PAGE FOURI THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 .- <.c _ rIr7 h ~- TNEL7CHKtA-NDAILY 3 Music and American Audiences The attitude of American audiences NORMAND L toward ensemble playing is one lack-E ing greatly in understanding. The valuable lessons that the old world average concert goer is an advowee has to teach, and instead created a of the star system; he is insincere in civilization based upon a practical his judgment of music and when he viewpoint of life, thus naturally ex- hears an orchestra concert, he fixes cluding art .and refinemnent from her his attention upon the conductor, or habitude. . upon a musician or some instrument Nothing, however, so imperils the1 who or which happens to draw his spread of culture as the- music teacher' fancy. In his maood toward chamber who informs the pupil that MacDowell music these- facts are unmistakably is one of the greateist composers, or proven. He sits through a quartet the music contest which requires the concert, and then he leaves the hall playing of the MacDowell Concert with no impression left upon him. The Etude or of ;haminade's conposi-j instruments, the musicians did not \tions. In technique and methods our seer.: to have captured his attention. institutions have, by far, out-classed He sat there, restless for want of the European conservatories; but be-! something to do--for something to hind the methods- there must be taste, think about, while before him plaked and that can not be drilled into a stu- the Flonzaleys--Haydn, Mozart, Schu- dent. One who is not yet well enough< Bann, or Cesar Franck. along in his work to form his own. Ensemble playing is the highest and- ideas upon music and composers takes .most artistic form of music. Indivi- for granted his teacher's word; andI dual playing has, of course, m a n yi when he is assigned the MacDowellj times risen to a sublime degree. of "Water Lily", the "Flatterer" byi aptitude, but in nearly all the instru- Chamninade, or Nevin subtleties, he is; .mentalists and singers exaggeration filling his mind with, the most com- and one-sidedness is evident. These monplace side of music; he is entirely faults are very nearly impossible in unaware of his plight; and further- good ensemble playing, for it demands more, he considers such choice as the JCKWOOD most certain to be, but such reforms are not to be created artificially. A In music, we Americans have no slow process it will-be,though- in time background, but the leading perform- we shall find the European seeking ers, orchestras, and composers are l inspiration from the American music deeply concerned in the making of j and admiring the American people fir one. The elimination of trash and their understanding and recognition the setting of a high standard is al- of, ithe cultured. SOME TIME There will come a time when you will need a tailor who is above the average-whose work reflected the pride of a craftsman and the skill of an artist. When that time comes, remember . DETT LING, Tailor 1121 S. Univ. a smoothing ver of-one's sharp pointsi thus preventing exaggeration, whichj has meant- the decline of many artists.I In all forms of art moderation of ideas and toning-down of extreme points are the factors which decide upon the ac- teal artistic and lasting value of the work. There-is no Such thing as ex- tremity in art. If thre- is extremity there is no art, for art is measured by its lasting quaities, and in ex- tremity no such qualities exist. best. No wonder, then, that when he runs up against a Beethoven: Sonata he is unable to conquer it. It is far be- yond his mental ability. He has ba- bied and hunoured his mind up to that j time, and- so he compares MacDowell and Beethoven much the same as 1 would% a-.farmer compare a cheap pic- ture of Pocahontas on an alfalfa seed advertisement with a Rembrandt painting Feeding a student on Mac- Dowell is usually a case of egotism. III Your Friends at Home wil be intettd in views Qf~~ th But coming back to our American MacDowell is an American! That is audiences: why do they not -appreciate the-:winning pass-word. It -isnerely- the scholarship in a well trained or-I an example of "turning aside what ganization? Why:are.. they not able . jthe:-old world has to teach". Of late, to listen t a- Beethoven Symphony or there have bee-American co posers a Mozart Trio with as great satisfac- who are sure to win a place in- the tion as they obtain from hearing Mary world. They are men who are serious, Garden's rendition of "A Little- Grey iwhosare.travelled and experienced, and Dome in the West", ox 0L best, am~aria ,least, though.perhaps most to say,theyy I-- I- mpuaithemany other Michigan activities'. Send ho me s me plictures from I9O5 719 N. UNIVERSITY THE BOOKMAN for March: Men as well as women should -read "The Flap-, per's Wild Oats" by -Elizabeth BreqIer. The title is obviously misleading, but the article itself, as soon as it gets *under way, is a very lively discussion of- Woman's place in contemporary lit-' erature The accusation made is. that a- woman is first a woman and- after- wards an artist; and then Miss Breuer i says: "As a matter of truth, women are the most relentless of/ practical minded prsons," whereas "Men are play boys." She also condemns edu- cation, in a woman's college by saying I that it is too conservative and too an- ciently out, W women lack is the aggressive attitude! they are, radically, passive and clinging, and until they become positive, creating forces thoy can never equal men in , art; This article' is a rousing intro- duction to the March Bookman.. I The rest of the magazine is just or- dinarily interesting. There'is the us- ual' gossip about books and authors, and'the same splendid reviews togeth-, er with foreign notes and- comments. "The Parody Outline of Literature" ventures Romeo and Juliet written by Dorothy Speare, but it isnothing more than ten pages long. Floyd.Dell is in The- Literary Spotlight this month, and The -Book of the Month is A. E. Hous- man's "Last Poems" and, is reviewed by William Rose Benet. . A very inadequate treatment of a very important problem is Morris Fishbein's "The Middleman in Science Literature" which purports to be an answer to Mrs. Mary Austin's article In last August's Bookman which con- sidered whether or not it is possible to write of a. scientific subject in a popular and intelligible manner rather i than in puzzling technical terms. One feels as though M~r.Fish-bein'si artile is -an .advertisement of the medical! profession rather- than a pertinent dis- -ussion of his problem. Two other articles, which are not exceptional, but are worth reading if you have time, are: "The Crystal Box" by Hugh Walpole, and "Illustrating Books for Children" by Annie Carroll Moore. The only trouble with Robert Cortes Holliday's "Sermon on Reading," in which he asserts: "Ay, reading in gen- eral has got most deplorably to be a very stereotyped proceeding," is that it is one thousand times too mild. He ought to devise some means of jarring people out of their' rut instead of soft- ly reminding them that they are in a rut. A preacher should use dynamite. THE FREEMAN for February 21: The outstanding failure for the week is John Cotton Dana's impertinent at- tack on "The College Library." The attack is four columns long and, even then, fails, chiefly-because it is imbued with the idea that college students are craving for knowledge and oppor- tunities which libraries refuse to sup- ply. As a matter-of fact, the majority of students do not; avail themselves of the opportunities. they already have. In libraries, supply equals demand in the long run, and students get what they want. Mr. Dana was surprised to learn that most libraries do not purchase more than one copy of- some good magazines; but if he would gath- er statistics regarding how much those single copies are read, he would prob- ably be even more surprised. -This week's- success in -The Freeman is Mr. Edward Tow-nsend. Booth's re- mark-able- essay on. "Spring in Flori- da." Mr. Booth.'s style is so consist- Sent' in.its rhythm that it might be-call- ed a prose song.r Other articles are: 'Shakespeare and the Actors" by Walter Prichard Eaton; "A New 'Art of Colour'" by Arpad G. Gerster; , and. "The Mystery of Fascismo" by Ludwell Denny. PEARSON'S for February has variety if it has nothing else. Its authors range from Frank- Harris.and Edwin Markham to Maxim Gorky and Denis Diderot; and its subject matter varies like. thatin the Encyclopedia Brittan- ica. The headache, with which one emerges from its pages, is due in part, no doubt, to the illustrations, mostly by Higo Gellert. Pearson's as a I whole, though, is too fast, too unre- strained; and too vehement to be con- vincing. First, we are told by Frank Harris that Germany is Sliding to-Ruin. Then the editor, Alexander,, Marky, gives an angry reply to Dr. Paul H. De-! Fruif's- article on Dr. Abrams in Hearst's International . for January. This reply, .while it probably states facts, -is sovicious leave an un-' favorable impression, and it actually hurts Dr; Abrams' cause -rather than furthersit. Edwin Markham's "Plainj Talk on Poetry" is quite insignificant' -that is, it signifies- nothing. A good. poet should, he content. to he a. poet, and keep his mouth shut t4' prose. There is, on the other hand, a good contribution on Chaliapin by Sulamith'1 Ish-Kishor, as well as an illustrated review of "Johannes Kriesler." The - names Maxim Gorky and Denis Dide- rot speak for themselves. THE DOUBLE -DEALER for February has no ,very great literary merit, but ' it-- des contain song verygfascinating prose. The verse is negligible this time, even though Amy Lowell is re- presented;. and :the best poem is Hilde- garde Flanner's "St. Augustine." But the, story entitled "A ,Troul esome Charm," by Richard Bowland Kim- ball, is worthy of the most valuable attention-its attraction being of the - same sort as John M. Synge's orj James Branch Cabell's. The next in , I teresting story is Paul Eldridge's "Conte Giovani Papini," whose villian wears a curled mustache and sharply, creased trousers. It is well construct- from some well known- opera? It is I have learned the difference between because they lind- no- pleasure, beauty. the comzmonplace. and the lofty. Such nor .satisfaction. in anything that is composers will .indeed be of value, not spectacuIai-im. anything that: de- particularly, if they people; still' insist mands concentration and- serious upon the American composer's being thought. unexcelled. The question is: can appreciation of To- the American, such a concert as ensemble, the classic composers, and given by Guy Maier and Lee Pattison of the foremost composers of the pre- is a novelty, just as the Ukrainian sent d , be taught to the public? Is :Chorus was a novelty. We' do not it reasonable to create an artificial fully appreciate it when two such " appreciation, or shall we trust evolu. artists play as. though it were one tion to bear our audiences toward a man, nor when a- chorus sings in as' right understanding of music? I am perfect coordination as an orchestra inclined to favour the latter. Nothing or an~ ra Te piano being more ! is so utterlyacommonplace as to in- easily-understood by the average per- fiict upon a mortal a knowledge of art. son than: the- orchestra, we obtained It would be as istupid as to- train au unusual pleasure from a two-piano naive Frenchman or. Russian into"the eQncert. When the-.Russians sang to customs of our country. No, to ereate -us, we were impressed--merely im- spurious enlightenment would only pressed. We viewed the performance end in satisfying the people with a- much as-would a child behold a giant superficial education in music, thouegh redwood tree. He would give no) it is more probable that the. conucien-. thought to the-wonders- of nature, but. tioua attempts of. the- apostles of mu- imerely stand aghast. Also did we sical righteousness- would-. not result -etand aghast .when Koshetz and his in even that- much. The- only method sjg ers in their gorgeous costumesf through. which- a.sense of refinement entertained us. Their -effects - the I can. be instilled into.the Anerican is unusual rhythms,.the ranges. and re- by presenting,only artistry-to the pwib- courses of the bass section pleased 1c from generation. to generations us. But when we- thought of the Think of the=bagbround the.simplest, chorus as a unit, that.was too much Europeanmpossesaes! - His ancestors for us. We could' not consider the- - have lived in the very midst of the ensemble of the singers,.the fact that olassicists and he has thus inherited the .emotions and- m-sical traits of a foundation of- well-rounded, un- each member,including the conductor, sophisticated: ideals; while, America had been disciplined so that no"ex-E ,bas produced very few. artists, -and aggeration remahied, so that a -perfect what is more, shehas turned aside the 1 democratic- spirit prevailed. OW Fashion yields up-tantalizing glimpes of Her crystal fascinatingly forecast? he new her new colors, novel new fabrics-every newc thing;every little whimsy. Here are the- finest style initiations in early.displays just unpacked her INew Colors New Fab wj-j ed and brings a thrill in spite it its I rather repulsive thoughts. "Contact" by John Corbel is a character sketch of a college student, "Nurmahal" by, Elizabeth: J. Coatsworth is curious. ARTHUR SCHNITZLER1 (Continued from Page One) Mountain Haze--variations of orchid -shades.. Leather--a new, brown shade- of, much popularity. Baieya-a rewsritrig tan. Bisque-a light tax. kallow-a ges brow ,tan. 'Beer-a medium brwn. Cork-a golden brown: - Sdalwood- a light -chocolate - -bro wn a g oc Harvest, Titian-rich golden T browns. Oakwood-a deep brown. Mahogany-a group of reds with with a yellow tnge. Beach, Sand, :)aytona-popUlar greyinsh-tan shades._ Cinder, Greystone--ight grey. Zinc, Pelican-popular grey I shades. LJnehen-noss green, in a bril- liant shade. ,Amoja-green with a reseda note. Serpent--light reseda green.- Blue Sprnce.-green with.-a deepJ blue cast. Harlequin,. -Emerald-briiant " green hues. Neadow, Grass, Cress-Newe Spring greens. Crushed Berry Shades--raspb- berry, strawberry and -,other. berry shades. Persian -Pink, Strawberry-rose. and red shades. Rubaiyat-O-riental red. -'Clver,:Optelia:,Tit--rceddish, lavender. Firewood-rich light purple.' F I e s t, Confetti,, Mephisto- bright flame reds. Citrine, Sulphur--light yellow tones-, Knitted Fabrics-wool fiber silk,, all silk; printed - in Oriental Patterned Jerseys-IL rics with French o Patters Iiitt-!dlatelasse-sa1 with clone ooped -p Blistered : crepes=-rt blistered surface. Rep--ribbed fabrics -plaidsor.other -novw Camels- ir-shaggy soft materal in plai or plain -weaves. Novelty Serge-the serge elaborated: wii -or other patterns. Flanel--the ever lyc nel in-new-novelty s checked effects. Kasha-a twilled fa slightly shaggy su pecially smart in ta -shades. Wool Crepies-printed Prints include Pa Persian patterns. Eponge-ratine-like f Rllstered'Jaequards-; silk fiber fabrics, metallic effects. Roshan-ra Crepes-si filled-E cre pes. Flat Crepes-dull, lus crepes. k, le" Crepe--Mille. crepe version in printed designs. Silk Eponge-a luxur weave with conti twotenes and carp JTrouilgrou -a- silki high finish with nubs of- color. Deauville Prints-Fre on radium ground. Linens-French and rics in -a superior and-man-y new sha Cotton Eponge-nove weaves. much the of homespun. P toneo, stripes. Cotton crepes-plain elt-y, some,with rat Bate stred-< ol larly?-vivid colorinf -i Equip your room with a n ew lamp1 I will mean-great improvement OUR room will be cozier, more -I comfortable, and at the same time you'll have - better light for reading If you place in it-one of these boudoir ar reading lamps. Metal bases; beau- tiful shades; very artistic.: and in his character development he seems to igive all sides of the ques-. tion -without, in any way; breaking in on the motif of the story. When it becomes apparent to Anne that she is going to bear a child to George, Schnitzler takes the opportun- ity of contrasting the younger genera- tion with the old. In this he traces ' I, .the >e#fects of N etasche and Ibsen on - the young folk. George's fight to re- tain his Nietzschean standards, his fight- against : the}, development of hiĀ¢ infatuation into pity and sentiment- alism makes the-entire last part. The: child dies . immediately taws relieving-: (Continued on -Page Seven) . -.. ---..m-. 3 -3 $I0 gSPKGIAL. tNVENEGWR P~eI&E - H AL LE R'S ' : s L306 So. State St. LU m --mim - m m- -miD Numerous.'stylies and sizes INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED. Your bank should- be sound; accurate ad effiient. But-that is not enough Banking service to be of the most use to you should be' also intelligent and-interested.- That is what this'bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAI - - 330 So. STATE ST. :UI v' HI Oriental lnfkiece-s Cast Their S pring Modes :1 'Tp-a range of lovel".arag-e -yellows- Detroit Edison Co. t Main at , Waam Telephone 3O' HE Oriental -influence has swayed Spring fa T the tiniest of silk handkerchiefs to the wrar or the suit with-pertly flaring coat embroidered in Egyptian banded pattern. The sports.influence is the draped skirt, - the tiered one; the box coat; flaring one, These are new aspects of the Spring 11 ,, .. ,. {-. rw I , .0',