THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEB OF THE UNITVESITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning oxcept Monday during the University yeartby the Board in Centrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association,. The Associated Press is exclusively en. titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. time make it enjoy them and clamour mid. Thermostats seem utterly to Lor more. Suchna man is Harold fail, after a long winter of more or Lloyd, the cinema comedy star who less faithful but totally unappreciat-I sprang into prominence almost over ed service, and, apparently utterly dis- night sevral years ago. couraged With a winter's maledictions Harold Lloyd's type of comedy is upon their heads, they revengefully, a most wholesome and refreshing de- refuse to function. Radiators begin parture from the well known slap. to pop, as if to say, "For three stick humor with which movie pa- months you have been raving about trons have been confronted for a l heat; now you've got it!' Hell hath number of years. His humor is orig- no fury like a thermostat scorned. inal, distinctly different from that of But all this is merely to call at- any other of his contemporaries on tention to the fact that classrooms the screen, and it is of the type that in spring are often too warm for goodI i _ ,. = .. t EDITORIAL COMMENT ('OMMER~IALIZING TIlE PhARAOh # aily Iowan) Before an since the day King Tu- I I LAST EDITION OF M IGAN SONG BOOK tankhamen was laid away in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt has ever been a whet to the imagination. Since time immemorial this land has tinged the actions of men. Joseph and Moses knew it; Alexander the Great sighed for more of its like; Mark An- tony and Julius Caesar there learned the charm of the East. Napoleon and ,I .j ( BOTH STORES Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, M.ichigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. nard Street. Phenes : Editorial, 2414' and 176-M; Busi biess, 96o. Communications not to exceedS00wordsI If signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if Jeft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- ...-...a:. -;11 rrr iv nn e -. appeals to the best side of human nature. I, i But best of all, there is a point to his comedies. Lloyd's two latest, pictures, "Grandma's Boy", and "Dr. Jack", were both classic examples of how a movie audience may be enlight- ened and entertained at the same time. Both of these pictures brought out important psychological facts in a scholastic work. Cooler classrooms,' every student will admit, is an easy remedy for drowsiness and stupor in the spring. TASTED OLLV IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE SPRING HAS CAME The little galosh that tramped thru j I 1. --- I -- .1 his army stood before the pyram:ds in awe and reverence; even so the Papy- ri discoveries may shed light on the Egyptian version of the deluge and the Aten heresy with the possibility of opening up a literary field as fer- tile as the Trojan war once was. But the only aspect of the late dis- coveries in Egypt is not the inspira- tional, unfortunately. Unprotected by a curse, as Shakespeare is, King Tu- 1 f l Ihnm iI lino uccii lit lc l d a l .y ;,?,, signed communicaiors willrivent a- sideration. No manuscript will be returned mne oetrann ia u ui unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily ences scarcely realized they were be- dots not necessarily endorse the sentiments u given valuable information. txpessd i. te cmmuicaion. - To such an artist as Harold Lloyd i Sis the nation owes much, for men telephones 214 and 17-M with creative genius are rare in--j -h re edeed. May the future see more like MANAGING EDITOR him. MARION B. STAHL. ON SUNDAY WTE READ) NewsEditor.................Paul Watzel The modern press has formed the Lity Editor.............James B. Young Aistant City Editor..........-. A. Bacon abit of saving all the sensational Editorial Board Chairman...... E. R. Meiss nesoIh ekfrteSna Night.ditors-n o the week ste Sunday Ralph Byers Harry Itey issue, a supplement containing most- A. J. Arshdorfer R. C. Moriarty h 1. A. Donahue J. ;. Mack Sports Editor.......Wallace V.F. Elott pers do have Sunday sections that Women's Editor..............Marion Koch possess ,eThemterrysserisrmtdthe ti) (ay Magazine F ditor. 1-. A. lonahie psesra ltrr.eit u hs Pictorial Editor.... ... .Robert Tarr isare exceptions. MusicEditor..........aC ........E. H. Ailes Recently the famous dancer, Isay- NighttoEiators-rd Lowel Kers Marc He dora Duncan, burst forthnito print e.l. Ker Maufr . riceBrman ndlertdtah Cranp- Eugene Carmichael and also denunciations against the! AssistantsI people of this country who are so! Thelma Andrewin Ronald HalgriiK I prudish and obsolete as to believe that Stanley I. Armstrong Franklin D .Hepburn tanley M. Bauter Winona A. Hibgard the marriage ceremony is one of the Lose somethizg? A classified in classified ad will sell it for you.--Adv. . I DETROIT UNITED LINE$ Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (E'astern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:oo a.m., 7:00 a.m., S:oo a.rn., :05 a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)--9 :47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p.m. Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m. and every two hours to 9:oo p. m., S i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-1 1:40 p.m., 1:15 a.m.. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bcund--7:5o a.m., 12 :1top.l. To -Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lira- ited car, 8:47, 10:7 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, S 4:47 P.. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. I SLEEP ANYWHERE, , BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect Octoberx.8, 1922 Central Time (Slow Time) D X X T) il.M. A. M. P.M. P.M 3:45 7:45A....Adrian ... 12:45' :45 }:i5 8:-15 ... Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:is 4:30 8:30 ... Clinton .... 12:oo 8:oo 5:15 9:15 .. Saline .... 11:15 7:15 5:45 0:d; Ar \nn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leives Ann Arbor 4:45. JAMES II. ;BLIOTT, Proprietor lPhone 46 I-,! I I f .i _ , j STEWARDS and HOUSE MANAGERS OF FRATERNITIES AND 'SORORITIES For the convenience of your members why not start a charge account with the "WHITE SWAN" tankhamen has peen nteratt yjazzei the snow out of his grave. Reverence and the Unbckldth sn wsValley of the Kings have parted com- GUIE e noae W Has been cast aside in a c may. For the co-eds cry "These days." The little spring coats in appear To, tell the rest of us Sprin; Look ye 'round theucampus day You'll see our co-eds. Spring array With coats wide open and ing free, Has old man weather bee thee? 4 t {{ IE ry of dis- pany. Now comes the word that his mummified body is not to be remov- .epn ed until a few months have again are sprig elapsed so that scandal and murder, may be for a few days aigain later on all glory supplanted by all manner of tales of g is near. egyptology illustrated with lifted cuts most anyjof former pharaohs. American designers are following, hard upon the Paris modistes in the scramble for the rights to King Tu- tankhamen's styles, As soon as suf- scarfs y ficient information regarding jewelry' n tricking and ornaments of thirty-five centuries ago has been compiled the modern gem business will be due for a revo- lution Even advertisers have seized a upon the king with a greedy grasp. saystWise As an example we cite the makers of Luxor silk who have already grabbed the opportunity to flaunt their wares while interest in the word runs high. Beyond a doubt the Bell Telephone company and Elgin watchmakers will follow suit soon for their classic wares I 1,,II 1923 -1 11 ?is y e 12 1', FEBRUARY 1 6 7 8 1;3 14 15 20 21 22 27 t2S 2 9 16 23 1923 3 14 17 of ':611111111111111111!1IIIIII t I II111i 1114i 1111t l l 11il It Illti llfll lll l ili 11 9 The 100% Pure Food - In Confection Form NECESSARY IN YOUR DAILY DIET PHONE 165 Dorothy Bennetts Sidney Bielield R. A. Billington Helen Brown H.. C. Clark A.,"B. Connable Bernadette Cote Evelyn I. Coughlin Joseph Epstein T E. 1Fiske John Garlinghouse Walter 'S. Goodspeed portm Goiilder Edward J. Higgins Kenneth C. Kel ar Elizabeth Liebermann John McGinnis S-imuel Moore M. H=. Pry of W. B. Rafferty Robert G. Ramsay Campbell Robertson J. XW. Ruwit h SoIl J. Schnitz Frederic G. Telmos Philif I'J. Waaner basic principles of human : society. Miss Duncan, in her article which appeared in one of the Sunday pa- peres, made the statement that it would be a good thing for humanity, to rotate the baby crop in much the same manner as the potato crop isE rotated because women with hus-I "Never stop to think, a the middle of the street," Kracks. "Are you a robber?" "No, I'm a. member of cc "Oh, - well." SPRING IHAT S i .i v F t NOW s R EADY Our $3.00 and $3.50 Hats GUARANTEED We Save You a Dollar or More on a Hat We do all kinds of Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS - WORK. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Strect Phone 1792 Where D. U. R. Stops at State E - I C E rC EA M BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 i BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising.............John J. Hamel, Jr. Advertising..............Walter K. Scherer{ Advertising............Lawrence IL. Favrot l'bfication...............Edward F. Conlir: Copywriting.... .. .David J. 1. Park Circulation........ .....Vownsend 11. Wolfe Accounts.:..............L. Beaumont Parks Assistants Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton George Rockwood James A. Dryer Perry M. Hayden Wm. H. Good Eugene L,. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman Wm. Graulich, Jr. Henry Freud John C. Hlaskin Herbert P. Bostick C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce E. D. Armantro ut, Clayton Purdy Herbert W. Cooper T. B. Sanzenbacher Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts