A FACE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1923 SUNDAY, MARH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a ,: . .. ,, ,. . ..." 2 n: in r *ri .. ..... ... "" B-0 r I t i °l 9 '', l l . mp _I i a 'l y wmnwn irirr .,r .,.n - r. POLITICS FROM THE the country adheres staunchly to the_ CHURCH STEEPLE principles of the Republican Party. j Democracy has evidently been an 1NTO THE HILLS, By Edward Nelson anathema to the author ever since the Dingley, The Stratford Company. day, when his mother's arms he heard Reviewed by Robert T. Crane from some outcast of society, for the Professor of Political Science first time, of the existence of the7 University of Michigan Democratic Party. There is no "Unto the Hills" is fascinating as democracy and never has been in this the unconscious revelation of the mind country. This country is Republicant of the newspaper man, for the author invariably spelled with a capital R. has been in newspaper work all his But the Democrat is at least still a life, and is now an editorial writer citizen. The independent simply is on an important New York daily. ,not an American!} In a remarkably acute analysis, Mr. The completely objective chapter on Dingley discerns the true historian in Protection and Civilization is a model him who writes history with his eyes I for the historian. Protection is only lifted unto the hills, This, David knew the first economic symptom of a great and Solomon knew, says Mr. Dingley, spiritual force touching the hearts and} and now Mr. Dingley knows it too. souls of all within its zone. Protec-I 'I will lift mine eyes unto the hills', tion is not isolation, it is human wel- said the Psalmist". Continuing his fare. Protection is a part of the greatI admirable analysis, Mr. D-ingley finds soul of humanity. From the utterI -in the same paragraph that a true impartiality and lack of prejudicee historian views the record of event shown in the book, one would never7 from the heights. It will be perceived suspect that the author was the sonI what a dificult role the true historian of the creator of the most statesman- has to fill. Mr. Dingley is too modest like tariff in the annals of the world.- even to imply that he is himself a __ true historian, but the very slender REALIZATION OF THE use he makes of actual events speaks IMPERFECT eloquently in his behalf. The author's view of history is one PROUD LADY, By Neith Boyce: Alfred that has become uncommonly common A. Knopf. among historians recently, being none Reviewed by Dorothy Sanders. other than that of current politics. If there. is one subject, more than His method consists in mentioning .-any other in the world, on which the some topic of political interest and } feminiie mind prefers to remain ob- -m4ig it as the basis of a somewhat durately unconvinced, it is the qpes- lengthv editorial, interspersed with tion of seeing equity in a double stan- charminrgly . random and fragmentary dard of morals. It isn't selfishness, as t: vt iued, tat is not his main has been suggested, tha-t makes her concern. but spiritual forces; and so deliberately obtuse: or an uncon- -thee spiritual-forces "may be isolated scions jealousy because :she cannot and measured by the economist and ,play, too, among the primroses with- thie: politica.l scientist, just as -an ex- out being scratched, or is it, her in- pert isolates and measures a chemical stinct, as biologists would assert; to unit". Yet it is. hardly with this maintain purity in the race. - It is Sctntific spirit that -the author ap- something much simpler than these, proaches his subject; but rather, to but withal more difficult of explana- use his own words, with optimism, tion. ' courage and confidence. And this Deep.in every woman's heart is- the ' optimism is fully justified as long as ghost of her little girl self, living -g REMOVALSAL FOR TWO MORE WEEKS We Are Selling Our Stock at a Big Reducton= = Schlanderer Seyfried 113 E. LIBERTY ST. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGAxNZED 1863 jRI, : OILDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK INICHIAN covertly stealing out at odd inoments jretirements into an inner world of her and crying, 'noislessly,,-in the -dark, own and over anld over agahii he ac- for her broken dolls. A woman; by i1cuses her- of not loving 1hiun Shortly her very nature, cherishes more illh- after the tihird child is born Mary dis- sions than does a man: she grieves covers an attachment between Lau- longer over her disenchantments. That rance and Nora, her children's nurse- is why, I believe, a woman clings -so naid. Always intolerant of-wrong, her persistently and so obstinately to thee pride in him; and in herself. is crushed last dream which maturity leaves her by his perfidy. She loathes him. For -her faith in the man she loves. Time appearance -ake she -continues to live and the world may tell sher that e is in his house, formal, polite remote.. not infallible, but she shuts her eyes Then one by one, as the years pass, and ears and believes, with her whole all the men she knows fail her. Her soul, that he is strong and good, in father the kindly old docter, tells her all things continent, and as clean- in the tone of any common-place, that lived and shining as herself. Neith her young son's mysterious night-go- Boyce, tha writer of "Proud Lady", is ings are in the order of things. Hilary a woman who has left the camp of her has yielded to the corporal and mar- sex and admits, with a hopeless sigh, ried a buxom widow. Lavery, friend that this lastest dream is, after all, an of Laurence, hints that Mary has sent illusion. her husband on the road he travels, Mary Carlin, heroine of the novel, and excuses him on the ground that beautiful, quiet, reserved, almost to the most important thing for a man detachment, and filled with a great is his work, it being right for him to spiritual pride at twenty-one has be- take anything which helps him in it. A Magic Hand In The Near East After one has yiewed the situation JACK BERKMAN s the criterion of mora i the Near East from every angle he :would probably, not deny that Turkey social life. It is based has- reached- a position in the affairs pretentions that they may appear to, One quarter became distinctly liberal, ditions of yesterday. of the world -which is leading to a be so. It is this type that is by far another nationalistic ana tinged with dared to overthrow it. condition not only rapidly approach- the most dangerous and as a result, reaction. When through this very ;minds are closed by the ing a drastic climax but involving the we have the innumerable Armenian !movement Turkey lost Serbia, Rou- the Islamic governmen very amity of the allied nations, What mania, and Bulgaria, the Moslems, in lies the Turkish imper is ostensibly apparent now is that massacresd which, to give the appear- r Europe will come into the throes of a ance that the Turkish leaders were suoreaty, iigti uly and tai Now let us take up deadlock out of which there will religious zealots, were in truth, to selves, therefore, to liberal develop- ptheourth, andper ap emerge a war, greater than the one make room for German immigrants. ment and liberal legislation. This 'ry There is no that the world has but recently pass- When the opportunity for the free- reaction was the cause of the Chris- T uey has dealt un, ed through. dom of persecuted- Armenia came, tian massacres in 1916. A fear that Moslem nation. It han Some time before the European War though, recognition was refused. "The Liberalism was making new aggress- with the Musselman ag began, France obtained a concession Allied Powerg had nothing to gain -by ions swept over them and prompted i oited the a from Turkey, both to build a railroad so," my visitor tOld me. "Though this action fit rhC whole trouble from Samsun to Vonn, and the right I am an American, I fear that the The third factor is the Koran. it (Continued on Pa to ownership of the land seven and United States stands above all as th; one-half miles to either side of it for cause of this. I fear that my former SOO,OQ0,000 gold francs. Today. France countrymen shall never forgive her I is cultivating the friendshinof those for encouraging them by stating thato leading the Turkish ationalits that she is fighting for the freedom of I That Something -- the Moslem governm d Itay not break smaller nationsamgainst oppression, and its side of the deal. And Itajy, Whose' then, by her assumption of a netutralI 1---4,; come the bride of Laurence Carlin, who has just returned from the wars. He resents the restraint he senses in her and attributes it to the influence ctf Hilary Robertson the niinister With the loss of her belief in people, the elements of her religious concep- tions are lost too. Her beautiful and tragic face becomes a nmask to hide i her loneliness and despair. Hilary M himself, to em-bly. SeC married li her, but fo ary's ideal, is at war with Laurence, on his regular business ving her passionately, mis- trip to Chicago, is taken ill. Mary cretly. The first years of her goes to him and finds him in an estab- fe pass happily enough for lishment he ha-s maintained for Nora. r her husband they are not Jn the hours of waiting, Mary realizes He is baffled by her calm the wrong she has done her husband. 1 1 You're not taking good care of your allowance unless you. pay all bil*s by check It's the safe and systematc wa. STATE SAVINGS BANK. Main at Washington motives are strictly - o s, ad- position handing them back to the heres to France. Howev-r. Turkey Mass-acre." Such is the cha-racter of realizes that there caI-rot e much the Armenian attitude in this situa- more gain from the Frecwh govern-i li. ment, for the money was paid even before the war. On the other hand, In the political struggle they- point Great Britain is striving depperatelyc, out three factors, first, the economic; -to stem the ever growing Nationalistic problem, second, the jealousy between movement.SheperceiEngland and France. and third, the moveent.Sheperceives a menace, in its rise, for if it becames strong near-sightedness of European states enough it would not only endanger men. England, aside from her fear her nearby possesionzs, but ouldfor her own possessions, seeks a small degree of authority over Turkey. utterly destroy her plans of exploiting This can be brought about, she readily Turkey and assuming a small degree of authority, over the Turkish foreign perceives, by controlling capital, and policy tbiough the. control of capital.j therefore, she is desirous of entering into Turkey with her merchants and Germany, at present, is attacked by banks, and controlling the telephone; France and is the avowed enemy of d the nglsh. t i theefoe bu - ! and telegraph system, On the other hand, France aims at the same author- taural that she should turn to her it. -As a result of this clash, after former ally, Turkey.- And Russia, the At very power that -ari swviing the stu the AlLies had told Greece to attack verysiaweinortFrance and Italyiop-- lion to one side or the other remains; AsiaMinor, France and. Italy p unrecognized. posis England, suddenly forward- ed ~ammunition to the Turks, and the As a.result we have the Musselman Grecian army was defeated. Instead proceeding with a lofty attitude to- ye allied powers uniting inorder warthe alliedlpowerstiniting insorde wards the allied nations. He sees to bring an end to this struggle, their quite"tlearly that their friendship is statemen are allowing the nations to weakening and- that Russia and Ger- pull farther apart. Soon, there will many will turn to him, for the three be a chasm to wide to be spanned. have common grievances and ot-j The missionary takes a different mon grievances make friends and al - s position as to the causes of this crisis. lies. The problem, he claims, has been Let us now turn to the Armenian created largely by racial antipathies { viewpoint. In a talk with an Arnie- which have 'been developing and fest- nian recently, I learned that t he ring for centuries. Political changes Turks of today differ even -in moral ! merely accelerate or retard this dis- fiber from those of yesterday. The ease which is spiritual and not phy- Turkii Nationalists, under the direc- sical. The late President Bliss of the tion of Mustapha Kemal, have been in Syrian Proteptant College in Beirut control of the country since 1908. Not says of the missionary who really only have they opposed a sultan at does aid in furthering peace, that "He is not content to combat error which every angle, but they have been a looms so large in the creeds of other revolutionary factor that has again and again aimed at Christianity, men. He is anxious to find the kernel of truth of which so often that error thyghae ot evn hitateds att is -but a distorted expression. He they heirormve esotaeeign.hisconiesto supplant, not solely to create.!I tis He prays for all men with arnew point. There has been stamped in to sympathy --- for all mosques a n d the minds of the ignorant people, (and temples and synagogues as well as for more than 90 per cent of the popula- all churches.", tion are ignorant and illiterate), the The second question is born of the travesty that their government is not fact that Liberalism and Islamisnm are merely constitutional, it is democratic. irreconcible. The Liberalism move- To add to their odiousness and malici- ment in Europe during the latter part ousness is the fact that they are not of the nineteenth century, assumed a very'nreligious, but resort to extensive : different trend in various countries. .. 'iA- . .r w..r.r. . .. . ..... .... After a week of your regular board-you'lf 'iate something different-something that satisLi want. Why not try a DELICIOUS STEAK DIN NE' Every Sunday Night COME TO Besimer's W. 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