______ _________ THE MICIGAN DAILY ; I omen IH USPITAL FFER FoR UMNAE ILIET .,..,.: fare: Agnes Stewart, '24, Dorothy WOR D)unlap, '24, Amy Martin, '24, Dorothy Greenwald, '24, Harriet Bury, '24, ]+l-sieI Cil fur :Tlo , '23, Frieda Keifer, grad., Mfargar- et Kraus, '23, Phyllis Mellencanip, '23Ed, Dorothy Lippold, ,23Ed, JBeulah t lWomaen Sliowv to Answer C Voluniteer{+ There xwill be a special meceting ofll The annual Alumnae banquet for Michigan women is to be held this year on Saturday, March 31, at Bar- bounr gymnasium./Uincheon is to be served at 12:30 o'clock, followed by a special program. Tickets are to be placed on sale this week at 75 cents apiecev for college women ;and $1.00 for alumnae and guests. The various committees have been appointed by Lucile Whitney, '24, geni- eral chairman. Chairmen of the committees are as follows: generali chairman, Lucile Whitney, '24; food. Marguerite Spaulding, '25; pulblicity: H{elen Brown, '25; decorations, Louise Echard, '23; program, June Knisely. '25; tickets, Olive McKay, '25; table arrangements, Margaret Dixon, '25; waitresses, Elizabeth Burns, '.25. SORORITY ENTE1AIM" FOR ALPI A fAIIA. DELT.IA Alpha Omicron Pi gave ,a tea from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock yesterday at their house, to introduce Alpha Gamma Del-. ta to the other sororities onl the cam- pus. Alpha Gamma Delta, formerly Alpha kappa, has recently been in- stalled a's a national sor'ority. This is in accordance wih the cnstom at Mich- igan for the second newest sorority to entertain the newest at a toea. C&usey May Mead Austrian BAIlway VSienna, March 3. - The league of nation has proposed Col. Causey, an American, 4s commissioner of the Austr'ian state railway. tihe Uniiverscity Girls' Glee club at 5 nl 20 women have volunteered (.'clocl. Tomorrow in Hill auditorium, their services to assist in the socialI _______service work at the hospital this so- It is requested that all senior women mseada es 0mr r ed order their caps e.nd gowns from MackI ed. '\oimen may sign up for this work and c omp*any by Saturday, March 10 at. the office of the Y. W. C. A. at New- _____ berry hall until March 10. WoesfteGauaesho i I Opportunities are offered alongprc retfrtafo t 'lc oir tically every line of social service iu~t or uafro 4to oclok onlr-work, the department being divided row at etsy B~arbour, house. iiito twvo tarts. Work among the adults includes' letter.. writing, errands and There will be 'no aesthetic dancingt reading, while among the children the clatsses on tomorrow evening in Bar- work is composed of story telling, lour gymnasium-. teaching songs and games, walks and 1 I movies, parties and academic justruc-j Women wvho have been firing in the " tion. rifle tournament will meet at 7 o'clock A special form of work. which has Tuesday night in room 330, Engineer- not been emphasized in this depart- ing; building, to lhavc their pictures' ment before will be in the form of ex- takenItra outdioor activities in the spring, in- chiuding walkis, games and other spec- Rehearsals for the Junior Girls' 'lal activitie.Women* are urged to play will take place tomorrow as fo]- sign for thi work as soon as possi- lows : College men and women. 4 Nc.. o'clock; masqlueraders, 5 o'clock; en- f -_______ tire cast and choruses, 7 o'clock. jPI LAMBDA THETA T.AKES 12 WOMEN Nandaolin Club Elects 111niber s I rAt a meeting of the Girls' M4anzdolinz Twelve junior anxd soenior women club held recently, the following ivere have been elected to Pi Lambda Theta, elected 'to membership in th2e club: onryedctnlsciy.Ty Lucretia Brewer, '24, Alice bangthorn. _________ j OX, '23, Carribel Schmidt '23. 'Woment to Train for Leader" A seven weeks' training course fox' those freshman,' sophomore, and juniorj women who are interested in leadinp, Girl Reserve clubs, will begin this w eek. A.Flice Jackson will be at Newa- berry hall between 1 and 3 o'clock NIOnday to talk with any girls who are interested. 1 A ~lena rj1~t) Discuss Y. W. (C. A. Athena 'Iiterary society wvill hold anj open meeting at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Alpha Nu room in Uni- versity hall. The topic of discussion: " The University Yt W. C. A., its organ- iaztion, its purpose, its Importance, sand' the present attitude of students to- ward it." Women. who are .interested in bee ming mem~bers of Athenta are especially urged to attend. OMEGA VICTORS ' Wal-vrSpringS/i Two hv Iard basketball games were a - p n played yesterday afternoon in the in- terhouse contest when Chi Omega do-'12 feated Martha Cook '37-17 and Pi Beta Ph efeated Austin house 39-14. Mar- tha Cook has been eliminated from the =- contest by this game having been de- feated twice. - The remaining games that were scheduled for yesterday afternoon have I been postponed and will be played this Week. ,e" Sell S. C. A. Extenisioni Banqiuet Tickets2 The above style is for men and at present very po ITickets for the Student Christian as- sociation banquet to be held at 5:3".0J Made with plain stitching and heavy soles, Conies o'clock Tuesday night at the Methodi-st orbakclpiemstesnbyat$0. church are now on sale at Lane hall, Graham's and Wahr's bookstores aihd IE; at the Women's league booth in TUni- R vesity hall. They may be obtained at any of these places- at 60 cents r i' Jtig g's, "Depreciation of Public Uti~ 11 5 S. MAINST ity Properties" received at Wahr' ST. University-.Book store.-Adv. 11111.1111f11'1111 '11111111 1 1t1 1111itllIIli111111111111111uai i iPi Eiii 911111i 7es opu lar. brown GiffIIWe;I'DaII=aa ...................a.* 9.a Qe Itm kt AT Ir THE THEATERS .i i f Screen-Today '26, and Agnes Stewart, '24. The old members entertained yesterday at an informal bridge party andi tea at the Martha Cooke building. The club is to appear in the enter- tainment to be given March 15 by the Cosmopolitan club. ARCAD)E SHAtDO WGAPJIS S-s-sh ! The noble convict escapes! 4 #~-i ("Say, Aggie! Ain't this Charlie 'Chaplin?") The other-feature in Teinieolor SUNDAY -TUESD.A K'rcade Katherine MacDonald, k in" "Money, Money,' Money"; J; comedy and news. E rMajestic-"~Hearts Aflame"; lBus- ter Keaton in "The Electric l~House"; Irwin's Pep band. Orpheum--Charles Ray in "A { Tailor Made' Man"; comedy [ andi'news. 'Wuerth -- F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Beautiful and Damned," wihMarie Prevost; comedy Iand' Pathe news aOr/h ur S Kane, 'Presents C harles Sn' M'A Tdi on F I , .S Wisdom ,t hat Pays -- - OULDN'T you lie to knowf - -where the new hem.-line stops?-whether the waist has gone up or dowin?-what Spring's " newest fabrics are? You need not be perplexed one mo' ment longer by the vagaries of Fashion. Come here and you will find every, question relating to the new mrodes an- ' swered economically, becomingly and.' correctly. 9, t Oud V T.. N\owPayn TfIRU WEDNESDAY Shows a) I.2:00, 1AN I I.';35)v. ~hi0, :5:20, 7:G'0,SdS Kiddies itic WHlO WOULDN'T PLAY FLY TO SUCH A CHARMING SPIDER? SF1E PAINTED! SHE--WELL, SHE DIDN'T TURN A COCKTAIL DOWN SHE WAS MARRIED--BUT That didn't make any difference. ; ' u ,. W i f , , . i .s ' ., . ti r r' : r" r" t ' . . ' ,.$ .. o AND HER HUSBAND - s YOU SIMPLY MUST SEE 1ViA IE PREV O S'I' IN r.7 "1f- ,.y ~A2} ,,IJ177 'I -;, .. F. SCOTT. FITZGERALD M U . A hAVE : ~ hW THE STARTLING STCfkY OF THAT 1MONIED POPULATION IWi'-1'CJI TIIRONG6t. THE u (i'ARETS AND BRIGHT LIGHTS AND wHo AR'E; JG'1dR.4N.T OF 1100I: TIES