QF INtSPECTIO >f' 50 pages over la;t.,ye r;s ditin.policy of the eminent statesman who
----The paper will be white, and of directs your foreign relations in firm-'
(essentially better quality than before ly insisting upon request for the open
(Sipecial to The Daily) used,, while the pervading cob'do n euloprunt-o l
Lansing, March 5. - Probably the scheme will be blue. The cover will nations, and his love for fair play,
nntr~c 11Tir~jircn lrriatyra ril i be practically the same in de:i n bu l'7ri dtP hiiv bhi hn lnr

be that which one woi
cation if the necessiti
take care of themselv
so absorb one that t]
it would immediately
from all material bur
President Harding
(ling with a party of
a month in Florida..



Other Michigan Men In Puble Life
Throughout Country Write
for Adoption
Many letters.from prominent alumni
all over the country en'dorsing the
plan to name the new Field House
after Coach Fielding H. Yost have
been received by the Student council
committee in charge of the move-

uld make his vo-
es of life would
es and it should
:he taking up of
give surcease

' 1

and Mrs Har-
friends left for

Regent Real Favors Name
"I believe that the naning of the
new Field House after Coach Yost
would be most appropriate," writes
William R. Day, former justice of the
United States Supreme court. "le
certainly has done very much to pro-
mote athletics in our Alma Mater,"
s Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris says,
"By all means name the house after
Coach Fielding H. Yost-certainly he
is worthy;"
Regent Junius E. Beal expresses
hinself as being in favor of the move
because Coach Yost as given Michi-
gan much. more than football victor-
ies. And Regent James 0. Murfin
writes, "I thoroughly approve of- the
movement to name the 'new Field
House after Coach Yost. The dear old
I coach has become a national charac-
ter and one of the greatest influe ces
sfor good that ever existed on th

The civil service commission was
directed by President. Harding to give
preference to war veterans in exam-
Elmer S. Landis, Ohio, republican'
and Charles Morey of Nebraska, dem-
ocrat, were given recess appointments
as directors of the federal farm loan

entire Miichigan j egisiature will visi!"t, - -gw---------t' 4's" '
it will be of a blue leather rather than
Ann Arbor in the near future in ac- Ft as wa las ear's cover
grown as was, last year's cover.

cordance with President Marion L-
Burton's invitation to inspect the Uni-
versity building program, which was
accepted by both houses here last
The house agreed to accept the in-
vitation without a vote. A committee
was appcinted to ascertain how many
members would attend.
Discussion in the senate on the ac-
ceptance lasted for some time. A roll
was finally taken. The motion to ac-
cept the President's invitation won
by an 18 to 17 vote. A committee of
three wvas appointed' to make plans for
the trip and to set a date for the in-"
spection of the University's new

Prof. William D Henderson, direc-
tor of the University Extension de-.
partment. will give the main address
at the Student Christian association

lead versia. to eileve tnatp er dopes
of enlisting American cooperation
will come to fruition."
Presidents -of the senior classes of
the University will meet with a comn-
mittee of the student council at the
Union at 4 oclock today, to discuss
the question of the annual senioV
- - - -I - - -- - -t----------------------------------------------

Dr. Hubert Work took up his duties Prho"aise Yost's Name
as secretary of the interior while Har- I should like to be among those
ry S. New, retiring Indiana senator. to go enthusiastically on record in
succeeded 'him as postmaster gener- favor of this suggestion," writes S.
al. E. Thomason, business maanger of
the Chicago Tribune. "Nothing adds
Preijdent 1TIzrding vested in the to the sentiment of both under-grad-
alien property custodian his authority uates and graduates as nuchas do
under the act providing for return of I the traditions of the' campvi.Now,
seized properties worth $10,000 or ;and in the future, Yost's name is in-
less. separably linked with our athletic tra-
1ditions and in the whole personnel of
Michigan's athletic history no name
IL S OF COLUMBA could be more fitting. I hope this ac-
tion is taken."
A few of the others who are "do-
UL'DLHRETO ORO cidedly in favor of it" are Stewart
Edward White of Burlingane, Calif.,
Profsso H.B. illimsBea ofRegent Victor A. Gore, Gov. Alexander
Professor H. B. Williams, head of J. Groesbeck, and Senator Royal S.
the department of physiology at Co- Copeland, former health commisioner
lumbia university, will lecture at 4:15 of New York City.
o'clock tomorrow in the West lee-
ture room of the Physics building, on
the subject of Applications of Physics 11W11
in Medicine. Dr. Williams has car-
ried on research work in electrophysi-
ology, sounds, and nerve action-cur-
rent phenomena and for that reason WILL DISCUSS ENGINEER'S JOB
is well qualified to deal with his sub- FROM TWO POINTS
ject. ' OF'VIEW
"This lecture," stated Professor H.OFVE
E. Randall of the Physics department, Dean Mlortimer E. Cooley, of the en-
"should interest not only those medi- gineering college, and Mr. C. T. Hinch-
cal students who have had or are now man, collegendiMr.oC.TH ith,
taking Physics but those who will man, consulting engineer of the Smith.
take it i their pre-medical work.tHirchian, and Grylles company of
takeit n thir re-mdicl wok." Detroit, will be the speakers at the

Tlcmets for te viintary ball may
be applied for from 2 to 5 o'clock this
afternoon and tomorrow in the Un-
ion. Blanks bearing coiplete instruc-
tions will be given out. Of the 1200
blanks that will be distributed 650
applications will be accepted and
tickets granted.
First preference will be awarded
niembers of the University post of
Veterans of Foreign wars. Then will
come..the R. O. T. C., followed by all
ex-service men and, women. Faculty
niembers and students in.general will
complete the list, preference being
shown in the usual descending or-
This year's affair will be the thirdl
annual ball. Invitationis have been
sent to several prominent military'
men throughout the country and
many members of the University fac-
ulty have been invited.,
Prof. Morris R. Tilley, of the Eng-
lish department, will speak before a
gathering of students who are enroll-
ing in the University for the first}
time this semester at 7:30 Wednesday
night in Natural Science auditorium.
The meeting will be held under the
auspices of the Student council and
takes the place of the meetings that
i.re held every fall to afford a wel-
come to the incoming students, to ac-
quaint them 'with traditions and to
encourage them to participate in cam-
pus activities. Officers of the various
classes will be there to enroll the!
students into various classes.'
Speaks at Chamber of Commerce
Frank J. Campbell, authority in ad-
vertising from Detroit, will speak be-
fore the Chamber of Commerce Wed-
nesday night at 7:30 o'cock in room,
302 of the Union. The subject of his
talk will be on a new method of ad-j

men. buildings and the general building extension service banquet to be helo p -L iUorf anes
ati:l tnigt a th Metodi;..forthemembers of the class.' Shirley,
Members of the two competing track program of construction work now go- at 5:30 tonight at the Methodis W Smith, Secretary of the University,
teams and their officials will be the ing on there. church. His subject will. be "The Pos- will be present at the meeting.
guests of honor at the banquet. The sibilities of Student Extension Work"..- The student council committee on
Cornell alumni at Detroit will be ask-! R NISH I The banquet tonight is being giver class and campus events will also
ed to attend the reception. by the S. C. A. Extension committee meet at the Union today at 4 o'clock,'
FOR TAP ROOM in conjunction with the church exten- for a final decision on the variou
1 sion comnitees that send studen events of the Spring week to be held
Saturday night tap room entertain- representatives of the University tC this year. Any students having idea
speak in cities throughout the . state on this week, or wishing to submit.'
~~ni. ent at the Union will be instituted; The plain is to enlist more speakerU suggestions for the revision of the ;
Short Stories Due Saturday For once again as a weekly event. This from the student body for this work events should be present at this meet-
April Issue entertainment consists mostly of pi- George H. Zimmerman, '25, individ- ing, since it is the last chance that
--ano and instrumental numbers sup- ual high man in collections and team will be offered to change the events
Entries in the short story contesta plied by students. number three, high point winner, cap- as they have been arranged thus far.'
being conducted by Chimes, campus - Myron E. Chon, '23, has been ap- tained by Alfred Connable, Jr., '25, ix
opinion monthly, to obtain material pointed chairman of all tap room en- the recent drive for the Student Chris-
for the April Issue, must be in the tertainment for the rest of the year tian association fnuds, will be the
hands of the editors by Saturday ; - guests of honor at the banquet. Z i- GITY uC UE
Prizes of $10 and $5 will be paid for mermanwill receive the cup for in-;
the two best stories and they will be dividual award. Tickets for the af-a
published in the April issue of the Indiana Defeats Iowna 'fair are on sale at Lane hall, Wahr's
publication tthnand Graham's bookstores, the Athlet -
Judges in the contest will be the Bloomingtan, Ind., March 5- 'ic association and the Woman't City water rates were reported to}
managing editor, the assistant man-: i (By A.P.)-Iowa, leaders in the i g booth in University hall for be adequate by the report of the water
aging editor, and the literary editor Iwestern conference basketball Leg s each. The nivers is ope committee at a meeting of the city
rac," mt is irt efet f he 60 centseah Te banquet i p council last night. The rates meet
of Chimes. All manuscripts must be race, met its first defeat of the .to anyone.
typewritten. They may be mailed to season here tonight at the hands the expenses but the city faces the
the short story contest editor at the ! of Indiana 23 to 21. budget year without available funds
Chinies office in the Union. I___TWO PLAYS TO BE to pay the water department for the
GIV EN BY MESrenitail of fire hydrants.
SGIVEN BY IMJE"Ann Arbor is one of the few cities
that is running its city government on
String Quarte t Well T Receivedc Feean "e
Two plays, "Fancy Free", and "Re- three-fpurths of one percent of assess-'
By Sunday A fternoon 4udience lease", will be presented by Mimes ed valuation. It is thought that by
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at raising the assessment slightly the
8:15 o'clock. C. D. Livingstone, '25, deficit of the water department may,
A ~who has player} with the BonstelleI be erased.
The announcement that Mr. Albert fifth of a series of six quartets dedi- woasy ed with the Boer be
cated to Prince Lobkowitz-the re- company in Detroit, will* appear in
Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs.William Wheel- were satisfying i the e the latter production. Both plays are T EXAMINE ALL
er, and a string quartet would appear y directed by Carl Guske, grad. Musical I
at the Faculty concert Sundayand somewhat disappointing in the interludes will be presented between STUDENTS' HEALTH'
at te Fculy cncet Snda afer- other three movements which were,
noon was apparently grateful news to occasionally marred by raged ee the acts of both plays.a
local concertgoers, for the attendance ion, scordsmand fa ed to Tickets will go on sale at the Mimes Health examinations are now con-
was larger than at any of the pro- t h sandfailurestoaina eatheatre at 10 o'clock this morning,; pleted for students of the medical,
vious concerts this year. a m the Sr a e of isth nd may also be ordered by telephone. dental, law, and engineering schools,'
ments. So far as we know this is the 'The price of admission is ,60 cents. adapitet r en ett
The most noteworthy feature of the first serious endeavor to supply the Th rms. and appointments are being sent to
occasion was the performance of lack of a chamber music ensemble in all members of the literary college.
Schumann's Quintette for piano and Ann Arbor. That the quartet will ,Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Director of
strings in E flat major, Op. 44 by Mr. ever attain popularity is unlikely, for BIG DOG HOUSE FOR the Health service, states that the ex-
Lockwood and the quartet consisting the intricacies and subtleties of this 20 POUND ABY aminations for the remainder of the
of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, Miss musical type seldom appeal to the av- University students will probably oc-;
siarian Struble and Mr. W. H. Grant. erage music-lover, and not even the cupy the rest of the present year)
Mr. Lockwood's pianistic talents are Flonzaleys can arouse enthusiasm by dog wanted-is the call we are since not only will all students in the;
of a high order and were chiefly re- their incomparable .art. If the quar- trying to fulfill today. The Clii- literary college receive examinations,
sponsible for the eloquence with tet continues, however, it cannot fail cago Tribune lately held a build- but those members of the other col-
which the rich harmonic structure and to add to the musical prestige of the ing contest, but they have noth- leges who have failed to report a:
romantic fervor of the music were town and to gratify the musically in- ing on us, now. Send in your their scheduled time will be inlud-
disclosed. His poetic touch, fluent itiated. ed. He estimates that about 70 l7e",
terms on anything you have to

Player's club will present two one
act romantic comedies at 8. o'clock
tomorrow night in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall. "Wurzel-Flumery", an Eng-
lish drama by A. A. Milne, will be
offered. The cast of this play in-
cludes Kenneth Prettiem, '24, Selma
Simonson, '23, Louise Graham, '23,
William D. Roesser, '25, and H. E.
Fritche, '24.
Following this will come "Two
Crooks and a Lady", by Eugene Pil-'
lot. Constance Wood, '23, will direct
this play. Parts will be played by
C. E. Abbott, '25E, Vera -Datz, '24,
Grace Thomas, '26, Dorothy Scholl,j
''23, Leonard Blauner, '25, and H. H.;
Platt, '24.
Settings and costumes for the pro-
ductions have been entirely designed
and executed by students in the Play-!
ers Club Workshop on East University
avenue. Here all of the details of
staging have been worked out. Ad-
mission will be 35 cents.
tat rr arrtx Tt

first annual banquet of the junior en-
gineers which will be held at 6:15 o'-
clock tonight in the assembly hall of
the Union. .
Dean Cooley will give a 'talk on
the subject "Wanted: a Job". Mr.
Hinchman will discuss the same sit-
uation from an opposite point of
view, that of the employer, when he
gives a talk on "Wanted: an Engin-
Tickets costing $1.25 for the ban-
quet may be procured from any of
the class officersdor committeie.
Everyone who is planning to attend
the banquet, whether or not he has
purchased his ticket, must sign with
the committee who will be 'stationed
in -the corridor above the engineering
arch today. In addition to the
speeches special entertaninent feat-
ures, including music, have been pro-
Denby 4o See Fleet Manemvers
Washington, March 5-(By A.P.) -
Sec'y Denby, Admiral Coontz, chief of
naval operations and a party of Sen-
ators and representatives sailed from
Washington tonight for Panama bay
where they are to witness joint man-
euvers of the Atlantic and Pacific
fleets and battle practice with the ra-
dio controlled battleship Iowa as the

W i t 1 IKI3 iUL~L) I V
CONDUCT CONTEST HrveyGuest of King George
London, March 5-(By A,P.)-Am-
bassador Harvey was the guest at
The Pioneer Writers Guild of Amer- luncheon today of the King and Queen

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